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09 Dec 2010

Dear Michael

GIFs Pictures, GIFs Pictures, Michael Album, Michael Jackson 55 Comments

A 'Michael' Album Review Written By Peter Mills.

"I hear the whole entire arrangement in my head; what instrument is supposed to do.  I put them down orally on tape and then I go out and find that instrument.  I don't give in until I get exactly what I want. I sing every part with my mouth.

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55 Responses to “Dear Michael”

  1. Sabine says:

    I don't agree with everything he's said for sure, but No. 1, he's a fantastic writer and the review is entertaining, and no. 2, there's a lot of truth in it that lots of peolpe might want to ignore/not hear.

    I love it.
    :wub: :wub: :wub: I'm never pleased with anything, I'm a perfectionist, it's part of who I am.~Michael Jackson

  2. MartiniGirl says:

    ohhhh I wanna comment so bad right now... girl you have sparked me sister to sit down and chat - but I gotta run to a meeting... I be back

  3. Sabine says:

    I'm on my way out so if you comment I'll see it when I get back. Since I know you love the album, this is going to be interesting!


  4. mjjwendy says:

    Sabine, will you ceate a forum to discuss the cd once it has come out? I hope so.

    I'm not going too deep into this topic. To be real honest I'm franky tired of the divisions in the fan base. It's painful and embarrasing to witness. The media did their part while he was here. What on earth are the fans now doing? His legacy is in trouble. It fuckin breaks my heart. Im speeechless.

    Okay, I can't stop now. Where did this, "it's not Micheal" conspiracy start? Why doesn't Hendrick, Lennon, Elvis any other artis that has died have their music beyond death challenged and have campagining of boycotts by their own fan base? You mean to tell me Biggie and Tupac music after death with their posthumus cds are all legitamite and not MJ? Hell, they had half of career than MJ. I wouldn't even say half . You mean Mike doesn't have enough music in the vaults? WTF? Who say's so? I see the conspiracy of creating a consipracy to not buy future MJ cd/projects and they got a nice hype going whomever they are. The plot is movingf nicely along" fake tracks on Michael cd, dont buy it." It appears on you tube and everywhere the fan base is helping them right along. It was just that easy. I guess I did go there on this topic after all.

    Didn't they provide several forensic reports on the songs? Is that not enough evidence? What do they need to do to prove otherwise for everyone to be happy? :sad:

  5. mjjwendy says:

    :sad: I really dont understand, with all the complaining from certain members of his family why are they not bringing in their own forensic ears to get to the bottom of those "fake" tracks? I do see them being oh so very useful and beneficial to MJ legacy by twittering day and night. :angry: Why keep the BS rolling and flowing? Silence it and stop being mysterious/vague in the tweets. No wonder MJ changed his numbers, got rid of people and sought sleep at any cost. He had drama at every turn and bend. He desperately needed to escape the madness! God bless his soul! :cwy:

  6. mjjwendy says:

    Who is Peter Mills? A fucking music critic!? " Let's dig the corpse up, scratch "dirty Paedo on the forehad of it's skull, attach strings and make the bastard dance for us" :sick: Did he say that? Really? I find that not a clever use of words at all. It's plain offensive. Poor taste. We can all agree to disagree on the tracks and on the feel and sound of the tracks. Hell, we can also agree and or disagree on the "conspiracy " from Sony and or whom ever. That comment was not needed. Horrible! :angry:

    I'm very angry. :pinch:

  7. EnolaLee says:

    It stopped being entertaining when I got to "Dirty Paedo."
    I normally have a sense of humor, but in all honesty, I find a comment like that not just it tasteless - it is plain disgusting.

    I have no intention to read the rest of it. It breaks my heart.


  8. MartiniGirl says:

    Okay... here I am! This will be a long one for me so I need to take my time writing – for two very important reasons - coz I know when I get excited about something I miss words or thoughts and I make no sense, which may still happen – so beware, but as well and mostly because even thinking about what I want to write makes me emotional so I don’t want to end up a big heap on my keyboard and I certainly don’t want to water down my martini with my tears...

    I thought it was a very interesting “different” kind of review and as well, can’t say I agree with it – especially his caustic almost guttural tone – but he does make some interesting points – and I can see what he trying to say.

    The problem is, for me anyway, I am not always sure how to take information that sounds like it is are being shoved down my throat for digestion like it or not – and that is how it comes across – so even though I can see his point of view and I can see what he is saying, especially about the Cascio tracks – I find it hard to read and be objective... but I am gonna give it a good shot.

    Interestingly enough – the three songs he mentions that are the true Michael songs are my 3 favourite on the album – I even got my hubby digging Another Day – as he says –it comes across like Dirty Diana – which is probably the song he likes the most.

    Hollywood Tonight – was the song that really caught my ear at first as the song of the album and even thought it sounds really produced and layered it just sounds so good and I can hear him there.. The beat is infectious and I can imagine him shaking his fine self to this song... I really like this song a lot.

    Behind the Mask – seriously – I can’t even talk about this song without tears welling up in my eyes. My god it is so good and he sounds so FREAKING amazing – it is killing me... all the inflections, all his high notes, tempo, delivery, adlibs, hiccups and edginess in his voice the way he ends words... I am not explaining well, but I know you addicts know what I mean. Everything is there for the taking! And the song is so sexy and so funky - so Michael - you can just feeling him oozing out of your pores after listening – after all the listening I did yesterday, I think this maybe be my favourite song on the album.

    And I love LOVE that you can hear his scatting and beat boxing on those two songs.

    See dammit - tears – because when I hear this song all I think about is what we have lost and we are not getting it back and there is no more - there is no more Michael for us and it really sucks.

    AND RIGH THERE... THAT, That is the very reason right there why I am so happy to get this album – even with the “faults” – it makes me feel closer to him, like he is really still here and not gone – even thought I know the truth – listening to new releases makes me feel like he is right here making music for us.

    I know I make things so bad for myself when I talk like that or think that – but it is my little escape – and I take the consequences later.

    As for the other songs, I like almost all of them or bits and pieces of them – I don’t think I dislike any really.

    I have yet to hear all of Breaking News – because I don’t like what I have heard about it and it doesn’t sound like something he would sing. The parts I have heard, I don’t think it is his voice – but honestly I have only heard about the first minute of the song so I don’t know. I will have to give it a try.

    I like Hold My Hand.... just because he sounds so sweets and I love all the “Yeahs” in there - vintage Michael – some of the adlib hoo’s sound out of place to me – but I really like the premise of the song – I wanna hold his hand.

    The same can be said for Keep Your Head Up – I like his voice on this track and the positive message of the track is so Michael – but I don’t like all the extra Earth Song like adlibs I can hear. But with that said, I also don’t like Earth Song *ducking* never have.

    I actually like Monster quite a bit– because to me it seems like a song he would sing like Leave Me Alone, Tabloid Junkie or DS. I like the edginess of it.

    I like Best of Joy, because I was just reading a couple days ago that he just finished recording it not long before his death and he was going to premiere the son during This Is It Tour.

    Much Too Soon is a pretty ballad – but I could live without it. I much rather of had Slave to the Rhythm, Blue Gangsta or Do You Now Where Your Children Are.

    But there really is only a limited supply of good vintage Michael out there... so we fans need to be spoon fed – which really is fine with me – because I will take a lot of mediocre Michael just to get a little bit of good.

    I know, I know - blasphemy!

    I realize that is not what he would have wanted – but again we don’t have what we want. I would want Michael here giving me this music...

    Actually, let me correct myself, I would actually just take having Michael here with no new music at all ever again and my head and heart would be quite fine with that.

    One thing I can say that I do complete agree with is, any real Michael fan (hell even a passing fan) can tell Michael’s voice – he has the most beautiful sweetest soulful voice in the world with such powerful emotional inflection. He can make you feel his voice and I can say without a doubt there is only one voice that makes my heart feels the way his does - it just swells with so much love. To this day, I can barely speak when I listen to Lady In My Life, Baby Be Mine, The Way You Make Me Feel, Tabloid Junkie and a whole whack of others – when I listen to Michael, it is never background music – he garners my full attention. I like a lot of music from a wide variety of genres – I don’t’ think I can say that about any other artist.

    I love you Michael - and now I collapse in my heap of tears...

  9. Sabine says:

    Enola: It stopped being entertaining when I got to “Dirty Paedo.”
    I normally have a sense of humor, but in all honesty, I find a comment like that not just it tasteless – it is plain disgusting.I have no intention to read the rest of it. It breaks my heart.

    Enola, I have to say, I find that an interesting statement, considering how you responded to Colette saying this to another fan about and to Michael's nephews on Twitter:


    Colette speaking to TheRealStaci :"Taj is a loser looking for attention I didn't adress you fuck off. 3T bitching makes me want the album even more. They are full of shit and family so fuck off. It is Michael you brainwashed bitch. Your a fucking retarded bitch. Taj would spit in your face do you want to suck his dick? well you look like a cow."

