Will the Real Michael Jackson Please Stand Up
Last year, on the eve of the anniversary of Michael’s passing, I wrote, Understanding Michael. This year to honor his birthday, and furthering that theme, I want to talk about who Michael was.
Googling the other day, I had the worst luck and came across a very hateful blog dedicated to “outing” Michael Jackson in all the ways that the media has tried to unsuccessfully do so for years. I won’t dare repeat the false accusations I read there because being exposed to that negativity put me in a blue funk for days. I was completely shocked that a person would invest so much time sullying Michael’s image and yes, good name. I was disgusted and appalled by the rabid frenzy that both the author of the blog and the few people who were commenting used to express with fervent relish how they “knew” all along “who” Michael was. So I started thinking.
Through out his life, especially in the latter years, and even after death, Michael has continued to accumulate an unusual amount of “haters”; people who have apportioned and dedicated a large portion of their time and energy for the sole purpose of fashioning and presenting an image to the public that they’ve dubbed “Michael Jackson”. They have this desperate, deep-seeded need to get everyone to believe that the image that they are calling Michael Jackson is the REAL Michael Jackson, and at the same time, denouncing the image that Michael presented to the world OF HIMSELF as false.
I can get all psychological and call this behavior:
Projection: falsely attributing to another your own unacceptable feelings, impulses, or thoughts.
But it would be irresponsible of me to stop there. I mean, I definitely couldn’t say for sure that was the only reason behind the lynch mob. Individually, there has to be further, more intricate and disturbing reasons to describe the clearly obsessive and irrational behavior of people like say Diane Dimond, Tom Sneddon, Ian Halperin, Evan Chandler, Arnold Klein or David Pfieffer, to name a few. On the surface we can easily say, Oh, they were just looking for fame and money; in short, attention and self-satisfaction . . . . at Michael’s expense. But was that it?
What was it about Michael that attracted the vampires of the world?
Digging You Fills Me Up
“When you go near a really charismatic person, you will have only two options – ending up being his slave, his fan, his admirer or, as a protection measure, you will turn yourself into his enemy and his hater.” ~ Osho
Michael sure was made up of some good stuff. Let’s see, he was wickedly talented, charming, good looking, kind, affable and generous. And those are just a few of his good traits. Think about high school, all the kids want to be friends with the “cool” guy. The idea being that if they align themselves with him, simply by association they will be cool, too. You most likely experience this phenomena when you meet a fellow Michael Jackson fan. “Oh, you like Michael, too?” Big smile. Immediately, that person becomes someone who is more appealing. Subconsciously, a silent, even if inaccurate message is transmuted that the person shares his traits: that they are generous, kind, and loving, too. After all, why else would they be a Michael Jackson fan? You immediately infuse them with the good qualities that Michael has, simply because they’ve told you they admire him.
Some people know this and do this as a practice. They align themselves with a person who has a good reputation knowing that they then will be perceived as being “good”, too. This, in and of itself, is using a person. And usually the people who use this tactic to their advantage aren’t satisfied with stopping there; they take it a step further. They also like to enjoy the perks, too. The Arvisos were like this. They wanted to live in Michael’s home; enjoy the use of his servants and spend his money. They wanted to be treated like they were actually Michael. It wasn’t enough to be regarded as infused with his good qualities, they actually wanted to be treated as if they were him, too.
But Who Was Michael?
The person that is often presented to the world by his more dedicated fans: The perfect angel who had no flaws, faults or problems; a beautifully generous philanthropist who gave himself selflessly to others; someone who didn’t mind having his life on display, a person who could not possibly have struggled with self-loathing or how to have a personal and private life; someone who definitely didn’t suffer from anorexia/body dysmorphia or have any addictions?
Was he what many hope he was in their fantasies, you know, the man described in many fan fictions: A one dimensional, hypersexual, viral man with an insatiable libido who was more than willing to satisfy the desires of all of his devoted female fans?
