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“Michael: “I had to stop at Chapter 3, seriously. I was in shock!”
I’ve got a challenge for our newcomers and an invitation for our veterans. Shamone, follow me . . .

“Sabah, get down from there before you fall.” ~ CM XV Rock With You
For our Newcomers: Can you read Cowboy Mike from beginning to end? Grab a towel, a fan, a block of ice, have a tub of ice cold water available, and if you’re married/have a boyfriend or a “special” friend, tell him to sit by the phone and be on stand by and okay, 1, 2, 3 —
Start reading!!!!! LOL! :lol: :biggrin: :silly:
For all of you veteran addicts who practically have the book — YES BOOK — memorized, take a moment, after you’ve gotten over your shock and left me a proper comment for the last chapter and tell me your favorite all time, hands down favorite part of the book. When did YOU fall in love with Sabah and Michael, as a couple?????? :wub:

"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." W. Shakespeare
ahhhhhhhh I have to comment first?
Okay I will… but all I have to say is…
Are you enjoying me Michael?
Very much so….
Chapter one! How did I guess Mgirl?
I have several and I don’t even need to go back to the chapters to recall them.
:tongue: And yes, I know I’m not following instructions because I haven’t left a proper comment on the last chapter.
One of my favorite moments, is when they were on the phone talking and Michael was begging Sabah to come over to the condo, but she wouldn’t because she was still afraid about the horrible episode at Hayvenhurst. And she was telling him about the documentary she saw about the camel and the Asians or Eskimos.
I swear my favorite line from Michael is “I’m not gonna say anything about how ignorant you sound right now.”
Now the entire moment was sweet, especially the end when she wanted him to write her a song for her mother, but what stood out to me was this line and his teasing and their comfort and easy flow of conversation back and forth as a couple!
I’ll have to come back to talk about my other favorites!
:lol: Ladake, come back and comment as often as you like!!!
That’s when Sabah was telling him that Eskimoes and Asians were the same right or she didn’t know the difference.
Oh, Sabah!!!! It’s very cute, isn’t it, just to listen to two people who are truly in love talk — I think it’s the best part of any relationship, the little things :wub:
you know that’s a real movie/documentary. i have to get the name of it. I really liked it and I guess you can tell it stayed in my mind, enough that I included it in the story.
Oh, you bet your ASS I’ll be re-reading this shit!!! And I’m gonna re-comment on each chapter after it’s done. OMG I’m actually getting excited thinking about it. This will tide me over until our Prince comes out of hiding or until Bad Boy Mike hits the stage. HOLLA!!!
LMAO!!!! That first one is my favorite! Only Michael could make a man spazz out like that!!!! Look at how Michael keeps glancing at him!!!!!
I just went through all the chapters and put in all the links, for the prior chapter and the one that comes next, to make it easier for someone to overdose and go comatose on CobraCrack if they’ve got a couple of hours to spare!!!!
Now that second link I KNEW what it was! You love that don’t you!?!?!?!?
Dude!!! How could you NOT love that gif??? It so says what lots of people can’t describe at that particular moment. I let this kid speak FOR me.
i love it …..I am forever……oh i love him so much wow…………..i just can’t stop loving you is my favorite……….
lol…Until PM comes out of hiding.
:tongue: They’ve been locked up in that room for so long on their ‘honeymoon’ Saniia’s probably knocked up with triplets!
Another, ‘this is soooooo love’ moment is right after Abena and Olivia leave after the first visit. Though I’ve already told you Sabine, that this is a favorite scene. (And I’m starting to sound like a broken record as I realize all the scenes are my favorites!)
Anyhoo…once Sabah realizes that ‘OMG I stopped taking my BC’ and goes, forlorn, into the living room to watch TV and get away from Mike cuz she knows that just being near him will lead to him being..ahem *cough* you know.
And when he first comes in the room and lays down on the couch, the way you describe him just ‘staring’ at her. And then when she finally tells him and he realizes he has to stop ‘Why are you doing this to me…’ But does it anyway!
Um…Sabah was not the only one effected by Michael talking about making her pregnant.
But the best is the conversation that follows right after when they’re arguing (or Sabah’s arguing) over why they can’t have sex anymore and Michael just says ‘Huh?’ every time she tried to explain why they had to stop. Yes, he wanted her to get pregnant (so do I), but that scene was just sooooooooo funny (I was cracking up) and intimate and sexy!
…..It’s tooo early in the morning to be thinking about these kinds of things……
i love this ….when he starts singing my heart melts…..oh i miss u so michael…i need that gif where did u find it
Oh God,my favorite part……hmmmm…..there are so many,but when I fell in love with Michael and Sabah it’s when he asks…….*how is your arm?*……*it’s fine*……….*can you take off your shirt?*…..and the magic begins
I’m really enjoying reading all of the memories!!! You guys, write about anything that comes to mind!
The funny parts, the sad parts, the parts that made you angry.
I love reading about all of it!!!
Hey Foreverinmyheart, are you talking about the chapter I just Can’t Stop Loving You?
You have to tell me why!!!! I need to know!
(my neice, she’s so cute, when she wants something and you tell her no she says, I have to have it or I have to do it — OMG!!! :lol: :wub: )
ladake… I love that scene too…
Now what else do I like?
Dessert? hahahah HA!
I came to get this….
You have my baby growing in here?
You know me queen… i love it all… love all the bits!
I have a lot of favorite scenes in different chapters. One of my favorite chapters is ” I Wanna Be Where You Are.”
#1 Sabah struggles with her inner emotions on whether or not she should just up and leave Mike or stay and be with him.
#2 Her mind stopped short when she started staring at Mike by examinig his body and realizing how sexy he really is.
#3 Mike catches her staring at him and she realizes that hes lookin at her although he has he shades on.
#4 The Best Part!!!!!!!! Sabah and Mike’s gazes hold very long and then Mike asks her what is she staring at?
#5 Mike accuses Sabah of undressing him with her eyes then, Sabah LIES (which is hilarious!)
You now I reread the first three chapters yesterday — I forgot most of what I wrote, which made it kind of nice to read!!!! :cheerful:
I know it sounds crazy, but I really did!
So I wanna be where you are — I didn’t get up to that one yet!
I’m have a vague memory of it, but you’re reminding me!
That’s when Sabah was trying to fight the love but the force, it had a lot of power .. . . . . :cheerful:
Poor Sabah, she didn’t have a chance!!!!!
I can’t wait to hear more!
Okay, I have to think about when I fell in love with Sabah and MIchael as a couple but I’m in the mood to talk about the sex right now and the moment I realized just how much power the force has was this: Michael and Sabah at her place in the shower for the first time. Good Lord, Sabine, what you wrote there has probably branded my mind and my imaginaton for ever!!! :biggrin: :angel: He taking the cobra in his hand and then kind of guiding it into…wow, that was sooo sexy. Plus, Michael with wet hair, small beads of water all over his skin…*dies*
Oh, well, it’s a tie, there’s actually another moment that stands out for me: Michael and Sabah in the gallery, making up after he saw her hugging Jonathan and was consumed with jealousy. The way he makes love to her in that scene is soooo sensual and hot. I mean, the whole composition of this scene was so great! At first she gives him the Peter Pan book…this was actually a moment I really felt her love for him, very sweet. And then the mood shifts and Michael turns into this confident sex god, driven by his senses only. I love how he really loses himself in making love to Sabah, that is so sexy…not just in this scene. I love that transformation and the way he goes back to being shy and embarrassed about it all afterwards. :smile:
Oh, and I think I have a chapter that I feel in love with Michael and Sabah as a couple reading. I don’t remember the title or every single detail but it’s when they go on vacation together to Hawaii.
The way you describe their surroundings, their love making outside, the photo session on the ship and even the old lady’s matchmaking because she wanted Sabah to have baby by Michael was so sweet! Yes, that was magical, one of my favorite chapters. :heart:
Ha, ha, :lol: :silly: :biggrin:
I love how you tell me to not put so much sex in BBM, and then come here in favorite moments and talk all about the sex!!!!!
:tongue: :kissing:
And you described some of the hottest scenes — sometimes I read them over and I go
I mean, really blushing as I’m reading — believe me, I’m not lying!!!! You would think I’m crazy!!!!!
Yes, I think the Hawaii chapter is the turning point — isn’t that when Sabah finally admits that she loves him? Or is it when Michael tells her?
Thanks for sharing the best moments!
Favorite line from that chapter:
“I want to come inside of your private entrance, Sabah.”
SABINE! Well in the hell do you come up with these things? My God, girl.
I wanna come inside your private entrance
You know, I have to toot my own horn and say, if not written correctly that could be such a corny line!!!!!