    Enola to MissMJJ (Colette): "@MissMJJ The day you stop knocking people's teeth out verbally, I am going to be very worried about you. LOL! Unfollow them, it's worth it! Tuesday, December 07, 2010 via web in reply to MissMJJ

    Colette speaking to@enolaleei : LOL Don't worry I unfollow all them bitches and this particular person I wasn't even following so I had to come at her lol Dec 7th via web in reply to enolalee

    I mentioned it in the bar, but didn't say specifically what it was that I had read. I find what Colette said beyond tasteless and disgusting, especially since she is talking about Michael's nephews, the only ones he left anything to in his will aside from his mother. You, I guess, thought it was funny and seemed to be encouraging her behavior, and well, this reviewer is trying to make a point, which is to illustrate verbally what he feels is being done to Michael and his memory by Sony and those in the industry, and I get the point, while I cannot see the point in Colette's abusive language and behavior.

    I don't get how you can read and laugh at Colette's behavior but find the very little of this piece that you read heart breaking.
    MJWendy, writers sometimes use abrasive language for shock value to get your attention, and I think Peter did a good job, because it DOES get your attention, but don't stop there. He is comparing the treatment of Sony to Michael and his memory to someone doing that; that's his point.

    As for tweeting, I am with you there, I think it's totally annoying the cryptic tweets and unclear messages that the Jackson family continues to post and I just don't get putting your business on Twitter anyway, but it seems that EVERYONE is doing it, so maybe that's why.

    I do get why Taryl and the rest haven't run to court. In court, an expert will say whatever you pay him to say. Sony SAYS they got experts to prove it was Michael's voice and Taryl can get experts to say it's not. Actually studies have already been done saying it's not. I trust my own ears which tell me something fishy is going on, especially with the Breaking News Track. I don't care what anyone says, I know Micheal's voice when I hear it.

    Why is there so much division in the fan base? Do you really want me to go there? :ermm:

    I personally think it's because of the personalities of some of the "fans". If you look above at how Colette is defending this album and the words she is choosing to use, I mean this is a person who says she is a Michael fan. And I shared this with Sara the other day; I was talking to her on FB and I told her I don't understand how fans can on the one hand say how much they love Michael for his sweet, angelic, loving spirit and then become so very ugly and disrespectful when someone disagrees with them. To admire and idolize someone, doesn't it mean that you aspire to be like them; that you look up to what they stood for and how they lived their life and want to be like them?

    So why is it okay to curse someone out and talk down to them, cause they don't agree with you? Michael wasn't like that and wouldn't want to have anything to do with someone who is like that.

    I don't think you can compare Biggie and Tupac or even Hendricks or Lennon to Michael. Michael has always = MONEY to those who wanted to use him. This was true in life and remains true after death. Everyone wants a piece of Michael and will do whatever they can to get it.

    How many books have been printed after his death? How many women (and men) have come out and claimed relationships with him? How many videos have been made?

    How many interviews has Oprah had -- Oprah who thinks he's a pedophile -- on Michael?

    How many people have come forward with "secret" information on his life, for a price?

    Michael means money and those who are unscrupulous are out to get it. Michael suffered so much in life because everyone wanted a piece of him, his family is included in that. But what I do know is that he put his three nephews in his will, and that means something to me. so when they said that it wasn't him, all it did was corroborate what I was already feeling when I heard the track.

    Mgirl, honey, I've read your comment and I really actually agree with a lot of what you said, I can understand your point of view. Um, I suppose I don't take the writers tone to heart or feel that he's shoving anything down my throat because I get that he's critiquing a piece, and when one critiques, they're going to highlight what they like or don't like -- that's the point, and using colorful language just makes it interesting because who wants to read, well I realllllly liked this, but I didn't like that -- after a while that get's boring.

    I have to say here, though, I've been watching the whole verbal warfare going on amongst fans. BUY THE RECORD -- DON'T BUY THE RECORD.

    I don't get it. Why not let everyone do what the hell they want to do? Why does anyone feel the need to tell someone else what they should like or don't like?

    I think the fans who don't believe that it is Michael's true and honest voice on some of the tracks and don't' want to support or buy the record should be free to do that w/o being told they are stupid or bullied and called "non fan's" because of what they feel.

    I also believe, visa versa, the fans who like you've said, enjoy the album and like the songs, if only for the fact that they feel closer to Michael and can feel that he is being brought to life in some ways by the replay of his music should be free to enjoy that without being told they shouldn't buy the album.

    Basically I don't think you can dictate to people what they should like. Like you say you never liked Earth Song, while I LOOOOOOOOVE Earth Song, not only because of the music, but because of the message and the passion with which Michael sung it, it really speaks to me. :wub:

    Now my daughter LOOOOOOVES Dirty Diana, and I always ask her why 'cause I like it a lot but it's not my favorite. She also lovvvvees You are Not Alone to death, while my favorite songs I mean I love all Michael's music pretty much, but I can listen to Can't Help It and Rock With You, allllll day, 24/7

    This reviewer says he doesn't like a lot of songs that I actually do like on the album. He also says that they are not Michael's voice at all except for a few. I actually believe it's not Michael on only three of the tracks -- I mean you read on Tumblr what I thought:

    I Like (The Way that you Love Me) — Other than Michael speaking, I liked the org. leaked version better. To me their added “touches” didn’t make the song better. Monster is okay, but not vintage Michael or his voice IMO. By voice I don’t only mean singing voice, I mean delivery, inflection, style, timing, things that are uniquely Michael and cannot be replicated. You know it as soon as you hear it: That’s Mike!!! Same goes for Hollywood and Keep Your Head Up, I don’t hear Michael’s voice. I hear a manufactured, highly processed song that shouldn’t have been released in that state. They should have just released it raw, as is. But Ted Riley said they were UNRELEASABLE as they were. I think they are STILL unreleasable, if you go by the standard of music Michael was known for.

    You hear Michael’s voice instantly in Behind the Mask. No comment about Breaking News — seriously, Michael must be turning over in his grave.

    Hold My Hand has grown on me, they actually made it sound better. Another Day, love it! Best of Joy is a Keeper. Much too Soon, so sweet!!!

    But the best songs I’ve heard this week are:

    All I Need, Slave to the Rhythm, Do You Know Where Your Children Are and Blue Gangsta

    All instant hits; all vintage Michael Jackson, even though they have different “sounds” to them but curiously all songs that were LEFT OFF the album.

    I agree with the reviewer that someone was trying to make a very strong point of showing us what songs exist and could have been put on the album but curiously were not. And asking us to question WHY. Sony acted very swiftly to get rid of all the places offering uploads of All I Need -- you couldn't find it 24 hours after it was leaked. That means that they have every intention of putting that song on A album, just not now. Are they trying to put some fake songs in with the good ones to make money?

    Girl, I wouldn't put NOTHING passed no corporation.

    But here is what I really feel. You can't tell other people what to like when it's art, music or any artistic expression. People just like what they like for lots of reasons.

    Everyone is going through their own grieving process. While I would love it if fans joined in arms and said, Sony, hell no, don't you ever think for a minute you can release a Michael album that you f-ed with for whatever reason. You give us pure Michael and nothing else! I recognize that's me and how I feel.

    I would have rather they just released the raw tracks as is. I understand that as fans, we will buy ANYTHING that has Michael on it. They could have released a taped phone call and we would buy it. But don't put a taped phone call to music and tell me Michael is singing. To me, that's insulting my intelligence.

    As an artist, I would hate it if one of my stories was given to someone else to be finished and then the publishing house had the nerve to print the book and say it's written by me. :pinch: No, it's not!!!! Someone else has been messing with it.

    So I feel Michael on his perfection; on his need to be in total control of his art and I think they are disrespecting his legacy by not adhering to that, but that's just me and you know, not for nothing, corporations are ALWAYS doing that to artists. They are not artists so they don't get it. That's why Prince had beef with Sony, that's why so many artists scramble to get out of contracts because the record companies start to interfere in their creative process with their greed.

    I agree wholeheartedly with what you've said about Michael's voice. Stevie Wonder has a voice like that. Not many people do. Just a style that is all their own. Michael worked very hard to become the unique phenomenon that he was, In many ways he sacrificed a large part of his life to give us his music. I just want Sony to respect that. Thanks for sharing, and going there! :wub:

  10. mjjwendy says:


    " Sometines writers use abrasive language to get your attention." I get it . I get it. He was intentionally cruel and he took that angle. .His efforts to "compare the treatment of Sony to MJ and his music and memories" It failed badly for me. I may not be alone. I know I can't be alone in that I dont really know many members that you have dont speak in this forum. I cant speak for them. For me it was wrong and I was surprised to see it. I try to escape the ugliness about Michael in places like this.

