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10 Aug 2011

Cowboy Mike, Novel Synopsis

Chapters, Cobra Crack, cowboy mike, Synopsis 52 Comments

It’s Lonely at the Top


Cowboy Mike begins in 1984, while Michael is staying at the Caribou Ranch in the Rocky Mountains near Nederland, Colorado. Just before he catapults into a mega career of unprecedented fame, Michael literally runs right smack into Sabah Graham, a young, independent woman from L.A. and begins a very intense love affair. Driven by an inner yearning for someone special to love, a woman who will love him unconditionally in return, Michael finds the answer to his dreams in Sabah’s arms, but true love comes at an exacting price. The fated lovers are taken from the streets of L.A. to the very edge of their boundaries, the start of the larger than life Bad World Tour. Michael is literally alone amongst a sea of faces, some who do not have his best interest at heart. He desperately wants and needs Sabah by his side but Sabah is not sure she is ready to abandon her life and go on a world tour. As she battles her intense inner jealousy she also struggles with the pressure of Michael’s growing fame. To top it off, someone very close to her threatens to make their very private relationship public. Their love for each other runs deep but Sabah’s own sense of obligation and their mutual mistrust must be conquered if there can be any chance of them being together. . . . .

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Chapter List*:

(*Each Chapter links to the next and back to the previous)
  1. Cowboy Mike – Private
  2. Cowboy Mike II: Michael’s Adventures w/ Sabah Continues! – Private
  3. Cowboy Mike III: All Good Things Come to an End – Private
  4. Cowboy Mike  IV: Baby Be Mine – Private
  5. Cowboy Mike V: Whatever Happens – Private
  6. Cowboy Michael VI: She’s Out of My Life – Private
  7. Cowboy Mike VII: Liberian Girl – Private
  8. Cowboy Mike VIII: Leave Me Alone – Private
  9. Cowboy Mike IX: Girlfriend – Private
  10. Cowboy Mike X: I Wanna Be Where You Are – Private
  11. Sneak Preview of Cowboy Mike XI
  12. Cowboy Mike XI: Can’t Help It – Private
  13. Sneak Preview of Cowboy Mike XII
  14. Cowboy Mike XII: Tell Me I’m Not Dreaming – Private
  15. Sneak Preview of Cowboy Mike XIII
  16. Cowboy Mike XIII: Trouble  – Private
  17. Cowboy Mike Preview XIV
  18. Cowboy Mike XIV: Tabloid Junkie – Private
  19. Cowboy Mike XV: Rock With You – Private
  20. Cowboy Mike XVI: Dangerous – Private
  21. Cowboy Mike XVII: Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ – Private
  22. Cowboy Mike XVIII: Human Nature – Private
  23. Cowboy Mike XIX: I Just Can’t Stop Loving You – Private
  24. Cowboy Mike Chapter XX: Smooth Criminal – Private
  25. Cowboy Mike Chapter XXI: Smile – Private
  26. Cowboy Mike XXII Sneak Preview!
  27. Cowboy Mike XXII: Man In the Mirror – Private
  28. Cowboy Mike Chapter XXIII: For All Time – Private
  29. Cowboy Mike XXIV: Break of Dawn – Private
  30. Cowboy Mike XXV: Got To Be There – Private
  31. Why Cowboy Mike had to End . . . . .

Related Entries:

Cowboy Mike Trivia

Cowboy Mike Chapter 20

Let’s Talk about our favorite moments of Cowboy Mike!!!!! – Private


Michael and Sabah’s story continues in Bad Boy Mike

and begins in Tame the Wild Cobra

52 Responses to “Cowboy Mike, Novel Synopsis”

  1. Jaz says:

    Hi Sabine.i have been trying to access your website on my new laptop my husband bought for me. But I cannot see the cowboy mike stories on there. I am getting a lot of logins and privacy message. But cannot view or see anything. But I can see see on my iPad, not sure what I am doing wrong.

  2. Sabine says:

    Hey Jaz!

    How have you been? :wub: It’s so good to know people are still interested in Cowboy Mike, did you ever get a chance to get the book in hard copy? :yes:

    I can’t remember :confused: but I hope so, because, you know, after much consideration I decided not to make the stories accessible online anymore. :sorry:

    But the good news is you still can, purchase the book that is, and then you can :reading: whenever you want!!!!

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“When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a . . man.”

(Spike to Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)

“I just hope that one day they will be fair and portray me the way I really am, just a loving and peaceful guy.” ~ Michael
"So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." W. Shakespeare

"----->His intelligence is instinctual and emotional, like a child’s. If any artist loses that childlikeness, you lose a lot of creative juice. So Michael creates around himself a world that protects his creativity”. ~ Jane Fonda

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