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10 Apr 2010

We’re at Chapter 20!!!! Tell Us Your Favorite Parts of Cowboy Mike – NO not the sex!

Chapters, Cobra Crack, GIFs Pictures, Michael Jackson 136 Comments

It’s about that time again!!!!  While I’m finishing up the next chapter of TTWC, I wanna hear about your hands down, all time favorite parts of the last twenty chapters of Cowboy Mike, and no, no I don’t want to hear about the sex (if you can resist) :biggrin: .

Stranger in Moscow left her’s at the bar and gave me the idea.  I love to hear you guys talk about the portions of the story that touched you the most.  Here’s what she has to say, after reading like crazy over the past two weeks.  Thanks Stranger in Moscow!!!!

“OH I just realized u asked if I had any more favorite parts…wow..its extremely hard to choose favorites..but…(This is in no particular order btw) I love the part where Michael says he has a surprise for Sabah…and then shows up with Bubbles!!! Ahahahaha! I was laughing so hard XD another when Michael and Sabah are on the phone and Michael says something like “are u trying to have phone sex with me?” LOL!
Oh oh!!! And when Michael brings Emmanual to the condo to meet Sabah..and Emmanual is being all flirty with Sabah! I could not stop laughing at that!
More favorites are Michael Telling his mom that he’s gonna Marry Sabah…when Katherine hugs Sabah and Sabah just crys. I think that was sooo beautiful!
Oh and my most recent favorite is when Michael and Sabah are talking about what Michael said to Katherine…and when he tells Sabah “I told her I’m going to marry you”; and then they start to make love…wow. It was…just BEYOND amazing and sweet and meaningful. I love! ~ Stranger in Moscow

136 Responses to “We’re at Chapter 20!!!! Tell Us Your Favorite Parts of Cowboy Mike – NO not the sex!”

  1. Sabine says:

    Hey LOL! I was going to put up the CobraCrack dance but I saw that one and liked it :wink:

    Yeah, that’s the goal of Cowboy Mike to bring some normalcy to Michael’s life something he really needed. He can get that here, he deserved it. *tear*

    DeeDee, it really makes me humble that people would read these stories over and over, something I created – that’s like the best compliment ever! Your description of the differences between PM and CM, even though they are the same person perfectly illustrates the different dimensions to Michael’s personality.

    KK, if it’s a role that Michael stepped in and out of — I mean, if we want to look at it like that, then we’re all playing roles Most of us, change, depending on who we are with. Michael was just like that. Like Al Sharpton said, he wasn’t strange, it was what he was dealing with that was strange. He just adapted.

    I think all things considered, when we see child stars overdosing, committing suicide or totally breaking down, Michael held up pretty well under enormous scrutiny, great pressure and in the face of the expectations of so many people. I don’t think most people could live under that kind of scrutiny and not go crazy.

  2. MartiniGirl says:

    I did boss…
    I slept very well… and he is like my own little secret
    nice warm sexy potent soup secret…
    Tis funny that we all have certain picture you never get tired of!

    Oh how can you forget the waffles… I had to re read that chapter today – that is a really good one (like all of them) but when the start sharing their feelings… it is just always a bonus that the sex is good!


    okay – I am gonna grab a drinkg give gorgeous a quick kiss…. and off to my blog… (I gotta outta blog php hell and figured it out… now I just got to upload )