    He can voice his feelings without being nasty. This is not a new form or expression for this guy. He can use other forms of analogy or comparison without being cruel and heartless. That was his intent, to hurt and mock. " Make the bastard dance" :angry: He knew those who love him will read that article. Michael is dead in his grave and to make any reference to that in a intently cruel matter is unacceptable. I dont care what the hell he has to say now beyond that. It was ignorant. You can get your point across without going there. He went there and more. It was truly hideos to say the least. :angry:

    Now with regards to experts "being paid in court to say what you want them to say" is this udner oath?!, :blink: What is that? If Katerine, Taj, Tj Tayrll, Randy and Latoya want to know the truth, they should seek just that and not pay an expert to say what they want to hear but demand to know the truth one way or the other. As a fan I wan't to know the truth regardless of the outcome..becuase Im concerned and want to get to the bottom of the DRAMA! I' havent heard anything solid and sound from the marathon/ tag team Jackson twitters. :angry:

    Sabine " actually studies have already been done saying it is not" Who said that? The flip side is that three seperate Forensic experts were used along with the professional opinions of those who have worked closely with MJ for many, many years and they all said that it was him on the cd. I know I read that recently.

  11. mjjwendy says:

    :sad: In all hoesty, I think we all have to really, really realize that Mike midas touch is not here to perfect and approve anything. It's over concerning that. Yes, he was a perfectionsit but now those who love him have to be his voice and demand truth. Why can't some of his family members stop attacking/bucking the estate publically and find a way to be involved? If they are truly deeply concerned with what they feel is going on. They should step in and fix it. Im not sure that wil happen. Not at this rate. They are making enemies and leaving a bad taste in the music circles. Didn't Tayrll attack Teddy recently via freakin twitter?!They have had issues with everything, nothing is right. I know they are in mouring. But damn , what is the estate to do to keep MJ legacy in tack and clear that debit up for his children and their future? The cataloge surely needs to be protected. I mean come on here!

    All I've seen so far is the Jacksons having issues with AEG and then it was the Estate and then Sony, now Eddie Cascio and his family. I know I'm missing someone. Who else? Everybody is working for Sony? Really? How? His family needs to step up, take some control and get off the twitter pages before all of what MJ sweated, cried, bleed and died for ends up down the toilet.

  12. YukonGirl says:

    I do believe that what Peter was voicing was what he perceived that Sony was doing to Michael , I also believe that is was cruel and over the top and not necessary to make his point.

    Now in regards to the album , I listened to it twice on the MJ facebook site and I will say this , I will not buy it .... I know what is missing is the masters touch.......we all know that I am sure, I wish they had just put the raw recordings on the album .
    I miss Michael sooo much and I thought the album would bring some of that back to me...but not really , his hand is not in it and how could it be?

    Having said that though I must say that I did enjoy "best of joy" änother day" "much too soon" and "hold my hand"
    and watching the video today for "hold my hand"...I fell apart...that beautifull man with that kind heart and soul
    ohh do I miss him .!!!
    I love you Michael

  13. EnolaLee says:

    I strongly object to you using my comments from another forum to make me look bad. Especially since you are twisting the facts grossly to your advantage. I did not respond to the comment you are referring to AT ALL. My reply to Colette was to a different tweet from her. I will give you the benefit of the doubt although you do not deserve it, but, yes, I know you cannot see what tweets people are replying to. But still, how dare you even use my Tweets like this? What is it you are trying to achieve?

    I am deeply disappointed to be attacked so visiously and unjustly.
    I will need a long time to get over this treachery.

  14. mjjwendy says:

    Truly people have the right to buy what they choose to buy. Im really ,really curious about those who are boycotting the Michael cd will you also boycott other artist cd's and products from Sony as well?

    Sony is a monoploy they remind me of another.......Microsoft.

    Im looking forward to the cd and I will be buying it. I will also be interested in other music that MJ has created for his vaults for the purpose of having music perserverd and used at a point like this.

    Prince ( The artist) you should of called MJ sooner and advised him....all this "stuff" has now become a headache! OY VEY! :sad:

  15. YukonGirl says:

    personally, I am not "boycotting" the CD , I was not making a statement against Sony, I am just not that impressed with the whole thing,others than the tracs I mentioned.I also wandered why a gem like "love never felt this good "isn't on the album.
    Maybe they will put it on the next album and maybe I will really like the next one and buy it!

  16. Sabine says:

    Hey guys,

    Well I think we're all mature enough to agree to disagree, at least that is what I hope.

    I disagree that what Peter Mills wrote was over the top or cruel. I think he's a writer and he choose to express his disgusted with the album, as he views it in a way that would illustrate the disgust. I think as a writer he can choose to write how ever he wants -- we don't all have to like it or agree. And not all of us are going to like or agree with what everyone has to say.

    I was not at all offended by his words or how he choose to express them, but we all are different, see things differently and receive things different.

    As far as the legal system, I've worked in it for over 20 years. I can tell you with absolute certainty that the system is completely corrupt and that experts will routinely change their position based on how much money they are being paid. You'll be hard pressed to find any justice in an American court -- it comes few and far between.

    Yes, studies have been done by experts who have determined that the voice on the album does not match Michael's. It's not that hard to find if you google it.

    But seriously I'm not relying on experts because of what I just said. I'm relying on my own two ears. I know what Michael sounds like and on some of those tracks, I don't believe it is his singing voice. I could be wrong. But I'm not invested in being right, so I am okay with that.

    As for his family, I think Michael's family is highly dysfunctional. I hope that his nephews have escaped some of that, but I don't know them well enough to know. I will say that if I was them I wouldn't give two hoots about making enemies in the industry or of the estate. I would only care about standing up for what I believe is the truth.

    I believe that THEY believe that it's not Michael. I can't say what they should or shouldn't do 'cause I'm not in their shoes, I am not living their life and don't know what their circumstances are emotionally, financially or whatever. I do think, as I said that the fact that Michael left them in his well, and kept out all the rest of his family leads me to believe that Michael thought they were more well balanced and trustworthy than the rest of his family, which I think he purposely distanced himself from.

    As for Tweeting, like I said, I do think tweeting about it is ridiculous!!!!!!! But you know my opinion about that is biased because I really think tweeting your every thought is ridiculous.

    I think Twitter has allowed people to be impulsive about what they say, reacting on the fly and just basically shooting off at the mouth without thinking and that it has often gotten them in trouble when it comes back to haunt them. If not in trouble, they feel embarrassed after the moment has passed and try an go back and like re-explain or take it back.

    I truly think that Michael's legacy is firmly in tact. I don't understand all the to do about keeping Michael's legacy a live. Is not three decades of a body of work surpassing in talent and at a level of perfection that no one will EVER be able to replicate enough?

    Why does there have to be more?

    I think that this need to keep Michael alive, not his legacy, is what is going to taint his legacy because of all the people trying to make money off of him.

    Though I do understand that many are in mourning and are trying to heal in their way, I respect that. So I do understand, these are just my views.

    In closing I just want to say, I would love to hear all of the songs in Michael's vault. I just don't want anyone messing with them. I want to hear them AS THEY ARE, untouched!


    Yukongirl! Nice to see you - - -

    I hear you. I had some of the same feelings about the album. I totally agree that it is missing the master's touch and some tracks have been tainted with the touch of amateurs, or at least people not on Michael's level so I understand why you would not want to buy the album.

    You know, I just saw the most profound documentary. It was about blind photographers. :w00t:

    At first, I thought to myself, how silly, blind people can't take pictures!!!!!

    Can you imagine that I actually said that? Because the pictures were beeeeeeeeeeautiful!!!! But then as I watched this program and saw these remarkable people explaining how they go about their craft I was in awe.

    One photographer explained, what I am doing is taking a snap shot of what I see in my mind, sliding it under the door of my dark world, into your sighted world so that you can see what I see.

    And that is what all artists do. That is what I do here on CCC. I try to describe what I see in my head and invite all of you to share in my vision. And I understand that people come here for escapism, but as I do in my stories, I'm not going to hide from the ugliness that was a part of Michael's life. I don't believe in living in denial. And I think that people who stand aside apathetically and let injustice and cruelty go on around them w/o saying anything are just as guilty as the ones perpetrating it

    So I think if Michael's nephews and his fans believe that the voice is a fake, and Michael's music has been intentionally altered to perpetrate a fraud, they have every right and in fact have an obligation to stand up and say so, even if it makes other people uncomfortable.

    Art is a very personal experience and the expression of it is singular and personal to every artist. I personally view it as a violation for someone else to try to take Michael's vision and try to interpret and express it for him in THEIR way.

  17. Sabine says:

    Enola: I strongly object to you using my comments from another forum to make me look bad. Especially since you are twisting the facts grossly to your advantage. I did not respond to the comment you are referring to AT ALL. My reply to Colette was to a different tweet from her. I will give you the benefit of the doubt although you do not deserve it, but, yes, I know you cannot see what tweets people are replying to. But still, how dare you even use my Tweets like this? What is it you are trying to achieve?

    I am deeply disappointed to be attacked so visiously and unjustly.
    I will need a long time to get over this treachery.

    Enola, I am not trying to make you look bad. I'm not sure why you think that. If your words make you look bad or you feel that way, that's not my fault.
    I was surprised, after receiving an email from you vouching for Colette seeing the error of her ways, asking me to unban her and let her back into CCC, telling me that you believe Colette knows she needs to change and hoping that she does before its too late, assurring me that you believe she is intended to be a better person, to read you encouraging her, telling her you would WORRY, if she ever STOPPED "verbally knocking people's teeth out" and LOL about it. Anyone who looks at Colette's tweets can see that she is consistently abusive and nasty, as she was here, which is why she was banned.

    Your response, what I read was directly in time line with her other comments; it wasn't one tweet it was a string of tweets, most if not all tasteless and disrespectful; I just didn't copy them all. Still it hardly matters. The statement speaks for itself.

    A simple explanation stating that I had gotten your response wrong would have sufficed but I honestly can't see how I could have read your statement differently even independent of Colette's rude comments.

    Everything that is put on line is there for others to see. I don't see the point of the objection.

  18. mjjwendy says:

    I wasn't refering to you specifically. I see you stated your were not "impressed with the whole thing, others than the tracs I mentioned."
    Well, my question was toward those out there who are choosing to ban the cd based on a few songs that they feel are not Michael. I wonder if they will boycott other artist cds from Sony and other items or will it be just a ban of all Micheal stuff from them.

    Yes, of course we are mature enough to agree and or disagree. I think everyone who has responded here has done a rather nice job stating how they felt about those disrespectful and cruel comments from him. As far as others who may share your feelings about what he stated was not "over the top or cruel". That is how you viewed those particular comments and that is certainly fine with me. Those are YOUR views and feelings on that. I woud never tell you or anyone how to feel on anything MJ related or not.. We agree to disagree. :wink: :sideways:

    Well, I look forward to the day the Jacksons actually "stand up to that truth" for Michael. I hope it 's soon and sure as hell not on twitter.As they say words are words and they aren't actions.

  19. YukonGirl says:

    No worries MJJWendy, I guess I just wanted to be clear on how I saw things , I am very interested in any other pieces that Michael created which are still under lock and key....I am just not ready yet for other people to "edit "HIS music , that is just how I feel at this time ,is that based in reality ? probably not ...it's just how I feel right now ...I will get better...

  20. Sabine says:

    MjjWendy: Sabine,
    Yes, of course we are mature enough to agree and or disagree. I think everyone who has responded here has done a rather nice job stating how they felt about those disrespectful and cruel comments from him.

    You know what I think clearly is happening here? There's a failure to comprehend that what Peter Mills is clearly describing with "cruelty" and "disrespect" is Sony's blatant disrespectful and cruel exploitation of Michael and not at all Michael himself.

    Now IMO, two things are in operation that prevent that understanding from being accepted.

    No. 1, a heightened sensitivity that causes upset at even the mention of the word "paedo" in the same sentence with the name Michael even if clearly and obviously Michael is not being called a pedophile.

    No. 2, and this is the strongest influence, a firm disagreement that Sony is exploiting Michael.

    MjjWendy: As far as others who may share your feelings about what he stated was not “over the top or cruel”. That is how you viewed those particular comments and that is certainly fine with me. Those are YOUR views and feelings on that. I woud never tell you or anyone how to feel on anything MJ related or not.. We agree to disagree. :wink: :sideways:

    MJJWendy, you're looking forward to the album, I hear you. You think it is him singing on every track. You think that Peter's review was "cruel and heartless" and I don't have to tell you, MJJWendy, or anyone who shares your opinion that this is YOUR opinion, right? I mean surely, you/they know that.
    And I don't have to point out that is how you viewed it, correct? I mean you're not speaking on behalf of anyone, are you?

    What I will say is that should the same "cruel" and "'heartless" analogy have been used to express disgust at the behavior of Martin Bashir or Conrad Murray, or Diane Dimond, or any of the people that MJ fans HATE there would be: NOT ONE WORD OF COMPLAINT.

    Why? Because there would be agreement that the behavior of those people warrant a description that is "'cruel" and "heartless".

    So to me the basic disagreement is right back where the conversation started, is the album a true representation of Michael's artistic expression and worthy of him or is it a shameless exploit for money, a sham being perpetrated on his fans in the name of greed?

    YukonGirl: I am just not ready yet for other people to “edit “HIS music , that is just how I feel at this time ,is that based in reality ? probably not

    I agree!!! But personally, I will never be ready for anyone to edit/process/alter Michael's music and you know, I think that preference is very much based in reality. In reality, I would never want anyone to collaborate on my story and try to finish it or give it their own voice without my permission.

    As an artist, I understand that each artist has his own unique voice. Given a choice, I would always choose to hear purely perfect Michael approved music over altered/processed/layered Sony Estate rubber stamped music.

  21. Nuje says:

    Hi Sabine. question: why do people bother reading stuff that offends them and then complain about being offended? I don't get it but I did get Peter Mill's analogy. I will not be buying the album. I think you know where I stand.
    now wait a minute though did Enola really send you an email asking you to unban Colette, after all the arguments she started on this site? some people have a lot of nerve and no shame :ermm: I don'tknow 'bout you but I know how to read a tweet. if it's in the timeline, then it's a response to what's being said around that time and who the person is responding to appears right on the bottom. so pullease someone I think just got caught being a hypocrite! , especially if she was praising her for being nasty on twitter where you could see it and then to try to lie about it. so she unfollowed you after that? well I think i know why. how embarassing for her she made her ownself look bad. all of that I will need a while to get over this treachery is just a cover up for her own bembarassment . sabine, you need a smh smiley. :cwy: by the way I told you my advice on the Michael, the individual thread.

  22. Sabine says:

    OMG, Nuje, girl, you are a trip! :lol:

    The answers to your questions are I don't know :lol: and Yes.
    I agree w/ you on the hypocrisy and yes, girl, I do know how to read a tweet. I don't know why that person thinks I don't. :pouty:

    I read your advice and I'll reply there. You are too funny, but what you said is true though so thanks for keeping it real.

    MJJWendy, your prayers are being answered in terms of the Jackson family. :w00t: I agree w/ this move by the estate, hurray and three cheers for the end of the exploitation of Michael:

    "The Michael Jackson estate has laid down the gauntlet by demanding that Katherine Jackson's business partner immediately stop exploiting MJ's image -- or else!!!

    Howard Mann -- the guy who had been partnering with Katherine on numerous MJ ventures including her book "Never Can Say Goodbye" -- is now the target of a cease and desist letter ... obtained by TMZ.

    The executors -- who until now have tolerated Mann's business ventures with Katherine -- have been pushed over the line and are demanding that Mann stop using MJ's image on banners to promote tonight's "Unveiling of the Jackson Secret Vault Lithographic Collection" in Beverly Hills.

    In fact, Katherine herself is scheduled to make an appearance at the event ... and even sign autographs.

    The cease and desist letter -- which is often the prelude to a lawsuit -- is hugely significant because it marks the first time executors, along with estate lawyer Howard Weitzman, have gone after anyone directly associated with Katherine Jackson.

    As we have been reporting, Katherine's unauthorized business ventures have irritated the executors who are trying to clear up Michael Jackson's debt and turn the estate into a profitable asset for the benefit of Michael's children."


  23. Sabine says:

    Teddy Rielly has a blog now, a forumspring and is opening up himself to questions. What he mostly wants to talk about is how he thinks Michael is still alive and has faked his death.

    Now why would I believe this fool when he says it's 100% Michael's voice on the tracks that I find questionable. :ermm:

  24. Sabine says:

    Conversation be.Teddy Riley and Damien Shields who is a fan connected at Sony Australia via Twitter

    Damien Shields @TeddyRiley1 Teddy are you open to the possibility that someone tricked you into producing fraudulent vocals? PS where can I see ur blog? :)

    TeddyRiley1 TEDDY RILEY@damienshields No after hear and know the true facts. If whoever think it isn't Mj lets take it back to the ring. I have facts. Ty

    damienshields Damien Shields @TeddyRiley1 Thanks TR. Can you explain the oddly fast vibrato that MJ has never had? I dont have facts, just opinion. What R the facts? :)

    TeddyRiley1 TEDDY RILEY@damienshields The fact is they're heavily processed...meaning Mj vox were melodyne heavy. Melodyne is much like autotune.

    damienshields Damien Shields@TeddyRiley1 Thanks again. Were they processed before u got them, or did u process them? Any chance of original unprocessed vox coming out?

