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22 Oct 2010

Do Dreams Have to Die?

GIFs Pictures, GIFs Pictures, Michael Jackson, Weird 9 Comments
To keep the American dream alive for our children, we should stop abusing our talented and creative spirits out of jealousy and misunderstanding. What does our silence about the attacks on one of the most visible achievers of the American Dream say? Are we not forfeiting our childrens’ future into the hands of bullies? Is it not time for us to speak up about the damage opportunistic journalism is doing to our culture?

–The American Public Must Demand Honest Journalism.–
by Forbes Everett Landis

This is an excellent article.  And everyone should read it!
Some important excerpts:
“Jackson had to deal with the media condemning him as strange, weird, and even labeling him a freak, both figuratively and literally. My opinion about this is clear: Though at times, to subjective eyes, Jackson might have looked ‘different,’ half of this eccentricity was due to the fact that he was born to be an artist inevitably different from others because of his imaginative and creative nature, and half because he was forced into being so unconventional by a degree of media pressure few, if any, have ever experienced. “


“Being different from others does not equate being harmful to others. As long as one does not violate others’ human rights, one has the right to be him or herself. In a society that prioritizes human rights and freedom, I find no justification for attacks on people who are perceived to be ‘different.’ These kinds of attacks are especially sordid when they involve the spreading of knowingly false rumors for financial gain. After Jackson’s acquittal on alleged child related charges in 2005, several journalists, such as Aphrodite Jones, came forward to confess that most of the media in attendance intentionally put objectivity aside in covering the Michael Jackson case by fragmenting the facts divulged in court, reporting only anti-Jackson information.”

*The human race has quite often owed its scientific or artistic progress to the “weird” and the “eccentric.” Let us consider, for example, Galileo Galilei, who was charged for openly discussing Copernican theory, a concept seen as sinful and roundly condemned at that time; later, of course, this theory went on to become the accepted standard of scientific understanding of the universe. We might also stop to consider how treasonable the very idea of democracy once was, how dangerous the aristocracy felt it to be; later, democracy became the world’s prevailing political philosophy. We can also remember that the concept of equality between : women and men, different ethnicities, or diverse religions, was derided when it emerged. Also, had she not thought differently from others, might Mother Teresa not have been a stay-at-home mom instead of traveling to India and risking her life for humanity?

Keeping the history of these exceptional ideas and people in mind, I can almost guarantee that if one had killed all the “weirdoes” among our Australopithecine ancestors 3.5 million years ago, our species might not have made it to the 21st Century. We might very well have just remained a much more primitive species, one without the use of fire and the wheel, let alone an orchestra, democracy, or computers. Is it not, after all, diversity that allows for evolution?

In other words, “weirdness” is sometimes the inevitable result of an exceptional imaginative ability that sees no boundaries in search of all the creative possibilities. As long as such individuals do us no harm, we should let them be. It is our duty to be respectful of those who are different not only because every human being is entitled to freedom, but also because diversity is at the root of human survival.

To those who regard Jackson’s soft voice altered skin tone or facial appearance as weird, I would simply say this: You are revealing your own nature, at best : narrow-minded or obtuse ; at worst – unkind and bigoted. Nobody’s holy scripture deems it acceptable to criticize the physical appearance of people who have contributed so generously to the voiceless.

To those who think that the Jackson’s spoken voice was peculiar, I would say that I see no significance in it. The spoken voice cannot be uncoupled from the singing voice that so many lauded. It might also be helpful for you to consider this information in order to broaden your understanding of the global context: there are countries where people respect those who speak softly, in a calm, non-aggressive manner. The American standard, where a loud voice seems necessary to assertiveness, is not the only standard in the world.

To those who criticize the ‘King of Pop’ for purchasing Neverland, I pose this question: Would you have survived without buying a Neverland-sized residential property if you were in reality never able to explore any place alone without being horded by an ensuing media and public frenzy whenever you stepped out of your front door? A huge residence with a vast garden might have been the only possible way for this worldwide megastar to relax and enjoy some fresh air without constant intrusion from the public. After all, Jackson earned his money though incredible hard work and a perfectionist work-ethic. In light of his Guinness record-making support of no less than 39 charities, it may very well be hypocritical to criticize his spending habits.

Having demonstrated that there is nothing inherently wrong with living unconventionally, the question now turns to whether or not Jackson ever harmed anyone with his behaviors. Here I will discuss the child related allegations leveled against him. —”

Read more:

I myself am happy to be weird!

9 Responses to “Do Dreams Have to Die?”

  1. MartiniGirl says:

    Thanks Sabine… it is an amazing article – I saw part of it last weekend and never finished and could not find it again… it is wonderful.

  2. MartiniGirl says:

    sorry I meant to add a link too – this guys blog is amazing and he did a part on bullying as well – but it is this article that lead me to him – he is not talking about Michael at all – but about being a sensitive man with your children…

    I post it to share (you may need tissues)

  3. Sabine says:

    Isn’t it a fantastic article :wub:

    and from a non-fan which gives honest perspective. Thanks for the link Mgirl. I haven’t looked at it yet but I will.

    I know there’s been a lot of attention given to bullying because of the death of the student here in the states, but I personally would not like to see the awareness about bullying be reduced to a gay/lesbian problem — its a people problem. All over the world young and old people are being bullied. I mean bullying isn’t nothing but abuse, and so I’m always excited when I read someone call a spade a spade; someone who GETS IT!

  4. MartiniGirl says:

    Very true.

    I think the non fan makes it a much more powerful piece – saying I am not a fan – but what everyone did was wrong… I can still remember 1993 like it was yesterday – and poor Michael on TV explaining and begging us to get the facts and not judge him.. goodness it is so long ago and I still have tears for that – why should any human have to endure such public humiliation??


  5. Sabine says:

    I agree, haterz dismiss anything a fan of Michael says because they’re like, oh, well, you’re a fan. But when a non-fan supports him and speaks against what was done to him, THEN they sit up and listen.

  6. Sabine says:

    I just read the article you linked, Mgirl, thanks!!!

    It’s a sad fact that there are a lot of broken people out there making children, and when they do :sad:

  7. MartiniGirl says:

    Yeah it is very sad – I really like this guys take on things… and I don’t even have children – but I was once a young martini girl drinking less alcoholic drinks!

    Society is so funny – we never talk about these things openly for change so nothing changes. I mean I think it is coming more in the open – but just because we talk about it, doesn’t mean it will stop. How do we break the cycle of abuse?

    And like he said – no one, NO ONE said anything – are we afraid of what the person will say? What others will think?

    Kinda off topic – it reminds me of a summer before last – I was out for a walk on my lunch and on my way back – in front 24 convenience store – a guy was kicking this man repeatedly – who was curled in a fetal position. NO one was doing anything – so I ran up in to them and said hey, hey stop that.. stop beating him – that made the guy stop for second so the other guy got up and ran away.. and the guy starting coming towards me and yelling at me – I was afraid but I stood my ground and the guy yelled that the the other guy stole something from his store and he was teaching him a lesson so that he would not come back and try it again – what he stole looked like food – the guy didn’t look like he had a lot of money – so I am sure he was hungry – and I know it was wrong to steal.. I just said that is no reason to keep hitting him.. and looked at all the “men” standing around and said why didn’t you stop him… they just shrugged and one said I don’t know him, it is not my problem… UGH! I stomped off…

    I don’t know how long for or how long he would have kept kicking this guy – but how can people just stand around and watch another person abuse another…

    Are we that cold? OY VIE – Sabz I need a drink – I am heading to the bar!

  8. Sabine says:

    Mgirl: but how can people just stand around and watch another person abuse another…

    Are we that cold?

    I think the better question is are we that scared! Most times when abuse goes on people get reaaaaaaaal quiet, and distracted. And god forbid someone says something, other people hide under a rock.

    Like look at the story you told. That was a very brave thing you did. A lot of people would have thought twice. Hmmm, if I say something, they might start hitting ME!

    It’s the bystander effect. Kitty Genovese all over again. The bully sends very strong message. This is what I’m capable of, and if you try and stop me or say I’m wrong, I’ll do it to you too!

    Not making excuses of course, because I think the bystander effect is deplorable!!!! But that’s how people are, they look out for themselves. And when you start to think about this, then you can maybe understand why a woman will stand by and let her children get abused, because as long as he’s abusing the kids, he’s not abusing her. :wassat:

    It’s a horrible, terrible truth.

    Better you than me, that’s the silent motto operating behind the thinking of a lot of folks, and this goes on in the work place, at school, on line, at home in our families. People look, they KNOW what is going on is wrong but they’re afraid to speak up.

    The I don’t know it’s not my problem is just an apathetic response that helps a person stay uninvolved and keep their neck off the line. They don’t want to be affected. But if people realized that everything that happens to another person will inevitably affect our own lives, then maybe they might start to change.

    So how do we break the cycle of abuse? To me, personally, I think we need to keep talking about it, we need to call it for what it is when we see it, and we need to adapt a zero tolerance for it.

    But that would take a whole lot of people admitting that they’re scared, admitting that they would rather not be involved and admitting that they have a better you than me mentality.

    Accch!!! :pinch: I need a drink now too. I hope you’re pouring me a Bad Boy!!!!!

  9. Gracie says:

    Fabulous article…it feels so good to have someone put into words what we all feel. It is heartbreaking that it came to this, but it makes me feel hopeful somehow that maybe at least a few people will learn something from Michael’s story . The more we talk and write and remember it, the more opportunities for others to learn.

    MGirl, thanks for that great article too. I know that my kids are soooo lucky to have a wonderful daddy and i remind them all the time, especially when they get angry for being punished or something, i remind them of all the good stuff he does and that not all dads are like that. I was just discussing with a friend how MANY parents don’t appreciate what a gift their kids are, dont find JOY in them. And i’m not just talking about dead-beat parents or the ones screaming at their kids in the grocery store. There are plenty who appear to have it all and give their kids everything…except for genuine love and affection for the unique person they are.

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“I just hope that one day they will be fair and portray me the way I really am, just a loving and peaceful guy.” ~ Michael
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"----->His intelligence is instinctual and emotional, like a child’s. If any artist loses that childlikeness, you lose a lot of creative juice. So Michael creates around himself a world that protects his creativity”. ~ Jane Fonda

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