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Da Smooth Criminal Bar Room

  Step Right up and Grab a Drink Before You Get Your Hit. Don't see what you want?  You can look at all the drinks on the menu individually -- just click on the picture!

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Cowboy Mike Trivia

In honor of Sabah and Mike's 1 yr anniversary, I thought it'd be fun to have some Cowboy Mike Trivia. Okay, don't cheat and look at other people's answers first or go back and check the story!!!! Just see if you can get them all!

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Cowboy Mike Preview XIV

Sabah stepped out of her car and walked around to the back to get Lacoste's painting from the trunk of her car. It had finally been framed according to his specifications. Sabah would put money on it, artists were the most temperamental, demanding creatures on the face of the Earth! Lifting the painting gingerly from [...]

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Sneak Preview of Cowboy Mike XIII

"Michael, wait! Wait! Stop! I have something to tell you." "What?" Michael asked breathlessly. Right now, his chin was on her belly button and his lips were wet and puffy and Sabah wanted to cry, she really did because she knew she had to tell him to stop. She knew beforehand, too, when he had [...]

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Sneak Preview of Cowboy Mike XII

When the door bell rang, Michael didn't have to wake Sabah up. She shot of the bed in a flash and immediately pulled on a pair of sweats, all the while she complained, "Why did you let me fall asleep! Oh my God, I look a mess!" Michael propped himself up on his elbows and [...]

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What Sabah Looks Like!

Since there's been some inquiry as to what Sabah really looks like, Abena dug through an old crate and found a  few pictures of our favorite couple. I hope this quells everyone's curiosity and we can get back to enjoying the story!

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Sneak Preview of Cowboy Mike XI

Michael was on stage performing. He ran back and forth across the stage. Sabah was in the front row of screaming fans, waving her hands, calling out, trying to get his attention but he never once looked at her. She could feel the roar of the crowd behind her. He was looking at everyone but [...]

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Michael Jackson IS King Sani!

He had come to the land of his ancestors to participate in a historic ceremony conducted beneath a sacred tree in the gold-mining village of Krindjabo, populated by the Agni tribe and located near Abidjan, Ivory Coast. As the village people stood in admiration, Amon N' Djaolk, the traditional tribal chief of Krindjabo, placed a [...]

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"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." W. Shakespeare
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“I just hope that one day they will be fair and portray me the way I really am, just a loving and peaceful guy.” ~ Michael

"----->His intelligence is instinctual and emotional, like a child’s. If any artist loses that childlikeness, you lose a lot of creative juice. So Michael creates around himself a world that protects his creativity”. ~ Jane Fonda

WARNING: NOT JUST MJ fanfic - NO! It's Cobracrack®. It's better than plain Michael Jackson fan fiction and highly addictive!! One hit and you will be unable to function without yet another and another. Taking a hit of Cobracrack® while looking at a Michael Jackson picture can also prove fatal. At the very least you might experience an extremely intense Mikegasm that will leave you unable to be satisfied by any other man in your lifetime. READER BEWARE!!!! 18 over, please, though age doesn't matter. It's not the adult content that's going to get you, it's the force of MICHAEL! CobraCrackCentral® is not liable for any failed tests, lost jobs or broken relationships. Married women are particular at risk. Common side effects: Reading stories over and over; referring to characters as if they are real people; intense dislike for corny Michael Jackson fan fiction; Insatiable demand for sex; inability to sleep or function due to an infection of the EXTREMELY contagious virus: OvahXspojer (staring at MJ pics for hours at a time and imagining yourself in the scenes from the stories).

If you experience any of these symptoms close your lap top/pull the plug from your computer IMMEDIATELY!

Reader Discretion is highly advised CobraCrackCentral, uh, NOT just MJ Fan Fiction