But I worked it!!! :whistle:
I have to agree that was a wonderful chapter – that was a great line… made my heart skip a beat…
I also like from that chapter… when he is touching her in the car… and she can’t seem to concentrate and she wonders… if she would always melt whenever he touched her.. *sigh* (yes, you will)
I also love how adorable he is when she is coming into the house and he is wrapped up in the curtains… so perfect and so Michael… sexy one moment sweet adorable the next…
I couldn’t agree with you more, MartiniGirl…
:wub: :wub: :wub:
My first encounter with Mike and Sabah was when they went to Hawaii. Consequently, I think their time on Holoma’s island will forever be special to me. I loved the conversation Mike had with Mr. Holoma on the beach and the way it inspired him to…uh, I think you know what I mean! Of course, I thoroughly enjoyed Mrs. Holoma’s matchmaking efforts as well – and her soup. I don’t know if the soup had an effect on me too, but I’ve been obsessing about Michael and Sabah having babies ever since, looking for little signs here and there…and obviously seeing things that are not there…yet… I hope… Come on! :whistle:
Anyway, realizing that the chapter was part of a longer story was a great experience for me too. I was like a child on Christmas morning, who just cannot wait to unwrap her presents. I went back to chapter one with blushing cheeks and sweaty palms…and a heart rate that must have defied the laws of nature. :biggrin:
Jesus Christmas! With every line I read, my smile grew wider. In fact, I think it would have taken an operation to remove the smile from my face. However, I think it was probably a good thing that I first met them on the island, since chapter one was a bit more…uh…okay, it was sex, not lovemaking and since I’m a hopeless romantic when it comes to Michael, well maybe it would have scared me off. After Holoma’s island however, I was ready to handle that. I must confess that their first time in the bath totally blew me away. I hate to say it, but sometimes I think Michael’s “Fffuuuuccckkkk” just beats it all. No matter what I read, I just cannot seem to forget that scene.
Ay, ay, ay…nobody is going to believe that I am a hopeless romantic after I told you this. :blush:
Another special moment for me was when Katherine comforted Sabah. I cannot remember which chapter it was, but I still remember how good it made me feel. It is probably the scene, which emotionally affected me the most.
First and foremost however, I love the story because it brings Michael back to life and gives him what he truthfully deserved. L.O.V.E.
:heart: :wub: :heart:
Hello Sabine, Ldies. G’…….. to all respective times zones :wub:
sabine , i have a gripe against you. the board was not this delicious when i had my comp now that i dont your talent that is a volcano has blown up alll over the board/ how is that fair? :wink:
now hands down MY fav is when sabah cornered mike in the bathroom and said ”let me see you” and i really really really really really hate to bring THIS MAN { MARTIN BASHIR} INTO THE EQUATION but i have a point i wanna make here in that, when mike said ” why are you doing this to me” to her i can actually HEAR AND SEE him do it like he did covering his face in the B tapes and i love how she replied ” i dont want you to hide from me anymore”
to me i think this is exactly how ‘I JUST CANT STOP LOVING YOU WAS PENNED’ mike said this to some special person he’s just not telling [ dont blame him] :smile: and the love scene after/ i died a thousand deaths! * le sigh* :blush:
then there’s the ” mike please dont be angry”’ in the last chappie; where she’s trying to tell him what colin did LOl but she taking her time getting to the point reassuring himthat she did nothing wronh and he said ” you’re making me angry” :biggrin: i mean, he sounded so cute and looked even cuter glaring at her like he did in that interview with LISA on D.S , remember the way he was glaring at her / any moment i expected fire to come shooting outta his eyes :w00t: but with sabah it was a more loving glare like ”woman get to the point so i can go kill colin kinda glare” :whistle:
then there was the time he… and the time she… and then they… and also the time when… Sabine are you really prepared for me to quote back the whole entire BOOK……..? i was that .. i want my copy pronto :smile:
to you.
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo; PM is hidinh huh? cute, because i thought he was ” just bathing in the moonlight” that is Saniia. good thing the have no kids or pets to neglect :whistle:
just some addicts:cwy:
OKAY NOW THAT’S SAID , i fell in love with them when he was making love to her and after her amazing *ahem* she started crying …..
i think it was the third or maybe fourth chappie? not sure have not re-read yet :whistle: yes. i know i am cheating but i like to think after reading this story so many times i have it memorized :wink:
butttttttttttt, she started crying and mike said ” whay are you crying?” she did not answer because unlike mike her and i knew she loved him very much from that point onwards or more importantly she acknowledged it to herself; THE CAT WAS LET OUTTA THE BAG OF HER LOVE FOR HIM IN HAWAII BY Holoma’s wife nad the rest they say is his/her story….. :cool:
Hey girls!
OMG! I love strolling down memory lane with everyone! :wub:
Hi Enola!!!
You know, that chapter is special to me too! First of all, I tried to change the location that the Gods of Fiction had given me — I didn’t want Michael and SAbah to be on a plane for as long as it would take to get to Hawaii — well let me tell you, after several hours, the God’s of Fiction said Okay, now, are you ready to write what I told you!!!!!