Was he the person whom the media often presented: “Wacko Jacko”, the effeminate, homosexual pedophile, eccentric and child-like, a caricature of a human being, someone who had lost touch with reality long ago and had become, towards the end of his life, a sad, shell of a man — a hopeless drug addict?
Was he the shrewd businessman whom Lisa Marie Presley described, a mastermind manipulator who presented to the world a kind, soft spoken, gentleman only to fool us into believing that he was other than he was?
Was he any of the people whom the world reflects back as a true image of Michael Jackson or . . . was he something else?
A Genuine Person
To me, Michael was just a genuine person. A genuine person made up of all the virtues and faults that any human being possesses. What were they? Well, whatever they were, they were not the sum total of who he was. We are no more our faults then we are only our virtues. If anyone simply listens to how the vast majority of people who knew Michael describe him, it doesn’t take long to notice the clear pattern: they all say the same thing. He was kind, gentle, extremely sensitive, generous. What about his faults? Do people with basic morality go around talking endlessly about a dead person’s faults? Some have said he was stubborn, others controlling. So what? We all have faults, but we are not all able to do what Michael could, and I’m not talking about singing and dancing.
Michael was not afraid to show his emotions, whether it was crying at the beauty of a sunset, or the expression of love in the cheers and screams of his many fans; or hurt at being attacked in a newspaper article or an obstinate refusal to be told how he should act. While he was alive, Michael screamed to the world: YOU WILL NOT DEFINE ME!!!!!
And maybe that scared people. And maybe that made them feel bad, because they were so disingenuous themselves. Maybe they hated Michael for being so real. Maybe they hated that he was so strong and just wouldn’t give in. Maybe they hated the fact that he was right.
And he was right. Michael had the RIGHT to define himself. He had no obligation to meet the expectations and live out the projections of everyone around him.
No one has the right to define Michael. Attempting to do so is a privilege, an unearned privilege. I think his children are probably the only people I’d be prepared to say have the right to try to define their father, and even they can at most only tell us about Micheal, the father. Maybe one day they will choose to do so but until then, it’s my position that anyone who is afforded the opportunity and provided with the medium to write about Michael; anyone who has been gifted with the talent to garner an audience and then chooses to present a distorted, negative or inaccurate representation of Michael based on false conclusions, misconceptions and biased opinions is WRONG.
Why are they wrong?
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser ~ Socrates
It isn’t because Michael was beyond reproach. I’ve heard that complaint enough times to know that people take that position when they want to justify their bashing of Michael. They say, Michael had faults! He wasn’t freakin’ perfect! So what if we talk about them? I’m not hating on him, he was just wrong for what he did. We can talk about what he did wrong if we want to!
I challenge the people who love to focus on Michael’s faults, real or imagined, those who judge him for the choices he made when he was alive, to put their life up for censure and see how it feels. I bet if the world was discussing who they were, and their life, they’d be singing a different tune. I bet they’d want the world to treat them with the utmost compassion and understanding.
As far as I’m concerned, if Michael’s faults and mistakes are going to be discussed at all, they better be true and accurate! Michael was a human being. If Michael had never done one thing for the world. If he had never sang one note or danced one step, if he had never given away one charitable dollar or visited one sick child, he still would be worthy of the right to be portrayed truthfully and accurately; the right to define himself.
But you can’t impose morality, and the web is open for any fool to sit at a keyboard and write. Even the least talented can get people to listen to them, and it seems the more negative their content, the larger their audience. If they, God forbid, can make some kind of money from writing about Michael, then the chances are slim to none that they will stop demoralizing his memory. It seems like all a person needs is a few people to stroke their ego for them to think they have the right to write the most outrageous nonsense. With the trial coming up, and the ensuing coverage, I’m afraid we’re going to hear a lot of self-proclaimed “experts” talking trash about Michael. As more information is revealed, you’ll see people crawling out from the wood works to tell the world who Michael was — who they “think” he was. Once again, I’d like to reiterate what I said last year in Understanding Michael. Michael told us who he was. We only have to listen.