  3. MJQuan says:

    sabine..EVERYTHIMG IM WRITING RIGHT NOW IS SO SRIOUS!!!!!!! that last comment brought tears to my eyes……. :cwy: i just feel so bad about him, my angel, my love, my room is a shrine dedicated to my wingbearer…… i cry because i feel that pain he went through.. some things just stick to me like that….sabine between you and i, and everybody else… im a highly emotional person, everything touches my heart. either good or bad, and micheal was *sniff* so strong, I COULD OF NEVER LIVED THAT LONG….. you know, i know this is very awkward, but i looked at my mom, she reminded me so much of him they were both born in the same year but her b-day was feb 9. my mom loved children, i remember that she used to take all the children in the nieghboorhood, to the store and buy them snacks and then she’ll take them to the park and let them play,she even played with them.. my mom was so nice, and beautiful… she used to draw so beautiful, she could just glance at it one time, and draw it, and she loved drawing things that came to her heart also, she painted them sometimes…she owned a sewing shop, and she used to sue clothes for people who didnt have and give it to them for free.. me and my mom used to love walking around the neiborhood playing, we drew a picture together… she tought me how to draw, she feed the homeless from her own house….. she was an angel to me, and she passed alot of those qualities to me, she did so much.everybody knew her around town and everybody loved her… except one person.. somebody poisened her drink while she was out one night and made her lose her mind, which in the end killed her. when i was ten, i was in foster home, then one of my aunties adopted me and treated me just like joe treated michael, worse if you dare.. she used to slap me around, make me bleed and throw up… :cwy: and then her husband used to constantly molest me, and i could do anything about it..i myself used to pass out just by the sight of her,, my kness were weak and shaking…. i finally gained the strenth to run away at 16 and i lived in the streets for a month, all bloodied and smelly, and then my other anunt took me in but she was mean when she get drunk, i was sleep, and she came in the room and hit me with a two by four, so i left…i knocked on my cousin door all bloodied hungry, i weighed 114 pounds, i was supposed to be 135 pounds, i passed out and she took me to the hospital.they had to put an iv in me and keep me overnight so i wouldnt die…. now im safe now. but i went through so much but, i want to help people.. i want to be a good person, i have a child and my child is in the greatest care, i promised myself i would never do that to her… :wub:

  4. MJQuan says:

    my mom was 42 when she died :cwy:

  5. MJQuan says:

    oh and another thing, i was always different and people noticed it, i used to get picked on in school so bad, they threw rocks at me and hit me in the head with textbooks, but i strived on and i made it…it seems like people dont accept me for who i am, i lost many boyfriends and friends because of me, but i never got in a fight in my whole life… fighting is stupid and it doesnt solve anything… why cant the world just get along… they hate for no reason!!!! :angry:

  6. Sabine says:

    Awwww MJQUAN!!!!! :sad:
    (((((((((((((((((((((((BIG HUGE HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    Wow, thank you so much for sharing that with us!!!!!! That must have been so difficult, and I am hunored and touched by your honesty and your candidness. So many people hide their pain and scars — and that’s one of the things that I LOVE
    :heart: :wub:
    About Michael! He did not do that.
    You know it takes a phenomenally strong person to say, Yes, these horrible things happen to me —

    You are SO STRONG! Wow!!!! :wassat:

    I’m sooooooo sorry that you had to go through that!
    :angry: No child should have to live through so much turmoil and angush! :cwy:

    It’s difficult to read and hurts so much to know that another person could be treated so badly by others — my heart bleeds for you.

    YOur Mom sounds like such a wonderful person and you lost her as such a young age. (((((((MjQuan)))))))))
    But looking back at all you’ve been through I can see clearly that you are a survivor and I know you see that too, right?

    i want to be a good person,

    Awww, honey, you are a good person!!!! Look at what you’ve been through and look at what you’ve come away as — not a bitter, angry, arrogant, callous person who doesn’t think or care about how others feel

    :cheerful: But a beautiful, caring consciencous person who wants to help others.

    That is a gift — you are a gift, to all of us, becuase you took your pain and you made it your strength.

    I know you must think back to those times and feel lost and alone, but believe my honey YOU ARE NOT!!!!!!

    There’s a lot of people who have been hurt like you — and some of the bullies who taunted you and called you different, they were one of them, except there were too scared and not strong enough to admit it.

    they were doing to you what was done to them.

    God, if I had one wish, I want the world to WAKE UP and break the damn cycle!

    Treat other people the way you want to be treated!

    But then, see that’s the thing, some peopel go through what you have and they end up feeling like crap, and they don’t treat even themselves well, so that expect other people to put up with what they’ve accepted.

