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21 Dec 2009


GIFs Pictures, Michael Jackson 17 Comments

I don’t know about you but I can’t even look at this picture without blushing.

17 Responses to “NAKED MICHAEL!!!! O-O”

  1. MUS says:

    OMG Sabine! whoa!…uhh ..WOW!! love it!!
    Happy Holidays , may your Christmas and your New Year be blessed with love, L.O.V.E.

  2. Sabine says:

    OMG!!!! (((((MUS))))) – it’s been such a long time!!!! I hope you’re well and finally at peace!
    I am truly hun-nored by your presence that I had to shield my eyes (because I can’t even look at this picture) and respond. I mean talking about WOW 0-0 !!!

    Merry Christmas!!!!

  3. bumblebgirl says:

    oh sabine
    i was in such a rush to read about mike’s sexploits with Sabah that i forgot to leave my comment for this VERY delicious pic
    yabba dabba doo !!! whowza!! *licking lips*
    i leterally gasp when i saw this lol

    wow, if mike was here and saw this he would have been soooooooooooooooo emabarrassed blushing beet red But he would have giggled and arised his brow at his fans image of hima as sex symbol

    man he was blind to the sex appeal he had or was he pretending? his dancing aolone make me surmise that he had a inkling lol

    Sabine i’m gonna have to start sending you my bill for my heart meds lol j/k love ya…:)

  4. pcakes15 says:

    WOW, Lordy! Lordy! I about had a heart attack when I scrolled down and saw Mike and …hmmm(clearing throat) muscles. You are killing me, girl! Literally, my heart skipped a beat and left me breathless. God Love Ya!!!

  5. Sabine says:

    lol!!!!!! i swear I can’t look at this picture. The force, it has too much power. The penetrating gaze and plus, we already KNOW what’s under his hand!!!!!!

    b-girl, lol @ the bill for your medication you are too much!!!!!

    Pcakes, girl, I am telling you, my screen is on fire!!!! I saw that picture and almost fell our.

    Now, I think Michael would have looked at the picture blushed turned away and then secretly asked me make 100 by 1000 feet rendition for his wall.

    I think Michael was for the most part insecure, shy and easily embarrassed like he said, but there was SOME parts of him that KNEW he was hot . . . . and liked it!!!!!

  6. AnniesNotOK says:

    Look at the Cobra around his neck! LOL
    I knew it, I knew it: it wasn’t a myth but a legend!

  7. Maria says:

    Oh my… you know, Sabine, I sometimes have to cover the pictures (ESPECIALLY that gif in the gold pants) when I’m reading the stories, because my face just gets sooo

    I’m sure you’ve already seen these but these are 2 of my favorites of Michael..

    aaand something a little more relevant here..

    Sigh… :)

  8. Ms. Thang says:

    Oh shit!!!I’m, I’m..give me an “O”!!!*SHAKES AND SHIVERS ALL OVER*

  9. Sabine says:

    Hey Annie, which cobra are you talking about LOL!!!

    Maria, thanks for the pics! Don’t be surprised if you see them in a new story. My face is red, too girl!!! That picture is too hot!!!!!

    Ms. Thang LOL!!!! *fanning* come on girls, let me help her up!!!!!

  10. dvrmas says:

    A-a-a-aah, Sabine, I just saw the PICTURE – what a way (for me) to start 2010!!! The pic is gorgeously-hillarious, MJ and the Cobra, lol!

    Thanks for a wonderful blog – it’s a delight for both the eyes and the soul.

    Happy and joyful 2010 Year to you!!!

  11. Sabine says:

    Hey hun! Now you can see why I couldn’t display it on the page. God, everytime I had to scroll past it I’d blush !!!!! The force was too strong for me! Happy New Year to you too!

  12. classic says:

    wow! he is so
    my face turn into
    btw can i ask you,is that real or photoshop?

  13. Sabine says:

    Hey Classic, Girl you know that is photoshopped! IF that was real you would have passed out and and been found hours later by your computer, you KNOW the FORCE has a lot of power!!!!!

    That picture is dangerous, though, because it looks too real!

  14. Sydwil2 says:

    What a Happy New Year gift – thanks!!!

  15. Sabine says:

    LOL! Hey Syd, how are you? That’s the gift that keeps on giving!

  16. Meli Bee777 says:

    Gotta love this blog! Sabine, I finally made it here and this is great! I love Michael!

  17. Sabine says:

    Hey Mel, what a nice surprise. I always think, how can anyone NOT love Michael! I’m so glad!!!!

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"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." W. Shakespeare
“When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a . . man.”

(Spike to Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)

“I just hope that one day they will be fair and portray me the way I really am, just a loving and peaceful guy.” ~ Michael
"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." W. Shakespeare

"----->His intelligence is instinctual and emotional, like a child’s. If any artist loses that childlikeness, you lose a lot of creative juice. So Michael creates around himself a world that protects his creativity”. ~ Jane Fonda

WARNING: NOT JUST MJ fanfic - NO! It's Cobracrack®. It's better than plain Michael Jackson fan fiction and highly addictive!! One hit and you will be unable to function without yet another and another. Taking a hit of Cobracrack® while looking at a Michael Jackson picture can also prove fatal. At the very least you might experience an extremely intense Mikegasm that will leave you unable to be satisfied by any other man in your lifetime. READER BEWARE!!!! 18 over, please, though age doesn't matter. It's not the adult content that's going to get you, it's the force of MICHAEL! CobraCrackCentral® is not liable for any failed tests, lost jobs or broken relationships. Married women are particular at risk. Common side effects: Reading stories over and over; referring to characters as if they are real people; intense dislike for corny Michael Jackson fan fiction; Insatiable demand for sex; inability to sleep or function due to an infection of the EXTREMELY contagious virus: OvahXspojer (staring at MJ pics for hours at a time and imagining yourself in the scenes from the stories).

If you experience any of these symptoms close your lap top/pull the plug from your computer IMMEDIATELY!

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