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28 Aug 2011

Doll Baby

doll baby, GIFs Pictures, Michael Jackson 17 Comments

I'm always really disappointed with the dolls and wax figures that they make of Michael, they never quite get him.

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17 Responses to “Doll Baby”

  1. Autumn says:

    Today was Michael's birthday, and I how could I not comment.

    :angry: God the one from Madam Tussauds is the WORST!!

    Looking at the picture I'm just trying to figure out what must have been going through Michael's head when he saw that horrible wax figure of himself. I feel so sorry for him, good thing he was wearing his sunglasses, otherwise we would have seen what was really on his mind....as he use to say the eyes are the windows to the soul.

    Sabine I have been trying to read your stories to catch up, and all I gotta say is if the person who made that wax figure was living back in medieval times, like in Prince Michael's time, and if I was in charge I would have had their hands axed off! I feel so terrible looking at the dolls, Michael doesn't look impressed in any of them, especially the first one. He's looking at the doll as if he's thinking " is this what I look like" we know how sensitive he was about his looks.

    The last 3 are okay....but....

    I really miss him alot, he's so beautiful, no doll or wax figure can ever capture that.

    :blush: :heart: Happy Birthday Michael

  2. SenoraSabine says:

    Well, the last two are decent compared to the rest. :biggrin: But I don't know why they put all the makeup on his face! Damn!!!!

    Sabine I have been trying to read your stories to catch up, and all I gotta say is if the person who made that wax figure was living back in medieval times, like in Prince Michael’s time, and if I was in charge I would have had their hands axed off! I feel so terrible looking at the dolls, Michael doesn’t look impressed in any of them, especially the first one. He’s looking at the doll as if he’s thinking ” is this what I look like” we know how sensitive he was about his looks

    What is the deal with Madam Tussaud anyway? I've seen them do some great wax replicas, but w/ Michael they just could never get it, and you're right, the way Michael was about his looks, I can just imagine what he was thinking about these dolls and wax figures!!!!!

    I really miss him alot, he’s so beautiful, no doll or wax figure can ever capture that.

    Maybe that's it! He was just too cute! :wub:

  3. isabellabresci says:

    Horrible dolls :(((
    Poor Michael... the madame Tussauds is the less horrible but still...
    I don't remember where I saw it, but some artist made a white marble statue of his head that is really nice... not in US though.
    I miss CCC pretty much... and ttonight is late already and tomorrow I go back to work after one month vacation!!
    I will be back to CBM pretty soon and I want to know how it ends than I will read again BBM to see if I read all the chapters... I really don't remember what I read, and... I'm curious to read the last chapter when they are in Rome!!

    Happy to be back :)

  4. SenoraSabine says:

    :lol: You don't like the dolls? :biggrin:

    I think the Madame Tussaud ones are the worst! Do you have a link to the bust (that's what we call a statue of a head) I'd love to see it; I never see good replications of MIchael's beautiful face, and he really did look unique, even when he made little changes.

    Awwww, that's sweet that you miss CCC. I'm trying to find my inspiration again.

    I want to get back to that special place where I can create w/o thinking. I just have to feel it and I've been a bit blue lately.

    It's so sweet that you want to see how CBM ends -- you're almost finished actually. You're gonna like the Rome chapter -- atleast you'll feel right at home with it, I think :happy: Glad to hear from you again!!!

  5. isabellabresci says:

    Happy to be back too!! Tomorrow I will surely read CCC finally!
    Gianni is at the hospital for some exams because he had a lot of problems from May when he was bitten by a tick (they are on pigions here) and 90% probability he got the Lyme syndrome... not too bad but serious and they must give him the right antibiotic for it. I went to see him today in Vercelli and he was fine and in a good mood apart from the pain in theright foot. So tomorrow I will be home alone, the weather will be rainy since a long time, I will clean the house and read CCC :w00t:

    What's the matter Sabine, why do you feel blue?
    You know what, there are bad energy currents around the world. We are living a bitter era, so many people are worried for their job and money is always the main subject of conversation and this is no good.
    We are part of the human family but we are also part of Nature and the Earth is suffering too and we are surely effected by it even if we are not aware of it.
    A diffuse tireness is in the air all over the western world and the third world is getting poorer and poorer as you know well. Only China and some part of India are dreaming a rose future for themselves and growing at incredible speed.
    All this effect our mood and our global heath apart from our personal problems.
    This is what a very wise person told me at the end of July... :blush:

  6. isabellabresci says:

    Hey! Now I see what you mean, I only like the doll where you wrote 'not bad' the one with his arm lifted... all the others are horrible. I searched on the web for the image of the marble statue but could not find it... :(((

  7. isabellabresci says:

    Funny, the word 'busto' means torso in Italian... and we call 'busto' the statue of the head and torso of the person

  8. SenoraSabine says:

    That very wise person is a wise person indeed!