    A lot of people are drawn to Michael because of his woundedness. He was a beacon of light for all of us, but mostly for those who had been so hurt by people who were supposed to love them.

    I didn’t know you have a daughter? How old is she?

    Listen some of the greatest minds in the world were “different” — they didn’t run w/ the crowd or follow others – they were innovators and free thinkers and people often hated them for it.

    The people you “lost” — they weren’t your friends and it was time for them to go. Trust me!!!!!!

    Love you for sharing!!!!

  7. MJQuan says:

    thank you so much, i really neeeded that love…i really was a lost soul before i stumbled upon your site..i really love everything so much thats why its becomes a burden to comment on your chapters becauces(someone said earlier) i would just be re-writing it…

  8. Sabine says:

    But I lovvvvvee the coments. Can you imagine me sitting here talking to myself about the stories :lol:

    You are so welcome and I hope you feel it, the genuine sincere love . . . I am sending it to you right now.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I have a special place in my heart for those of us who have been violated, sexually, verbally and physically.

    It’s wrong!!!!!

    But I meant every word I said, you have taken your pain and made it your strength. There are so many people who never do that!

  9. MJQuan says:

    oh.. my chld is 18 months, its a girl.. she is very young and wise beyond her years…her first word was jackson :w00t: now she knows about five mj songs…she is so adorable…

  10. Sonia says:


    I haven’t been in a good mood since yesterday, and didn’t feel or know what to write, but after reading what all your wrote MJQuan…..I was like good Heaven, another person who has taken more than their share of some hater’s wrath. How many more will there be yet to come??? After ready you post….

    I was….


    I feel so bad, because when something traumatic happens to you, it feels like you have the worst. I felt like I had had my share of problems, but reading about your mom….

    :wub: :heart: Your mother sounded like a great person…God always takes the good ones early.

    :lol: By the way let me introduce myself formally I’m Sonia…I can be a bit loud around here sometimes, and very long posts, LOL!!! That’s very interesting I remember reading you’re 19 and have a daughter, WOW! Surprising fact, I’m sure you’re also a great mom like many of us here.

    OH hi Sabine….I was just feeling down since yesterday, but I just had to offer MJQuan L.O.V.E and support from my side as well.

  11. Sonia says:

    Reading about your mother MJQuan…I hope Michael’s kids will be well taken care of, I mean Katherine is old, don’t know how much longer she will hold out. I don’t trust any person in the Jackson family a bit. No wonder Michael didn’t leave his kids to anyone else.

  12. MJQuan says:

    hello sonia… i was kinda busy helping my grandma out. nobody wants to help her… theyre too petty.. so i does it, do they not know that she is the woman that contributed to making the most of us….. i have to do all the dirty work.. literally, but i feel like they dont even love her…she is in her last days and nobody cares!!! :angry: not even a visit…. thank you sonia for the love im very sensitive in a good way and i take very good things to my heart like you….but i feel that its in my genes to be a good person, i know oneday i would be able to help as many people as i can, i just want everyone to love each other… im so glad i found this site… this is a very good sign…..

  13. MJQuan says:

    i really hope you feel better soon sabah :lol: sonia.. (i was reading those comments when they kept f**king up your name…

  14. AnniesNotOK says:

    MJQuan, girl, a big big big hug to you. You are a good person and probably a very good mother because you care for and adore her. How sweet, I didn’t know you had a daughter!

    Hey, Sonia. How are you, are you feeling better girl?

  15. MJQuan says:

    OMG! OMG! OMG! ANNIE COMMENTED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO IN THERE… LOL!!! :lol: (WITH SABINE IN MIND) yea… its a very sad story how she was made :sad: lets just say i was a virgin before… :cwy: , but im very glad shes here so i can show here what true love is…..

