Preview of Bad Boy Mike Act 2
Traveling all over the world with the sexiest man alive when you happen to be his fiance is any girls dream come true but watching women of all ages scream and swoon over him isn’t exactly Sabah Graham’s idea of a good time. The year is 1987. From the screaming female fans to the tabloid press, everyone on the planet wants a piece of Michael Jackson. (Go Back to Chapter One)
“I don’t like her.” Sabah waited until Tatiana had left before stating so. Michael gave an exasperated sigh.
“She’s a nice enough girl, Sabah. What’s not to like?”
“The way she keeps sniffing around you for one. Why is she always popping up wherever you are and asking you silly questions? I don’t get it.” It was as if Tatiana could care less that Sabah was there.
Michael giggled. “You know I asked her if she ever read Old Man & the Sea and she asked me if it was a childrens’ book? You know, like picture a book, Sabah!”
Sabah gave him an “I’m not surprised” look. Michael was trying to reassure Sabah that Tatiana was really nothing but a pretty face as if she didn’t already know that. She had attempted to have a few conversations with her, let’s just say she wasn’t impressed. In one conversation she tried to explain to the simple girl that she wasn’t to ever in what would be her short life knock on Michael’s door after a show again. The woman gave her a blank look like she didn’t know what Sabah was talking about.
Michael was still speaking while Sabah fumed at the memory. “She didn’t even know who Ralph Emerson was.”
“There you go. ” Sabah announced, as if it was a done deal. “Reason enough to fire her and find someone else.”
Is that what Sabah was getting at? They’d had this conversation before. “Awww, come on, now Sabah. Be fair. She’s not the smartest girl in the world but she’s good at what she does.”
“And what is it that she does that’s so special? I’d really like to know. You can put Bubbles in a dress and some heels and have him walk across the stage. The crowd would hardly notice the difference.” Sabah had watched Michael’s show several times now and she was absolutely convinced of this fact.
“Oh, I think they would,” Michael began without thinking. “I’m not attracted to Bubbles.” He hardly had time to finish his sentence.
“WWWWWWWWWWHAT?” Sabah’s face turned all kinds of purple.
Michael cleared his throat and turned away quickly. Damn it! Every single time they got into a conversation about Tatiana he said something stupid, but this was the worst. How in the world was he going to explain his way out of this one!!!!
110 Responses to “Preview of Bad Boy Mike Act 2”
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I feel better now, I knew it was just a misunderstanding :happy:
I don’t want you falling asleep at the computer :lol: get to bed and rest!!
Hey Frodes!!!!! Did you see Inception?????
Yeah, curses on Karen for keeping it from us for so long. :devil:
You know she probably watched it a million times.
Michael is sooooooo adorable!!!!!
Well, it’s nighttime now, where I’m at, so I’m up :alien: !!!
My favourite performance of You are Not Alone, there is just something about Michael here, he looks so confident, and really healthy, and hot of course lol
Michael is always getting semi-undressed on stage :wub:
I love his hair short like that! He looks so manly! Where’s Sabah — do you see her? :lol:
Yeah the short hair really suited him especially when it was curly, I’m not a big fan of the straight short hair like it was in the video. Oh NOOOOOOOOOOO that can’t be Sabah that girl that ran up on stage lol : :wassat:
LOL! No, not her! The one who was sitting in the audience with her arms crossed and a pout on her face! That’s Sabah!!! Don’t you see her? :tongue:
I know the girl that DID go up is like, Damn, why did I wear those boots that day?
:lol: :cheerful:
yeah those boots are something else :lol: :wassat:
The one with her legs crossed, and who Michael motions to at around 1:49, yeah that’s Sabah :tongue:
awww Michael always saying the wrong things.
Sabah is going to kill him. Oh gosh i cant wait to read bad boy mike. all the drama :devil:
Hey Ameera, Sabah might ruff him up a little bit but I dont’ think she’s gonna kill ’em! :smile:
Noooo… Sabah won’t kill him. lol. She loves him toooo much. She’s just feeling a little insecure, but that’s okay, too. We still love her!!!
I’ve been reading the story all over again. I’m now on chapter 20. This time around, I find myself wondering about those ‘in between’ moments. You know, the ones where the scene ends, but the interaction itself is still implied and it’s up to the reader to draw conclusion about what you ‘think’ happens. Like in ch. 20, when Sabah finally shows up at Mike’s office and they are in his office for 30 minutes – I’d imagine there was a lot of reassurances and whispered promises going on… I don’t know, I guess I’m just nosy and very, VERY imaginative. :tongue:
Hey Ladake, you’re ALREADY up to Chapter 20 — all that sex, you should be like in a corner passed out by now!!!!! :w00t:
I love that you imagine what is going on when nothing is said! That is how the story comes to life!!!!
Mmmmm………. I can’t wait for my bad sexy boy!!!! I love Michael from birth to the end, but the BAD era is my favorite because he was such a sexy man. So Hot!! History was just as sexy………….
Here sure stick his foot in his mouth!! Can’t wait to see how he gets out of it!!
You would think so, right?
No…it just makes me want to
man must a been outta his mind ” i’m not attracted to bubbles” thereby inadverntly admitting to his GIRFRIEND no less that he’s attracted to another woman! :w00t:
he must have a death wish or something… cant wait to see how he dig himself outt that pit he dug for himself… :wassat:
BTW did ya’ll notice that Sabah and Michael have on matching belts hhahahahahahahahahahaaaa? :wub:
perfect match in every way eh Sabine? :whistle:
DeeDee, you’re on a roll tonight, huh?
Yeah, Sabah and Michael dressed alike — it must have been Halloween :whistle:
Whatcha talkin’ ’bout girlfriend!?!?!?!?! You mean FIANCE!!!!! :tongue:
Wait on cotton pickin’ minute! You can’t drop a bomb like that on us and disappear!!!
Hey Peeps :wub: Holla :biggrin:
alrighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht deedee n da houze!!!!!
hey you wonderful CCC addicts, i hope ya’ll doing well in ya’ll respective TZ’s? :devil:
Hi m Mama Sabine, GF i had a very good treatment day today so i am feeling wonderfulllllllllllllllllllllllll, like . i have not a cre in the world; :cool: sounds familiar?
mikey said if we wanna know WHEN he and his dear love gonna tie the knot, jump the broom, A.S.K. Ms. Sabine, she has the 411 :whistle:
butttttttttttttttttttttttttttt, the rumor mill is rampant with the news that Pm has knocked up Saniia :shocked:
Can i just have my whole fix cause i cant wait anymore… I GOT THE SHAKES! :cwy: But, are you gonna like rewrite his whole life and if you are,are you gonna leave out the trials (it makes me kind of sad and mad thinking about it :angry: those freaking liars Michael is such a better person to me cause after the 1st accusation i would stop helping people personally i would just send checks i would not let nobody come to my house i would shut it down so he is a much better person than me) I got off track so are you gonna right everything up till the end or what either way i can’t wait :angel: :wink:
DeeDee, I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling GOOOOOOD girl!!!!!
Okay, wheeeewsh, I thought Sabah and Micahel got married and forgot to tell me!!!
Now I just have to track down Saniia and take a good look at her belly!!!!
Mika, :lol:
I don’t know what the story will be about, I swear!!!! I’d love to NOT write about the accusations, but I don’t think that’s very realistic.
sabah is soooo jelous!! I LOVE IT :D
I watched Inception..
it was a freaky movie!! It was good though. WOW! who ever came up with the idea for the movie is super creative. :)
Elmira, Christopher Nolan, the director, wrote the story — isn’t he a genius! So smart and talented — I swear that is what i find the most attractive about a man!!!! Talent! :wub: :wub:
Where is my Bad Boy at I’m lonely. :cwy: :wink:
Mika, he’s on vacation :tongue:
:biggrin: :silly: :tongue: :kissing:
Nope not true, Mika!
I told Trish wayyyyy back on the Cowboy Mike Sneak preview of the Got to be There chapter that:
And I’ve been saying that ever since!!!!
We got to wait for them to come back! :whistle:
Taking a shower a few minutes ago, a thought came to my mind and I have to ask you, Sabine, since you said that for the sequel you can’t ignore the allegations…what about Lisa Marie? I mean, you’re trying to keep it as real as possible, right? :wink: So actually you HAVE to include her…
I mean, Tatiana, that was nothing, nothing to worry about for Sabah, but Lisa Marie…he married that girl!
I can’t wait to see how you’re going to handel that. :biggrin: :tongue: :whistle: :happy:
P.S. CCC on facebook, awesome! :cheerful:
Funny, as soon as you mentioned this ideas started flashing through my head — I mean, it can be done — it can be written; exactly how I don’t know, but the ideas are churning and churning :whistle:
Girl, Have I died and gone to MJ heaven?? Bad Boy Mike is next?? Good Lord if it is true I am going to be in need of serious help!! I hope you are not being a tease! LOL bubbles in a dress!! Old Man & the Sea a childrens pic book! hehe hehehhe too freak’n funny !
Hey PCakes — nooooooooo I’m no tease!!!! You will definitely get your Bad Boy Mike!!!! :kissing:
*sets up lawnchair, takes out pee bottle, gets out magazine, puts on shades, blasts up some Mike Jackson music* ……I’m ready :) 14 days down.
*pssssssssst* I brought you a couplah cans of CobraCrack :whistle:
Summertime… what a fine idea.
May I hang with you? (pssssst don’t worry, I do have my own pee bottle)
I just got a small package from the God of Fiction . . . .
:lol: Yep, it’s true!
Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!
I was at a cookout today (Purr-fect weather) and every time a MJ song played I thought about Mike and Sabah. It’s freakin’ becoming an obsession.
Oh boy I am really looking forward to reading this. Michael is so stupid and should not be saying things like that when he is with Sabah. I bet she will make him pay big time.
Hey Lisa!!!!! Where you been hiding girl!!!! Well, strap on your seat belts and get ready for the wildest ride of your life!!!
That’s me shamelesss promoting myself! :blush:
Yeah uh I’m reading Cowboy Mike too fast and I need to slow down because it will be TORTURE after I finish the last chapete.
:whistle: So how is Bad Boy Mike coming along?
:ninja: :face:
I guess just take a nap here and wait for the Bad Boy :sleeping: :heart:
OMG! The pressure! :smile:
Sabine I hope you don’t mind me asking but I saw you compliment someone named Kelz on their fics. If you’re giving them props they must be good. Can you tell me where I can read their fics?
*camps out next to Mika* :sleeping:
Kelz was a girl who was writing little skits about her and Michael on a blog I belonged to — I liked them because the dialogue was really funny and flowed but that blog doesn’t exist any more, sorry Calypso. :smile:
That’s okay. Thanks. I’ll leave you to your work now. :wink:
Well this isn’t really work to me it’s so much fun!!!!!
[New Post] MJ Fanfic MOVE OVER – Coming Soon!!!!!!!! – via #twitoaster…
Oooooh girl!
How he gonna say sumpin like ‘at about Tatianna? Men! Always tellin’ on themselves! This is juicy! More! More! More!