Oh Goodness! I need a drink ASAP! That was incredible LOL! What video clip is 3:31 from????….OMG! This clip is beautiful and his voice just amazing! BRAVO!
Gemeuxx: Oh Goodness! I need a drink ASAP! That was incredible LOL! What video clip is 3:31 from????….OMG! This clip is beautiful andhis voice just amazing! BRAVO!
That clip is from the “Who Is It” video. Doesn’t he look delicious?!?!?!!?
Editing is something I really want to get into but I have NO IDEA where to start!!! My dream job would be film editing.
Sabine… you never fail to use gifs at the most appropriate times. Of COURSE I love where you put it!!! To be honest you can put Mike anywhere and he looks good, but hey, that’s just me.
To be honest you can put Mike anywhere and he looks good, but hey, that’s just me.
I think you know what came to mind when you said that, right? :w00t: You can’t be talking to me like that!!!
Frodes, girl, a film editor can MAKE or break a film!!!! That’s an important job, and it is HARD WORK — I’ve made some videos in my time and its very time consuming but at the end of the day rewarding work. I fooled around with Windows editing program, damn I forget the name and the one that came with my video camera. You should start there.
Hey Ameera girl, I left the youtube link so you guys can show love to her page! She deserves lots of praise for that perfect video!!!!!
I can’t agree with you MORE!!! It’s the EDITOR that decides the look and feel of the film, not the director like everyone thinks. I mean, I’m sure they play some part but the editor is the one that gets to REALLY play around with the director’s palette of colors that was given to him. I’ve had other people tell me how time consuming it is as well but still, forget about it. I’d LOVE to work that shit!!!
So what came to mind then, girl??? You gonna tell me now or save it for Bad Boy Mike??? Seriously, though. He DOES look good anywhere. In a park, sitting in a car, in between my legs, it’s all good.
Woooow, thank you MartiniGirl and Sabine!!! :w00t: :w00t: This video is amazing, as you said, the editing is perfect and the choice of song, too. I love 2000 Watts but it took me a while to find out that it’s actually quite dirrty, too, at least the first few lines when he sings “Bass note, treble, Stereo control, how low you go
Just enough to make your juices flow “. :blush: :blush: That’s hot, hearing him say that… :blush:
I love how the video takes the best from every era and you get a complete look at Michael’s genius and hotness. He always looked so good! :heart: And that he changed his looks so often makes him soo sexy and fascinating imo, nobody reinvented himself look-wise as often as he did.
Sabine, girl you are doing an amazing job with this site, I can’t tell you enough….Wow, it was this time last year when I first saw you type! LOL A year already goodness times flies! Mjsgirl thank you so much for sharing the video with all of us! I must add it to my favorites. Does anyone know how tall Mike was? So many sites say 5’9-5’11. To me he looks taller than 5’9 but then again he was so lean so I don’t know.
Hey Gemeuxx!!! This site is my little luv baby :wub:
I guess that why people say pic a career you love!!!!! It’s been a year right, crazy!!!!! Time is so elusive, I’m always fascinated by that.
Hmmmm, I think Michael was about 5’10 — 5’11 with shoes on — the screen makes you look taller. But people who met him said he was tall — so I think the thinness also thad something to do with that. Jackie was 6’0 and he didn’t tower over Michael. His Mug shot says 5’11 and they have you stand against height measurement against the wall for that.
Gem, do you know about all those death hoax sites? When I was looking for Michael driver’s lisense I came across a website that was showing that Michael’s true name is not Michael Joseph Jackson but Michael Joe Jackson :cheerful:
Though in the interview with Barbara Walters he clearly said, I’m Michael Joseph Jackson, I’m not Wacko. they claim this information makes the DC which says Michael Joseph Jackson invalid.
So his drivers liscence in 1989 says 5’9, but I know when I got my lisence they didn’t measure me, they just asked me. Maybe Michael thought he was 5’9? :lol:
He was so thin it does make you seem taller, I always though he was at least 6′ feet.