  16. Sonia says:

    :wub: :heart: Anytime MJQuan

    Like you I have got relatives from hell also. Two of my maternal uncles got together and literally butchered their sister who is the youngest of 8 children because they wanted her to pay for living in their home and my mother was the root cause of it all and acted like it was no big deal. If you’re read any of my posts you’ll know my mother is no better than people like Antoinette and Joe Jackson. As for grandparents. Talk about pettiness, I’ve seen my grandmother being made to cry by one of my uncles wives, because she was using too much dish soap while doing the dishes my aunt and uncle are the the biggest cheapos from hell. I was like WTF, such an old petite fragile woman shouldn’t be washing everyone’s dishes and being made to work like a slave.

    :lol: As for my name…sometimes we get carried away in here sometimes and are really into the story.

    Thanks Annie..I’m feeling a bit better today.

    :devil: Actually I was pissed off at the hubby, because he was kinda doing something what Michael was doing when he wanted to protect Sabah and she was locked up for a week in the apartment and bouncing off the walls. I can’t stand it when men just think they have to over protect their woman, I was saying to the hubby next time mind yourself, just because you’re a so called Master’s graduate and all don’t mean you’re the smartest or something. Not only that he said something like “let bygones be bygones” and that made me madly insane. We were talking about my family and I said they are like prehistoric Neanderthals, civilized educated intellectual stuff doesn’t work on them, only a foot in the ass is the only language they get.

    :devil: UUUGGHHH

    But after reading MJQuan’s story I was feeling guilty because I sometimes sound like a whiny child, and I forget that there are stories out there far worse, and I should be thankful to God for what all I have. I’m too strong to get down like this but it happens once in a while, but that’s only human. It makes me so mad there are so many people out there who don’t see any wrong in what they are doing by hurting small children, that’s why I wanted to just tell my mother to her face what a@##^$% she is, it was a loose end that I need to tie up to heal, and hubby just got in there and stopped me so that’s why I was pissed. I told Sabine that I keep having recurring dreams, and just telling them what I think of them would really help release some of my steam, but whenever I go to do that BHAM!!! Hubby gets in the way. I told him I gonna kick his ass next time if he gets in the way. So he’s behaving himself. I’m surprised Sabah hasn’t thrown Michael across the room already, although these men have good intentions at heart.

  17. AnniesNotOK says:

    How sweet! You know what, I’m sure she’s so happy to have you as mother. I have a friend who’s having a really bad time in her life, from having the dream and hope to form a family to feel alone, abused, deceived, confused, … and she’s sooo young and her daughter is only 5 months old, but she is saying the same as you: that she’s so glad she’s here now and that now her life is for making her happy. I mean, after all the mistakes or bad times one can have, look at those beautiful little big things!!! Aren’t them worth it?

  18. MartiniGirl says:

    you guys are breaking my heart in here…


    I am just gonna retreat for a while.

    hugs AnnieKins…

  19. AnniesNotOK says:

    Hey Sonia, you were posting while I was writing, sorry! I really think dreams can help, if you work them. If you try to understand them, analyze, remember, write them down… I think they can show some subconscious things that you’re not aware of (because they’re subconscious, or you don’t want to see, or you’re afraid, etc). But, I’m expert on dreams the same as on husbands: zero. But maybe he can also help you to understand some things better, just give him a try :)

    And why are you saying you’re strong but feeling kind of guilty to get emotional or to feel some things more? We CAN feel, we DO feel, girl… we’re not machines!

    MGirl, girl (LOL), AnnieKins is me? How are you? Have you seen the new session on Neverland Room? And the new drink??? I still expel some smoke when I talk! It’s funny (and magic -yes, Michael, I know, we know…)

  20. MJQuan says:

    ok im back i had to help my grandma get from the toilet to the bed….hello martini girl. sorry for the sadness. i have more if you want… ok ill stop for now. thanks annie and sonia, but i do feel alone like literally, thats why im so glad i found this site so i can have some one to talk to… i can relate so much to michael, like many times i would go out at night just looking for anybody to be my friend… it wasnt a good idea lol! i am a very attractive youth and i probably was sending out the wrong signals… :lol: but you all know my heart….. :blush:

  21. Sonia says:

    :lol: We’ll today I’m finding out some interesting stuff about you ladies. You’re an expert on dreams, uh?? and husbands, zero.

