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07 Mar 2010

Michael’s Sweet Smile

GIFs Pictures, GIFs Pictures, Michael Jackson 32 Comments
Beautiful Gemmeux sent me the link to this beautiful video. From the creator: The compilation of Michael's beautiful smiles. The most honest, sweetest, warmest, beautiful, charming smile the world has ever seen. Video dedicated to all the beautiful MJ fans around the world. It's inspired by Aglarnis14's "The sweetest laugh" video. It's a must see!

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32 Responses to “Michael’s Sweet Smile”

  1. MartiniGirl says:

    I am staying in this room and I am NOT coming out unitl I finish at least 2 martini's

    YES I am sulking... but this will make me feel better

    I am not civil at the moment!

  2. AnniesNotOK says:

    Aw no, this vid no...

  3. EnolaLee says:

    Lord have mercy on me....
    He's so beautiful it hurts.

  4. ~*~MJ~*~FANATIC~*~ says:

    *put face in hands and crys* i miss michael so much :( I LOVE YOU MIKE!!!

  5. Sabine says:

    Awwwwe ((((((((((((BIGHUG)))))))))))))))))) We all miss him. He was one of a kind!!!!!

  6. Gemeuxx says:

    OMG I'm going to die! His smile!!!!!!! He had the most sexiest smile ever

  7. Sabine says:

    IT made your heart melt and other places too, right! I had to say it :)

  8. Gemeuxx says:

    I didn't say it! HAHAHA Naughty Sabine Tsk Tsk!

  9. MartiniGirl says:

    okay... this is the room i want to be in, until Sabine finds me...
    sweet smile, a creamy mike and a VERY happy MartiniGirl

  10. MartiniGirl says:

    please please put them up..

    so FREAKING gorgeous!

    I soooooo agree -- I actually have another picture from the same photoshoot in color so this goes great. Michael is such a PYT: You'll find it at in the MJ party room. Thanks Girl! ~ Sabine ;)


  11. MartiniGirl says:

    uh - oh awaiting moderation!

  12. MartiniGirl says:

    NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo 404 error.
    I am going to lie down now.

  13. Sabine says:

    Oh, my bad -- I put up the wrong link. There you go!!! *tightening my tool belt*

    God, I'm always home fixing things too! I need a drink!

  14. MartiniGirl says:

    much better... although I had enough sense to go and look up top - the 404 threw me!
    Thanks Ms. Fix-IT!!

  15. MartiniGirl says:

    *sigh* it has been quite the week...
    but this is where I want to end it
    Happy Weekend!

  16. Elmira2887 says:

    ohhh that beautiful smile....

    this makes me cry. I couldn't watch the whole video. I skipped through it....

    oh gosh...... mikey bear!!!! :'( *cries* *sobs* the world will never be the same..

  17. Sabine says:

    It's such a beautiful video and tribute. It's amazing the creativity Michael has inspired in others!

  18. MartiniGirl says:

    hello beautiful... lemme look at you for a while

  19. MartiniGirl says:

    bye sweet smile... see you in my dreams
    mama needs a martini

  20. MartiniGirl says:

    :wub: :wub: :wub:
    i love him in that plaid shirt...
    Just wanna rip it off an wear it bed..

  21. MartiniGirl says:

    oh... i wasn't finish..

    g'nite smile

  22. Sabine says:

    Can you imagine how it smelled?

  23. Sabine says:

    You forgot to say goodnight to all Da Recovery Room Michaels, and Gold Pants Mike, though you might not get away from him!

  24. MartiniGirl says:

    oh.... I can now..
    yummy sweet and warm I am sure...
    ooo good thoughs for dreaming...
    sometimes I found him just as sexy when he wore his nerdy boy clothes when he wore his BAD boy clothes..

    what an oxymoron... but so Michael

  25. MartiniGirl says:

    oh man...

    now I gotta find my robe and slippers...
    nope I am comfy here with the smile..

    *yelling down the hall*
    NIGHT Recovery Room Michaels, Night GP Michael, Night Jon Boy, Night Addicts...
    *night boss*

  26. MartiniGirl says:

    now I feel better

  27. Sabine says:

    Awww Annie, that has so many meaning for me. For Michael, for you girls too, and this place and the story!!!!

    *cracking open an ice cold Golden Boy which fizzles over the top and handing one to Annie and One to Sonia*

  28. AnniesNotOK says:

    It's true, even at the risk of looking like a rattlesnake because of the sound of my necklace (and I do have sharp fangs, enough said), I always squeeze it, I know something magic is kept inside - and when I do I think of him ♥

    Sorry to spoil the moment but I have the habit to set the mousse pointer over the pics, just for the label to pop up (nosy me)... and what do you mean by "hungry", Michael or... you looking at the pic? - LOL

    And thanks for the GB but... no... uhm... not now... I'm ... I'm reserving it for... erm... *cough* the tsunami night *cough*

  29. Sabine says:

    His eyes, they look hungry to me :smile:

    Hmmmm, I don't know if you're going to be able to survive a Golden Boy on a tsunami night. I will reserve an ambulance for you, 'kay


  30. MartiniGirl says:


    I haven't seen this video in a while...
    it makes me smile... but it makes me sad too.. I wonder when that is gonna stop?

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“I just hope that one day they will be fair and portray me the way I really am, just a loving and peaceful guy.” ~ Michael
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