Ooooooooooo, Michael’s Hands!

Wow, I knew they were big! I just didn’t know they were HUGE!
Thanks Annie!
Now we no longer have to use our imagination about the size but we’ll still have to imagine how they felt all over Sabah’s body!!!
25 Responses to “Ooooooooooo, Michael’s Hands!”
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oh my!
LOL, girl you are toooooooo funny!!!! LMAO! :D
Isn’t it BEAUTIFUL *looking around in awe* If only we had a problem that would inject some life into those molds!
GASP! Michael what’s the matter with you? we’re in public you cant ‘touch’ me there!
what do you mean just a small feel, theres’ NOTHING ‘small’ about you! OKAY BUT QUICKLY BEFORE SOMEONE COMES;
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MIKEY, THAT ‘feels ‘ soooooooooooooooooooooo goooodddddddddddddddddddddddd, do it again, mike *raised hissbrow* LOL
I KNOW , BUT QUICKLY, HMNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ***licks lips deliciously and whispers** THANKS!!! ::D i just loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng fingers……….
LOL D, you are tooooo much!!!!!
words Cannot express what those hands does to a body!
let me give you a small sample—- you know that vid/ the one where he’s caressing the mike stand ligh a lovers thigh/
well after years of holding that mike , his hands expeciallly the left one b/c the right one is always grabbing and reshapping the cobra after his sensous dances
well, when he grabs you and put those big babies on you, you want to crawl into his skin ans stay there!
thank you so much for posting these pics.
OK wow. he really did have big hands. I always knew he had long fingers but seeing his hands in person is a different story. I wish I could see the molds in real life and compare them with my own hands to see EXACTLY how big his hands were. His middle finger is soo long. I love the way he always help his hand up and his palms were open.
I must admit though, the 4th and 5th picures creeped me out a bit. Please tell me that BOTH of the hands in each of the pics are fake. The left hand in the 4th picure looks sooooo real. It looks as if michael inserted his hand from the bottom of the box and some one snapped a picture real quick. The right hand in the 5th pic looks soooo real also. I guess the molds in the 5th picure were taken when he was abit older b/c they look a big wrinkley…
I don’t care though. His hands gave so much love to so many people…… :)
Elmira, the 4th and 5th are the molds from the Exhibit. They are beatiful, esp. the one that seems so real. The 6th is him in the process.
I don’t know if this is correct, because it’s not my measure system, but it was in the auction site so it has to be real:
(Plexilglass display case with two life cast models of Michael Jackson’s forearms and hands. One of the hands is painted silver and the other a flesh tone with Jackson’s signature white taped fingertips.)
Dimensions: 15 by 10 1/2 by 8 1/2 inches
I need size translation!
Also, Elmira, talking about long middle finger…
I mean the hands, the hands!!!
Bah, who am I kidding? ] : )
oh wow! that GIF with mj performing “beat it” crazy!!! sooo fine! he is so sexy and beautiful. Thank you annie :D .
Speaking abou tthe Dimensions: 15 by 10 1/2 by 8 1/2 inches, I think they were referring to the size of the glass container holding the molds. What kind of size translation you need? you want co convert them into centimeters? i can do it for u :D just tell me
Those beautiful hands. I really wanted to get his eyes and hands tattooed on me but my mom would KILL me if i got a tattoo :(.. And everyone is telling me to wait a while and see if i still want it or not. I love his eyes and his hands..
thanks for the pics.
LOL yeah, I guess the hands were big but not THAT big!! Sorry, I didn’t know it was referred to the container, I’m lost with the inches.
Ok, something more:
An excerpt from a YANA Girl Experience:
“…He was beautiful, and he smelt of baby powder. His skin was soft, but his arms were strong. He had a tight grip around my waist, and stroked my long hair. I could feel the shiny gold pants on my bare legs. He held my arm up and twirled himself under my arm. When I sensed my time was nearly up, I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him on the lips, he kissed me back, and just grinned that lovely grin at me.
Oh the eyes were incredible, he looked me right in the eye at one stage, and I’m quite tall 5’7″, so I was kinda close to his eyes…I’m just guessing, but I’d say he was about 5 ’10”..his eyelids, when he blinked they were really sleepy, if you get what I mean…kinda heavy looking… The kiss was quick, but his lips were parted…I actually kissed him, but he had no choice, he had to kiss me back. I was quite calm, I was in my 30’s, and pregnant, so I wasn’t jumping around going nuts, so I think he felt relaxed. It was the kind of kiss that you give your man when you’re leaving to go to work. meaningful, but quick
I remember the kiss clearly, that was one thing I promised myself, I would never forget. I don’t think he bit his lip, but his hands…I remember how HUGE they were, I have quite big hands for a woman, and his hands completely enveloped mine. The black shirt he always wore for this song was made of fine black lace..it was beautiful, and how it didn’t get ripped by some of the more zealous fans is beyond me. I do remember the strength in his arms..he never was a big man, but man, he had a tight grip.”