    TeddyRiley1 TEDDY RILEY@damienshields Yes they were.

    damienshields Damien Shields@TeddyRiley1 Y did the Cascios supply you with processed vox tho? That doesn't make sense to me.... Did they supply music too or just vox?

    damienshields Damien Shields@TeddyRiley1 YOU are the expert, so why not give YOU the original unprocessed vox and let YOU process them? Like Hollywood Tonight....

    damienshields Damien Shields@TeddyRiley1 I really feel bad that you're caught up in this mess Teddy. I think you've been lied to big time. And that's not your fault

    These are good question. Why did the Cascio's give Teddy highly processed vocals and where are the originals?

    More from Teddy via his forumspring.

    Q In your opinion why MJ fake his death? Thanx

    A To get away from monsters, haters, & some people that didn't want him around.

    Q What will it take for MJ to come back? Is there anything the fans can do or is this something beyond our control?

    A It's way beyond our control.

    Q Did you at least speak to Michael on the phone?? -S-

    A Mmmmmmm

    So Michael fakes his death, and you're his friend, right Teddy, but you tell everyone that he lied to everyone. I mean, doesn't Michael WANT to remain dead to the world. Why say anything IF you're his friend?

    As a matter of fact, I went ahead and asked him that question on his forumspring.


    Check out his blog, this man is nuts:





  25. mjjwendy says:

    Sabine ,
    Uh, yes of course this is MY opinion just like everyones else here that has shared their feelings on the " it;s him, it not him" and or if was the comments made by the critic tasteless and or not taseless. Yes, for the record everyone here is voicing their opinions. No, I am not speaking on behalf of anyone but myself.

    Now, to answer your question I have yet to see or hear any solid proof that this is NOT MJ on every track. JMO. Also, I dont think this is a cd that is a " shameless exploit for money etc." I 've pretty much have said all that I care to further say on this matter. Yes we agree to disagree. :cheerful:

    The estates crackdown. Yes, I heard when it came out.
    :w00t: AWESOME! The estate once again has stepped up and is aggressively moving to protect Michael's image and name. I'm still wainting for the family...well mainly those who love their twitter platform. (wink)

    Since I replied in disagreement of the comments made by the critic I will answere your question that was directed at Sabine. I read the article not thinking it was going to be offensive. I actually read that part twice to be sure I read it correctly. I simply felt those particular comments weren't needed. I can handle some critic and his opinion whether it is good or bad etc.. I don't care about that. I just felt he went too far with those choice of words. I know what an analogy is and I GET that he used an analogy.

    (My last time saying this) I justy felt it was in poor taste. I think Sabine put the article up for everyone who wanted to comment on it ,to comment on it wether they were in agreement or not. . I feel I have a right to like everyone else to share their feelings whether anyone else agrees to it or not. Right? :blink:

  26. Sabine says:

    mjjwendy: Sabine, Uh, yes of course this is MY opinion just like everyones else here that has shared their feelings on the ” it;s him, it not him” and or if was the comments made by the critic tasteless and or not taseless. Yes, for the record everyone here is voicing their opinions. No, I am notspeaking onbehalf of anyone but myself.

    I answered you like that because I think it's pretty obvious that everyone who gives their view is expressing their opinion and I don't think there's any need for someone else to point that out. As I said I don't need to tell you that you're expressing your own opinion and you don't need to tell me or anyone else that they are expressing their own opinion. It's pretty pointless.


    mjjwendy: Now, to answer your question I have yet to see or hear any solid proof that this is NOT MJ on every track.JMO.

    Did I ask for solid proof? :unsure:

    I have to go back and read what I said.

    Nope, I didn't think so. I said the basic disagreement, as I saw it, was whether the album was a true representation of Michael's artistic expression or exploitation.

    mjjwendy: Also, I dont think this is a cd that is a ” shameless exploit for money etc.

    Okay, I hear you. :smile: I pretty much assumed that from your other comments about being excited about the album. I wouldn't think you'd be excited about it if you thought it was exploitation.

    mjjwendy: The estates crackdown. Yes, I heard when it came out.:w00t: AWESOME! The estate once again has stepped up and isaggressively moving to protect Michael’s image and name. I’m still waintingfor the family…well mainly those who love their twitter platform. (wink)

    :w00t: I think it's great that the estate is stopping other unscrupulous people like Mann through his affiliation w/ Katherine, from using MIchael's name to make money. I'd like them to also do that with Joe and Jermaine, too, who have also used Michael's name to make money since his death. And any other company or person who tries to make money from Michael's name, especially if they are doing so dishonestly.

    mjjwendy: I can handle some critic and his opinion whether it is good or bad etc.. I don’t care about that.I just felt he went too far with those choice of words. I know what an analogy is and I GET that he used an analogy. (My last time saying this) I justy felt it was in poor taste.=:blink:

    Would it have been in poor taste if the comment was about Sneddon's corpse or Bashir's corpse? :ermm:
    Is Ted Rielly's statment that Michael is still alive and faked his death in "poor taste" :ermm: ? (you were silent on that)

  27. Nuje says:

    mjjwendy: Nuje,Since I replied in disagreement of the comments made by the critic I will answere your question that wasdirected at Sabine.I read the article not thinking it was going to be offensive. I actually read that part twice to be sure Iread it correctly.I simply feltthose particular comments weren’tneeded.

    :ermm: seriously, i certinaly don't wanna come acrross sounding offensive because we disgaree (obviously) but i don't think you read his sentence correctly because i think you personalized it whenther'es no reason to do that. he wasn't literally talking about digging up michael's grave at all. also, ithink sabine makes a good point. if the subject matter was Bashir or Sneddon, i don't think anyone would have a problem with the words he used.

    also please don't tell me it's my opinion what i've just said or we can agree to disagree cause like sabine said, i already know that. iknow it's my opinion and i know we're disagreeing but we're not yelling at each other and cursing each other out so that's good! :biggrin:

    mjjwendy: I feel I have a right to like everyone else to share their feelings whether anyone else agrees to it or not. Right? :blink:

    you need my permission? :tongue: i don't have the abilty to take away your right to speak you can say what you want!

    sabine, what you quoted from Teddy :cwy: :w00t: omg, that's pretty crazy stuff. i am not easilly offended but saying michael faked his death that's nuts! what does he hope to accomplish?

  28. Sabine says:

    Nuje: sabine, what you quoted from Teddy :cwy: :w00t: omg, that's pretty crazy stuff. i am not easilly offended but saying michael faked his death that's nuts! what does he hope to accomplish?

    What does he hope to accomplish? I can't even begin to figure it out. i think he's just basking in his fifteen minutes of new found fame. Some people like the lime light. *shrugs*

    :lol: :silly:

  29. aintnosunshine says:

    Sabine, thank you for posting the conversation between Damien Shields and TR! His questions were on point-- especially the question about the bizarre vibrato "that MJ never had", perfect. I've been dying to know that myself, and for some reason hearing that Teddy made some corrections on the track seemed fishy. But finding out the vocals were processed before Teddy got them, OMG! What a revelation... I've gotta agree with Shields, I think Teddy has been majorly duped. I won't even start with his hinting at having recently spoken to Mike.

  30. Sabine says:

    It's kinda weird that Teddy would accept processed vocals, dontcha think, when he's been in the business for so many years. I wonder if he's that hungry?

  31. isabeau says:

    Sabine, I readsome of these comments and read some on the Teddy Riley's blog and I'm really surprised. I really don't know what to think of him anymore...
    WHY is the question, why people can be so ambiguous... WHY?
    You say for the fame... can be but seems not enough for me because it is kind of 'double egded sword'.
    May be he was caught in some of those hoax stuff... I really don't know what to think about him... he seems to have lost his mind and this whole story sadden me.
    The other story that sadden me is the one of the program on Discovery Channel but I read today that the state wrote to them too and that is one good thing from those people I don't trust very much (expecially Branca).
    I wrote to them too as many fans did but I would have done it for anybody, it is incredible that someone even had such a disrespectuful and morbid idea

  32. Sabine says:

    Hi Isabeau :heart:

    How are you? WEll, you and I know it's a double edged sword, but I think when you're hungry for attention, you don't think that far. It seems to me that Teddy has always wanted to be in the spotlight. He made himself a member of several of the groups he was producing. Always trying to sing, when he's no singer.

    I think he's lost his mind too, but maybe it's grief? I'm trying to be kind.

    AS for the Discovery Channel program, well, you know, they do those programs all the time, on other people. So I don't think it was a personal attack on Michael, but I understand we fans still feel raw and sensitive to Michael's death and the way he died. They really do put on those type of programs all the time. I have to admit, when I don't know the person, I find it fascinating, how they're able to discover things from the dead body. I do like to watch it. But I had no intention of watching MIchael's autopsy, that's for sure.

  33. isabeau says:

    Oh! Finally I found this post again so I can read your answer...
    About Teddy Riley: I don't actually know much about him and reading what you wrote I understand he wants attention... my mind finds it hard to understand but I aknoledge.

    On the Discovery Channel story: I really didn't know they show such things as shows because I can't see Discovey Channel here since I don't have pay tv channels.
    My opinion (very personal of course) is that I don't think it is a nice way to entretain people.
    I dislike shows like CSI or similar ones constantly relating on crimes, corps, killing, etc.
    I understand it is a lot interesting to 'study' those subjects to better investigate and find the truth and to read about them if you are interested, but why building a whole series of shows or programs on the material aspect of death? Obviously we grew more and more materialistic and we need to actually see what death causes to our bodies, curious to see what once only coronary do as their job (one of the worst job I can think of but of course not so bad for them and someone must do it anyway).
    Our great Leonardo da Vinci was one of the ancient who studies dead bodies to revel the beaty and perfection of the human body and how it works... his intent was to understand and he brought light to science of those times. What is purpose of these show in our days? I wonder...
    Talking about our Michael... I understand that they surely did not as a personal attack if it is so common BUT then what is the purpouse of it if not to draw morbid attention? I still don't get it and (may be I'm medieval in this) I feel is such an unrespectuful thing to do to anybody... a tv show on autopsy... we are getting used to the worst shows ever. Why not show things that uplift people's spirit instead? Why indulge only and always on the material side of Life? May be I'm ancient Sabine but this time I got scandalized and became indignant because my heart ached at the thought of Michael's mom and kids, and thinking that once again that man is the object of morbid curiosity. May be I'm wrong and too sensitive on this but when I heard of this I felt it was not right at all and felt very sick.
    I'm not the only one who felt that way. On http://www.innermichael.com Barbara Kaufmann reported an e-mail she received but a little fan. This is it:

    “I am a huge fan Of Michael Jackson and im 11 years old i do not feel right that Michael Jackson’s Autopsy is going to air on Discovery Channel I mean he would not want that and his family would not either and same as us fans.I know other people would not appreciate it and are not approving but Discovery Channel will also lose alot of people watching them cause of the autopsy but Please can you stop it?? Mike was a great man and Everyone loves him but this has gone way too far so pleaseee can you stop this??
    From (confidential) Please stop this video :,( ”

    Sabine sorry for my venting... it will not happen again.
    You can cancel my post if you want if you feel it's too personal.

  34. Sabine says:

    Hi Isabeau,

    :w00t: Cancel your post!!!?!?! No! I wouldn't do that. It's natural to vent if you're feel frustrated, and I told someone here before, it's unrealistic to expect someone to be happy all the time. I also never tell anyone that they are too sensitive. Your feelings are your feelings and there for a reason.

    I understand your frustration believe me. I can explain to you the human fascination with death and destruction. Eckart Tolle said we are sick, mentally -- suffering from some sort of mental illness, the whole human race and I agree.

    Have you ever read him? He explained that there is an entity (I like to think that he is describing evil) but he calls it the "pain body" and he describes it as a negative force that grows and feeds off of what it is made of, so lies/deceit/drama/violence/anger, all of these collectively have a vibration and feed off of each other. He also says that mankind has to grow past ego consciousness and reconnect with the spiritual being that we are, to draw closer to God, and what we feed will either enforce or negate that connection.

    I don't watch t.v., very rarely. I do like to watch the discovery channel, and so I watch those shows with that in mind . For me, it is a curiosity into how to put clues together, and also the human story, which I always find fascinating. How a lover can end up killing someone s/he claimed to love -- I find that fascinating. Or the worst stories, the death/murder of a child, the mother, father -- I'm always struggling to understand, so that is the worth of my watching that type of program.

    Can you believe i've never watched an episode of CSI!?!?!

    It's true. But I think our human fascination with death is just wanting to understand the unknown, but the morbid preoccupation with murder and mayhem, no -- that's just negative energy feeding off of each other.

    As you might imagine, I am very careful about what energy I feed in my own self, because negative energy literally makes me ill.

    :wub: I can imagine it would be very painful for fans or loved ones, family of Michael to watch such a program. I've never had someone close to me die, so I lack the intimate perspective, but on a purely philosophical point, I don't see death as an end, but a beginning of a new, different journey. So I never think of Michael as gone.

    :angel: I actually think of him as in a better place. But to be sure, the way he died is tragic, and missing him is very hard.

    So I see it from many different angles.

    As for the media, good God, when have they ever done anything but what is in their own best interest? :angry: They don't care about anyone! And God, did they persecute Michael for so long. That's part of the reason why I see him in a better place. Where Michael is, he doesn't care about Discovery Channel's program.

    He's left us here to deal with all of that. So Isabeau, I do understand and there's no need to apologize. I, myself, had zero intention of watching the program :smile:

    Now have you ever seen the interview with this man? He was a friend of Michael's -- I liked him very much. He wrote a very good letter to the program and I think he makes good arguments against the show.

    Dear Sir,

    As a personal friend and previous physician to Michael Jackson for some years, I would like to also add my name to the growing number of people who feel that the special show to air in the UK on January 13th called “Michael Jackson’s Autopsy: What Really Killed Michael Jackson,” is being done for the wrong reasons and transgresses the boundaries of prudence and good taste.

    Autopsies, either forensic or academic should only be performed for legal or medical purposes, rather than for entertainment. A forensic autopsy should be only performed, as in this case, whenever the cause of death may be a criminal matter and this is the reason you do not intend this production within the US jurisdiction. Your show debases what is accepted decent behaviour within legal and medical practice in western civilisation since possibly two and a half millennia. Forensic autopsies have been performed under established clear regulatory parameters since 150 BC, including that of Julius Caesar in 44BC, which showed the second stab wound was the fatal one. Permission is normally required from next of kin is usually required for autopsy, although in this case you are circumventing this by use of a synthetic cadaver. There is a copy of the official coroner’s report on public record so I don’t presume the viewers will learn anything new from your production.

    It seems to me that the Discovery Channel is attempting to cash in on the misfortune of mythically famous cultural icon, with no respect either for human decency or the feelings of his children.

    Shame on you,

    Dr. Patrick Treacy
    Medical Director
    Ailesbury Clinics Ltd.
    Suite 6 Merrion Court
    Ailesbury Road
    Dublin 4 IRELAND

  35. isabeau says:

    Sabine... sometimes you sound much wiser than me... I was taken away by emotions and that does not happen very often but, yes, I lost both my parents (my dad when I was 27, my mom in 2008) and a very dear and still young girlfiend of mine so I empatize very easly with relatives of a dead person. I put myself in their shoes and God... no way... it's like go through that trauma again instead of processing and thinking they are safe and happy in the Light.
    I spent most of my working life in the editorial market publishing and tranlating books on spirituality so I know well what E. Tolle wants to point out, he is one of the many...
    I understand well your interest in the spectrum of human feelings. One of the Greats who went deep in the human soul to understand it was Sheakspeare... In his tragedies and commedies you can find all of it, and in such a graceful way...

    I am not only sure, I'm positive, about the fact that Michael is far away from all this drama and may be he even have pity of us still worring so much and fighting all those things... to the point of even fighting with each other! The prospective must be totally different and the orizon so much wider...
    What we need to not transpass is human mercy and feel more compassionate towards our human and not human fellows (animals and plants) like all big Masters of humanity tought us and gave example for.

    This is one of the most interesting things I read lately on this argument: http://www.mjmessage.com
    L-O-V-E always

  36. Sabine says:

    Well, you see it's easy for me to be philosophical and sound wise, because I haven't been stung by death yet. So even that I understand. I'm so sorry you've lost both your parents!!!

    Even that is hard for me to understand on a feeling level, because I am not close to my parents. But I still think if my parents passed I would go through the cycle of grief, just as much as any relative.

    I remember you telling me that you worked in editorials, but I didn't realize publishing.

    I'm honored to be speaking to you :smile:

    Yes, I think Michael's perspective is sooooo different. Wouldn't it be comforting to see life from that point of view?

    I think it would :wub:

    That's an interesting piece. I love all that it says about MIchael, but I have to be honest and say I have a mixed view of MJ fans. I've "met" some very loving, well intended beautiful souls (like yourself) but having made this place, I've also met some fanatical, invasive fans, and I think MJ fans, just like human beings come in all shapes, sizes, temperaments and behaviors.

    Its sometimes difficult to see who are truly intended with pure hearts, and who are just along for the ride since it is now "cool" to be a Michael fan; it's difficult to differentiate between those after-Michael's-death fans who had a void in their life and are now using a "fight for Michael" campaign to fill it; it's difficult to see who were fans all along and who just became fans after the fact. Some MJ fans tend to adapt an Us vs Them, black and white , if you don't agree with me then you are against me kind of thinking that I find very disturbing. For instance, I've seen MJ fans rant and rave against the paparazzi, but in many ways behave just like them. I've seen MJ fans praise Michael for his charitable, loving and kind soul, but then became the most un-loving, rude and nasty people when they don't like what is said by someone else.

    It's been very disturbing, and I must say, from my point of view strange. I always think to myself, shouldn't you want to be LIKE a man you admire and love so much; don't you say you're a fan because you admire and seek to emulate the man?

    I think some fans confuse fascination with love, and the two are not the same. I also think, as I've said that some fans are just sexually attracted to Michael's charisma, and that is as deep as the love goes.

    Ach, look at me!!!! :pinch: I'm venting now!!! But these are just my observations, of course. :heart:

  37. isabeau says:

    I totally agree with you. I noticed the same things here around fans. Barbara Kaufmann said it well and so precise in one of her articles http://www.innermichael.com/2010/06/570/
    She is so profound and sharp...
    I don't like to call myself a fan... it could sound snob but I don't feel I'm a fan (the word derive from fanatic).
    I'm a lover not a figher... ;)

    I must go to bed (it's midnight almost) ... I a little sick today but I managed to go to a party for disavantaged kids anyway and give a little contibution to the day, very little with some presents.
    They show the Elephant man now... wow, I saw it so lont time ago I don't remember it at all...

  38. Sabine says:

    I hope you're feeling better today. It sounds like you had a charity affair the other day :smile:

    I have read an article from the site you linked. She is a very bright and articulate. But I don't know though if I agree with her view of fans, in their zeal "forgetting or not realizing" how they are coming across to the world. I think there are multilayered reasons for why people behave the way they do and it's not that black and white. I really don't think it's always as positive as she's described it, i.e. someone just being fed up with the way and how Michael is being portrayed. Squabbles in the MJ camp sometimes and often have nothing to do with the media. In fact, I've been down right shocked at the inner fighting in the MJ camp and what it's about. It's always just a lot of drama. She mentioned that as well, the personality type that thrives off of drama. In that case, there's a definite personality order behind the behavior. I don't think these people are always just hurt at how Michael has been treated or losing their cool occasional.

    I think that's how they are period. I really don't think they're just forgetting their manners. I like the way Wayne Dyer puts it. When you squeeze an orange what comes out? Orange Juice, because that's what's inside. It's not the cause of what has happened that makes people act the way they do -- it's who they are; how they deal with stress; what their personality is like; what they think is okay; what they feel is acceptable to say and do . . . I can go on.

    There was also something else said in the article that I thought was strange to say: "And I’m sure that being surrounded by ‘yes’ people didn’t help. Otherwise, why did no one tell him that holding hands with a male child when you are a grown man, especially while they are filming you for a TV special, is probably not wise and may look a little odd?"

    You know, I've always admired Michael for his desire to do what HE thought was best and not cater to public opinion. People were going to say what they wanted to say aobut Michael no matter what he did. If Michael started alterring his behavior to satisfy what he thought the public would expect of him, then he would have lost his sense of self, his autonomy and eventually his mind. He would have lost the essence that made him Michael.

    Now don't get me wrong. I think Michael sure could have used a Sabah, for example, someone who loved him completely and was looking out for his best interest -- not, to me, someone to tell him what to do and how to do it, you know but just someone to support him and also look out for him. That being said, I love the last paragraph of her article and I agree, that's who I'd want to hang out with too!!! :heart:

  39. isabeau says:

    As usual I agree with you, sometimes Barbara is schematic and human nature is much more complicated as it seems. I also think that humans are like dresses, you can make them shorter, cut the sleeves, add some decorations but the fabric remain the same... this does not mean that people don't change growing and with strong experiences, but still, if a person has not a soul that is more evoluted he/she does not understand the value of that experience and does not change, does not understand what to change in him/her.

    I read twice a great book that was incredibly inspiring for me. It is by James Hillman "The soul's code" . I read many book on different approches of psycology but he is different and says something more. He writes about Archetypal psycology. I highly suggest it to you.

    I admire Michael too for not changing his behavour on what he felt right and normal but as you wrote it would have been nice if he had a woman beside him to prevent some trouble for him with her loving attention. He needed a very strong woman, strong in her heart of course and brave, respectuful, trustful and patient, all things that true deep love require. I'm very sorry that he did not meet a woman like that and I'm delighted and happy when I read your stories where that happens, at least in fantasy land...

    Yes yesterday I attend a party for kids organized by one of the two MJ charity associations here in Torino. They had so much fun... the present was actually for us to see them dancing, jumping, laughing and opening presents all afternoon... I'm always amazed of how many people are inspired by Michael and try to emulate him by bringing smiles and happyness around.

  40. Sabine says:

    That sounds like fun, the charity event you went to :smile: It sounds like you really enjoyed it!!!!

    James Hillman, does he write about the archetypal psycology that Jung taught? I LIKE Jung -- I like his approach to the whole business of living.

    I've read a lot of books that try to explain why we humans are the way we are and I find them all fascinating!!! I'll add Soul's Code to my list, but my list is gettting sooooo long.

    The last book I read that I liked a lot was the Celestine Prophecy, old I know, but I never read it until recently -- well early last year. It was refreshing.

    You know, you never told me HOW you found CCC!!! I'm dying to know!

    p.s. I love your description of the type of woman Michael needed! I agree and I hope I am showing that Sabah is becoming that type of woman, she has all the right stufff!!!!!! (except the patience :tongue: )

  41. E.K.Bry-Bry says:

    Wow. I believe that Sony would do something like that. That's crazy.

  42. isabeau says:

    Yes, Hillman is a Junghian but he is... different. I am positive you would LOVE it. It is a thick book but after the first chapters you can jump back and forth without missing anything. He makes examples with famous people to explain the "Acorn theory", that is that we all have a seed inside when we are born and that seed must develop and will eventually happen in most cases. He follows the lives of many vips and celebrities of all fields because it is easier to make examples since everyone know them. I could not avoid thinking about Michael while reading it... and I wish could to talk to him... he came once in Torino for a conference and I didn't arrive in time to enter because I came out late from work :((((( I almost cryed for the anger... He's very old now and became famouse very late but his early books are great too. There is one written conference on betrayal that is incredible... and it inside a book called Puer Aeternus (aeternal child).

    The Celestine Prophecy is a book that started a gender of so called 'esoteric novels' and it contains some teachings from all the traditional esoteric tradition but the literary style is not so good on my opinion. Fun but for me nothing new, I would have prefered a essay telling me about the nine steps of illumination and that's it without bothering writing a story where I know the ending already... :))) But you know I was reading all those things all the time. It was a huge success because in that way people got the messages though a story, that for some is easier and seems less engaging.

    I came across CCC by pure chance and actually I really don't remember when. For a long time I did not understand what it was all about because I didn't know of the existence of fan fiction at all. We don't have it here in internet, not that I've heard of. Than I understood and I thought it was fun. I remember the feeling (that I still have now) of a intimate space where I can dream and shut the whole world outside and drift away... I remember having trouble reading the colored lines on bleack but know I'm adjusted. I got lost easly in the site because of the unusual way in which it is organized visually but now I'm fine thanks to your instructions. I know I'm missing something still.

  43. Sabine says:

    You know I said Celestine Prophecy, which I did like, but that's not what i meant. I meant, Eckart Tolle's The New Earth. There was nothing new in Celestine Prophecy, but I find that is true with lots of book (like The Secret is no secret :lol:) -- it's The New Earth that I found refreshing. You're right about the Celestine Prophecy, it was written so simply, sort of like for a child, and very predictable. You know the part I liked about that book is just the exploration about the exchange of energy which Eckart Tolle expounds on.

    What I liked the most in The New Earth is the concept that the ego, the false self, or what he calls the "pain body" is fighting for its existence, and has even, because it's continually fed, convinced the spiritual man, which is weak and malnourished that it is not real, that it is the ego that is real. So I like the way he wrote this, because I find that this is true. And this is supported in all spiritual teachings. You know I find that all spiritual teachings basically say the same thing.

    So I will definitely read that book you've recommended!!! I also find the essay on betrayal interesting. You know what I believe? I believe we come to Earth to learn lessons, and I believe forgiveness and betrayal is a huge lesson for myself. that has happened to me SOOOOOO many times!!!!

    So you don't even remember how you came across CCC -- that's so interesting!!!!

    You're just like me though -- I never knew fan fiction existed or what it was either. Isn't that funny? CCC is like a cozy little corner or the internet, isn't it?