That’s when I knew for sure, I had to step out of the way of the story and like Michael says about his music “let it write itself” !!!!
No, no, I don’t!!!! :devil: What do you mean?
Visions of little Micahs for you too, huh? Aren’t they cute :heart:
OOOOh!!! That’s like when you read a great book and realize it’s part of a series it’s like OMG!!!! I love that feeling! :w00t:
I have to agree w/ you there, Enola, it WAS just sex, but I never intended to write more than the one chapter!!!!!
Can you believe, I’ve forgotten so much of the story, but I remember that line!!!!!
I remember that one too. It was sweet, and Sabah soooooo needed that motherly love!
Thank you Enola! That was a lovely stroll!!!!!
Okay, let me catch up to some of the others!
Hey DeeDee!!!! *out of breath* give me a minute!!! :cheerful:
Hello Sabine, Ldies. G’…….. to all respective times zones :wub:
Don’ blame me! Blame it on the sunshine, the moonlight, the goodtimes and the Gods of Fiction!!!!
Yep, I remember Michael doing that in that interview! I wonder if I had just watched it or seen it and that’s why I wrote that. I remember when he asked Martin, “Why are you doing this to me” — I was sooooo touched by that question, so I had to be influenced by that, girl!!!!
Remember when he said in that interview “I was inda bed when I wrote that.” I remember thinking to myself, Yeah, um, with WHO!!!?!?!?!
Now we know!
Ha, ha, ha, DeeeeeeeDeeeee! You’re so funny!!!! :silly: :biggrin: :happy:
Yes, yes, YESSSS!!!! I want to hear all of it!
Prince Michael will be back reallllll soon — he told me! :smile: :whistle:
Oh, here I thought you were finished! YES! Hi DeeeeeeeDeeeeeeeeeee again!
That one tear, right! It’s so romantic, I’M DYING :wub:
I wont’ tell you which chapter (but it was number 4 the one Mgirl likes so much, I think) :wink:
You know I can See Holoma — I know just what she looks like, and i can here her saying, You tell me you love Mr. M all the time!!!!!
:biggrin: :lol: :smile: :silly:
Up until then Michael had no idea!!!!
i’mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm baccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk agaaaainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn LOL :wub:
MY OTHER FAVE was when holoma made the soup to help mike get Sabah preggos HHHHAHAHAHAHAHHhhh oh i laughed until i was gonna bust when she told mike that holoma put something in the soup but before that she was describing how mike was gobbling that thing like a starving man heehee, then when she told him holoma put something in it for him to get her pregnant suddenly he started having symptoms :lol: LIKE HE WAS poisoned
and those are the little things i remembered most about your story apart from the amazing bed action that they were having, the little attention to details you added like the laughter at the right time or the delicious food to set the mood to their lovemaking.
girl :wub: i cant tell you how many times you describing a meal for them made MY mouth water although i dont know how they survived because they seem to @#%& MORE THAN EAT :wink: not complainin’ mind you , but woman, i’m single, those scenes were not good for my heart or nether regions…. but it’s mikey so i just watch him sizzle and simmer with the love of HIS life Sabah.
oh thank you for telling PM that i am missing him….hope he makes an appearance soon ,until then i will be harrassing BBM if he makes an appearance first. :devil:
Oh BTW I’m WITH MGIRL…………. I Just Cant Stop Loving You is my fave chap too, i think their connection in that chap was not only physical,emotional but spiritual as well
i think they secretly got married in that CHAP; they’re just not saying [[circa janet and rene] :ermm:
OKAY THAT’SI IT FOR NOW MY SON WANTS HIS COMP BACK ………… C.U.L8eerrr maybe! :whistle:
the chapter when he had her in the kitchen and said he was looking for something then said oh there it is , oh well you know the rest. and of course the first chapter, he shocked me , three times before sundown, i love that.
Hey Deb,
Are you talking about when Sabah was taking her anger out on the dishes and he came in saying he would help her?
Ha, ha, again I can’t remember what you mean, Deb! I’m still up to the chapter when she’s telling Kit about Michael oh, and trying to break up with him.