    Well as for my husband, I know he is well intentioned, but this is also the same guy who come and says to me all the time nowadays “where would I be without you….or you’re always right and I’m always wrong”, LOL!!! I’m always teasing him saying things like….

    :biggrin: When God made man, God said to himself, “uughh I can do better than this”. Then God made woman and said “Perfect”. Of course I know that is just a joke, but I’m always saying things like men are God’s defective products, but looking at Michael NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. I try not to mention Michael too much to the hubby, you see he’s the jealous type, LOL!!! I’ve been married 10 years and believe me I know where my hubby is good and where he is a flop show. I told him I’m willing to listen to him on everything except on anything to do with my family. He went and spent like 12 days with them last year, and when he came back he said “you’re right they are the most f@cked up people in the world”, I REST MY CASE!. Of course he still hasn’t recovered from that visit.

    I never said I felt guilty for feeling rather I was feeling bad, because I know I had it much better than alot of other people out there, but sometimes I just forget that. I’m not afraid to face my fears or anything like that, but there was a time when I didn’t see everything clearly and didn’t have the confidence or know better to face my family. But today, I’m so full of confidence and clear in my thoughts and realized what all happened was so disgusting, and I just need to go back and have the last laugh and tell them all off. That’s something I feel would be very helpful, I was almost on the verge of doing that when a certain “know it all hubby” got in the way.

  22. AnniesNotOK says:

    No no Sonia, sorry I think I wasn’t clear. I’m no expert on dreams (nor husbands, poor me, little 8 years old girl -LOL), I can’t even remember them! Well, and about feelings I think that we always do what we can until we learn how to do it better. And Michael and jealousy, uh. He could have had a lot of defects, he could have had a lot of lacks, but still he was a so good person, a so lovely man, so pure, so talented, so… everything!, that the pack makes him a really tough “competitor” for anyone (not that anyone is fighting, though, I hope you’ll get the meaning).

    MJQuan, you know you’re not alone, don’t you? :) I mean, every time you need someone you just have to enter Sabine’s Bar with a loud “hello” and you’ll have company and every drink you want! Sure one or another will be at that very moment spending some time there. Or you can also be checking or re-checking “old” rooms. I like to do so. But girl, if you run into me in the hallways, be prepared for a big hug!

  23. Sonia says:

    :lol: No Annie I did get you…I was being sarcastic as you said you are ZERO, in dreams and husbands, LOL!!

  24. AnniesNotOK says:

    LOL, then was me who didn’t get you!

  25. Sabine says:

    Hi Sonia!!! I was wondering where you were honey!

    Okay when you see this two kisses from me on both cheeks!!!!!

    MJQuan, girl:

    Annie, there’s something in the movie room for you!

  26. Shaz says:

    Hi Sabine!

    I just caught up with the last 2 CM episodes and I already want another! :) Damn I’m greedy but they are just that good.

    So in the meantime (and hopefully to help prod those gods of fiction to drop the next episode down on you), here are some of my favorite things about CM.

    First, I want to just say a couple of things I love about it OVERALL…I love how you make it seem as if he is back here with us, and living a happier version of his real life. It’s comforting, somehow. And I love how you just drop these hidden nuggets of real information in the stories, like how his ranch is “Caribou Ranch” which he mentions in Moonwalk, his “shut up.” “no, you shut up” or “Pardon?” lines, etc. It’s like all of these inside references thrown in for us fans. It’s great. And I love how both our hero and heroine are strong, yet vulnerable. And how you always find the best pictures to illustrate your story!

