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03 Aug 2010

Lisa Robinson Talks to Michael

GIFs Pictures, Interviews, Michael Jackson, Micheal Jackson Fan Videos 117 Comments

I just love when people start pulling out all this old footage they have of Michael and sharing it with the world! YAY!

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117 Responses to “Lisa Robinson Talks to Michael”

  1. Gemeuxx says:

    Little Michael is so handsome his children resemble him so much. I've never seen this youtube clip before, but I do own the 2009 re-issued interview transcripts between Lisa and Michael. That's the only magazine I have of him to be honest. Michael was such a beautiful person, and I'm not talking about his looks his heart was in the right place I truly believe Michael had good intentions, and he completed his works on this earth. I get so mad when people try to make god's out of a celebrities it's idoltry. He was imperfect, and most of all human just like the rest of us. I wouldn't curse in front of millions of people on television DUH He was a GENIUS for keeping his life private, and protecting the ones who he truly loved from the vultures (media) To me he's the greatest entertainter of MY lifetime. Sadly the children of today will never know real music, the artists today are boring me to death.

  2. Sabine says:

    Preach girl!!!!

    OMG, I so loved what you've said here:

    I wouldn’t curse in front of millions of people on television DUH

    Helllo? People try to ridicule Michael for attempting to keep parts of his life private and secret, for not showing all of his personality -- EVERYONE DOES THAT -- I certainly don't speak at work the same way I speak to my homegirls, and there's certain things I just won't say.

    I mean I love everything you've said, really. I could'nt have said it better myself!!!!!

    I get so mad when people try to make god’s out of a celebrities it’s idoltry.

    It really is Gem! And so unfair! What a burden for anyone to have to suffer under. I've seen people fall to the ground crying, over Oprah -- OPRAH! I mean, is she not a woman just like you and I?

    To become flustered and excited about meeting someone you admire and love for what they've done, that's one thing -- but to lose your whole mind, that's a whole 'nother thing.

    Now don't get me wrong, I went to the Chris Brown concert in NY and yelled and screamed, that was fun -- I was having fun. But if I met Chris Brown in person, you better believe I wouldn't be throwing myself at his feet!

    He was imperfect, and most of all human just like the rest of us.


    Sadly the children of today will never know real music, the artists today are boring me to death.

    One of the rare times I really feel I'm doing a good job as a parent is when my own children say this. My daughter says she wants to be born in the eighties and I really think my son was born in the 50s or something and died a tragic death. He loves old music, but really what my children love is MUSIC -- and some of the stuff their making today is not music!

    :lol: Okay, now I feel like I've jumped on your soap box and grabbed your Mike!

    Get it? Your Mike! :lol:

    No really I think Lisa was able to capture Michael's humanity very well in her interviews. I think it's because she stepped out of his way and let him be himself.

  3. Gemeuxx says:

    No real talk Girl, everything that you mentioned...you hit the nail on the head. Michael very comfortable with her, and I appreciate a lot of things she said in those interviews. We have the Lady Gaga's and the Justin Beiber's...I was watching a youtube clip the other day of this new artist Jason Derulo **yawns** I'm saying to myself wtf? I think the Beiber kid has 250 million views on youtube...those little girls are stalking his page LOL Goodness! I'm still stuck in the 80's when it comes to music, I can listen to everything 70's and 80's. So many talented artists...I have to say 70's music...EVERY artist could sing live and entertain. One of my girlfriends went to a Rihanna concert in Cali, she said she sounds awful live. She wasted her money going to that concert. Chris Brown did a great tribute to MJ at the BET awards. He's the only one I think that can come close to imitating Mike. There's no way in hell I'm going crazy over a celebrity....crying and screaming over Oprah? I don't think so. So um Sheryl Crowe was on Jay Leno last month you see that? Singing I want you back....I don't know if I like Sheryl Crowe, she said some pretty nasty stuff about Michael when he was alive and now she's dedicating songs and talking about how such a great person he was etc etc ugh! I have to admit that I am a little naive I don't understand the way people work, seriously. How can she speak of such praise for him and 3 years ago she was dogging him....EW!

