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24 Mar 2010

The Sweetest Michael I Ever Saw, too!

GIFs Pictures, Michael Jackson, Micheal Jackson Fan Videos, Young Mike Too 19 Comments
Who would not fall in love with this Michael? My favorite part of the first video is when he says Louie wants to be a movie star and likes to takes pictures, and 1:24 – ♥ ♥ Are there any more questions? ♥ ♥ And of course when he starts singing about Peter Pan. I love when he tells Latoya, Your voice is so annoying. And when she asks if he’s wet, and he says, “Of course, honey.” I love when he talks about the magic of dusk and dawn, and just that he is too adorable for words!

19 Responses to “The Sweetest Michael I Ever Saw, too!”

  1. EnolaLee says:



  2. Sonia says:

    Thanks Sabine

    This is my most FAAAVVOORIIITTEEE!!! Video of Michael. I have to watch it at least once a day. My favorite part is at 4 20 when he say “Can you hear me” that thing he does with his eyebrows, Oh my God. I could just watch it over and over again. Then from 8 16 to the end I love his big eyes and how they got that close up of em. His eyes are so deep and pure you could just get lost in them “I’ve never done an interview outside before with the trees and bushes watchin me”, Oh Michael you are just tooo much.

    I love how how he comes out in the second video and through window say “hold on” :D

    In the third video when Michael’s asking LaToya about her dreams and she misunderstood him at 2 16 Michael with that annoyed look on his face :D

    “I got an idiot for a sister folks” :D

  3. AnniesNotOK says:

    Aw Mikey… I hope he’s like that now, next to some fountain singing and opening his soul.
    I have a lot to catch up, I see there are two beautiful concert anecdotes somewhere in this house.
    *off to look for them, but before I think I’ll take a nap if I find some rest room*

  4. MartiniGirl says:

    squeeeeeeee he is so cute…
    awwee Mike…. I miss you.

  5. Maria says:

    Oh my gosh, I love this interview!!!

    My favorite part.. “I’ve got an idiot for a sister, folks..” HAHA!! What a comedian!!.. <3

  6. Sabine says:

    LOL! I love that part, too. You’d think she was younger than him!!!

    To me Latoya is a bit flighty, I’m sorry!! When he left and she was alone on the camera I was like, up, bathroom break time!

    and I forgot the other part, when he stook his head out the window and said, Why didn’t you tell me you guys were out here, be out in a sec, ‘kay!

    ♥ ♥♥♥ :oops: ♥♥ :) :o ♥♥

  7. MartiniGirl says:

    hmm that is odd
    I could of sworn I went to be in the sweetest michael i ever saw room
    yet here I am in the sweetest michael i ever saw too room

    I wonder how that happened?

    Morning ladies happy happy Monday to you all!

  8. AnniesNotOK says:

    Uh huh, MartiniGirl… you sure were studying…?


  9. MartiniGirl says:

    UH! what do you mean? of course I was!

    Truth be told… I am currently studying anatomy – so what a perfect place for me to be… here with the smile.
    Coz if I was in CC Valley – there would be no studying going on… I would be all about the practical – when I am still in the theory stage!

  10. AnniesNotOK says:

    Girl, I’ve been chasing you through all the rooms… so many sweet smiles rooms… Anatomy? Ok, you don’t have to tell us exactly which part. But I think the Recovery Room might me more “practical” *winks*

  11. MartiniGirl says:

    oh you know what? that is right… the recovery roooooooooom
    yup – but will save that practical
    tonight I hang here… and then sleep in the sweet smile room

    *can hardly wait for the practical*

  12. Sonia says:

    Sabine I think you were getting too drunk in the bar so I came here to get some of Michael’s magic!

    Whenever I think of Michael I can speak of him in so many ways, that its endless.

    To me Michael was very much in sync with the world or rather the universe as naturally as a human being can get. By in sync I mean, being almost in balance with the 5 elements that make up our universe…Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Space. That’s why it makes perfect sense to me when Michael in this video starts talking about the magic of dusk and dawn and how he loves that everything just comes “to life” at night, the fireflies and stuff, and this whole scene looks like a painting to him. I can understand because the whole atmosphere around him that is made up of the 5 elements is a natural as breathing to him, and THAT right there to me just shows what a pure soul he is and unique person, only someone who is so pure can feel that way about the world.

    Then again that is true of many people who are good at heart and Sabine to ME, you also happen to be one of them, that’s why you can write such beautiful stories, and look at you, like Michael you have also managed to bring people from far away places together. No everyone can write like you, its a gift that not everyone has and I love the way you’re so spiritual. Of course I also feel the same way Michael does, love dawn and dusk and all things magic, but I’m in no way comparing myself to Michael, I could never do that. Rather on this spectrum of being in sync with the 5 elements we are all at just different points and I undoubtedly would say Michael was at the the higher end than most people would ever be during their lifetime, and you of course are up there. ME, I’m probably a little more below than you guys, LOL! But more or less in the same category.

    :unsure: I hope I made sense of all this talk of the 5 elements.

  13. Sabine says:

    Come on, confess Sonia, you’re a writer too, right!!!!! Come on, you must tell me!!!! :blush: I don’t even know what to say!!!!!

    YOu know in one of my favorite movies, he describes that the universe is just a blanket, and we are all just a part of that blanket. So I’m this corner, Michael was over there and you’re over here — see all the same, a part of the whole. I loved that!!!! I thought it was so beautiful!!!!

    I think some people have unraveled and become frayed so they don’t feel like a part of the whole anymore, and maybe the get so caught up in the world and with doing for themselves and not for “US” that they truly do fall off that blanket. But I guess a loose thread can also be weaved back in right?

    Listen to me, you get me talking about stuff like this and I can go all night. But I love the five elements. YOu know there’s another movie coming out, The Last Airbender, that explores what you’re talking about. I love all of that kind of magical, supernatural stuff!

  14. Sonia says:

    I think I’ve seen trailers of that movie, is that the movie with all those ships coming to that mountain, Oh I really want to see that movie. I thought the special effects in “The Prince of Persia” were awesome got to see that movie as well.

    The video you’re talking of, I don’t think I’ve seen it before, but it makes PERFECT sense what you just said about Michael. I can totally see Michael talking about stuff like that, the universe, our bodies its all made up of it. That’s why I find it soo soothing to picture myself in a magical mountainous landscape or any breathtaking scenery. I can hear the waves of the ocean, feel the cool breeze on my skin, feel the sun rays hitting me, taking a deep breath of fresh air. People who are not good at heart will not understand all this, that’s why such people never understood Michael or anyone like him. I love the fact that everyone who comes here thinks along similar lines, but that’s not surprising, only people who appreciate Michael’s inner beauty and hold his sentiments will come here again and again, and share their feelings.

    :biggrin: NOOO! I’m not writer, but that doesn’t stop me from writing similar stories in my mind, I had very funny thoughts in my mind today about TTWC and Cowboy Mike, but I’ll just keep that to myself. You’re the writer around here Sabine, and we’re just the readers. But thanks for the compliment, LOL! I try to express myself as well as I can, but then I’ll be sitting here all day, and can’t do that, LOL!

  15. Sabine says:

    Yeah, it’s based on the cartoon, which I never really got into but my kids say it’s good, and my tenants who were in their 30s loved it — so I think it’s going to be good. I know he is an Avatar, the last one, of water, fire, earth, air — all the elements.

    I want to see Prince of Persia because I think Jake Gylenhall is HOT *sigh* You do fantastic expressing yourself, Sandra — :lol: I mean Sonia :wink:

  16. Frodes says:

    My favorite part is when he says “Bill, get out of her ear!!!” and “Bill, who are my people???”.

    LOL!!! So precious!!! I could just eat him up. :wub:

  17. Sabine says:

    LOL Frodes, I think by the time we’re done we’ll have quoted the whole interview! I love those parts, too!

  18. Gracie says:

    okay, you see what I mean?!? you guys were having this conversation last night at the same time I was watching signs and thinking about all the stuff that i unloaded earlier over at the bar!! Sabine, I love the blanket analogy…if only more people would see how important they are to that big blanket! You are an instrument of the universe in that you brought US all together.

    Sabine, you better get that new chapter done soon and get us girls focused again!

    Sonia, you are too a writer…you girls always take what i am thinking and find so much better ways to express it. my posts are like verbal diarrhea, so disorganized, just thoughts coming out of me…i’m hopeless!

  19. Sonia says:

    Sorry don’t have time to sign in gotta go soon.

    GRACIE GRACIE, girl you better not talk about yourself like that, I LOVE the way you speak. God knows I’m not lying. I’ve read enough of your comments to know what a sweet person you are and have been through alot, but that’s what makes you such a great person. On the contrary I think so deeply I can’t seem find the right words, I just put something else under the Bar as far as coincidences go, but I don’t have time to repeat it. Gotta take our daughter out to the carnival today, and will be thinking of Michael’s Neverland, come back and share it, bye!

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(Spike to Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)

“I just hope that one day they will be fair and portray me the way I really am, just a loving and peaceful guy.” ~ Michael
"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." W. Shakespeare

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