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19 Oct 2009

Nice BedTime Video WARNING Watch it ONLY before bedtime!

GIFs Pictures, Michael Jackson Rodney Jerkins Ride With Me, Micheal Jackson Fan Videos, Micheal Jackson Secret Naughty Side Fan Video 5 Comments

5 Responses to “Nice BedTime Video WARNING Watch it ONLY before bedtime!”

  1. NightGarden says:

    holy goodness, girl!
    you CAN’T watch this before going to sleep, othrewise it won’t be “before going to sleep” any more…what can I say?
    The SIM part: sexy, sexy, sexy…to die for!! gorgeous, gorgeous Gentleman (!): makes you wanna go there and get all wet with him!!;-)
    The ITC part: why, oh why did they cut all of those parts in the video? I’m specifically referring to the scene when they are …ahemm…on the ground. You lucky Naomi: I bet your hands were all over him… But the sexiest part to me is when, while they are standing and she is in front of him on that sort of pedestal, he looks at her coming up to meet his eyes and keeps on brushing a few locks of her hair off her shoulders…that is quintessential sexyness! I swear this man could charm panties off any lady!

  2. CobraCrackCentral says:

    I don’t know why they did that to the video NG!!!! The outtakes, to me, are BETTER than the video!

    And yes, I agree, MJ probably had women him FedExing their panties all year round LOL!!!

  3. NightGarden says:

    LOL @ FedExed panties!

  4. bumblebgirl says:

    girls funny enough in the reviews forr the ITC video they complained [press, naysayers] that the vid was not sexy enough LOL if only they knew that they cut the sexy parts b/c they said it was too racy LOL.THOSE WERE THE BEST SCENES WOULD HAVE MADE THE VIV THAT MUCH HOTTER. go figure:)

  5. Sabine says:

    See, that’s why it makes no sense to try and please the public!!! LOL!!!

    They say not racey enough and we say, come on give us more Cobra!!!!!

    I love the outtakes, and damn, Michael with some muscles on him — good God, I’m making myself hot!

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