  4. Sabine says:

    Sheryl Crowe, LOL! She was on -- damn, what late night show, singing some new song she has. That girl has ZERO soul, and no voice really to speak of, the music just drowned her out. It was painful to watch but I must admit, I was LMAO!!!! :lol:

    I've always said and will continue to say, people were created to worship, and worship they will, any and everything, when they are misguided and not spiritual.

    When you think of it like that you understand why the girls go crazy over Bieber -- they're just looking for SOMETHING to fill them up.

    Chris Brown has real talent -- he's a triple threat, and there's no one on his level out there, I mean who can you say Usher?

    I'm still pissed at him for disrespecting Michael at his 30th Anniversary, trying to moonwalk circles around him, hello -- he's YOUR Master, you just don't do that!!!!!

    Sheryl can suck my socks just like many of the other so called wanna be new friends of Michael who didn't give a shit about him when he was alive.

    I love 70s music. Thanks to my Dad who gave me an a.m. radio for christmas, I got to listen to oldies but goodies for long time as a child! :cheerful:

    The thing is they played INSTRUMENTS and really was creating MUSIC, no just one chord songs with lyrics that don't mean nothing!

    Ugh, I sound so old! :lol:

    Oh, Rihanna, she can't even sing in the studio! There's few people that I'd pay to see live, Mary J -- helllll nawwwe!

  5. Gemeuxx says:

    LMAO omg I'm dying, did you say Usher? ROFL no no no see this is WHY I can't make myself watch the 30th anniversay concert. I have to admit that Chris Brown is a much better dancer than Usher, and that crap Usher pulled trying to out do the KING of Pop...seriously what was he smoking!?! Mike was like HERE let me teach you yougin! LOL Mary J????Oh goodness! Don't get me wrong I used to like her back in the day until I heard her live and then it was basically a wrap! My mouth dropped, she can't carry a tune live. LOL you cracked me up with that. Mariah Carey used to be really good live I don't know what the hell happened in recent years, then again I haven't heard her sing since Mike's memorial. I don't know what the hell Sheryl was thinking, it would've been an honor to work with Mike, even if he only said 3 words to you. Who's a true entertainer now? Beyonce? I don't know, I think these artists kill themselves when they come out with a new album every other year. Michael always talked about leaving the public with a little mystery. Over exposure is going to kill some of these artists careers I'm telling you. Beiber and Gaga will be history in 10 years. Beyonce I don't know...she's almost 30 and is she at the peek of her career? I guess I compare these artists to back in the 80's when it was all Michael Mania....I grew up in California and people just went ape over him. The only reason why people are screaming and crying over Oprah is because they think she's going to announce out of no where that she's giving away cars, houses...etc etc Money is power! Michael captured the people with his heart. Now do you honestly see people fainting and crying and screaming both male and female over any other celebrity the way they did with Mike? HELL NO! LOL Mike would've been ripped apart without security and bodyguards are you kidding me?

  6. Sabine says:

    I had a case with Mary J.Blige - someone was suing her for a song, she was such abitch, and really unecessarily so, since the people working on her case wasn't suing her, like myself for instance.

    Just so many of these talentless people get full of themselves. I don't know why!

    Well, scratch that we do know why,

    Gem: The only reason why people are screaming and crying over Oprah is because they think she’s going to announce out of no where that she’s giving away cars, houses…etc etc Money is power!

    It's a damn shame, isn't it? :pouty" That's why when a Michael comes along you have to give it to him.

    He was the cream of the crop -- class, style, humility and true talent!