    I am very sensitive to my environment, and the climate changes here in NY surely tell us that something is very wrong with mother earth! That plus the suffering around us, yes, the energy levels are very bad.

    Plus personally, well, you know, life is never smooth sailing.

    I try to cheer myself up by concentrating on all the wonderful things about my life I can be thankful for!!!!

    Like today your'e reading my story! isn't that beautfiul, that I can share something in my mind with someone half way around the world?

    Wow!!!! :w00t:

  9. SenoraSabine says:

    By the way, busto. . . I'm always amazed by how similar words can be in different languages!!!!! Italian is one of my favorite!

  10. gracie says:

    Hola Senora Sabine!! como esta usted mamacita? I miss you!

    Funny I should finally decide to stop by today (despite the fact that all my work is nowhere done) and i find this conversation about all the negative energy in the world and particularly this part of it on a day when my kids are home from school because of massive flooding! The forces of the universe are out of balance for sure, i feel it, the Earth feels it. How did you weather the flooding and earthquake in Sabine? We just got nailed by trop storm Lee here, lucky me in the city it's not so bad but many many places are record flood levels or levels not seen since the 70's.

    hey! new emoticons! gotta try one...this is how excited i am to be here :w00t:

    ...this is for YOU ... :blush:

    ...this is my opinion of the Michael dolls... :sick:

    hehe! ok, maybe not THAT bad but omg, can you imagine someone making a doll or sculpture of you??? i don't even like to look at pictures of myself!! that would be horrible!!

    well, i'm tackling cleaning my really truly nastily dirty kitchen so i'm going to stick around here and listen to your awesome playlist while i scrub cupboards!

  11. foreverinmyheart says:

    lovin the new emoticons .... this is how feel about the dolls and wax figures :confused: ...they never do my boo right

  12. SenoraSabine says:

    You're going to live a long time, Gracie! I was just thinking of you!!!!!

    Welp, yep we got hit with Irene and then another thunder shower yesterday. I have a leaky basement and it's driving me crazy. Regular rain it can take, but not these storms!!!!!

    I do feel that the Earth is out of whack!!!!!

    How are you kiddies and school? I hope all is well, mhmmmm, I'm smelling my flowers :wub:

    Smells wonderful :smile:

    :lol: at your opinion about the dolls! Can't say I disagree!

    And yikes! :wassat: If someone were to make a model of me, :pouty:

    I think I would have to have complete control, because I do NOT like taking pictures and would worry so much about how it was going to turn out. I'm sure that would turn them off and make them not want to do it.

    But the funny thing is my ex did a portrait of me and I liked it. I think time has a way of making us feel more comfortable w/ our looks -- it took him about four years to finish it!!!!! :biggrin:

    Maybe MIchael was like that.

    HOpe you enjoy cleaning! I love cleaning! It actually relaxes me; I guess 'cause when I'm cleaning I'm not thinking! :w00t:

    Nice hearing from you again :caress:

  13. SenoraSabine says:


    this is how feel about the dolls and wax figures :confused: ...they never do my boo right

    :lol: Forever, they sure don't!

  14. gracie says:

    Hi again! We are all well, getting into the school routine (despite the floods) my oldest 2 weeks into his first year of high school and adjusting really well, making lots of new and interesting friends (many many girls!) , the youngest starts preschool next week!

    i think you are right about age making us more comfortable with our looks...either that or i just stopped caring!! :silly:
    i sure don't spend as much time worrying about it anymore...i am who i am and that's good enough. I do like to "pretty up" for my hubby if we are going out tho. :smile:

    love to clean???? i think i actually kinda hate it. You know how you said if you're cleaning you're not thinking? i'm the opposite, i can't stop thinking so i'm either worrying about something or just chastising myself for being such a poor housekeeper while i'm cleaning. I do enjoy that moment of perfection right after cleaning...but 5 seconds later someone walks in the room and messes it up again and i'm left frustrated because why did i even bother???and while i'm cleaning one room, someone is in another room making it dirty! no one cares and it doesn't stay clean anyway!! :angry:
    so i guess what i hate about cleaning is that no matter how hard i try it can never be DONE.
    i like things i can do, be done, and check off the list, you know? but cleaning for me is just a constant battle with dirt.
    well, i'd love to stay and read but someone has to make supper so maybe tomorrow....

  15. SenoraSabine says:

    I do enjoy that moment of perfection right after cleaning

    Ah Gracie! Maybe there's a little perfectionist living inside of you!
    The flip side of which you don't do anything, because it will never be perfect anyway! :wassat:

    I have a RAGING one, but for some reason, when I'm cleaning, she goes away and doesn't bother me. I think it's being in motion and settling your brain on the task at hand. I get the same feeling when I'm doing yoga or driving or reading; it's like a form of meditation for me . . . as for the job never being done, ugh! :pinch: I feel that way about laundry! I absolutely hate it! But alas, it must be done. Usually my perfectionist is fueled by my OCD and my A-type personality, so thank God for that, otherwise I might be batshit crazy!

    Now, let me tell you, my house is not perfect, but one thing is for sure, my kids are constantly being told to clean up. One day it will sink in so I don't have to say it.

    Dear Lord, please! I get so tired of telling them over and over. I start out, with my hand on my hip:

    Who did you expect to wash this dish for you, or pick up this thing on the floor, your maid? Because I am not your maid and I am not going to . . .

    But that time they'll do anything just to shut me up. It's not the cleaning that I'm upset about but just the disregard. It's just something I cannot abide by, and that's them throwing their clothes or things I bought them on the floor.

    To me, if you appreciate what you have and what you've been given, you take care of it; it doesn't go on the floor. So if I see, say, a video game on the floor, I go, Oh, I guess that means you don't want it Or say one of them is like, I can't find this . My answer is, If you don't find it, make sure you don't ask me for another one.

    That usually gets them running when I'm coming into the room. Though my son took the laundry I gave him to put away and stuffed it in the closet, in the hamper -- man! I let him have it. Woke him up at 4:00 a.m. to put it all away, too. Yes, I did!!!!! :yes:

    Most kids, especially teens, are messy though -- not just their rooms, but their tthinking!!!! Like how the hell did he think he was going to get away with that?


    HOpe you had a great dinner!

    And maybe when you come back, some dessert for Mama:


  16. gracie says:

    happy Monday Sabine!

    wow, you nailed me with the perfectionist thing...my mom would always tell me i was too much of a perfectionist ( it would take me HOURS to ice cupcakes because they had to be juuuuust right) and with my life the way it is now (chaos!) i CAN'T ever do anything good enough so I get to the why bother? mood. *sigh* but honestly, given the choice between a perfect house and the 'kid chaos' i will take the chaos any day ...HOWEVER i too am CONSTANTLY yelling at my kids just like you! Just had a BIG blow up at the boys on Saturday afternoon because i worked sooooo hard this summer to get their room nice and organized when we moved them in together and i understand it's hard sharing a space with 3 people but its like they don't even try!! dirty clothes stuffed down the wall/bed crack!?!?!? freaking LEGOs in every nook and cranny!?!?!? clean clothes that were supposed to be put away shoved under the bed?!?!? is it really that hard to open a drawer and put them in???!?!? REALLY????? :pinch:
    Why doesn't it ever sink in??!!! :unsure:
    ...sooo guess who spent all afternoon cleaning and lost their TV time for the whole week? that's right!
    I also sometimes do the 'garbage bag' clean up where i just go through and everything i pick up goes in the trash bag! i've had them crying over that one many times... :devil:

    :happy: as i was sitting here typing my daughter just yelled for me from the bathroom, she was all excited because i just cleaned in there and she got to pee on the bubbles!! talk about appreciating the simple things in life!
    and now, 15 minutes of mama time.... :reading:

  17. SenoraSabine says:

    You know a show I'm always watching?

    Hoarders!!!!! I find it fascinating!

    Anyway, there was a woman, I think she was on Oprah, though, but she once was a perfectionist, and then she suffered a number of deaths in her life, of loved ones, and it became too much to keep up with that standard of perfection in her mind, so she just stopped, and well the result was living in squalor! I suppose I find it fascinating because of the perfectionist living in me :hmm:

    But boy do your kids sound like my kids :biggrin: It's a wonder I get anything done -- they won't help me. :wacko:

    :yes: I do the garbage bag clean up too. You have to find away to motivate them. But I think it is sinking in. You'll be suprised! My daughter will go to someone's house and go, Mommy, you should have seen it.

    When I say, look who's talking, she tries to shut me up. But she knows I have a point! So that's when I pat myself on the back and know some of it is getting through!

    I really just wanna get them ready for college, because I don't want them to be the messy roomate, ya know :wink:

    :wub: Your daughter is adorable. You know I was in Bethlehem Pennsylvania the other day. I drove out there to see my sister nad now I'm in love with her little fat six month old! She gives the sweetest kisses!!!! :heart:

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