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10 Apr 2010

We’re at Chapter 20!!!! Tell Us Your Favorite Parts of Cowboy Mike – NO not the sex!

Chapters, Cobra Crack, GIFs Pictures, Michael Jackson 136 Comments

It's about that time again!!!!  While I'm finishing up the next chapter of TTWC, I wanna hear about your hands down, all time favorite parts of the last twenty chapters of Cowboy Mike, and no, no I don't want to hear about the sex (if you can resist) :biggrin: .

Stranger in Moscow left her's at the bar and gave me the idea.  I love to hear you guys talk about the portions of the story that touched you the most.  Here's what she has to say, after reading like crazy over the past two weeks.  Thanks Stranger in Moscow!!!!

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136 Responses to “We’re at Chapter 20!!!! Tell Us Your Favorite Parts of Cowboy Mike – NO not the sex!”

  1. Sabine says:

    Hey Sally! Hi! Awwwww, that's such a sweet comment. You know, I should rename the post: When did you become an addict, :lol:

    I remember that scene 'cause of the GIF, Michael looks so beautiful! I always get excited when lurker comes outta hiding and proclaims themselves an addict loudly and proudly!!

  2. Ninja says:

    :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

    dang i don't know where to start lolz but ima try...

    i like it when sabah first met michael on his horse and she was trying not to lay into him but she couldnt help herself.

    I also like it when Michael tried to be Dr. Mike and tried to mend her ankle and arm but it didnt work so well

    i also like the part when they get into a fight (they r still at the ranch) about the whole trust issue i thought it was very emotional...afterward in the chapter i love how sabah sleeps in the other room and michael is like y are you sleeping in here, then sabah tells him off, and he goes back ot him room, but sabah cant take it any and tries to make up an excuse to see him, which is a glass a water (love it) and bumps into him in the hallway. Then of course the sex against the wall was wonderful lolz

    the part that made me laugh was when michael brings home the agrrement for sabah to sign and they get into a agruement i thought it was so funny and i love how umm (giggles) sabah makes it up to him lolz

    i love it when sabah shows him her dance moves

    it was so heartbreaking when sabah and michael got separated at the movies, i wanted to scream

    i love the fights between them about how she cant go to the grammy's and he is taking brooke and i also love the scene afterwards (i think) about how they open up to each other and talk about there feelings, it was soooo sweet!!

    i was so happy when michael took sabah to his family home and they had to sneak in and be quiet. i love the line where sabah says "Where the bed?" and michael is like "Dang Sabah we just got here!" lolz then i love the sex scene afterwards, it was awesome!!

    i dont remeber what chapter it was but when sabah and michael were in the jacuzzi and she kisses all the pinkish sport on his body, i thought that was sooo sweet of her (something i would do too)

    i love the scene where Sabah finds out she hasnt been taking the pill and she decides to tell michael while he is in between his legs and he is like "How can i stop like this? Why didn't you tell me before?" and sabah is like "Before or after the hallway?" and michael's penis moved, i screamed out lolz and then when he says "I will pull out." i rolled my eyes becuz that never works just as sabah said haha

    i love it when bill is driving them to the boat and he leaves the car and sabah pulls michael to the backseat and bill comes back and he sees what they were doing and Bill gets embaressed. And then when they start driving again, Michael places Sabah's hand on his erection (i screamed again)

    it was so sweet and sexy when Michael is talking about if Sabah is pregnant and he asks, "Is my baby growing in there?" (screamed)

    another intense scene is when sabah falls and she sttarts bleeding i was like oh no Sabine don't do this to me but it was just her period. it was sweet how michael cleaned her up...

    okay this post is long enough but ill continue later haha never typed this long of a comment, i feel accomplished..

    :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

  3. AnniesNotOK says:

    *popping head shyly from the door*

    I should write, but can I have a little prorogation?

  4. KKDDianaMJ says:

    I loved it when Michael and Sabah went out for icecream, they had such a good time together and it made me smile and wish that Michael got to do that :smile: . I loved when Michael took care of Sabah when she fell off the boat when thay went on a cruise, and he saved her WOW, he was there for her 100%, it made me nervous, I thought she might die :unsure: , but all ended well. I also got a good laugh when sabah told Michael Jonathan was gay, he still thought He would hit on Sabah because he knows hoe sexy she is, but she couldn't convince him not to be jealouse :lol: . I also liked the part when Jonathan told Antionette off! I also liked all the parts Stranger in Moscow listed but I didn't say those because I wanted to be different! :silly:

  5. Sonia says:

    Hi Sabine

    I just wanna say what Enola said about not having a particular favorite moment in the story but rather when she found your blog the first time.


    Was exactly how I found your blog, and HOW I also felt about the whole thing. Although I did list some of my memorable moments, but its like looking up into the sky asking which star is more beautiful, THEY ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL!!! Of course some will stand out more than others because they appear bigger, or for some particular reason some will be more noticeable to an individual.

    That's why I said I loved the entire first chapter because that's where it all started, and when I look back on the whole thing, I just think what a beautiful moment it was when a young girl who set out on a ride one fine day in the mountains would have a run with a legend......THE REST IS HISTORY!!!! As we all know it. The most golden moment.

    I'm just glad I found your blog when I did, while googling pictures of Michael, because I sure would have hated to join the party when you were like 50 chapters along!!!! PHEW!!! that would be alot of reading and my life would come to a standstill because I would be reading 24/7 just to get all caught up. Its manageable when you dish out the chapters in intervals and we read them in intervals.

  6. MartiniGirl says:

    *crawling outta bed to add some more*
    so I am trying not to repeat the one I did from the previous fav moments... so I have to go back and see... but I do I really love the few lines after our potential phone sex scene... and they are talking about what they like... and then Sabah says...

    I love your skin, too, Michael.
    I think it’s very beautiful.
    I think you’re beautiful.
    Everything about you.
    Your body, your skin, your face.
    Your nose.

    It is very touching...

    okay - finding my quote and typing up has exhausted me... back later or tomorrow...

    come to mama sweet smile - I need to snuggle

  7. MartiniGirl says:

    *whispering* Annie – where have you been?


    Great pic girl...

  8. PinkFrosting says:

    More of my fav moments:

    When they were talking on the phone: Sabah said she liked it when Mike grabbed her by the arm and pulled her, something like that. And he was like "you do?, ok I will do that to you when I get back'. :cool:

    I like the 5 things I love about you note.....( At least I think it was five) And Sabah put that 'You do sexy things like invite me to your house when no one is there.'' :kissing:

    I also like: 'So how are we going to do this without hurting your leg.'' That right there sealed the deal, and Sabah knew they were about to do it! :wink:

    I like in Chapter 1 when he was bringing her to his cabin, and he kept staring at her while he helped her walk inside. :wub: And every time she said something to him, she said Michael Jackson...lol His whole name.

    I like the exchange between them and the Little girl Khrystal in the elevator, and how her mother wasn't trying to hear her 'fibs'. :cheerful:

    I liked how Mike kept calling Sabah over and over after the movie theatre catastrophe, and I like that he didn't listen to her and still went back to her apt. :blush:

    I like aggressive Mike, nasty Mike, sensitive Mike, and romantic Mike. That would be CM in a nutshell... :silly:

  9. Elmira2887 says:

    This is making me sad. I wish Sabah and Michael's relationship was real :( I think if michael had someone like sabah in his REAL life he would still be here with us.... *cries*

  10. Sabine says:

    Sabah and Michael was real - is real, I keep telling you girls!

    I'm so loving reading everyone's special moments. I'm so touched by all the little things that you guys bring up -- it's like WOW :w00t:

    Hello to everyone!!!

    Martinigril, honey I hope you feel better realllll soon. Was it the visit? I really believe in mind/body connection, but that's OT.

  11. Elmira2887 says:

    ooh Sabine..
    i loved the part where michael and sabah are crying in eachother's arms and spilling their heart out to one another. Also, I love the scene where michael and sabah are argueing/talking in the car after michael sees her with johnathon. LOLOL

  12. Sabine says:

    Seee I thought people wouldn't like that part elmira, that it would be too deep!

  13. AnniesNotOK says:

    OMG LOL, I'm laughing at my own pic, silly me. One thing is seeing it in your computer, in your Paint, and another one is seeing it here... LOL - Thanks Sabine... sorry... SabHa-ine! ;)

    Hey, MGirl, sorry! How are you feeling? I've been right there... can't you see me? Just bathing my thoughts and 8-year-old worries in the sun.

    So true, Sonia, and musicnme as well. Those are def. some of the best BEST moments.

  14. Sabine says:

    Annie, that picture looks so real, it almost gave me chills!

  15. KinGofPoPXxXJunkie says:

    Well, I know you said no, not the sex, but I have to include in my favorites the time Michael showed Sabah what it is! Like um NOPE, never brought anybody else to this ranch and um NOPE never given it to them like I lay it on you.


    Beyond that, I enjoyed the great care Michael gave Sabah after the near-drowning incident. Its no secret that he's always seemed to have a nurturing characteristic about him, but how many men would have been able to clean up a woman like that, hell how many MARRIED men would have done that? Furthermore, the fact that he was scared into giving up his "jack rabbit" ways after the incident was noble. I'm sorry, but I've been with my husband for almost 16yrs, we grew up together and were best friends, but when he's had to be on a "diet" for 3-4 days there aint NOTHING that's gonna stop him from gettin sum, not even the end of the world! It just moved me and captivated me that Michael became that sensitive to the trauma suffered by Sabah, her pain became his pain, her fear became his fear. Further down that same stigmata displayed by Michael appeared again when he thought Sabah had been kidnapped. Enclosing himself in the darkness that his lover is more than likely engulfed in too, fasting because he's unable to even THINK about eating knowing that perhaps his lady love is being depraved of food and quite possibly even water. Just reading Michael's anguish, fear, and sadness almost provokes us into a stigmata of his suffering as well, the roller coaster of events, is just all very emotional , realistic, and RAW!


    I hope I haven't put a damper on everybody's mood with my morbid appreciation for the most dramatic of events in the story, but that's just what captivates me the most, the REAL feeling I get when the drama occurs. Like its ok to be in la-la land, but you have to have those jolting wake up calls or you could end up walking dead smack into a wall! :blush: Not that I've ever walked into any walls! :whistle:

  16. Sabine says:

    Hey Junkie!!! OMG, you have me on the edge of my seat reading your comment!!!!! Bravo, very well said and very much appreciated, and the comment about your husband :lol:

    At first I didn't know what you meant by "give up his jack rabbit ways" but then I said

    :tongue: :silly:

    I know what she means! :lol:

  17. Frodes says:

    WHAT??? We can't comment about the SEX?!?!?!?!


    LOL!!! J/K, Sabine. You know I love ALL of the story!!! :wink:

    I DO have favorite parts in the story itself but on a more personal level, my favorite part is when I realized that I wasn't reading your average, every day fan fiction. Because it is, in fact, NOT that.

    And the moment I realized that it wasn't your average every day fan fiction (and I mentioned this when I first posted) was the part where Sara, I mean, Sabah, goes over to Michael's house when no one is there and he wants to turn the lights off but she won't let him. And then she proceeds to pay special attention to all the discolored parts on his body. That REALLY touched my heart because any of us can see that Michael was SO embarrassed and SO upset about his skin condition. And the way you described him with tears in his eyes when he says "Why are you doing this???". Man. Talk about ripping my heart out.

    THIS is why this story is NOT fan fiction. Fan fiction (in general) is corny, cheesy, over the top with no thought put into it whatsoever. I like the IDEA of fan fiction because it allows people to be creative and to dream about what they would like to see with their favorite celebrities or movie characters or what have you. I always give fan fiction a shot with the other things that I have been in love with but I can usually only read a few paragraphs before it starts to get so bad I'm cringing. There is not ONE fan fiction that I have read of anything that I have loved that compares to this one. This story has depth. It has meaning. You CARE for the characters. And THAT is what a writer is supposed to do. So... hats off to you, Sabine!!! If you brought tears to my eyes, then you have done your job, my dear!!!


    The other part that stood out to me and brought tears to my eyes was when Sara, I mean, Sabah, found her mother in Michael's house and she told her that she can't make Michael not trust her anymore. And then how she says "He loves me." I could totally hear it in my head because if that was happening to me, I know EXACTLY how I would say it. She felt that in her soul. *sigh* I love it.

    Hmmmm.... what else???

    I love when the little girl sees them in the elevator and she says "Hi, Michael Jackson!!!" and Michael isn't worried about it at all. LOL!!!

    I like when Michael has a talk with Holoma's husband on the island (I forget his name). I'd like to think that Michael might have met some people that were living in a hole in the ground and had no idea who he was so he could just be himself. The story was very sweet that he told him, too.

    I like when Kit wanted Sara, I mean, Sabah, to explain what Michael's member looked liked by using the objects she provided. Classic.

    I like the hug and kiss they shared at the water park where Sara, I mean, Sabah, felt like Tinkerbell sprinkled fairy dust on her. And then later after they made love she was crying and he was all "What's that for???" but she couldn't tell him just yet.

    I like the interaction between Michael and Pierre.

    I like when Michael tells Sara, I mean, Sabah, that she should've worn a skirt in the back of Bill's truck. LOL!!!

    The ice cream parlor!!!

    I thought it was so sweet that Michael felt he would hurt Sara, I mean, Sabah, if he had sex with her after her accident on the boat. But yet she was SO horny!!!

    You know, it's funny that you put this up for us to comment on cause I'm actually in the middle of re-reading "Cowboy Mike". So it's nice to refresh my memory a bit. But there are so many details in your story, Sabine, that I can't possibly remember all of my favorite parts unless I post them right after reading. So maybe I will post again later. So, I think that's all for now.

    OH WAIT!!! One more...

    All the sex scenes.

    *Runs away before she gets a scolding*

    :angel: :angel: :angel:

  18. Sabine says:

    LOL Frodes, I mean Sara, girl how come you can't remember Sabah's name? :whistle:

    I love, love everything you had to say, of course!!!! You rock, big time -- and like a true addict, you're re-reading!!!!! Good for you! That's a responsible way to keep from falling into the depths of withdrawal!!!!!

    OF course you can keep coming back to this thread and telling me all about all the special things you love about the story!

    You girls surprise me with some of the things you say, some things I didn't even give any thought too, some that I didn't think people would like -- just amazing really!!!!!

    Thank you EVERYONE for commenting and reading!

  19. Sonia says:


    You haven't written this moment yet. But my favorite moment will be when Michael and Sabah get married and Michael finally has the family he always wanted and.....

    :wub: :heart: They live happily ever after!!! That will be the BEST moment!

  20. Sabine says:

    Ooooo, a glimpse into the future!!!!!

    That's a very nice moment indeed! Do you know something I don't know :whistle:

  21. Sonia says:

    :wink: I don't know...you tell me!

    Isn't that what the ultimate aim was....to see Michael living his life the way he SHOULD have lived it???

    :wub: :wink: right???

    But why am I being bias?? if not Sabah, then Sabah in her previous life as Saniia will do as well. To me Michael doesn't have to necessarily have to live and full fill all his desires as the Michael we all knew in this lifetime. Michael living his life in another place, in another time will do JUST FINE!!! Because Sabah is indeed Saniia and Cowboy Mike is just Prince Michael. Different lifetime, but the souls are the same. I LOVE, that you right these stories with a bit of a spiritual twist, using the idea of reincarnation in them. Because even I do that in my head all the time too. At times I really wondered wouldn't it be a shock if Sabah remembered herself as Saniia, because in real life there have been incidents of people recalling a past life. I've watch so many movies on this subject matter, and from what I know is that since Saniia and Prince Michael could not end up together during their lifetime, their love did not succeed, they came back to full fill it as Sabah and Cowboy Mike in this lifetime. That's just my thoughts on it. So one or the other will definitely succeed....OTHERWISE Sabine girl you will have to start a 3rd story, LOL!!!!

    Cowboy Mike I think just gets more attention because its moving along so fast, and TTWC is very slow in the going and we can only comment so much at this time. I'm just happy knowing you've got two stories back to back and if not Cowboy Mike, Michael will definitely end up living happily ever after in TTWC. One of the two has to end on a good note.

  22. Sabine says:

    Ooooo, Sonia, you just explained why Sabah gave it up so easilly to Michael on that first day!

    It was her soul longing to reconnect w/ him, though they didn't know it. Don't you love that twist?

    I seriously cannot tell you what's going to happened with CM, because I dont' know. I swear I don't know.

    With TTWC, I have an idea, but I can't even say that for sure. I hope, pray for a happy ending.

    I will be crying bucket of tears if I have to type of sad ending. I might not be able to even do it, but I have to write what comes to me with CM, what feels authentic . . . I just don't know what it will be!!!!

  23. Sonia says:

    LOL!!! That's very interesting and true indeed. He took it slow with Saniia but didn't wast anytime with Sabah on the first day, and it might also explain why Michael felt a connection, and also it wasn't a coincidence the way Sabah and Michael ran into each other. I believe everything is predestined and planned, we just have to act upon it. But then again it was Michael Jackson, how many girls do you think would have said NO??? But Michael has the same charm as CM as he did as PM.

    I know you don't know what is going to happen, but I'm guessing that the reason the God of Fiction gifted you with this talent is so you can give this story a happening ending, I hope that's what it is.

    :biggrin: And if you can't give it a happy ending, there's always my imagination, LOL!!! I write stories in my head all the time, and I give Michael happy endings all the time. But this is your site and forum, and whatever you write we will accept without a question, you've been so good to share this with us THANK YOU!!!

  24. Sonia says:

    Oh I just want to make clear...that at no point have I ever tried to get you to reveal what's going to happen. I love waiting for the suspense, but I just shoot off the top of my head what I think might happen and comment on the present events, that's all. Your stories are amazing, but you've been told that so many times now, and you KNOW IT!!!

    And if you do end up typing a sad ending, I'm not saying you will, then I'll just think that God never meant it to be, there's nothing we as mere humans can do, we can only tell the story and not change its course, as you say it just comes to you. It just happens and you CAN'T make it happen.

  25. Sabine says:

    Hey Pinkfrosting, yeah I switch up a bit.

    Sonia, girl, I don't think you're trying to get me to reveal the end of the story, I just wish I knew so I could tell you!!!!!

    I hate, hate unhappy endings! Give me a happy ending pullllease. What's the point of escapism if I have to end it with a sad ending?

    Now I've read books where it is written so beautifully and there's so much to learn that I ACCEPT the sad ending, but that don't mean I gotta like it.

    LOL! Michael gave it to Sabah so quickly I have to make excuses for their irresponsible behavior, and why he didn't even use a condom!!!!

    So we have to make them soulmates, lovers separated only by time! LOL! YOu know I have written and intro for TTWC and made a cover, I think I'll make one for Cowboy Mike too. Of course, I won't show Sabah's face, but Ooooo, I'm excited already.

    Okay, so how many would have said no to Michael if he brought them to a secluded cabin and came on to them hmmmmmmmm

    uhhhhhhhh :ermm:


    Okay, none! I have to admit it!

    I'm so sorry some of our addicts are not feeling well.

    Martinigril and Pinkfrosting, I'm sending positive rays of love and healing your way :heart:

  26. Sonia says:

    ooo WOW! That sounds good, a cover for TTWC and Cowboy Mike. Sounds so good.

    I know what you mean, but I'm trying to be very optimistic about a happy ending. Sabine even if you knew I wouldn't expect you to tell us. That's like reading the last lines of the book without reading all that happened in between. It will take the meaning and purpose out of it.

    I know somtimes logic doesn't always prevail. But I always did wonder how did Michael and Sabah do it for 14 days at the cabin without protection and then that one time when Sabah went off the pill and Michael came back early from the Victory Tour and surprised they did it and for months they were in the dark because Sabah didn't get her period????
    :wassat: Beats me...but I guess everything doesn't have to make sense all the time.

  27. Sabine says:

    Sonia girl, you know women don't get pregnant all the time. A woman can have sex for years and not get pregnant -- okay, not me! I swear I'm as fertile as a rabit, but my sister it took her a while to get pregnant.

    I could atleast tell you I see the future and it's bright, Sonia, but I really can't -- I just don't know.

    But I'm so psyched that you and everyone else are sooooo interested.

    Okay, back to writing for me.

  28. Sonia says:

    LOL!!! Well I'm aware of that. There could be many reasons why a woman might not get pregnant as quickly as others, I always believed that to great degree lifestyle and mental stress, were major factors in conceiving. A fit mind and body makes for having a healthy baby, that's my belief. Now like you my sister is also in some trouble because she has alot of health issues, although she's not even married or trying for a baby..

    :wassat: Well I don't know if she's married or not, haven't had any contact with my family for over a year now, LOL!!!

    Someone mentioned Michael and Sabah always going at it like rabbits in the last chapter. OOO I LOVED that, I remembered as a child we were doing research on an animal of our choice and somebody was running around the library with a book on rabbits and showed a picture of them mating, I pictured that as Michael and Sabah

    :lol: I know I know my dirty little mind..but as you said hats off to the person who writes those things, YOU!!!

  29. Sonia says:

    Sorry I just missed a bunch of words, I meant to say my sister is alot like YOUR sister also, NOT YOU..

    :pinch: Sorry goof up....typing to fast.

  30. Sabine says:

    Hey morning Sonia. I swear a man can look at me and get me pregnant! That's how fertile i am! Girl, I'm trying take a nap so I can get up and finish this story!!!!

  31. Gracie says:

    Good morning addicts! well, this is an interesting conversation! i was actually just umm "thinking" about this subject last night :blush: I have been rereading lately since you put up this thread and the place I keep coming back to is the place where I started...the chapter where Michael surprises Sabah and she isn't on the pill anymore and they are so into each other that it doesn't matter. This is easily my favorite love-making part because of that....procreative sex is sooo intense. I'm like you Sabine, i get pregnant just thinking about it i swear. We have never "tried" for a baby , we just sort of get caught up in each other at the right time and voila...baby! Really It's amazing we have had the willpower to only have 4!

    Sonia, your comment yesterday about knowing you were going to have a daughter reminded me of this story, i thought you would like it. Let me preface by saying that I always longed for a daughter but after 3 boys i had given up hope. I don't know how much anyone here knows about Natural Family Planning, but suffice it to say, I got pregnant with my daughter a full week before i should have been able to conceive. So we were surprised and when we told the kids, my middle, who was 6 at the time said "Oh yeah, I know, i've been praying for a baby sister." so we tried to tell him that we didn't know what the baby would be yet and that it was probably going to be a boy but he told everyone that he was having a baby sister, there was not a doubt in his mind. When the day of the ultrasound came I was soooo nervous, I kept telling myself it was a boy and trying to block that hope against hope so I wouldn't be disappointed. So lo and behold they said it was a girl and I cried and cried and made them double and triple check. We were so excited to tell the boys but that middle one was not the least bit excited. he just said "yeah Mom, I know. I TOLD you i prayed for a baby sister!" like i was so stupid for not believing him! How amazing for him to have that special secret prayer answered like that. we were worried he would start praying for all kinds of things but that didn't happen. He was very aware of the gift we had received. :angel:

    So naturally now whenever he starts talking about how he thinks we should have another baby I get real nervous. I'll say, you're not praying for one are you? cuz our house is REALLY full! and he laughs at me :lol: but I know he still believes that if he prays for it it will happen!

    So I along with you will wait with bated breath for more hot "open" sex and please please please oh god of fiction bring Michael a baby!!!! I don't care which Michael, just PLEASE!!

  32. Sonia says:

    LOL!!! OMG that's really funny.


    :biggrin: I guess you better walk around with a veil over your head if just by looking at you, men can knock you up, LOL!!!

    WOH!!! I can't imagine what would have happened to you if you had met Michael in person and stared into those intense INTENSE PIERCING EYES!!! YOU probably would have been the next Octomom. Michael was so hypnotic and electrifying that he could make any woman get pregnant with several babies at the same time.

    :lol: But then that would really take the steam out of all those love scenes with him and Sabah if he could just get Sabah pregnant by looking at her!

  33. Gracie says:

    OMG Sabine :lol: ...you were typing while I was ( i am sloooow)

    So are there special birth control sunglasses for that condition? :lol: :biggrin:

    okay, you..get to bed girl, rest up, we need some Crack!!

  34. Sonia says:

    AAAWW Gracie, that was a really sweet story.

    Well as I say children are very God like, they sometimes know things we don't, because their minds are so pure and hearts are unblemished and not yet corrupted by the ugliness of the world. To me children when they pray to God, they do it with a clean mind and heart, which is why God probably answered your son's prayers. No amount of modern day technology can give us what we want if its not meant to be. In our case my husband and I, we're just very religious and pious by nature, and I have always felt if you just do your duties of being a decent honest human being and not go around hurting others, and manipulating situations or playing dirty politics, then if you pray with a honest heart God will give you what you want. Many people only remember to pray when they need something or are in trouble and aren't consistent in their religious or spiritual views. Often times people forget to thank something higher than them for all they have. As humans or rather its human nature, people tend to be very greedy and are always complaining they don't have this or that, and forget to think of others who have so much less and are far less unfortunate than them. To me this baby issue was a bit of a touchy or sensitive issue because I grew up with family and relatives always only praying for sons, and not girls, and I would always say to them you guys have to be happy with whatever is given to you. They won't do their unconditional duties towards their children of treating them equally regardless of whether they are boys or girls, they are greedy, cold and stone hearted and yet will only pray when they need something or in trouble. Then they wonder why they are so unhappy. At least our intentions for wanting a girl were not wrong, but even if it was a boy it would have been okay with me. I always said to my family it takes 9 months to have a boy and same for a girl. Mother nature didn't differentiate between the two, so who the hell are you guys to do so???

    Sorry that was long, but really a nice story. Oh I also agree, children should be born out of pure love, I know many times couples aren't even planning it and they are just in the MOOD, and before you know it you have a bundle of joy 9 months later. Whether its planned or not, it should be out of love. I know many married couples who are relatives, but they just do it like out of lust and not love for each other, only for the sake of procreation, its all physical and not emotional, so to me that is a big NO NO!!! Its like they are just going through the process or motions of marriage and having kids.

  35. Gracie says:

    Sonia, it makes me so sad when i read about how your family views girls, and yet so hopeful because you are changing that. It's an interesting contrast that on my mother's side of my family, we are VERY matriarchal and value women immensely. My grandmother's father was an alcoholic who died when she was just a girl and i don't think she had much respect for him. She had 2 brothers who treated her like dirt and she became fiercely independent, didn't get married until she was in her late 20's ( VERY rare, for a woman to be on her own in the 1940's) She had two daughters, one before my grandfather went to the war and one when he came home so she had to work and be a mom while he was away. He passed away when i was very small. My mother also became a single mom when my father cheated on her and left us ( I say us because he truly left all of us, not just her) so that whole side of my family has always been run by some very strong women. Not that anyone didn't love my boys, but it was always.."another boy?!? we need a girl here!" so all were THRILLED when my daughter came along to complete the family line.

    I simply cannot understand how anyone can hold a baby and not feel God's presence. I am reminded of Michael's poem "When Babies Smile"...that's a favorite of mine

  36. Sonia says:

    Yes Gracie, that just how I feel, when you look at a child, how innocent and vulnerable they are and can be, how can anyone look down at their faces and see them as an ideal target for taking out all their frusterations out on. I view people like Joe Jackson as being someone like that, a big bully. He was only tough and mean enough to take out all his anger and steam on Michael and the boys, but if he had to come face to face with someone of his own match or bigger, he would probably shit bricks.

    As far as I'm concerned, well on my mother's side, they are absolute woman haters, and my fathers family is the opposite and they love girls. My paternal grandmother and my father's sisters were all tough so naturally I've got the same genes. I'm so sorry to hear about what your father did to you and your mother. I know how that can immensely, as a woman affect your relationships with men. I have a cousin and she's the only child of my father's eldest sister, and that too she was born several years after my aunt got married. Well when she was just a tiny little baby, her father ditched her and her mother, and ran away with another woman, and they live in Europe, and with no other family around both mother and daughter only have each other. My cousin is the same age as me, and she has got a very negative view on men, but at the same time having led an unhappy life, it has made her strong, she's got a college education and works and makes her own money and has never ever depended on anyone for anything, she was always determined to not let any man run over her. But that doesn't come as any surprise to me, after all it runs in the family and comes from my grandmother. I commend her mother (my aunt) she had to work and would leave her with a babysitter, and initially when her husband ran out on them, my father had to go all the way to Europe to set them up, he said when he showed up their was no food in the fridge and the baby had no toys nothing and my cousin and I are just 5 months apart, so my father is supporting my mother who was pregnant at the time with me, his parents, and all his 7 brothers and sisters one his salary, but that was way back in the 70's, so talk about inflation. I always thought if that had been my mother instead of my father's sister she would have committed suicide long ago, since women on my mother's side are very weak and spineless so naturally my mother didn't like my natural aggressive behavior and she would always say things like "oh you are just like your grandmother" I think she internally wanted to be like us but couldn't. Try telling the girls in our family how to dress and live their lives and oh boy your body will go flying from one end of the city to the other.

    As for Michael and having children, I would loved nothing more than to see Michael with a regular nuclear family. Husband/wife and kids. Doing what normal everyday families do, get up in the morning have breakfast get the kids to school, kiss each other good bye and at the end of the day have dinner together, and then Michael and his wife tuck the kids in bed and just sit on the sofa arm and arm and relaxing have time alone. I would have loved for Michael to have the kind of life where he could come home to his wife at the end of the day and say "hi honey I'm home" or his wife just standing there waiting to give him a kiss when he walks in through the door and say "hi sweetie how was your day". OH he deserved that so much. That's why it makes me really angry at LMP and Debbie for ditching him like that.

    :wub: :heart: But if Michael had had a wife like Sabah in real life, knowing how Michael wanted to have 12-13 kids, I'm like oh boy, his wife would really have had her work cut out for her, by Michael keeping her pregnant all the time and glowing and it just makes me kinda chuckle and blush!!! Naughty Michael, LOL!!! I'm not to sure if I was his wife I could have taken it, although kids are great.

  37. Sonia says:

    :biggrin: :blush: Sabah was right when she once called Michael a cavemen, always knocking up his woman.

  38. irune says:

    Hello golden ladies!
    i step on tiptoe around here to tell my two favourites times ( i don´t have only two but i´m trying to be restrained??... :unsure: i don´t if it´s the correct word...me and google translator)
    Not about sex, understood
    The moment when Sabah is trying to explain her favourite "time" with Michael, being graphic, and Kit enjoying it , says somethig like " you two are a bunch of gymnasts"...GREAT
    And the other one: how Holoma realized Michael and sabah are in love, and how she guided Sabah through it...well Holoma don´t really guide her, she puts it in front of her face. :lol:
    pardon my english, today it´s costing me more than usual

  39. Sabine says:

    Hi Irune! Oh your English is PERFECT! We understand you just fine.

    I always wonder, how do the stories translate? I guess it must be okay :lol:

    Thanks for telling us about your favorite moments!!!! :heart:

  40. deedeeluvmike says:

    :wub: hi Sabah LOL i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!! wow , i missed a lot i can see, well that just makes it more to catch up on *wink*

    well my fav moments of this story, oh that's easy, that is the day i saw the comments of you THINKING of doing this story then reading the very first LINE; was caught, captured and captivated with you and this story from that moment anmd it has not let me go hhahahahah; soooooooooooooo not complaining

    sabah/sabine mike is sooooooooooooooooooooo going to be pissed at you spilling secrets and ignoring his CA 's but why would he wanyt ot keep this lovely story to himself is beyond me* wink*

    i have too many favs to report on so let just say the whole story is a fav moment :lol:

    but my absolute fav momet is the time he...................................................... you see my problem sabine i cannot do it i can not pick apart this story LOOKING for a fav moment of mine b/c then i would be retelling your story, so i'll day it's your imagination of the man himself, explaining not only how YOU see him but how ALL of us view him too, wishing more people had viewed him like that! not a God but a man who when he loves he does so with his complete being, making each and every one of us wonder what the girl must have felt havng his attention solely on her

    it makes you realize that he is not too good to be true [ as some stories would make you feel about the hero in the story] but that he actually existed and was that GOOD of a person

    soooooooooooooooooooooooo, i finish by saying for me i like in the start of the story After he had put it on her and GF realizes that she was NEVER gonna be the same again, decides to ASK him if she was the ONLY/first one he had done so with [ i mean i would have wanted to know the same thing too if any one else had gotten it like he just gave it to me, so dont blame her one bit hahahahaha] BUT then his response TO HER was P.R.I.C.E.L..E.S.S '' i wont answer you b/c NO MATTER WHAT I SAY YOU'RE NOT GONNA BE HAPPY/BELIEVE'' TRANSLATION??? !! i'm with you now , nothing else is important! how did he back up that statement ? by proving it to her, when they thought she had been kidnapped and NOBOBY could get him to talk much less eat. the man amlost starve himself to death, because he felt so empty without her and he wanted to be true to the emotions within him,hence not eating/////////when they saw her and bl told her how out of his mind mike was with worry that they could not get him to open the door/ yet the MOMENT her heard her voice? i'll let mike answer

    me: So what did that MOMENT feel like michael when you realizes that Sabah was at your door, that she wasnt hurt or missing?

    michael: it was MAGICAL, COSMIC :wub:

  41. Sabine says:

    AWwwwwwwwww, Deedee

    :wub: :heart:

    That was soooooooo beautiful, thank you honey!

    YOu know I remember when I was like boy I'm running out of women to right about and someone mentioned hearing about a "Sabah" -- :smile: That seems so long ago!

    I remember asking someone to send me some information about her and then just deciding to make her up from scratch and you know what?

    I LIKE how she turned out!!!


    I would have never thought I would have written this much -- I guess the greatest stories happen just like that.

    I love that last line, DeeDee -- so sweet!!!! It's always great to *see* you hun!

    *running to check on Annie in the bar*

  42. AnniesNotOK says:

    Ok, so I was re-reading the whole saga because, no your fault Sabine, but my memory is horrible so I wanted to have it all fresh. But as it would be a loooooooong comment (and I swear I'm trying to focus only in some things, but it's SO difficult) and I’m just half way through it, I thought it was maybe time for the first delivery (I don’t want to be boring). Plus something in me tells me it has to be now, it’s the right time! I loved loved loved to remember some scenes I had erased from my mind… no, not erased but put them more in the background of the story because all the new ones.

    Sabah hurt, on the floor, and then… “Michael Jackson!” - Please… where I can fill in my request?

    How you can feel the initial distrust between them (esp. on Michael’s part). It’s kind of “funny” to read that, but if you think about it, it was probably Michael’s life… confidenciality agreements (booooh), fear, sues, … I like to see how Michael conquered a bit that dark field in his head (heart and life) with Sabah.

    Ok, so 6 months later I still can’t figure out the position of the first sex-cene. Talk about (no) space intelligence. Hey, that was no sex because I can’t visualize it!

    That first argument between them, when Sabah wants to know if she’s the “first girl”. You can feel the hurt on both of them, Michael when he feels pressured and is explaining how “all the business” works, talking about trusting and betray; and Sabah because she wants to feel special by having the answer but she ends up feeling vulnerable and frailty human. And where the tension leads to, but of course we can’t talk about that *playfully sticking out tongue* Ok, just one sentence, I don’t know why it is but… ”It looks like you’re in the wrong room.”

    Every single chapter that has had a bit of a playful part, in the Hideout, the villa, in the cabin… love it, that’s Michael’s spirit throught the words. And they are so coherent, from the very beginning (plane ticket, e.g.) and throughout all the chapters we’ve seen by now: Sabah is so independent (or tries to be), so proud, so used to have her own life and Michael is so… so… so Michael!

    That single tear… so full of meaning *sigh*

    When they go to the movies, and all that chaos. The feeling I got from Sabah was the same than the one when you get lost being a little child. You are your mum/daddy child, the one, but then you become just another lost child as there can be a lot more in the same park, or supermarket, or whatever. And again, to me, that dichotomic doubt that brought the first argument comes up again. And again both of them hurting and wondering.

    *confession* I LOVE when they talk on the phone. I’m not even going to say more. And the little normal plain conversations between them.

    And Kit…, sorry it’s not a moment because every time I read of her I feel the friendship between them. Love it, love it, I... I love it.

    The first vitiligo scene, that was SO hard. And then every scene related that followed that one. But I love that he’s become more open about that (with Sabah).

    I realized that I LOVE the sexy talking CM has… it’s his attitude, I can almost hear the sexyally challenging tone in his voice. And how you describe every single thing, no no no I’m not talking about THAT, but you have a gift! To me it’s like you take a photo (and that’s a lot yet), but then, with your describing, you make the pic come alive. That’s how I feel it, I tend to create an image when I start reading some part you’re detailing (scene, vision, feeling, …) but then, slowly as I go on reading, it’s smoothly adjusting with what you’re adding to that initial pic.

    And I don’t know how to explain it but, even though they are soooo different (CM and PM)… I feel them the same somehow. How can that be? It’s their souls, their essences? I don’t know even how to explain it. With Sabah-Saniia it’s not like that to me; but yes with both “Michaels”. Like, even though he’s living in modern times, I always thought of him like and old soul, a classic man (not anything bad, in fact I love it), a gentleman… and, even when he’s like more… “spicy”, the background, it’s the same… sir we’re talking about, a true cavalier. Maybe, this was not the time for this cavalier, the real Michael, to live… but that’s another story and doesn’t fit here.

    @ deedee - *mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah* Hi girl!!!

  43. deedeeluvmike says:

    :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :wub: keep writing like you do and you 'll get PLENTY more :silly: :silly: :silly:

  44. deedeeluvmike says:

    hey annie ahow are you girl? :wub: :wub: :heart: :biggrin:

    you know you said EVERYTHING I wanted to SAy? but chickened out ----b/c i did not want to choose a fav moment,,, that was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard to do with a :biggrin: story of this caliber :silly:

    (((((((((((( hugs and kisses annie ))))))) :biggrin:

  45. AnniesNotOK says:

    I swear I tried to condense it but... no luck! And I still have almost 12 chapters to re-read!! What an effort and terrible sacrifice uh? *big grin*

    (((((((((((((((((((((deedee)))))))))))))))))))))))) Look at that gorgeous man on your avi... oooh!!! I loved how you said that Michael doesn't appear here as a perfect man or a hero. So true... and, you know what, I think this makes even better the story (this is why this is not simple fan fiction)... and... what the heck, even better the character of Michael!!! I love to find little treasures in people's defects. Sometimes they end up being that lovely beautiful thing that used to piss you off but now you can't live without it *thinking about ex-BFs now... no no no no don't think! - LOL*

  46. Sabine says:

    Annie, That reminds me a song I love by Sheryl Crow -- I like the lyrics; it's called Favorite Mistake

    Did you know when you go
    It's the perfect ending
    To the bad day I'd gotten used to spending
    When you go all I know is
    You're my favorite mistake
    it goes,

  47. Sabine says:

    OMG!! OMG!!! OMG!!!!!!

    *jumping up and down*

    Annie left me a comment!

    *shaking* OMG, I love it -- I've read it three times now!!!!

    I love, love that YOU love the talking and just the being together!!!! Oh, thank you Annie! Everything you've said (and you too DeeDee) has such meaning to me . . it helps me know that I've accomplished my goal, which is to humanize this icon and help people see him as a REAL person!

    I think that's what Michael wanted more than anything -- yes the fame too, but also to be SEEN.

  48. AnniesNotOK says:

    LOLing at the gif! :wub:

    I really appreciate a lot them being just a normal couple (ok, they're not) but acting, living... trying to live like that. MIchael was not normal and he could not had been seen as a normal person, because he was SOOOOOO special, but I wish that his relations, his interactions with other people would have had the chance to be more lived more normally. That's exactly what he's doing with Sabah -to me-, he's still "Michael Jackson", whatever that means, but she's bringing normality to his peculiar life.

    So, to me, bits like the phone talking, the breakfast making or even just having breakfast together as a common pair of lovers (that's the cutest moment), coordinating agendas and jobs to spend time together, even discussing... to read this to me is so special.

    Wait, so Beyonce stole your "Sabine dance" that you do when you're happy? Too bad!!! *wink*

  49. MartiniGirl says:

    hello hello... some lines I was thinking about today!

    ...was it always going to be like this? Would she always melt whenever he touched her?
    Ummm Sabah – what a silly question – ah, YES.

    ...ho w much you want to bet you’re going to make me those waffles..


  50. Sabine says:

    Hey Martinigirl, did you sleep well?

    You know, I swear you girls are coming up with lines I don't even remember!!!!

    But that's good. I didn't remember right off when Michael said, "how much you want to bet you're gonna make me those waffles" :lol:

    :cheerful: :silly:

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