    Dont' get no better than that! Whatever faults he had, I don't even care :cheerful:

  7. CherryLeigh says:

    Sabine: That’s why whena Michael comes along you have to give it to him.He was the cream of the crop — class, style, humility and true talent!Dont’ get no better than that!Whatever faults he had, I don’t even care

    Aaaw, Sabine, are you in love or what? :wub: :wink: :cheerful: It's true, though and all the people trashing him for whatever BS they can come up with please shut up. :face:

    About today's music...honestly, I think it's really embarassing for a culture to go from all the great soul and jazz legends and Michael to celebrating Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus! I mean they make music for children and teenagers which is perfectly fine but they are EVERYWHERE, even here in Germany. Well, actually everything American concerning music and movies is big here...but this is what my little cousin's grow up with and I think it's pretty horrible. They also enjoy Lady Gaga...I mean you can't escape her right now. I know some people are upset with her because everybody wants to make her the "new" Michael Jackson but imo you cannot compare them at all if you just look at the situations they became famous in. I think by the time Michael did Thriller everybody on the entire planet more or less knew who he was and that was in a time where he couldn't use facebook, twitter, myspace, youtube and when there was no tmz.
    Still, he was the most successful artist in the world, everybody in every country and culture loved him and he didn't even have to offend the Catholic Church for it or run around in the craziest outfits, he wore the most stylish things and is today known as "The Gloved One". I mean, I don't care for Lady Gaga, I neither love nor hat her, I like some of her songs but she will never be the new Michael Jackson because you cannot even begin to compare their careers and their impact on music and dance. Lady Gaga's music and dancing doesn't sound/look innovative to me, it blends in with what is hot right now. Imagine it was the 80s all over again WITH the internet...can you imageine how completely out of control and "gaga" things would have gone over Michael then?

    We're in a situation today where nobody can ever say they acomplished the same Michael did, ever, because it's a differnt world today due to the internet. So what Lady Gaga has 10 million clicks on her youtube videos? Yes, compared to other artists and their clicks it's a lot but if Michael had had a youtube account at the peak of his carrer, he would have had 10 million clicks A DAY! :lol: I mean we're talking about the guy who crashed the internet the day he died! :wink: Who else will it break down for now he's gone?

  8. Sabine says:

    Hey Cherry,

    WE live in a world of "instant stardom" where you don't really have to be talented to be famous.

    Look at the Kardashians. I asked my daughter, what TALENT does Chloe or Kim or even the other sister, who had the baby have?

    No, they're famous because of Kim, and Kim, because she is a white girl with a big ass. That's what put her on the map.

    I mean if that isn't sad, I dont' know what is.

    I've toyed with the idea that it's the American Idol and other reality shows that did it -- that made it possible for regular folks to become idols over night.

    I mean, maybe it's a good thing, right -- level the playing field.

    We're supposed to all be special, aren't we. But there's something a bit off about it. Instead of FINDING that one special thing that everyone has, I think the t.v. and music industry tries to manufacture it, and you just can't manufacture talent.

    In order for Lady GAG :sick:

    Beaver or any of those "stars" to be compared to Michael they'd have to be child prodigies, which is what the man was!!!!!!!

    Raw talent from when he was a child. You can just see it.

    And to me, to take Lady Gags and Beavers and Miley Sirens, and make them into the end all be all, is insulting to all the other children who DO HAVE this raw talent.
    They're okay, but let's be real.

    Imagine if we did that with art? HOw special would the great artists be if we made art common.

    We've already done it with literature, because as far as Im concerned some books I see in print are like


    And the internet has made everyone think that they can write.

    I think it's just that there are certain gifts that we ALL want -- we all WANT to be pretty; want to be able to dance, sing, write, draw -- we covet these talents.

    But we have other talents that we could be cultivating that are our true gifts, and I really wish some people would do that instead of trying so hard to be something that they are not.

    The internet just has made everything that I've said above ten times worst. I mean what is Twitter if not self- aggrandizement -- telling everyone every minute what you're doing as if everyone in the world is interested to know.

    I just wonder sometimes while we're promoting ourselves, this generation -- who is going to make the world a better place?

    Who is going to be the smart scientists who will come up with the solutions that will make another BP spill IMPOSSIBLE?

    Who will cure cancer, who will cure AIDS, who will solve world hunger -- because it seems like all we want to do is entertain ourselves!

    Okay, what a way to start posting, huh? On my soap box :lol:

  9. Frodes says:

    In regards to real, talented singers out there who can actually perform live. I think that Beyonce is definitely one of those and also Christina Agulilara. Seriously, have you seen her tribute to James Brown??? Check THIS shit out:

    I just watched it again right now and I got some serious chills.

    Now, although these artists have incredible voices and sing properly (as in, from their diaphragm, NOT from their noses, like say, Britney Spears) the problem is, they aren't timeless. I don't know anyone going "Man, remember N'Sync's No Strings Attached??? That's a classic!!!". It's always artists like Michael, The Beatles, James Brown and a lot of the classic rock rock bands of the 60's and 70's. Because they credated something that was timeless. And as far as Lady Gaga goes, I like some of her tunes, sure. But I can also hear Christina or Britney singing some of those songs as well. So, to me, she is not original.

    But I guess it's hard to be original nowadays.

  10. Sabine says:

    I think Beyonce is great -- wonderful, and has real singing talent, though I'm not sure if she's much of a song writer, perhaps she'll mature, Also, I don't want her to go the route of becoming just another pretty face and playing too much on her sexuality and sometimes I feel like that's going to happen to her.

    Christina Aguilara, OMG, that girl CAN sing, she's beautiful, she can do the dance steps so why oh why -- WHY was it Brittney Spears who became the big star, when they came out at the same time or there abouts?

    Honestly, I want to tell you I think it's her name. AGUILARA :wassat:

    Lady GAG has some catchy tunes -- I actually like Alejandro, but I am amazed and how much like a regurgitated Madonna she sounds -- seirously, where's the originality and if shock value is supposed to = talent then I guess I missed that class where they taught that concept.

    I think a person can be orginal if they take the influences and great music from all times and make it their own. I don't know why, but the kids now adays are NOT doing that. Maybe it's because they took all the music programs out of the schools.

    Not for nothing, I have to say, when I hear, N'Syncs, I Want You Back, I'm like that's by song, and also Bye, Bye, Bye -- I think in years to come songs like that will still get a party going. And Back Street Boys As Long As You Love Me will always be a hit, I think.

    It's songs that remind you of an era, a time in your life and those are the songs that last -- the songs that mark the times.

  11. Frodes says:

    I totally agree, Sabine. Everyone has certain songs that remind them of certain times in their life and that's great.

    But I guess what I'm trying to say is the difference between timeless and era artists or albums.

    For example. Pink Floy'd "Dark Side of the Moon". I've had many people tell me that that is a timeless record even though they don't like Pink Floyd. They realized that it was a new development in music. Something different. Same thing with The Beatles "Sgt. Pepper" or Michael's "Thriller". Wether you like those albums or not they made a shift in music history.

    And as far as Backstreet Boys and N'sync go, they will always remind me of graduating high school but I don't think those albums stand the test of time. They have a few hits here and there but they are basically what you said, they are party songs and will definitely get a crowd going but they will forever remind me of the 90's going in to the new millenium whereas I hear one of the other albums I mentioned above and it feels like it could've just been made yesterday. Just my personal opinions, of course.

  12. Sabine says:

    No, I get you, and you know I respect your opinion, girl!!!!

    I was making the distinction, you know between the songs that mark the times -- like how you said:

    they will forever remind me of the 90′s going in to the new millenium

    So they'll hold a special place for us, our generation.

    But like you've said certain albums, certain music like Michael's music, belong to EVERY generation!!!! And will be forever!

