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28 Jun 2010

Seth Riggs on Michael

GIFs Pictures, Micheal Jackson Fan Videos, Seth Riggs 6 Comments
Sometimes people speak about Michael and they get on my nerves, because they insert their own negative opinions about his life choices and judgment about what they feel he should have done.  Hear an account of Michael from a man who speaks with love.

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6 Responses to “Seth Riggs on Michael”

  1. Mika says:

    wow tht was so nice and heartfelt :wub: but the whole time he was talking i was only thinking about how much those untrue allegations must of hurt him because he gave all he had and more its just so sad and i think tht contributed to the reason he is not here with us :cwy: but him being so caring and loving that s more of the reason i love him besides the great music :heart: and dancing i love his heart and thats why i'm inspired my him :heart: :angel:

  2. Alisha says:

    It just feels right hearing him speak, everything he has to say is based on love. Its nice to hear from people who were in Michael's life for such long periods of time.
    Has anyone ever noticed that they rarely ever talk?(ex, diana, Karen, Liz etc.) Like they no the most about him but they are the very last people to comment. But when they do... gosh is it beautiful. They talk him, not like "oh yeah he was a great guy" they make it known how very amazing Michael was and is, they share his kindness and his love for all humans, how pure and unconditional his love was for children and all people. How they were truly blessed and grateful to know someone like him.

    I loved this so much. I thought it was sweet.

  3. deedeeluvmike says:

    Godh SABINE THAT WAS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL, those two pieces.

    because of fear us human have a tendecy to destroy that whih we cannot understand

    haters destroyed mike's reputation and maligned his character because he constantly showe d them what was remissed about themselves by not sinking to their level in retaliation of theor attacks on him, the more he rose above the comments they made about him the more they wanted to destroy him
    i am glad when i can read these loving thoughts about MJ by those who truly knew him the best and not by those who had nothing better to dod with their time than make up storiesbased on theoir lelous opinions of him

    michael capacity to love in spite of adverse circumstances them he endured was his greatest gift, his talent was a physical bonus, he hsowed us how we humans can really be if we allowed ourselves to accept each other as we really are instead of how we percieved one should be.
    Thank you michael for never compromising your principles and keeping your integrity even at great cost to yourself :wub:

  4. Sabine says:

    Hey Ms. Dee, you said it all. He was one of a kind, and someone to look up to and to model a life after, that's for sure. I wish though that more people actually DID this and didn't just say it. :sad:

  5. deedeeluvmike says:

    yeah you and me both sabs, i imagine our world would be vastly different and much more tolerable to live in
    i dont know how mike was able to be who he was with ALL that jhappened to him but i am glad he did

    makes me wanna be a better person myself, more tolerant and accepting of each other
    s indidvidulity :ermm:

  6. Sabine says:

    makes me wanna be a better person myself, more tolerant and accepting of each other
    s indidvidulity

    I know that's what I strive for, to be a better person. I'm just hoping one day I'll come upon an island or some corner of the world with some villagers and they'll open their arms and say, THERE YOU ARE! Some place where I can be heard, understood and acccepted (and seen) without having to fight for my right TO BE. You know some place that feels like home. I can imagine Mchael was looking for that too. I like how he said when he met Shirley Temple he just cried because she understood him; he said that he felt the same way about Elizabeth -- or they had that relationship.


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“I just hope that one day they will be fair and portray me the way I really am, just a loving and peaceful guy.” ~ Michael
"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." W. Shakespeare

"----->His intelligence is instinctual and emotional, like a child’s. If any artist loses that childlikeness, you lose a lot of creative juice. So Michael creates around himself a world that protects his creativity”. ~ Jane Fonda

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