Please, feel free to faint…
LMAO! ilove ur comment at the end “please feel free to faint”
WOW what a lucky girl to get to kiss and hold michael. Oh i would give anything just to be friends with michael. I wonder what michael felt when he would kiss his “fans”. My heart is totally melting.
You know i was thinking the other day how cool it would be to be friends with michael. I live like 2 mins away from the jackson family home. I keep imagining myself going over there and hanging out with him. I am so sad he is gone. I don’t think i will ever feel the sameee w/o him..
those lovely hands and eyes……… *cries*
pardon my french – but oh FUCK – now I do need to lay down.
someone bring me a drink…
You know I’ve tried looking at several closeups of michael’s hands before, because I really wanted to see the lines on the palms of his hands. I’m not a palmist or an expert by any means at reading them, but I do know a little bit about it and wanted to see if some of the lines on his hands indicted what went on in his real life. For example that long vertical line towards the edge of his hand is Saturn and saturn is the one that causes all kinds of chaos and bad things in ones life and his is cutting right across his life line and marriage line, NOT GOOD as long its present in the marriage and life lines it will always cause trouble. Of course we all know what went on in Michaels life and marriages. The two parallel lines that we all have running across our palms the top one is the marriage line. If you look carefully at the end of michael’s marriage line towards the index finger, its forked which means Divorce, which of course not once but he went through it twice. Then his life line gets cut short but a vertical line, and all the other important things are being covered by many fine lines which is not good and indicates chaos.
But yeah, Michael has got the most longest slender fingers I’ve ever seen, I’ve noticed in that picture where he’s coming out of the pool with his shorts on he’s got big feet also.Big feet, big hands, big you know what…….
Hey Sonia a palmist did a reading on Michael’s hands
One of the fascinating aspects of Michael Jackson’s hand is the presence of a ‘double line of head’ in both hands
“A double line of head is very rarely found, but when found it is a sure sign of brain power and mentality. Such people have a perfectly double nature — one side sensitive and gentle, the other confident, cold, and cruel. They have enormous versatility, great command of language, a peculiar power of playing and toying with human nature, and generally great will and determination.”
I don’t know as much as you Sonia… but I knew which one was the life line.
That is exactly what I thought when I looked at his hand – his life line is short and cut :(
Yeah Sabine I did notice some lines in there that even I’m not familiar with, Michael has got not 2 but three lines the middle one being the life line and getting cut short. All those characteristics you described yes those are very much Michael all right. I’m not sure but the long line parallel to Saturn which shoots up is the money line. Its very long and boy Michael did have money but again its being intercepted by Saturn at the base, which again spells trouble, which of course we all know he did start to encounter problems because of money later in his life.
Yes martinigirl, shortly his life was cut short, but take solace in that he’s now in a better place, and this world isn’t the last stop, we’ll all see him again one day. Besides destiny is something none of us can change.
Its so awesome though that new deal with Sony which is going to produce 10 new albums over the next 7 years. So the show for Michael isn’t over yet its very much ON! But I’m not surprised he had more unreleased songs than he released ones.
Palmistry is like astrology, and I like this quote which goes like this: The Stars compel, they don’t dictate, so in effect we still all chose our own destiny, in the choices we make every day.
I may be different than most but I don’t know if this Sony deal is such a good thing. Those songs were unreleased for a reason! And as MIchael hungry as I am, I know Michael was a perfectionist, and being a fellow perfectionist, I know how I would feel if someone released say a story that I had rejected and put on the shelf.
OF course, MIchael is in a place where his spirit could careless but I wonder if Sony will put in the effort and time that MIchael would to make those songs up to Michael’s caliber. These were songs he wrote BEFORE so they won’t show the growth, the change and the life influence that we get in real time when an artist creates new material.
I just have an awful feeling that for Sony it’s all about making money.
yeah I dunno either how i feel about the Sony deal
It is kinda like Jimi Hendirix (I am huge fan of Hendrix) so much stuff was released after his passing – most not very good – and some embarrasshing – only the recent one released by his estate last week is really any good and it mostly different takes of stuff he released… *sigh* I am of two minds – I want more music… I really do – but really I just want more Michael – period – but I want Michael the way I loved him… one thing I wouldn’t mind is if they officially released Victory Tour or the Bad Tour 2nd leg on DVD or even a live album (professionally done) when he was at the top of his game… with some extra thrown for fun…
mwah… lemme kiss the hand g’nite.
Yeah, Martinigirl, let them release old concert footage. That’s vintage Michael at his BEST – I don’t want the amateurs trying to take his old stuff and make it marketable.
Hey ladies,
I have a question.
You know in the last pic posted above, with MJ wearing sunglasses. What is that brown dot in the middle of his palm? He grew a mole all of a sudden? :S thats weird.
Elmira, the mole probably developed as a result ofeither his lupus or vitiligo.
Yea .. Maybe…