If I could be granted one further wish in regards to Michael, if the general public and the media can’t at the very least make an effort to try and understand him, I wish people who choose to write about Michael would be mindful to represent him with reverence. In life he was accused and found innocent; it’s really as simple as that. The witch hunt was conducted . . . . and it failed.
Anyone who will not discuss Michael with the utmost respect and consideration has earned a seat in the Michael Jackson Hall of Shame.
22 Responses to “Will the Real Michael Jackson Please Stand Up”
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Awww Sabine, so beautifully written and so true. I miss you honey! It’s been so long I need to catch up! Happy Birthday Mike!
Aww Charmaine! Thanks honey! You’re the first to comment!
I always smile when I see your face :wub: Thanks for coming by, you know I l.o.v.e. ya!
You’re so welcome honey! I l.o.v.e. ya too! I need to catch up on Bad Boy Mike, and Tame The Wild Cobra!
Sabine, I read Understanding Michael last year, and found it very accurate, thought provoking and insightful. This report is all of that again. I have always wondered, ‘why’? Why do haters continue to berate him. Why do they not only say, but , believe all the terrible innuendos, the slander, the horrible statements and accusations against him. Why are seemingly normal, rational people, so easily led to these conclusions? If they are going to crucify this man, why don’t they educate themselves first? If they feel so strongly, surely they should investigate before adding their hate to the pile. Thank you for delving into the psychology of the haters. Thank you for listing the Hall of Shame.
I had a thought about some of the people on the Hall of Shame. The people who are in a position to influence the masses. When they slander Michael, are they not also slandering the judicial system, that acquitted him on no less than 14 charges?
:blush: Happy Birthday Michael. I love you and miss you terribly!
Totally dig the Hall of Shame you made!
Some people may disagree with me, and perhaps even you Sabine but I feel to some extent even Debbie Rowe should be in the Hall of Shame as well. I never believed her intentions were good. I for some reason have never liked that woman from the start.
Just my opinion.
Its just how the world is, because looking Michael reminded them how bad they all were. It;s like dragging a diamond or a gold nugget through the mud, no matter what its beauty can never be covered, and when it emerges, its beauty still shines and everyone can see the reality for themselves. The world is just sadly full of very shallow people. All one has to do is just listen to Michael talk, and see his actions, and see that the consistent pattern he displayed of himself or who he was throughout his life, that he never committed any wrong doing. He was human and flawed like all of us, but certainly not guilty of all the shit that he was accused of.
:blush: Happy Birthday Michael
Beautifully written and well said! How I hate the tabloids and how they exploited Michael! I have to agree where you said he was human! That is just it paparazzi and those who wanted to gain $$ from his celebrity used and abused his good nature! We are all human and have faults so why did they have to treat him the way they did! He did so much good for the world but that was of course not newsworthy! Was it the fact that they could not get over an African American man being so famous and adored by so many! I agree so much with you too Autumn in your words. I read so much on how lonely Michael was but inside I believe he had a beautiful and loving soul and tried so hard to show that to the world!
Happy Birthday Michael!!You will always be forever in my heart!
Hey guys!
You know, I fully I expected that some people would NOT like this article!!!! But I put it up anyway! :smile:
I’m glad some people can hear me and hear where I’m coming from.
I’ve asked myself the same questions. Especially after I read that blog — I was like WHY? What is the point, really?
I think part of the answer is that they are not rational, normal people! And it’s impossible to fully undrestand crazy if you’re sane!!!!
Dear Sabine, you wrote such a nice piece I don’t even know how to comment. I’ll try.
You put in words what was always on my mind…
The Osho quote is wise and true and all your comments on the haters sound very truthful to me.
What you say about some fans is bright and I completly agree.
We should try to become ‘lovers’ instead of ‘fans’ (the term derive from ‘fanatic’ and the ethimology of words always reveals the truth).
The ones who love for real are compassionate but not blind, they are respectful of the person they love and respect means to let others define themselves, let them live their life and make mistakes, and learn from Life as they want. Sometimes it is not easy but that is what respect means to me.