Sabah is nuts! :cheerful:
hmm.. its hard for me to say WHEN i fell inlove with michael and sabah as a couple. But I think i fell inlove with them over the plane ticket argument they had. I mean come on, any girl would have died to be in sabah shoes and accept michael’s offer to see them again but sabah was all huffing and puffing like “oh heck no.. i dont care who you are or think you are but you don’t boss me around..” Also, I loved them together when Michael made love to her on the wall at that cabine they were in hahahaha! Back side attack! LOL :wub:
Hello. I just foundt his fic. I wanted to comment on your brilliant masterpiece. At first I didn’t think I could suspend my disbelief becaus Michael and Sabah had sex the first day they met. But you have me hooked and I’ am completely lost in the story! I’m on chapter 10 but for some inexplicable reason I started over. lol I want to comment on the way Michael skillfully seduced Sabah in Ch 1. I don’t think it was accidental that he positioned himself in that 69 position. *wink* He got Sabah to do what he wanted without asking. Everything fell into place. I wonder if he knew before their first kiss that he was going to have sex with her? I stopped breathing momentarily when he asked Sabah about taking off her shirt. So confident and almost nonchalant.. Sexy!
“So how are we going to do this without hurting your leg?” Guuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! *faints* Sabah isn’t the only one who’s body jerked in anticipation!
“I’m going to turn you over and do you from the back now.” Again. Guuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh! *swooning* Then you add insult to injury with the sexy spanking! :devil:
I’m off to do do more reading! I saw the preview for the Bad era fic. That is my favorite Era. I cannot wait. Thank you for this amazing story.
*cough* *cough* I was wondering where all that smoke was coming from!!! I see your sweating put out the fire!!! Good!
:lol: Hey Calypso, welcome, welcome, welcome!!!!!
Soooooooo you’ve had your first hit huh . . . . no, wait a minute you’ve about ten so far!!! Well, I hope you’re enjoying them the second time around. I love your quotes
Did I write that? The truth is I only ever meant to write that one chapter, the first one but naughty sweet angelic Michael, gotta love the contrast!!!!
You think he planned it, huh? Well lucky for you he tells you about that later on :wink:
Keep commenting girl, I love comments and welcome again! :heart:
Thanks for the welcome Sabine. :heart:
I should clarify something. I don’t think Michael took her back to the mountain ranch with the intention of having sex with her. I think the sex was spontaneous. But in the moment that he realized what he was about to do I don’t think he accidentally fell in to that 69 position. Am I making sense? :devil:
You’re so welcome , Calypso, I think your analysis is spot on! You’re making perfect sense! :lol:
now what i was talking about was in chapter one he makes love almost as soon as she’s in the cabin and then in the shower and then in the bed and the sun hadnt went down yet. also i loved loved loved , man in the mirror , when he decided to have her for breakfast, finger likin good, omg (dies). another thought, is please (on my knees) dont slow up with the sex scenes, i look forward to those. but my most sentimental favorite was when he curled up in a ball in the bed about his skin and joe and all that and they laid together and cried(by the way so did i) and then sabah cooked for him omg so romantic and just what he needed someone who really cared.
I love how you say, Don’t slow up on the sex scenes!!! :lol:
You know I don’t plan on writing them!!! I swear. Sometimes I say to myself, no sex in this chapter . . . . but it just doesn’t work out that way!!!!
Ok ladies,
So I’m waaaay out of the loop, so much Michaeling to do so little time. I’m up for the challenge, just got my password and started reading Bad boy Mike as I love me older Michael, but I see I may have to go back so I can understand their history, plus I don’t want to miss any hot sex scenes!!!!!! Shamone!!! :w00t:
Oh yes definitely you gotta start from the beginning KJ — keep commenting let me know how you’re doing. I suggest a pitcher of ICE COLD water!!!
I fell inlove with them when Mikey Bear bought sabah a plane ticket :D That’s when I knew Mikey Bear is hooked on some Sabah for life :D
I knew the cottage experience was not a one night stand… hehe :D
yeah… the beginning…
very much so…
So you knew Mikey was strung, huh? Like you are on da crack :tongue:
Sabine, help me please!! I read chapter 1 – shamone!! that was hot, but now I can’t find chapter 2, of Cowboy MIke, at the rate I’m going I may have to quit my job and school if I’m to ever catch up!!
KJ – just go to the top and put you mouse over what type of addict are you – you will see cowboy mike – it is listed in last posted – so you have to go to the 4th page i think – it is pretty easy to follow once you get to the page…
Thanks Martini Girl – I found it and then lost my way again, I have it now, tks for instructions. I tell you cowboy Mike is killing me softly with all those moves on our first date!!!! I may ever sleep again, for some reason I have to read each chap. twice!! Got to take a cool down break now!!
n/p all addicts need to be enabled!
girl you on on your way to my favourite chapter…
you will know when you see all my silly comments
if you have to die… he is the only way to go
Hey girls, the link for the next chapter is at the end of the previous chapter Simple :smile:
It’s the addiction — I know :biggrin: