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09 Aug 2011

The Essence of Michael

Essence of Michael, GIFs Pictures, Michael Jackson, Micheal Jackson Fan Videos 11 Comments

This video embodies all that Michael held dear and all that he stood for.  It is truly a loving tribute from the heart.   :heart:    It’s worth it to Watch it in full screen!!!!

11 Responses to “The Essence of Michael”

  1. Ingridje says:

    Thank you for posting this ! I watched it in full screen as you suggested and it is wonderful. So very emotional and true.

  2. Cathy says:

    Hi Sabine,
    I dont know why this is being so weird. Now I tried to log in and go to your response, and it wouldnt let me it said password required, but when I clicked under this it let me in and showed me as being logged in. lol maybe you have ghosts :)

  3. SenoraSabine says:

    Hi Ingridje :smile:

    I was looking at your pics in Italy the other day, you look good girl!

    I’m so glad you liked the video; it was a lucky find, and so worth sharing. the person who created it is truly talented!

    cathy, I’m still trying to figure out why private posts ask those who don’t have access to put in a password! that amongst other things!!!! :pinch:

    there is no password, as least not on most of the posts — there are a few :tongue: Like the shower one!!!!! :silly:

    It’s just that the system isn’t letting you in for some reason. This post isn’t private which is why you can see it after you logged in. If we have ghosts, then figure out what to give them to let you in! :tongue:

  4. Cathy says:

    Lol I know…if I knew what to do I would! I’m starting to have withdrawallllll :) I dont know if its since you were off line to fix stuff…or what :( So when you put me in to have access does it show it approved on your end or just denies it? sigh…I know its not negative energy because I am nothing but love, love, love for beautiful Michael :) Don’t give up on me!

  5. SenoraSabine says:

    Cathy: Lol I know…if I knew what to do I would! I’m starting to have withdrawallllll :)

    :biggrin: You were reading pretty fast, and taking that jump ahead couldn’t have helped :tongue:

    As far as my end, you’re on the approved list, but something is keeping you from logging in. I threw away some junk files the other day, and that is why the header was blank, I mistakenly threw the pictures on the front page and the front page menu in the garbage too. I had to rebuild that. Something else must have gone wacky, so I’m retracing my steps.

    Cathy: I know its not negative energy because I am nothing but love, love, love for beautiful Michael :) Don’t give up on me!

    Hopefully not just and only for Michael, right? :wink: I’m sure it will all work out. Thanks for the patience.

  6. Cathy says:

    I hope its fixable…your writing is too beautiful to miss out on! Yummy :)

  7. SenoraSabine says:

    Awww thanks. :wub: I love to hear what the readers think . A lot of time and effort goes into the storyline, characters, plot, etc. to make the “yummy” parts work. Otherwise they’d be sooooooooo corny!!!! :lol:

  8. MJJTheBest says:

    I am at a lost for words to describe how much this video touched my heart. After listenining to some of his speeches and interviews, I have to agree, that video describes a lot about what he loved most. The only thiing I miss was a picture of his mother and Diana Ross. IAlso, Blanket is missing. But other than that, I am literrally truing to haold back tears. Thanks again for posting this very inspriational video.

  9. MJJTheBest says:

    Can you tell I am still having problems with the screen with all the tupos. Please excuse this.

  10. SenoraSabine says:

    What typos? :tongue:

    I’m glad I found this video. It’s like all the good things, I wasn’t looking for it and there it was!!!! :wub:

  11. nancycastelli says:

    Sweeney Todd,
    WOW! Just ventured onto this today and it is wonderful! Truly shows the essence of what Michael stood for! The goose bumps and the tears just seem to flow. A truly emotional piece. The person that made this captured him so totally. The world definitely lost a remarkable human being on June 25, 2011.

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“When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a . . man.”

(Spike to Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)

“I just hope that one day they will be fair and portray me the way I really am, just a loving and peaceful guy.” ~ Michael
"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." W. Shakespeare

"----->His intelligence is instinctual and emotional, like a child’s. If any artist loses that childlikeness, you lose a lot of creative juice. So Michael creates around himself a world that protects his creativity”. ~ Jane Fonda

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