Damnnnn! Sabine once again you’ve killed me, I needed to see this after viewing the WATW remake on youtube Hahahaa Geeze I think I’m gonna go put in my Bucharest HBO Concert DVD again LOL! Bravo Babes!!!!!
that is the best ending ; full of wetness, electricity and an explosive power…then emerges the panther with his suggestive elegance…like “i don´t need anyone to teach me how to turn you on, nor even you….”
yesssssssss……i´m a believer
LOL, You darn tootin he does! Let’s see his long fingers, :tongue: lips, eyes, mouth, walk, thighs, butt, wide shoulders and neck, his smile. The way he moves on stage , those large hands!!!!!! The way his brows crinkle in the middle when he is frowning. His sweet and ploite ways…. His voice…..YES! YES! He surely does! :biggrin: :wub:
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
Need I say more?
OMG wow O-O this is just want we needed, to gert us ready for the next chapter :)
I just HAD to follow this blog. I love Michael Jackson and you’re an absolutely amazing writer!
Hi Gina!!!! I have just emerge frm viris hell, and had to stop and stay: THANK YOU GIRL! I appreciate it and I always love a new follower.
Okay, going back in — I have the new chapter waiting to be written in my head! This is so frustrating!
That’s the silliest question you’ve ever asked.
Someone please kill me!!!! OMG, what kind of evil people make viruses like this WTH!!!!! This is just pure evil!!!!
Hi Vicki!!!
Sabine, please, give me your computer so I can fight with the virus while you MAKE MAGIC!
OMG; how I missed Vicki’s avi!
Damnnnn! Sabine once again you’ve killed me, I needed to see this after viewing the WATW remake on youtube Hahahaa Geeze I think I’m gonna go put in my Bucharest HBO Concert DVD again LOL! Bravo Babes!!!!!
Ooooh you poor baby!!!! *rubbing Gemeuxx’s back* ReWe will make anyone ill. Wasn’t it awful?
Annie, VICTORY!!!! I kicked that viruses butt!!!!! And it was the awful dreaded, blue screen!!!!
I don’t know if you heard about it, redirecting my google search and everything.
I get scared even talking about it.
Okay, now back to writing!!!!
What was the question? ….oh yeah, i remember….yup. :blush:
*Gracie pops open another can of Cobra Crack and hits the ‘play’ button again… *
mmmm…think my inner addict will be hanging out here for the afternoon
My _________ says yes!
Who’s that talking, Music? :lol: !!!!
I mean, have you seen that gif?
*quickly closing the browser at the sight of smoke from the modem*
Seen it! I’ve watched atleast 1,000 times!!!
OMG ……..He is soooooo hot!!!!!!!
I rephrase it, sorry:
Have you seen THAT in that gif?
Oh no, smoke again… *spraying the modem with Halo*
I see it ! I SEE IT!!! *Sabine faints*
*Annie sprays Halo into her face and she jumps up instantly and starts talking*
Mariakouraki, OMG, isn’t he dreamy!!!!!!
that is the best ending ; full of wetness, electricity and an explosive power…then emerges the panther with his suggestive elegance…like “i don´t need anyone to teach me how to turn you on, nor even you….”
yesssssssss……i´m a believer
OMG, Irune, what you just wrote is HOT!!!!
I’m sweating over here!!!!
Forget about wetness, explosive power and panthers…
All I need is one look at very special part of Michaels’ body.
No, it’s not what you think…
I don’t know if it has a name.. but GOD, what I would like to do with my lips right here…
Ahhh, yes, *sigh* the Yes Spot!!!!
I don’t believe I answered that last time coz what a redundant question!
Is the sky blue? is the earth round? do I drink too much?
All silly questions I know the answ………
LOL, You darn tootin he does! Let’s see his long fingers, :tongue: lips, eyes, mouth, walk, thighs, butt, wide shoulders and neck, his smile. The way he moves on stage , those large hands!!!!!! The way his brows crinkle in the middle when he is frowning. His sweet and ploite ways…. His voice…..YES! YES! He surely does! :biggrin: :wub:
I think the sexiest thing about Michael is his heart !!!!!!!
Oh goodness! you just had to repost this! I’m going to be late for work!