Wow Sabine, I didn’t know about these death hoax sites at all…This is really interesting. When I first got my drivers liscense, I didn’t know how tall I was exactly so I put 5’5 then I later found during a physical at 21 I am 5’7. So that’s understandable, a lot of people don’t know how tall they really are unless they measure themselves. I saw a youtube clip of him during the triumph tour 79 or 80? He looked so tall standing next to Jackie and I kept looking at his feet to see if he was wearing boots or something lol He was like an inch shorter than Jackie in that clip, but damn doesn’t he look fine as hell in that driver’s liscense pic! ahhh! so sexy. He has really long legs and a short torso so maybe that’s what makes him seem so tall. I figured having rheumatoid arthritis as he age would cause him to shrink. Towards the end he definitely looked around 5’8 or 5’9. My name is Marie Charmaine, people call me Charmaine my name is so long that on my SSN they had to abbreviate my middle name to make it fit. So on my driver’s liscense I can’t put my FULL name on there it doesn’t fit! That doesn’t mean anything though, they don’t show a copy of his birth certificate. If the death certificate reads MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON that’s his real name DUH LOL you can’t put a stage name on a LEGAL document. Whatever legal name is on the birth certificate MUST go on the death certificate as well.
Yeah, I wrote at first that I thought Michael had shrunk because of his life style, you know his issues with eating and his problems with presciption medications, and all of his other medical issues.
Girl, there are people swearing up and down that michael is not dead at all, that he has just fooled us all :wassat:
The point that site is trying to make, or atleast the person who posted it is that the DC is BOGUS and fake!
Marie Charmaine — your name is as beautiful as you are! so do you like the new slider pictures on the front page. OMG, it took me all night to get it up!!! My OCD kicked in!
As far as I know there’s no birth certificate available for Michael — I guess his mother lost it. But even that can be wrong. You know, they wrote my son was born at 9:28 p.m. — but he wasn’t, he was born in the morning.
Pssssst, Gem, I’ve been dying to ask you . . . . you said long ago, when you were away, something you were angry about and certain of . . . . well you know. Girl, email me.
LoL Girl you did a fantastic job with the pictures on the home page, I LOVE all of the pictures. You are very beautiful Sabine you don’t look a day over 18 seriously I love the picture where you’re showing off your new hair do LOL sooooo pretty…( I was about to call you Sabah LOL seriously) You put so much work into this site I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate it :)
Girl you got me blushing all over the place!!!! I was just talking to my MOm, she said she can’t believe she’s 73, she feels 50 so I think that’s the ticket, because I swear I FEEL 18 but good genes help!!!!
I so appreciate everyone who COMES to CCC — can you imagine how lonely it would be, me talking to myself!!!! :lol:
Okay, back to writing for me!!!! I love how I’m just minding my own business and then POW, I get hit with something for our Bad Boy!!! Phewwwww!!!!
I wish something like this was shown at an awards show as a tribute to Michael, none of the video tributes were half this good, I’ve been disappointed by all the tributes so far, the only one that was good was Chris Brown, he seemed sincere to me, he danced really well. Mostly all the tributes have fallen short in my eyes.
That was AMAZING!!! It’s times like this that I wish I knew how to use editing equipment. ForGET about it!!!
*Bows down before this person*
Thanks for sharing Sabine and MjsGirl!!!
I can’t believe this video doesn’t work where I am. I wanna see the hotness but I can’t! It’s not fair.:cwy: :cwy:
Ugh, I’m outta here! :face:
Oh Goodness! I need a drink ASAP! That was incredible LOL! What video clip is 3:31 from????….OMG! This clip is beautiful and his voice just amazing! BRAVO!
This is my 5th time watching it! HAHAHA
That clip is from the “Who Is It” video. Doesn’t he look delicious?!?!?!!?
Say what!?! Omg Let me go find that clips right now!!!!! Thank you so much Frodes!
LoL I’m typing like I’m drunk oops
Cherry – you poor dear that is the second time I have heard you say that.
I am gonna download this video and send you a link to watch… that is just not fair.
Hey allll! Is’nt that video hot!
Aww, Cherry, I’m sorry it’s not playing where you are but it looks like Mgirl is going to make it happen for you!
Mgirl, don’t forget to send me the link, too, so if they ever pull the video, I’ll still have it!!!!
Thanks :heart:
Talk about drooling.
*wipes away spittle*
OMG, I miss him so much.
I just want to ‘squeeeeeze’ him. :wub:
I already downloaded it!!! As soon as I watched it I was like “MUST HAVE!!!” LOL!!!
just sent it to you boss…
okay sleepy time
night,night addicts!
The way I see it Frodes, why should I download it, if Mgirl will? :lol:
Thanks M.Girl!!!
Frodes, you never said what you thought of my use of your Pensive.gif? Did I do it justice?????? :pouty:
:whistle: *waiting on your answer*
*hands napkin to Ladake* Here you go girl!!! :lol:
For those who can’t see it – Mgirl provided us with this great link!!!!!
Wowwwww that was really good if i do say so myself. I mean the editing was PERFECTO!
Some one needs a merit of whatever you get for being such a god editor. :wink:
Editing is something I really want to get into but I have NO IDEA where to start!!! My dream job would be film editing.
Sabine… you never fail to use gifs at the most appropriate times. Of COURSE I love where you put it!!! To be honest you can put Mike anywhere and he looks good, but hey, that’s just me.
I think you know what came to mind when you said that, right? :w00t: You can’t be talking to me like that!!!
Frodes, girl, a film editor can MAKE or break a film!!!! That’s an important job, and it is HARD WORK — I’ve made some videos in my time and its very time consuming but at the end of the day rewarding work. I fooled around with Windows editing program, damn I forget the name and the one that came with my video camera. You should start there.
Hey Ameera girl, I left the youtube link so you guys can show love to her page! She deserves lots of praise for that perfect video!!!!!
I can’t agree with you MORE!!! It’s the EDITOR that decides the look and feel of the film, not the director like everyone thinks. I mean, I’m sure they play some part but the editor is the one that gets to REALLY play around with the director’s palette of colors that was given to him. I’ve had other people tell me how time consuming it is as well but still, forget about it. I’d LOVE to work that shit!!!
So what came to mind then, girl??? You gonna tell me now or save it for Bad Boy Mike??? Seriously, though. He DOES look good anywhere. In a park, sitting in a car, in between my legs, it’s all good.
Yeah, I said it.
Actually I was thinking in between Sabah/Saniia’s legs — but it’s all good!!! :tongue: :silly: :cheerful:
*stops breathing for 3 minutes and 40 seconds*
Woooow, thank you MartiniGirl and Sabine!!! :w00t: :w00t: This video is amazing, as you said, the editing is perfect and the choice of song, too. I love 2000 Watts but it took me a while to find out that it’s actually quite dirrty, too, at least the first few lines when he sings “Bass note, treble, Stereo control, how low you go
Just enough to make your juices flow “. :blush: :blush: That’s hot, hearing him say that… :blush:
I love how the video takes the best from every era and you get a complete look at Michael’s genius and hotness. He always looked so good! :heart: And that he changed his looks so often makes him soo sexy and fascinating imo, nobody reinvented himself look-wise as often as he did.
ahhhhhhhhh I love the sound of happy addicts in the morning.
Now boss I will take this video any day over those ones in da Bar!
Okay I am off to bake cookies – YES I do more than drink – umm, but I might have a shot or two while I cook!
Good Day to all — I must take a nap before I fall out. I’ve been up all night again. :alien:
I’ll be back in a bit . . . . now thank Mjsgirl for the video ,guys, she sent it to me, and of course the person who made it :smile:
Check out the pics on the front page!!! :wub:
Sabine, girl you are doing an amazing job with this site, I can’t tell you enough….Wow, it was this time last year when I first saw you type! LOL A year already goodness times flies! Mjsgirl thank you so much for sharing the video with all of us! I must add it to my favorites. Does anyone know how tall Mike was? So many sites say 5’9-5’11. To me he looks taller than 5’9 but then again he was so lean so I don’t know.
Hey Gemeuxx!!! This site is my little luv baby :wub:
I guess that why people say pic a career you love!!!!! It’s been a year right, crazy!!!!! Time is so elusive, I’m always fascinated by that.
Hmmmm, I think Michael was about 5’10 — 5’11 with shoes on — the screen makes you look taller. But people who met him said he was tall — so I think the thinness also thad something to do with that. Jackie was 6’0 and he didn’t tower over Michael. His Mug shot says 5’11 and they have you stand against height measurement against the wall for that.
Gem, do you know about all those death hoax sites? When I was looking for Michael driver’s lisense I came across a website that was showing that Michael’s true name is not Michael Joseph Jackson but Michael Joe Jackson :cheerful:
Though in the interview with Barbara Walters he clearly said, I’m Michael Joseph Jackson, I’m not Wacko. they claim this information makes the DC which says Michael Joseph Jackson invalid.
So his drivers liscence in 1989 says 5’9, but I know when I got my lisence they didn’t measure me, they just asked me. Maybe Michael thought he was 5’9? :lol:
He was so thin it does make you seem taller, I always though he was at least 6′ feet.
Wow Sabine, I didn’t know about these death hoax sites at all…This is really interesting. When I first got my drivers liscense, I didn’t know how tall I was exactly so I put 5’5 then I later found during a physical at 21 I am 5’7. So that’s understandable, a lot of people don’t know how tall they really are unless they measure themselves. I saw a youtube clip of him during the triumph tour 79 or 80? He looked so tall standing next to Jackie and I kept looking at his feet to see if he was wearing boots or something lol He was like an inch shorter than Jackie in that clip, but damn doesn’t he look fine as hell in that driver’s liscense pic! ahhh! so sexy. He has really long legs and a short torso so maybe that’s what makes him seem so tall. I figured having rheumatoid arthritis as he age would cause him to shrink. Towards the end he definitely looked around 5’8 or 5’9. My name is Marie Charmaine, people call me Charmaine my name is so long that on my SSN they had to abbreviate my middle name to make it fit. So on my driver’s liscense I can’t put my FULL name on there it doesn’t fit! That doesn’t mean anything though, they don’t show a copy of his birth certificate. If the death certificate reads MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON that’s his real name DUH LOL you can’t put a stage name on a LEGAL document. Whatever legal name is on the birth certificate MUST go on the death certificate as well.
Yeah, I wrote at first that I thought Michael had shrunk because of his life style, you know his issues with eating and his problems with presciption medications, and all of his other medical issues.
Girl, there are people swearing up and down that michael is not dead at all, that he has just fooled us all :wassat:
The point that site is trying to make, or atleast the person who posted it is that the DC is BOGUS and fake!
Marie Charmaine — your name is as beautiful as you are! so do you like the new slider pictures on the front page. OMG, it took me all night to get it up!!! My OCD kicked in!
As far as I know there’s no birth certificate available for Michael — I guess his mother lost it. But even that can be wrong. You know, they wrote my son was born at 9:28 p.m. — but he wasn’t, he was born in the morning.
Pssssst, Gem, I’ve been dying to ask you . . . . you said long ago, when you were away, something you were angry about and certain of . . . . well you know. Girl, email me.
I’ll email you sweets!
LoL Girl you did a fantastic job with the pictures on the home page, I LOVE all of the pictures. You are very beautiful Sabine you don’t look a day over 18 seriously I love the picture where you’re showing off your new hair do LOL sooooo pretty…( I was about to call you Sabah LOL seriously) You put so much work into this site I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate it :)
Girl you got me blushing all over the place!!!! I was just talking to my MOm, she said she can’t believe she’s 73, she feels 50 so I think that’s the ticket, because I swear I FEEL 18 but good genes help!!!!
I so appreciate everyone who COMES to CCC — can you imagine how lonely it would be, me talking to myself!!!! :lol:
Okay, back to writing for me!!!! I love how I’m just minding my own business and then POW, I get hit with something for our Bad Boy!!! Phewwwww!!!!
Okay no calling me Sabah!!! :tongue: :silly:
:wink: :wink: :wink:
ooooooooooo, girl, no comment :pinch:
:lol: :happy:
This video is going straight to my favourites, simply amazing, the quality is incredible! :smile:
I wish something like this was shown at an awards show as a tribute to Michael, none of the video tributes were half this good, I’ve been disappointed by all the tributes so far, the only one that was good was Chris Brown, he seemed sincere to me, he danced really well. Mostly all the tributes have fallen short in my eyes.
Isn’t it a fantastic video!!! I love how Michael has inspired such creativity in the world!!!!! He’s like the gift that keeps on giving.
I really, really hope this can be posted.. I have watched it like 10 times since someone posted it on fb
Ooooooo, thanks Katerina! :w00t:
Ooooohhhhh, my good Lord in Heaven, this is aMAZING! :w00t: Wow….I don’t even…..just…wow! :heart:
Would you like a complimentary towel? :lol: