
Jonathan, people speak of an energy around Michael; a light. Did you ever feel that?
Jonathan: All the time, every time I am around him. That’s why you know you are in the presence of greatness. That’s why you know you’re in the presence of somebody special. Just count the number of fans and people and the multitude that love him around the world. He’s one man loved by… CNN said that over one billion people mourned Michael from all the remote areas of the world, as well as all the known areas. What other human being can draw that much sympathy and that much hurt from their loss. Michael had something special, a radiance, and when you were in his presence the whole room changed.
People would say, “Michael’s coming,” and everybody got nervous. As soon as you had the vision of him, even just knowing he was coming, you felt something, like a tingle happening. Just to watch him walk through the door, it’s like all the molecules in the air stop and you can pinch them with your finger; pick them up. It’s like you could see the smallest speck; you could see the molecules in the air when Michael walked in the room. He changed them; the molecular structure of the air. And that’s the equation of what happens when Michael enters, and everybody in the room felt it and knew it. Then their attitudes and personalities would change. They would perk up their attention, but they would always say, “There’s something with him. When he came in I got nervous. I felt something!” And I would hear that over and over again and I would say, “I know, I know. I’ve been feeling it for thirty years.”
And he was just so pleasant; just something with his imagery. Everybody radiates from a different frequency, and Michael had the highest level of energy I think without being from another world. His gift and his humanity of spirit were just so powerful and great and deep. He was a different human being from most of us; from all of us. He did affect everybody that came around him, from leaders of the world to normal folk, from children to people, grandmothers. Every single person that’s been around him said they felt something, that I remember seeing or talking to.
And that’s why people cry. People absolutely cry. I would sit on stage and watch them pass bodies, like back in the medieval days when people died of the plague. You would see them lift bodies, arms dangling and legs, heads swinging, and there was like an ocean of people with their arms up passing bodies to the front, to the gate. There would be a line-up there of emergency vehicles… five, ten of them lined up. There were stretchers and triages back there. One by one, people were passing them forward; sometimes a multitude of bodies moving across the crowd being passed to the rescue people. They would give them smelling salts and try to revive them. Some people were just totally gone, unconscious, you know, like totally no life in them, and that’s just from being in that stadium with Michael. I just got to just sit back there and marvel at it. It was just the most powerful thing to see, and that’s just from that one man in the center of the stage. He made even men pass out; women and men. That’s a power and Michael knew it. He knew he was gifted with something special, a purpose; uniting the world and uniting people.
— Jonathan Moffett, Michael’s drummer
Story of the little baby bird, as told by a family friend:
One day in the spring, back around the Thriller days, Majestik and fledgling super star but not yet King of Pop, Michael were at the compound at Hayvenhurst, the Jackson home, just hanging out together. They were headed down the driveway to the studio at the back of the property. They were bantering back and forth in conversation while walking along. Majestik was talking to Michael when he realized Michael was no longer next to him but was leaning down looking at the ground and crying.
He said “Michael, What are you doing?” Michael responded with tears streaming down his face, “Look it’s a baby bird and its dead!” Majestik not being of the same soft heart for nature as MJ and with his mind on where he was heading said “Michael, it is just a bird. There’s nothin’ you can do about it now. Man, its dead. Come on. We got to go. Let’s go.” Michael stood up and looked at him and in his soft voice and from his huge heart pleaded, “Majestik, this was a living creature with a heart and a soul just like us. We have to do something!”
Majestik emphatically insisted, “What are you gonna do, Michael? It’s already dead. There’s nothing you can do now.” As he is trying to convince Michael to just keep walking he realizes Michael is now down on the ground on his knees, digging a hole with his bare hands to bury the bird, while saying “We have to bury it. We have to bury this bird. We can’t just leave it here and we HAVE to say a prayer for this bird.”
He then finishes digging the hole, places the bird in the hole and covers it with dirt, as he finishes burying the bird he pats the ground gently with his hand, then stands and insists that Majestik stand right there with him over the new grave of the fallen bird while together they say a prayer. Michael leads the two of them in a prayer and asks God to bless the little baby bird and take it to heaven.
They are done praying and Majestik again tries to spur Michael on saying, “Ok, come on now. Come on. We got work to do. Let’s go! We’re done. Let’s go now!” But Michael is riveted and ignoring his pleas, instead looks up realizing the baby bird had fallen to its death out of a nearby tree. Suddenly he ascends up into the tree. Climbing the tree to the spot of the bird’s nest, where he then carefully fixes the nest so no more birdie babies will fall out and die.
His mission for God that spring day complete, he then climbs down. Brushes himself off and continues on with Majestik to the studio to work.
Sabine,this is a wonderful post. It is so good to read someone putting into words that indefinable “Michaelness” :wub: :wub:
thank you :heart:
the post about the bird such a beautiful storie mike was such a beautiful human being and one of a kind
Oh gosh! I love to read stories like this about Michael. The more you get to know him, the more you love him if that is possible. I love him so much it makes me want to cry!!