Your mind is sharp as a razor and your understanding is deep.
But… most important qualities: you are compassionate and righteous.
Thank you for this, I will read “Understanding Michael” too.
Tha Hall of Shame is great!
Hi Isabella!!!
How are you feeling! Well, your words are so sweet, it really almost brought tears to my eyes! :smile: :wub:
You know, I was so bothered by the site that I stumbled upon that was trying to “prove” that Michael was a gay pedophile, I decided to create another site, where anyone who was really interested in the truth could go and just read what really happened, in regards to the allegations made against him in 1993 and the 2005 trial.
This is the web addresss: http://www.michaeljacksonfactcheck.blogspot.com
If you have any information that I can just park there, that let’s people know once and for all this man was completely innocent, I’d love to put it up!
I was watching that very sad video when Michael describes the strip search they made him go through. :sad:
Awww man, i felt so bad for him.
You didn’t read Understanding Michael yet!?!?!?! :wassat:
I think you’re gonna like it, ’cause you’re so smart, compassionate and perceptive yourself :wink:
what you said about ehtimology is so true. That’s why I don’t like to call myself a fan!
I always say I’m and admirer :blush:
Beautiful written, and i love the Hall of shame spot on! As is your blog.
I have read a few fantasy blogs, is that what they call them? I would say fans perception in what they would like michael to be, do and one i read is to the extent of exploitation. I read but decided ‘not for me’ . I guess i wondered if it was ‘normal’ to love someone through his words and music solely, i decided that i’ll keep my own fantasy’s strictly to my dreams :D leaving those who like to openly share their fantasies with others to do that.
‘The web is open for any fool to sit and write’…So true! Hence why i don’t write, i read, then decide truth from what i have read and what i know; if i don’t know i look it up or ask. 100% believe that we know Michael only has far has he wanted the world to know him; anything more ‘we’ did not need to know. ( like myself with my own family, i tell them what i want them to know anything more is private, )! Michael too should of been allowed to have privacy, if only the world would of let him have just that.
Michael without faults? I think fans would love michael to be sub human. if i am honest, i do look at michael myself as being like a knight in shining armor, come to rescue me through his loving words and music from the reality of life that upsets me daily, that he is a true angel and angels are perfect in everyway. but reality is (as most know) michael like the rest of us is human and like the rest of us made mistakes. I think you are correct michael was saying to the world ‘you will not define me’ but then i don’t understand why would anyone want to define michael? Why can we not just accept Michael as who we know; anything more is not what michael wanted us to know about him!…What i am saying is why do we search for defining michael when accepting that michael gave us his love should be enough…shouldn’t it?!
Much love and thank you for the beautiful blog, made me think on a few things it did :)
Hello Mandie! :bye:
I guess they’re called fan fiction over here in the states. It’s not for everyone and yes, I agree some of them exploit Michael, by basically re-creating him into someone else, someone nothing like who Michael was when he was alive. But yes, some people like to share their fantasies.
I mean that’s why I do, too !!! :tongue:
But my stories, they don’t seem to come from me :angel:
You’re one smart woman! I like your out look and how you choose to receive information. I wish lots of other people were as smart!
that’s something I believe in so much . . . and I like the way you put it, when you personalize it, people have the hope of understanding. None of us tell everyone everything! There’s a reason for that!
Fantasies are great! I mean Michael is my shining army in Tame the Wild Cobra. But fantasies can also be dangerous . . . if they go too far, if they take too much liberties and if they begin to blur with reality, you know. When we can’t tell the truth from our dreams.
I think the answer is, the way I see it, some people reallllllly want their ideas to be true, good or bad, even if it disrespects a person, or walks over their own identity or intrudes on their personal space. The just need it to be true for themselves. It’s selfish, I guess.
That’s the best thing I’ve ever read.
If my writing can cause a person to just think, man! The best stuff I’ve ever read have always man me sit back and go, hmmmmm.
Anyway, you didn’t ask but I’ve given you access to read the rest of the stuff on here, if you’d like :caress:
thanks for the great comment!
