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05 Dec 2010

The Face of Innocence

false charges, GIFs Pictures, GIFs Pictures, Michael Jackson 11 Comments

“What I experienced opened my eyes.  Not only to the dangers of celebrity, but the dangers of the American justic system and the media.” Larry NimmerThis is the excellent documentary produced by Larry Nimmer that clearly outlines and describes how Michael was first and foremost targeted and then framed with false charges of molestation by a ruthless and sociopathic family.  It’s broken up into five parts.

“”It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.” ~ Mark Twain quotes

11 Responses to “The Face of Innocence”

  1. Frodes says:

    I’ve seen this. And I just get SO ANGRY when I watch that kid being questioned.

    :angry: :angry: :angry:

  2. Sabine says:

    I have a range of emotions watching this, but this time, actually when I watched Gavin and the cops I just had to laugh, especially when he said he didn’t know what ejaculation meant. :ermm:

    Not a gleeful laughter, but an amazed, imagine how disgusted Michael must have been in court listening to this boy tell so many lies about him kinda laughter. Some people are disgustingly shameless. And watching Janet, I really think that women is 2 cups short of a pitcher of water. She looks a lot crazy. Especially in that video she made praising Michael for the angel that he was, and then she turned around and stabbed him in the back. :pouty:

    When that women dies, the devil will be waiting to escort her ass straight to hell. :devil:

  3. isabeau says:

    I wish and pray that Gavin will tell ‘something’ sooner or later but I doubt it…
    His mother is a borderline person and those are quite dangerous because you don’t realize they are until they do something shocking against you. They just seem naive or stupid.
    I wonder why she did not have to pay for the ‘damadge’ and the lies she said in court… I wonder…
    It hurts so much…
    If we want to see it from a buddhist perspective…they were karma agents. Michael’s soul had to go through that terrible experience to learn something and go forward… there no other logic meaning for my mind and I know God does not play dices…

  4. mjjwendy says:

    :sick: ICK! I actually cant watch nor stomach those videos. Hateful crazy janet and her tainted spawns. What they did was all so disturbing and disgusting to me. How could you with straight face and clear concious do what they did? What? because Mike found out later that they were bad news and he needed to distance himself? What price to pay. It lead to his early demise. That was the last damaging blow to his essence. I truly believe that with all my heart. How could you hurt someone so deeply and badly as she they did Michael? I’m baffled to this day.:angry: How can you continue to carry that lie? What a waste of life they all are. Sad and truly pathetic. Karma is gonna reap havoc on their asses in the worst way. I’ve seen it happen enough to know it to be true.

    Isabeau, I dont know…what pain for one person to bear physically , mentaly emotionally.I must say he had it all and he smiled through it….amazing. :dizzy: :ermm:

  5. Sabine says:

    Isabeau, the more I read you, the more I like you! :heart: We think alike! :wub: I doubt Gavin will ever talk, either because he is soulless or because he is eaten with guilt. I always considered Janet a narcissist, but you know borderline and narcissism share so many traits, except I think the psychic injury occurs earlier for a borderline than a narcissist — or is it visa versa? :pouty: All I know is that both types will drive you absolutely made with their Dr. Jeckle/Mr. Hyde behavior, stabbing you in the back one minute and then expecting you to be their friend the next. And they’re always to me a unique mixture of genius and ignorance. Genius in that they can think of the most diabolical, malicious ways to hurt you, but just don’t seem to have a clue about the simplest of things like why you know longer want to have anything to do with them afterward.

    Yet, why do they always get away with their nonsense, Isabeau? Is it because this world is evil?

    It does hurt very much, for me, when I put myself in Micheal’s shoes, and yes, I wholeheartedly agree, these were huge spiritual lessons Michael was being presented with, learning how to forgive, learning about tolerance and betrayal, learning not to judge, learning how to endure — God! :cwy:

    He passed with flying colors, did he not? :angel: But his soul suffered so much. :sad:

    Though I know it’s through the fire the iron is bent, molded and formed and our souls are like that my heart absolutely breaks for him. We learn best through pain and controversy but sometimes I wish it wasn’t like that.

    I know God does not play dices…

    He certainly does not!


    Hey Wendy,

    God, isn’t it hard to watch? :cwy: But I don’t like to be apathetic about these things. If I only concentrate on the good parts of Michael’s life and forget the hurt and pain he endured, to me it’s like I’m erasing part of his experience and making it unimportant. I do think that this event and the earlier one with Jordie has a direct link to the way Michael passed on. A soul can only take so much betrayal, and I think Michael was spiritually tired.

    As for those demons, let me tell you, do not try to understand crazy. :pinch: Even though I can go very far in explaining the mind of the soulless, at some point even I throw up my hands and say,

    :w00t: I DON’T GET IT!!!!

    To take a person who has opened his heart to you, who has shared his home, brought your son from the steps of death, and to accuse him of one of the worst violations that a human being can commit — I mean how dead and lifeless inside must a person be? How much self hatred must that person have to say, in effect, I don’t deserve this good treatment. I’m going to take all this good I’m receiving and I’m going to change it into bad, because if you look at it spiritually, Janet, Jordie, June, Gavin, who they ended up really hurting is their own selves, as well as Michael and so many others of course.

    To have been given the gift of the opportunity to befriend a sweet, gentle soul like Michael, and to have poisoned that relationship — wow, that’s a person who does not like themselves.

  6. isabeau says:

    Dear Wendy, I also think that that trial hurt his soul too badly to recover.
    Those kind of people have such a low level of awarenes and counciousness that easly fall in the worst sins ever because they are not sensitive, they are not able to feel what thier acts cause in others, it is obvious, and in that sense they lack of one of the most important quality to be considered ‘human’.
    They are so selfish and so blind to their own behaviour that they can kill and still feel no regret or guit.
    I remember an interview after the arrest where he still defend Gavin because he is a kid who obey his mother… and I think he was right, after all.

  7. isabeau says:

    Sabine, I am sure we are somehow alike in the way we think and feel, I can feel it.
    You are right about berderline people, that what I said to Wendy, very low level of awareness (spiritually speaking) and very problematic psycologically speaking because they are double-faced and don’t even realize it. A total disaster… I had some experience with people like that and I felt right away they were potentially dangerous. I feel a repulsing sense that warn me and I had never mistake. Sometimes I decided to trust them anyway and it was a bad choice. It happens because they have something naive in them that is exactly their ‘not being self-conscious’ but after they turn against you.
    Like Jesus used to say “Don’t throw pearl to pigs because they will then turn and tear you to pieces”.
    That’s exactly what happened to Michael and that was the only big mistake he did… and that has to do also with self-esteem, or better, self-loving, I’m afraid. He is a nice evoluted soul and the higher you go on the spiritual path as a soul, the most you pay when you make mistakes.
    It might sound cruel to us but I guess it is a general law and we have lots of examples.
    Divine justice does have little to do with our human justice. They work on different levels and worlds.
    That’s what I learned from my 17 years of work publishing spirituals books of all traditions and from some experiences.
    I just wish Michael did not have to suffer that much. You ask me if ‘this world is evil’…
    Yes it is as it always was and there always existed evolved souls to look at for a good example and they normally end up suffering a lot because they are quite out of place here and probably were sent or decided to come to inspire others to do better.
    I am sure Michael fulfilled his purpose and is now way beyond all that painful trouble…

  8. Sabine says:

    That’s so profound what you’ve said, that their conscious is actually what’s attractive about them, wow!!!

    I never ever thought about it that way, but it’s so true, that seemingly innocent naivity we don’t see it for what it is, but then again, children also in that way can be so cruel, because they don’t know what they’re doing — never thought of the consequences can be so selfish.

    I agree with you that the world is evil. I think it’s because it’s easy to be evil and harder to be good. Being good takes effort and I think most people are apathetically lazy.

    I love that quote, Don’t cast your pearls before swine. Now that my daughter is interested in boys I tell her that all the time :wink:

    Definitely agree, divine law and human law, not the same at all, and sometimes we cannot see the forest for the trees.
    I like to look to all the spiritual faiths to get my understanding of divine justice and spirituality. All of them have the same kernal of truth: We are all connected, and what we do to another we all do to ourselves.

    there always existed evolved souls to look at for a good example and they normally end up suffering a lot because they are quite out of place here and probably were sent or decided to come to inspire others to do better.
    I am sure Michael fulfilled his purpose and is now way beyond all that painful trouble…

    Love that! So very poignantly true! I’m more than sure that Michael’s soul has gone on to that higher plane of learning, and is now that much closer to God.