I read this story some time ago… it melted my heart :heart:
I loved that story :( it just shows how michael really wore his heart on his sleves. Thanks for sharing this with us Sabine xo
Hi Mj’sbutterfly!
Michael is so sensitive — it would have been a real honor to know him!!!! I’ve never known a man that sensitive! :w00t:
hey Sabine! Thank you for posting these wonderful stories! I am still crying over that little baby bird story. It is too much for me sometimes, thinking of Michael and his cuteness and then reading such stories. And I cant tell you how much I would give to just feel his aura for one moment…that is the most exciting thing I could imagine to experience. And I wasn´t aware that even people who worked with him so long, could still feel that energy everytime. This is incredible I think.
It really hurts…:(
Thank you so much for sharing ♥
It’s such a sweet story, right? I think you can still feel Michael’s aura, because personally I think what he had in him was just the spirit of God, and he was channeling it :smile: I mean he was uniquely himself, of course, as we all are, but when someone is spiritually connected and not just talking a lot of crap like some “religious folk” do, but when someone generally and sincerely loves mankind then you can feel it. :kissing:
Don’t be hurt!!!! :sad: Just open up and let that love inside!!!
I’m sending you a great big beam of it!!!
Thanks for commenting honey!!!!!
oh thank you, for that big beam of love :) you´re right. We shouldn´t be hurt but sometimes there are too many emotions that overcome me, thinking of him. And yes, I really think I still felt his aura when I went to L.A. last year! There was a certain undefinable energy, that was very strong and I almost thought he was sitting next to us in our car :( I know it sounds odd but I never felt anything like that before…I am really looking forward to going to the US again next year…it was totally magical!!!
Hope you had a nice weekend!
Major love to you, SuperSabine :)
oh I forgot to say, that I felt that energy around Neverland…
I like to think of it like this: It’s like cell phone reception. God is all around us, but some places have better connections than others, and sometimes people get better phones. :smile:
you must be right…I never knew I had such a good working cell phone :biggrin:
You might have upgraded in the last couple of years. Don’t you love when that happens? All of a sudden you start receiving LOVE from places where you never would have expected to find it!!!!!
Wow, it’s been so long! I don’t always get to see these type of articles on here, but I love this one so much. when I saw about the baby birdie :wub: I thought it was the other one. I don’t remember where I read it, but somewhere said that Michael had been walking around in his backyard at Hayvenhurst one day, eating up his nuts lol when a bird flew down out of no where and landed on him to start eatin his nuts. I always think that it’s only people who are pure of heart that can get that kind of reaction out of animals or children. I know if I were to be eating nuts in a park no little birdies would fly down to pay me a visit Hmf!
Ahh, even animals knew the love and sweetness of Michael. These kind of stories well me up with bliss but at the same time make me sad that not more people were like him. :sad:
Thanks for sharing, Sabine! :smile:
Hey Jasmine!!! You know, that’s my nieces name, she’s only a few months! Now, you might not get a birdie, but how about a squirrel? They’re always hungry :tongue:
I think animals can sense when you have a sensitive heart, and who knows, maybe Michael was an animal empath — you know like that dog whisperer who had the show. Maybe he could communicate with them on some level. He certainly loved them a lot, and maybe they could feel that :heart: I love stories like this one ,too!
LOL, yeah I’ve fed squirrels before, they’re so adorable those little munchers! But I get worried about what I feed them, like bread and stuff. I know you can’t feed dogs chocolate (even though I ‘ve heard of people doing that).
That’s cute. I used to never hear people with the same name as mine,while tons of my friends share names with other people, but I’ve learned to appreciate it as being a little different over the years. :heart:
I always wonder why are squirrels cute and rats not cute? :ermm:
:lol: It’s the tail, right????
But you know Michael liked rats too! Yikes :w00t:
I think Jasmine is a beautiful name. I almost named Saniia Jasmine in TTWC, but I wanted something that sounded like Sabah, since they are the same souls.
Really!!! That would’ve been so sweet!!!! But then I wouldn’t have been able to stop imagining myselfwith Michael and then I’d suffer even WORSE withdrawal symptommss!!! LOL
I don’t mind rats, along as they’re not dirty and don’t bite. I’ve got love for the animals!
But squirrells are definitely cuter, I think the tails have got a little something to do with it. I like puffy vs. wormtail thingy…lol MJ and his rats! I wonder if he got some more once he’d left home since Katharine didn’t let him get anymore while he was under her roof.
:lol: Awe c’mon and tell the truth! I bet you’re fantascizing anyway.
I love animals but I’ma neat freak, so the two kinda don’t go together. I wish I had a farm, and employees to clean up the mess, so I could just play with them! :smile:
I don’t know if MIcheal got more rats. I don’t think so, ’cause he said in his book how they were eating each other so he put them outside in the cold. I guess even as an animal lover Michael had his limits!!!! :wassat: