A Few Bad Apples
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If you take the time to read this post it explains how unfortunately, a few bad apples . . .
:silly: :cheerful: :kiss: Enjoy!!!
324 Responses to “A Few Bad Apples”
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Hi Susan,
You’re name looks so familiar but my brain is fuzy! I guess you were on the old site? At this point, because I’ve been so discouraged by the lack of feedback, I haven’t written a chapter in months! :sad: I truly hate to disappoint the people who love the story so much but I can’t fake real inspiration, and the comments really did inspire me. :yes: I would encourage everyone who really wants to read to simply buy the book.
I was from the old site! I want to read the private sector and I have went on FB and blogger but still don’t have access and read all of your instructions but to no avail. Guess I am stupid but need help! :unsure:
I left a message on the other thread about this, but if you read all that I’ve written you know I’ve been harassed by anti-Michael Jackson fans, and I’ve gotten support from only about a handful of readers, not to mention the fact that people read and never even bother to say thank you — that has basically killed my inspiration and made me less than reluctant to give access to people who don’t support me and will never show appreciation.
There’s no trick to this – I’m the one who grants access to the private chapters.
help! i’m soo confused on this site…everytime i come here i have no idea what i’m doing :wacko: :cwy:
Hey Ssbine its me Lisa I have not been on for a while. Lots o drama but I am back and if there was a new chapter posted can you give me access please?
New chapter? :confused: :smile:
Hi, Sabine. I’ve used my Google account to register on here. However, when I log out I cannot log back in. There was no request for me to pick a password. How can I do that?
Thanks for your help!
Sorry for the double post but how can I get access to the private posts? I used to read Cowboy Mike on the old site and I loved it. Unfortunately due to other commitments I had to take a break for a while and now I want to begin reading it again. Sabine, if you can email me and clarify how I can do that (and also how to make my own password on here). I’m pretty confused.
Okay, I’ve finally figured it out and created myself a password to log in :yes: Now please, Sabine, I would love to get access to the private posts at your earlier convenience. I miss Cowboy Mike so much! You’re an incredible writer!
Thank you!
Hi Isabella, you might want to read some of the above comments! :yes: Especially this one!
Hi again, Sabine :smile: I will definitely buy the book and read it when my lovely husband is not around. Whatever, he knows I’m a Michael Jackson buff. Back to the book, I actually like the idea of having your wonderful stories in a book cause I’m not too much of a fan of reading stories online. I don’t even like to read e-books in my iPad :blush:
Have you ever considered writing non-MJ romancve stories? You’re a fabulous writer and you’d give those Harlequin authors a run for their money, seriously!
Love you more
Oh, Sabine, I forgot. Is there any way I could chat with you sometime? I have a few things about Michael I’d like to know your opinion on. I’d rather do that in private cause some people came down very hard on me cause I’ve expressed my opinions on other sites and I honestly got sick of the bullying. As you already know, not everyone is friendly in the fan community. I’m not a hater, I’m a real fan and you don’t have to be afraid. I would never disrespect you :) I agree to disagree.
Thanks again for your stories and this site. The love you have for Michael leaps at me every time I come here
Thanks for being understanding, Bella. You can email me — the link is on the bottom on the right hand side. I’m not ashamed to say that you’ve correctly interpretted that I’m afraid!!!! Thanks for telling me that you’re a real fan, because you know online, I can’t really tell! :oops: Also, part of my apprehension is because of meeting people on line who actually HATE you because you have a different opinion than they do about things — I mean, they don’t hate you, of course, because they don’t “know” you, but they direct so much anger and hostility towards you just because you’ve expressed another idea, :pouty:
What’s that about — I will never in my heart understand that, and I do believe it’s bullying. Send me an email and I’ll let you know how to access the stories because you get to see the great pictures and gifs and well, every michael fan should have such pleasure :wub:
The books were a labor of love, so I think you’ll love them as much as I do! :wub: Reading online is different than reading a real, live book. I like the feel of it in my hands and knowing, as you flipped to the last pages, that the story is almost over – the excitement :lol:
I’ve written lots of stories, some of them not finished and I’d like to publish something for real ( not self-published) I’m just not sure yet cause I’m a perfectionist and it’s hard to decide. I’m always waiting for that “feeling”, if you know what i mean and for many years life just got in the way :smile:
Anyway, thanks again for the kind and understanding response.
Hi again, sweet Sabine :blush: . Thanks so much for your warm reply. I apologize for not getting back to you any sooner as I’ve been so busy.
:w00t: Cowboy Mike is on its way to me (a gift from my grandmother Maria) and I can’t wait to receive it . :reading: Looking forward to treating myself to your fabulous writing with a good glass of wine. I will be ordering the other book soon.
I hope you’re having a fantastic Thanksgiving.
I love your site.
I’ll send you an email soon
Love and hugs :kiss:
:writing: I hope you don’t think I’m a cyberstalker after this many messages. Um… I can’t seem to find the email on here so I’ve sent you a private message on Facebook.
And oh, I’VE RECEIVED MY BOOK ALREADY! Sorry, I had to shout :w00t: Just in time for Sunday when hubby is going to watch the Grey Cup final with my dad, my brother and some other guys. Yay!
Hugs :happy:
Bella, who did you send that message to? :confused:
I didn’t get it!
Sabine, I’ve sent the message to a page on Facebook called MichaelJackson Fanfiction: CobraCrackCentral. It has your name on it.
I’ve ‘liked’ the page. Some great artwork on there :yes: . Maybe Facebook has blocked my message . But I’ve sent you an email on here.
The pictures you have on here, oh boy, I have them all in HQ resolution in my hard drive, but for some reason they look better on your site, seriously! It’s the L.O.V.E. you have for MJ that makes the pics brighter. Geez, I have over 3,000 MJ pics. He lives in my computer, and in my heart :heart:
Love ya :blush:
Bella, OMG, this is the case of disappearing message! I got and responded to the message via FB AND I got the one you sent through this site, but I only read enough to know that you and I are the same age, and then I wanted to get a cup of coffee and relax while reading and well, yikes, I think I deleted it by mistake, because I can’t find it!!!!!
Please send it again!!!!! :sorry:
:hungry: Can’t wait to read it!
p.s. it’s probably the black background that makes the Michael pics look so good, in addition to Michael being so beautiful himself!!!! Hope you like the book :)
Sabine, I wrote you a private message on Facebook instead of using the form on here (it’s easier to edit on there).
Hope you’re enjoying your weekend :happy:
Sending you love and hugs :blush:
Hi! It’s Cindy here! It was wonderful meeting you this week and I really appreciate the opportunity to discuss writing and FF in general. You are a lovely person and so kind to take the time to hang out with all of us. I would love the chance to read more of your work here so can I please get permission to access your site? It would make my day!
Take care and hope to see you some time in the future.
PS. Thanks for signing my books ! :wub:
Hi Cindy,
Lol, I told you NOT to ask :tongue: It was great meeting you guys too. Everyone was so kind and sweet and it was just a bunch of fun. I had a blast and I’ll remember it always :wub: And you’re very welcome. Thanks for asking me to sign them. Makes me feel so special.
Hi Sabine,
Happy New Year! How are you? Hope all is well. I haven’t been on here in ages! I want to apologize for not even texting you…I have your number..but life sometimes gets in the way! work has been grueling…otherwise all is fine with me! I hope that you are still writing even if you aren’t posting anything new….
We sure did have a wonderful time this past July.. It was so wonderful to meet you…It is hard to believe that six months have passed since then….We definitely need to get together again!
hello sabine ,long time no see , just wanted you to know i ordered tw0 0f yorur books!!!