    There’s a book callled Now We Are Six, a woman took all the characteristics that the person attributed to six year olds and compared them to an adult narcissist. Of course no child has all these characteristics all the time, and in a child because it’s a stage; you correct and teach the child and he grows out of it.

    But in an adult, with all the intellect of an adult, someone who is STUCK, these in combination are horribly destructive traits that make having a relationships impossible.

    “Six can, oh so often, be expansive and out-of-bounds, contrary, violent, hard…to live with.”
    “Your typical Six-year-old is a paradoxical little person, and bipolarity is the name of the game. Whatever he does, he does the opposite just as readily. In fact, sometimes the choice of some certain object or course of action immediately triggers an overpowering need for its opposite.”
    “I love you” rapidly changes to “I hate you.”
    stubborn and can’t make up mind
    “The child is now the center of his own universe.”
    delighted by any silly thing that calls attention to himself; may do silly, show-offy things to call attention to himself when he feels neglected or shut out
    arrogant self-important (“extremely aware of the importance of being Six”)
    demands rather than asks
    thinks own way is always right
    once started, will stick to a course of bad behavior or bad judgment regardless of the inevitability of being punished for it
    asks to be flattered and praised as “good,” even (“rather sadly and touchingly”) following his worst behavior
    can’t accept criticism
    feelings are hurt over very small criticisms, comments, failures
    “He is so extremely anxious to do well, to be the best, to be loved and praised, that any failure is very hard for him.”
    wants to win every time poor sport, can’t stand to lose
    argumentative and quarrelsome defiant, pert, fresh, snippy competitive, combative
    belligerent, verbally and physically aggressive threatens, calls names, gets physically violent
    violent temper tantrums may require physical restraint because of striking out
    jealous, envious
    to make sure of winning, will cheat or make up own rules and then complains that others are cheating and not following the rules
    some are very cruel to younger children
    does not always tell the truth
    will not admit to wrongdoing [Note: A technique is given for getting the facts out of kids that also works with narcissists: instead of asking if they did it, ask how they did it.]
    goodness means the things explicitly required or allowed by parents or other authority figures; badness means the things explicitly disapproved of or forbidden
    little forgiveness very critical of others’ conduct
    expects friendships to be resumed immediately following tremendous complaint and conflict
    wants to boss
    can’t always tell the difference between “yours” and “mine,” and so often steals

    There are a lot of “adults” running around who are just like this. :pouty:

  9. mjjwendy says:


    I dont think I could ever really just focus on the good. When I see Michael at times I see a wounded man. Now more than ever I see everything that has happened to him. It comes like a big rush of incidents all jumbled into one. It’s kind of like how they portray a peron dying and events in their life flashes before them quickly. I’m not only refering to the parasites who attacked and sucked the life out of him but the physical attacks that his body betrayed him with. The lupus, vitilago, issue with his lungs, alopecia…all those autoimmune disorders that he sufferd from. The ones that could occur because of lupus well it all happend to him. He just endured for so long and then he just get tired and a bit of himself later just sliped away little by little till he was gone. :cwy:

  10. mjjwendy says:

    Isabeua, I hear you. I totally understant and agree.

    You know Jordie and Gavin are no longer a boys. Who are they obeying now? The benefit for Michael is too late. These two young me will never, ever come forward and own up to the truth. I feel it in my gut. It wont ever happen. That is the type of world we live in. I’m not surprised by it, the reality is what it is. That low level of awareness ( spiritually speaking) Yes, they seem to fit that nicely. :sick:

  11. Sabine says:

    As painful and as uncomfortable as it is, Wendy, reflecting on the trauma in Michael’s life is worthy, I think personally.
    A lot of peole just want to focus on his Golden years, listen to his music and have fun — and while that has its time and it’s place, that’s not the whole story. You’re right, what you said in above to Isabeau, not only how people attacked him, Michael suffered healthwise as well, still we only ever saw him with a smile, he never complained of failed to give us his very, very best.

    That’s part of the reason why this new album rubs me the wrong way. Anyone who knows Michael knows he was a perfectionist . To put out an album with unfinshed tracks, FINISHED by other people, when they are so many great tracks that could have been put on the album is down right insulting to MIchael and his legacy, the very legacy they claim to be preserving.

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