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08 Apr 2010

Neverland Movie Room

GIFs Pictures, Michael Jackson, Neverland Movie Room 108 Comments

Step right in, make yourself comfortable . . .

Tickets Please . . . or do you have anything else you want to give me? :kissing: :whistle: :wub:

Grab some popcorn (Michael is serving)

. . . . um I mean, I guess Michael is eating it :w00t:

Eheeem, can you excuse me?

Michael can you come over here for a minute . . .

“Just a sec, I’m getting more popcorn”

*After walking around for ages* “MICCCCCHHHHHAEEELLLLLL!!!!”

“Huh, you callin’ me?” . . .

“One sec ‘kay.  Let me finish this game”

*waiting patiently* :angry:

Okay, I’m aooooo sorry folks.  Back to what I was saying:   You have asked for massage chairs and yes, these will (or Michael will do it for you when he’s not eating popcorn or Candy)

Gee, thanks for volunteering my services.

. . .Oh come on Michael be nice!!! Okay, enjoy the

Uh, Michael the movie didn’t start yet.

“Oh, I know . . . I’m just so happy.”

[itk-eticker]The Making of Thriller & Video [/itk-eticker]

“This has been playing here for FOREVER!  But why mess up a good thing, huh?”

This is my favorite part, where Michael, standing amongst all these seasoned, professional dancers, KILLS it with his pure, natural raw talent!!

“You know what I’ve never understood about Thriller?  I don’t understand why Michael took that girl into the woods to ask her to be his girlfriend knowing he was a damn werewolf!?!?! . I really think he had every intention of ripping her  to shreds, don’t you think?  I mean, he waited until AFTER he asked her to be his girl to tell her he was different.  I mean it just seems really fishy  to me and well, if it was me” . . .

“Excuse me, Lady, are you kidding me?  Could you be quiet!?!?? Sheeesh!  The movies just about to start.”

*whispering and rolling my eyes* “What’s HIS problem?  Anyway, I have to say it’s amazing how good this still is 25 years later. More than amazing really.  You’ll see for yourself.   Everything was just way ahead of its time, even back then, so that now, it still looks really good, not out dated or anything.  And even the dancing is” . . . .


“Can you believe that guy?  He was acting like he was Michael Jackson himself!!!  I mean we all know he’s seen  it a thousand times like every single one of us!!!!!   Wasn’t it great??!?!?!?!  Okay this is the last thing I”m gonna say ’cause I don’t want him to yell at me again. . . . Let’s look at the difference a few years make. Live In Parañaque Metro Manila,Philippines HISStory World Tour(1st Leg), Asian World City Hall, December 8th, 1996:

Now don’t mind Pajama Michael — he slipped in here from the Recovery Room .




The Making of Stranger in Moscow & Video

Take a Time Machine Back to 1987 and Beyond

Michael An Instrument of Nature

MICHAEL JACKSON’s Ghost & The Making of Ghost




Our spirits are soaring with you Michael!

108 Responses to “Neverland Movie Room”

  1. Katerina says:

    I almost don’t want to watch these.. it’ll be too much.. good god Sabine where did you find these pix? he’s sooooooo…..

  2. Sabine says:

    Well, the pics are from the generous donations of internet MJ addicts all over!!!! You just have to search for them!!! :wub: But which pic are you talking about?

    Michael is so cute in this video, adorable really! :wub:

  3. Katerina says:

    I’m talking about all of them (except for those with the steady laughing logo). and which video are you talking about?

  4. Sabine says:

    I’m talkin about our special feature silly!!! The making of thriller and thriller! :silly: :lol: :biggrin:

  5. Frodes says:

    OMG, making of Thriller Michael is just so… just so…

    FREAKING ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just wanna die when I watch him sitting in that chair next to John Landis. Either die, or squeeze him to death.

  6. Katerina says:

    nope. don’t ask… $ony :devil:

  7. nancycastelli says:

    AWWW…. The videos are no longer available darn it!!!!!

  8. SweeneyTodd says:

    What! :pinch:

    :sorry: Give me a minute!


    :ninja: There you go, all fixed!

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“When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a . . man.”

(Spike to Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)

“I just hope that one day they will be fair and portray me the way I really am, just a loving and peaceful guy.” ~ Michael
"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." W. Shakespeare

"----->His intelligence is instinctual and emotional, like a child’s. If any artist loses that childlikeness, you lose a lot of creative juice. So Michael creates around himself a world that protects his creativity”. ~ Jane Fonda

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