Your new blog is great!! When do you find the time to do all this????
I was impressed by the body language analysis by that guy, I saw more on his FB profile, it is something it always fashinated me. I even wrote a poem called ‘Body talk’ for Michael last year, remember?
Body talk
A rain of words keeps falling
words create and destroy worlds
but in the body lies the truth of the soul.
Your kind and gentle hands did not lie
your nervous legs did not lie
your winged mercurian feet did not lie
they took around a message of Love
the sound of your voice did not lie
it survived Time.
Your eyes could not lie…
They looked at the world,
your hearted eyes,
and saw nothing but Beauty
:thankyou: I’m glad you liked it. It truly is all for l.o.v.e. :heart:
and really was a labor of love!
I DO remember the poem! :wub:
Isn’t the body analysis guy wonderful? He explains everything so precisely. I rely on intuitive feelings to let me know if a person is lying but it takes me a while to figure out why I thought they were lying. It’s great to see someone doing these kinds of analysis. I get to hear him explain what I was feeling all along!!!!! :w00t:
Same thing!! I get ‘impressions’ and hardly do mistake… but I really don’t know why
:cwy: i love and miss him so much….this was so beautifully written
:bye: Hi Forever!!!!
:thankyou: It means a lot that some people “get” this piece.
Again great article and I totally agree with everything you say. Very good also the “Hall of shame”. Thank you!
Ahh, the Hall of Shame! I could have made it a little bigger — you know there are a still quite a few people who have a rightful seat waiting there!!!!! :pouty:
:sorry: I almost cried at the end. When I saw Jermaine on the wall of shame I automatically started humming “Word To the Bad.” :sad: Then I became so angry with myself for humming, and even remembering that horrible song :angry: . For some strange reason this brought me back to the “Brightest Week” (that’s what I call the week Michael died) because when I saw that horrible Conrad Murry :sick: I asked myself like I did during the brightest week, for the 6,766,874,984 time “how can someone be so evil, so vile, so against the wonderful human being? Why werent you watching him? Why didnt you do your job? You knew what you were doing, didnt you?” :argue:
I just love him so much. :heart:
When I started reading your comment, I thought you were saying you almost cried because you feel Jermaine SHOULDN’T be in the Hall of Shame!!!! :wassat:
By the way, in his book Jermaine says that he didn’t write the song; he says L.A. Reid and BabyFace wrote it, and he only sung it because he was angry (not at Michael but at a lot of things that were going on) and it was just him venting. He says that he never thought the song would see the light of day.
:sick: Pardon me, but lies always have that affect on me.
Thank you I enjoyed reading your thoughts about Michael…I agree with you Michael tells us who he is…. we just have to listen to his music, his speeches, read his words…Anyone who’s ever read Dancing the Dream can have no doubts in their mind about him…Michael was LOVE. I think he had a deep unconditional love for all of mankind. He amazes me…I love him as I love anyone else in my life…I focus on the good and don’t dwell on the flaws.
Ugh I hate coming across ugly words about him also it really leave me in a blue mood so I try my best to stay away from the hate but sometimes it catches you totally off guard as it did me recently with D. Dimond. I recently looked at the vid Man behind the myth and it showed snippets of her discussing him…she has a heart of stone and whatever her reason are for hating him I feel sorry for her that she carries so much hate in her heart. I agree with all of those on your wall of shame…the family I’m conflicted about them though…but Randy T I’ve never understood why so many fans flock to him…I don’t even bother to read his words as for me anyone who claims to give me insight into Michael i steer clear of them…Michael tells me who he is, whatever he’s revealed is enough for me. As for fan fic well fans all have Michael in their own way, some are horrified at the mere mention of Michael making love, for others he was a playboy, we’ll all never know…so I only read the ones that fit my Michael.
I dread the upcoming trial, but I’m going to try my best to limit my exposure to it….I don’t want him dissected and analysed once again….Anyway enough from me…Thank you for you loving piece of his beautiful man. :blush: