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02 Feb 2011

Jumpin’ Like Hot Beans on a Sunday Mornin’

family, Lil Genius 2 Comments

Michael is so cute, but more than that, it’s nice to hear him talking with his brothers, just like a regular guy, and yes, they talk a lot about girls . . .  Michael is Benjamin Button, I swear he was just a little man!!!!!

Michael: Who are some of your fav friends in our school, Tito?

Tito: I don’t have too many favorite friends.  I mostly stick close to my brothers.  We take care of business.

*All brother’s saying “Right, right”*

Marlon: Tito, what do you like about flying?

Tito: What do I like about flyin’? I dont like nothin about flyin’. You give me some wings, I rather fly myself.

Marlon: Michael, uh, do you like  to fly in the rain?

Michael: Uh-uh. No,no, no…

Tito: How ‘bout that time Michael was crying on the flight to, what was it — to New York..

Marlon: I don’t blame him, man it was bumpy all the way.

Micheal:  Right, right, right, right, Jermaine wanted to cry but he be like, Mike, Mike, Mike

:wub:      :heart:

Little Michael: I like the audience in New York, they’re happy and they get together with you.”

We like you too,  Michael   :wub:

Okay and I have to say, too, Jackie’s voice . . . . jeeeeeezuz, so sexy   :tongue:

Little Mike: Jack, what do you think about show biz?

Tito: I’m just crazy about football with women

Little Mike: Yeah, that’s my favorite thing, how ’bout you man?

Michael’s laugh!   OMG!

Little Mike: Yeah, Tito do you like photography and stuff? I saw a few of your pictures and — you done, do you like it?

Tito: Yeeah thats my bag. One day I caught you asleep, and one day your hair was braided and I took some flicks of you..

Little Mike: Fuh realllll? Show me that picture when you get home.

Little Michael: I like staying in hotels, when we get off stage, I like to order, order a lot of pops and have fun and watch t.v. and go to bed

Marlon (?): What do you mostly order?

Little Michael: Hamburgers, bacon, BBQ, that’s some soul food

OMG, cute over load.      :wub:

Marlon (?): . . . . Michael, how about when Ms. Broder made you stand in that corner ins school a whole hour, how did you feel about that?

Little Michael: Ooooooh, (sounding bored)  I don’t know

Marlon (?)::   for singing in class

Little Michael: (very assertive)  Well, I can’t help that, I have to sing, to stay in tune.

OMG, please let me just hug him!!!!!!

Little Michael: I like Ms. Ross.  Dianas Rosss.


Jermaine: How about you Michael (he’s asking what kind of girls they like)

Michael: Well, I like their legs big, and I like them with pretty big eyes, and uh, let me see what else I like ’bout gals? (All the brothers are dying laughing)

Jermaine: How about their personality, Mike?

Michael: Yeah, I like their personalities.  That’s what I like about ’em.  What ’bout you Jackie?

Sounds like Sabah to me!    :tongue:

Okay, some more of Michael’s laugh:

2 Responses to “Jumpin’ Like Hot Beans on a Sunday Mornin’”

  1. cianna says:

    Laughter really is contagious huh? I love Mike’s laugh. I wished they could have stayed as close as they seem to be in these videos. I’m with you Sabine I want to hug him too.

  2. Ms. Sabine says:

    Hey Cianna – It is contageious, isn’t it! I listen to this whenever I need to smile!

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