    I want to keep it just like that :wub:

    You know I just saw a movie on this very subject, The Black Swan -- I always thinks it's funny how life works. You get an idea, other people come into your lives or events happen that point to the idea or expound on it, and all of a sudden you are thinking in a new way or seeing things that you've never saw before. Or is it that you just have opened yourself up to new possibilities.

    Well, this movies, it was all about the shadow side, the disowned archetype that Jung talks about. And the lead character is completely repressed, and her shadow side if fighting to get through, and eventally kills the true self -- it is very symbolic, and you can tell by TTWC, I loooooove symbolism!!!

    So you find the site confusing!!!! Well, it's seperated into three parts, maybe that will help. On top or the 'chapters" like in a book. You can find them on the left side too, amongst Michael's beautiful pictures and tags that you can click on which represent stories -- but only TTWC, BBM and CCM. On the bottom are the comments, the members, the links I like and a way to contact me, and right under that a search bar to search for anything you want on the site. And in the middle off to the right is whatever post/story you've picked. Simple!!!!

  44. isabeau says:

    Sabine, what you wrote about 'coincidence' is so right... I learned that important messages for us come not by chance and as Einstein said, God does not play dices with the universe ;)
    You mentioned Tolle in the other day and you talk about him in the last post... guess what? I read so many books on those subjects but nevere ran into Tolle and than you mentione him and this morning I was reading (always on Saturday and Sunday morning I read for an hour before Gianni wakes up) a book where he is mentioned... I will look for that book New Earth.

    The book is by a young publisher (the title is "Luce" that means "Light") and he... guess what? He was brave enough to publish the Italian translation of Dancing the Dream without having much experience. (not my translation... I arrived too late and I was sorry not for an ego trip but because I translated it in rhyme and it has more poetic afflatus than the flat phrose translation... it's a long story...I will write to you). He also published a book by two fans who did an extensive reserch and met MJ in '95 and many people close to him in the last years. They suggest the idea he was trapped in a vicious system that ended up killing him indirectly (that is also what Leonard Rowe writes in his book "What really happened to MJ the king of pop - the evil side of the entertainment industry". I suggested it to the same publishing house that published here the book by Aphrodite Jones and they seemed interested, so I'm doing the 'link person' beetween Mr. Rowe and them.

  45. Sabine says:

    Hi Isabeau :heart:

    That's amazing, what you wrote about Tolle, but not surprising!!! :cheerful: Like you I have not expected that God will continue to teach on a subject he's introduced, using everthing around me, and it is just up to me to pay attention!!!!! :angel:

    I actually LOVE when that happens, because I find it so amazing to know that God is always looking out for my better good, for me to grow and learn and teach. It's only hard of course when the lessons are painful.

    That leads me to the book you've recommended/mentioned. I probably shouldn't comment because it's such a touchy subject to me. Remember I told you betrayal is something that I've encountered a lot in my life, and so I am very sensitive to the number of books that have been written after Michael's death. When I first heard/learned of Leonard's book, I had mixed feelings. Leonard had been fired by Michael many years before and claimed to have been re-hired. Who knows how much of it is true. There are so many lies and half truths surrounding michael's death and the people who were involved in his life.
    I read this:

    In my opinion, AEG had a contract with Michael that was nothing less than a cocked financial gun pointed to his head. It is my belief that he was being totally exploited. This book is a true account of what really happened to Michael Jackson,

    and the first question that comes to mind is, WHY WAS NOTHING SAID WHEN MICHAEL WAS ALIVE????

    I have the same question of Karen. It's all well and good to shout from the roof tops and want to tell the truth after the damage has been done, but what about DURING, WHILE it's happening.

    I just find that many human beings are apathetic and can stand by and watch the most outrageous atrocities w/o saying a word (holocaust/slavery in America/treatment of the American Indians) those are all extreme examples, but it happens on a smaller and no less outrageous plain everyday, children being abused emotionally, sexually, physically while relatives stand by and say and do nothing.

    In that way, I feel that Michael was being abused and who stood up for him? I just feel that many of the people coming out to speak now do not and did not have Michael's best interest at heart and in many ways their stance is self serving (to make money).

    I don't doubt for one minute that the entertainment industry is an evil, usurious industry that swallows, chews up and spits out people on a regular basis. Again, I haven't read Leonard's book (although I read Aphrodite's and I like her for being a person who can admit, I was wrong; I saw Michael one way and I changed.) Maybe one day I'll be able to put my suspician aside and read it.

  46. isabeau says:

    I was suspicious on Mr. Rowe too and that's why I wanted to read the book.
    After reading it I understand much better what many things I'm not aware of that industry in US.
    He sound very sincere and describes facts with accuracy and writes all the names, that's pretty brave of him. There is a chapter where he list all the people who could have help Michael and did not. He personally tried to put the family together one more time and talked to some lawyers too and AEG people of course but he said they said to him many times to shove off...
    He says that he wrote the book to tell what he knows.
    It is hard for us to speculate without not knowing first hand all the things we are hearing but among all these mass of confusion and half truths I sense the Truth is in the middle as usual...
    Of course we also don't know what all these 'friends' really tried to do or didn't do when he was alive.
    One thing is sure, 'after' awareness gets much sharper and you better realize what you could have done and did not because of your own limits.
    Sad but true. A lesson for everybody.

    I will comment on BBM next time... much better... :)

  47. Sabine says:

    You know, honestly, this is going to sound insulting, but it's not because I want to insult him, but the first thought i had when I heard of Rowe writing a book is I wondered who helped Rowe write that book, because he really can't even speak English correctly. In interviews, he comes across as sounding very illiterate.

    I think as time goes on, many more will start writing "tell alls" -- we're still waiting on the bodyguard's books. Only the estate can stop them, but they have their hands full. Michael's life was always a three ring circus! The Cascio's on Oprah, Frank Dileo is shopping around a book as well. Did you hear? It seems everyone wan'ts to speak their truth, and well, I'm a big champion of free speech and allowing people to have a voice.

    Still, I think if they tried to help him, or talk against the vultures in Michael's life when he was alive surely we would have heard about it then, not after the fact, (you know headlines read, Rowe tries to get family to help Michael Jackson with his drug addiction) and certainly not just from their mouths but other people would collaborate, yes, Leonard tried to do this many times, Yes, Karen, she was always trying to help, but it seems to be every man is for themselves and everyone is pointing the finger of blame at each other instead of self reflecting . . . . but hey who knows? He reminds me of Schmuley.

    There is a chapter where he list all the people who could have help Michael and did not.

    Hmmm, when my children point fingers at each other, I always ask them/tell them, don't tell me about him/her, what did you DO? Worry about yourself. It's very easy to point fingers in some sense it alleviates guilt but again, I don't know/can't speak with certainty. I am looking at it from both sides, naming names could be an act of bravery, for sure but also one of revenge, a smoke screen for himself.

    And of course there's this letter: http://www1.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/photos/stylus/97962-roweletter.jpg Again, another mystery.

    With all this talk, you know, I forgot about allllll about BBM!!!! :tongue:

  48. isabeau says:

    Well, I don't intend to play lawyer for Mr. Rowe ;) but that is the famous letter he said he never received and claims that, of course AEG would managed to write. He says he feels guilty too for not have done enough for him and the only thing it makes him feel better is to tell the world what he knows. He says he is friend with Randy who he says was the one who called him first on behalf of Michael. He published the whole 28 pages contract by AEG (crazy horrible tricky one-sided contract) and the testament (he says it's fake because MJ was not in LA that date and has no testimony's signatures).
    I think he is not so highly educated and the book is pretty simple written but I also know that it is a normal procedure for editors to correct and adjust the language of a not literate author since it was my job.
    That does not mean a person does not have important things to tell.

    Schmuley is NOT a spiritual person as he wants to be... the chief rabbi in Chicago wrote him a very bad scolding public letter saying he betrayed the confession of a dead person, plus revealing things reguarding things he said and thought 10 year before. I have no esteem for that person. I read the book because I can't judge if I don't read myself, I hate to think out of prejudice. Now I know what to think of him. He is a smart and clever orator, prepared on his theologic arguments but his refined ego is huge and attracted by fame (he admitted himself saying that now he 'changed'...). A true spiritual councilor would NEVER act like he did. He was on a Italian TV show too and one person in the public told him that and he had nothing to answer!!! I know that fans say 'don't give money to these people' but my opinion is that they are rich already and it does not hurt Michael anymore, thanks God. I want to read before deciding what to think.
    Rowe... I still don't know... among all the things he writes I sense there is A LOT odd truth...
    No I did not hear about Dileo, that $ hungry shark. I never trusted the face of that guy from the start.

    Apart from all this... and turning to more happy subjects, I had a hard time finishing the BBM act III so I try to do it tonight :) The fact is that I did not read the previous ones!!! (same story as TTWC)

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