    OK favorite moments:
    – the Yosemite Sam scene in the very first episode (“you’re violent” “I’ll show you violent!” LOL)
    -“Cun-trary to what you might think, I don’t get to do this a lot.”
    -“I’m on da phone, talkin’ to my baby.” :wub: “And what did they find out?” “That you’re a good girl who likes to ride cowboys!” LOL
    – all the descriptions of Michael driving…hilarious
    – Kit yelling “don’t forget about Jackie!”
    – “Well, this is not a business! I am not a business!” Tell it, Sabah!
    -“You know holding you like this, who you remind me of? Bubbles.” LMAO
    -“Mrs. M” – so sweet!
    -Holoma spiking the stew so Sabah could give him a “big fat baby” and then announcing that Sabah loves him. Yay Holoma!
    – Kit getting out the Coke, the cucumber, and the plantain, and “Well?” I love Kit!
    – Jonathan. He just always cracks me up, such a drama queen!
    – the scene when MJ first saw her with Jonathan and thought she was cheating…I just love that scene (and how he “knew for a fact” hello, Glenda tapes!)
    – Sabah’s gift for him..I love that she bought it for him even though she was pissed at him, and it was so sweet how she couldn’t wait for him to open it
    – love it how Mike’s voice gets all deep when he gets bossy
    – how he convinced her to really say she loved him (oops sorry is that a sex scene? hee hee)
    – “Not after I gave you my heart.” Aaaaw! :wub:
    – I love how you write about LaToya
    – the scene when they actually talked it all out after an argument for the first time
    – I like how you don’t shy away from subjects like the vitiligo and the surgeries
    – the Ten Things I Love About You notes
    – “Why are you doing this?” Because I don’t want you to hide from me anymore.”
    – his reaction when she told him she stopped taking her birth control pills
    – them embarassing Bill in the car
    – “So, you have my baby growing in there?”
    – those pics she took of him on the boat
    – that phone conversation: “Oh I’m big huh” :tongue:
    – the scene with Emmanuel LOLOL
    – “Oh I am on to you sister” when he sees her with Bubbles
    – when Sabah cried in Katherine’s arms…I cried through that whole scene! :unsure:
    – “Because I’m going to marry you.” :wub: and “Don’t you cover your face with me”
    – the scene with Jonathan and Antoinette
    – Sabah calling up all the tabloids to yell at them
    – How she gets all freaky with him in his old man disguise, that scene cracked me up (love how differently she felt about being with him in disuise than she did the first time)

    – And last but not least, THE SEX! ALL OF THAT HOT STEAMNG LOVIN’!! Ha ha sorry hon I had to say it! :angel:

    Thanks for doing what you do, and sharing it with us!

  27. Sabine says:

    Hey Shaz, OMG is this like your first comment!!!!

    Anyway I love it I’m really smiling reading all of the moments you quotes. It’s like reading it again through your eyes, I’m smiling at ll the things you mentioend, things that I even laughed at when I wrote “big fat baby” everytime I typed that I laughed!

    And I just love that you loved the heart to heart talk — I swear I left that part in but i just knew that NO ONE was going to like it — I mean I LOVED :wub: :heart: it, and I love a relationship like that but I guess I think sometimes that peope just like drama!!!!

    So that’s the best part is reading so many people say that they love the realnes, the touching on important tough subjects and the honesty and openess.

    And well yeah, the sex too!

    Oh by the way, your comment did inspire me!!!

  28. Sonia says:

    Oh Hi Sabine

    :angry: You didn’t read, I was too pissed off at the hubby to comment all day yesterday. I can be like a fire breathing dragon, when I’m ticked off. The Dragon is actually my birth sign in the Chinese Calendar also, so it comes as natural to me. I can’t stand it when someone tries dominate me, even if their intentions are good. Like I said if I was Sabah I would have swung Michael across the room by now.

    I was doing some reading on Lucid dreaming yesterday, still having those recurring dreams, so I’m working on it.

    But feeling much better, its just that when I get into a mood like that it can take a few days for me to calm down. Didn’t want to come here and spread negative vibes, so that’s why I was quiet, then I read MJQuan’s comment and I felt very bad.


  29. Shaz says:

    Hee hee it was my 2nd comment – I’m the girl who just found you recently and read the first 18 chapters over 1 (steamy) week!!
    :silly: :lol:

    And yes thank God I do have my husband to take it out on (lol)…though with 2 young kids it is a challenge. heck even stealing the time to read these is a challenge sometimes, but “I can’t help it, if I wanted to….”

    Anyway I’m glad you liked my comment, I really wanted to show some appreciation! You know how when you finish a really good book and you wish you could say “thank you” to the author, but you don’t know how to reach them (or you can’t because they are no longer living)? Well I realized in this case I CAN say thank you, and how great is that?

    I do love the scenes like the heart to heart talk that show the reality of their relationship (see it is real to me!) , it can’t be all hearts and flowers, can it? That would be boring. You have such a wonderful imagination. And I’m sure your man benefits from that as well, LOLOL! :biggrin:

    Yay fiction gods – bring it on! :wink:

    p.s. I’ve started on Prince Michael now as well (see I needed some kind of fix). I do like it, but CM has my heart!

  30. Sabine says:

    Hey Shaz, well I can’t wait to see what you think of Prince MIchael!!!! Don’t read the comments though, you’ll ruin the “surprise”.

    And thank you for thanking me! It is my extreme pleasure, believe me!

    hey Sonia, no, no, I did read about your husband and your battle with him! LOL! I wasn’t “there” for the conversation though, so that’s why I didn’t respond.

    I’m glad you’re feeling better though. Just breath!!!!

  31. deedeeluvmike says:

    hiya sabine honey; fellow CCC addicts :blush:

    how’ the day? LOL :cheerful:

    :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: just re-read the whole experience again and i am happy to tell you you will be happ to know i’m addicted to my tow resident BB’S CM & PM all over again! :silly: :lol: :biggrin:

  32. Sabine says:

    Hey DeeDee!!!!

    You’re one addict that knows how to feed her addiction!!! You go girl!!!!

  33. MartiniGirl says:

    ….he stopped right in front of Sabah and pinned her with his electric eyes. It seemed to the both of them that you could hear a pin drop when he leaned forward over the barriers and Sabah met him halfway.
    A spot light seemed to fall on the two of him and the roar of the crowd lessened to a dim rumble as he took her lips in a tender kiss. Nothing mattered but the two of them.

    And the picture was so amazingly purr-fect!

  34. Sabine says:

    I sooooo love it when it all comes together perfectly!!!!

    You know Martinigril, I have convinced myself that it really happened just like that. When I see that picture, I say, Wow, look at Sabah!!!!!

    OMG, I’m so crazy :silly:

  35. MartiniGirl says:

    Nope not crazy I feel the same way.
    When I read these part and get all mushy and fluttery inside. Which to be honest – what all girls (no matter what age) want from romance… we all wanna feel that girli-ness. And you do that in our two stories.

    I don’t wnat it to ever end – maybe that is why I love PM so much – we can take that fantasy where ever we want (I mean the royal we.. as in YOU)

    I am just so loving the idea that Michael had some he loved and someone who loved him back just for him.

    I am feeling kinda mushy today… you know I told a friend that hubby and I are going to LA in August and they said oh really… what are you gonna do – so I gave he deets of the trip and made mention that I wanted to be there for Michaels birthday and meet other fans… she was like – oh don’ t worry, won’t tell anyone.. I am like – why? I don’t care who knows that… why should she…

    OYE – I am off to the bar for a drink and to find more memories!

  36. Sabine says:

    Martinigirl: oh don’ t worry, won’t tell anyone..

    :face: :pouty: Pulllleeeeasssse . . . . as if anyones who doesn’t like Michael matters!

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"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." W. Shakespeare
“When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a . . man.”

(Spike to Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)

“I just hope that one day they will be fair and portray me the way I really am, just a loving and peaceful guy.” ~ Michael
"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." W. Shakespeare

"----->His intelligence is instinctual and emotional, like a child’s. If any artist loses that childlikeness, you lose a lot of creative juice. So Michael creates around himself a world that protects his creativity”. ~ Jane Fonda

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