    So I agree with you! :heart:

  13. CherryLeigh says:

    Hi gurls, since we were talking about Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus etc. (I love all the mean nicknames you give them Sabine! LMAO) and innovation or a lack thereof the other day, I thought I show you some of the music made in Germany that I think is really good and innovative and in German and I'm glad young people here listen to it and like it! You won't understand the lyrics but Kanye West didn't either, still, on his blog he said about the following song, and I quote, "This shit is dope!"

    The singer is called Peter Fox and the song "Alles Neu" which means "Everything New". Enjoy. :wink:

  14. Sabine says:

    Oh, boy, I have to run, but I'ma come back to listen to this! My son was listening to the kick-ass Japanese song the other day -- I loved it soooo much. I hope I can find a link and share it too.

    I'm so excited.

    Cherry Hiiiiii!!!!!!!!


  15. CherryLeigh says:

    Hi Sabine! Bye Sabine! :biggrin: :kissing:

    Wow,I totally missed your Christina conversation, that gurl can sing, OMG! I love her album Stripped, it's one of those where every song is a hit, imo, as Michael always said about the music he wanted to create.
    I don't like the music she's doing now so much but Stripped is one of my all time favorites. And her version of This Is a Man's World is so beyond! :w00t:

  16. CherryLeigh says:

    Ok, another song you have to check out by Peter is called "Das Zweite Gesicht" or "The Second Face", it's about the monster that lives in all of us and wants to come out. It's the second, evil version of yourself. Ignore the lyrics and just listen to the music, I think it's a brilliant arrangement, I've never heard anything quite like it before, especially from a man whose band originally does Reggae/Hip Hop music.

    And something mellower and more easy going: "Das Haus am See" (The house by the lake)

  17. Sabine says:

    Hey Cherry, OMG, I love it!!! You know, strings are my favorite instruments, I love the sound in this song!!!!! And I so wish I knew what he was saying because the video is so interesting, very creative!!!!

    Now I see lots of black people, so let me ask you, how are race relations in Germany -- forgive my ignorance, but I've never been and inquiring minds wanna know, just in case I visit!!!! Love the black and white dancers in the back -- they are freakin' it!!! :whistle:

    You should see me dancing over here!!!!

    I can't wait for my son to get home so I can show him the video!!! I've listen to it three times already! I love the chorus it sounds like he's saying "Hey!!! Outta states" :lol: Thanks Cherry, you don't know how much I love being exposed to things I won't hear mainstream. And they had the drumline at the end -- smoking hot!!!

    Okay this is the song I was telling you about, the my son had me listen to -- I love it! And the singer, OMG, he can SING!!!!!!
    I love the guitar riff in this song, 2:42 and the chorus rocks, like I said -- his voice -- well you'll hear it and the changes in the song, it's like taking a trip. My son had on his headphones and was rocking out and then he was like listen to this! :wub:

    Okay one more -- this little kid is a genius!!!!! Love this -- next to strings (violins) acoustic guitar is my favorite. I love horns too, ah, hell I just love music!!!!!

    He does Michael too, Rock With you, Billie Jean -- he's just a little genius as I've said, don't you love how into the music he gets -- I love watching his fingers!!! :wub:

    He's now an older genius though !!!!

  18. Sabine says:

    Listening to the second song by Peter now, love the strings -- why ignore the lyrics, they sound quite interesting. This would make a great score for a movie!!!! Maybe they should include it with the next Twilight Installment :tongue:

    I love it!!! Putting it in my favorites!

    I can here the reggae in the second song. I love reggae. He's got great style thanks -- thanks again Cherry! Now I just need to find out what he's saying!

    I can hate a song because of it's lyrics you know -- it's the writer in the me. I've also come to love songs if the lyrics are deep!

  19. CherryLeigh says:

    Good morning, Sabine! Oh, I'm glad you like Peter's music!! :w00t:

    Hmm, about reace relations I can say that in general, people here, white people, are quite tolerant and open, some more, some less, that also depends on the region you're in. The East is still somewhat...conservative and there is a party called NPD which we bluntly but correctly call Neo-Nazis because they say "Germany for the Germans" and all that kind of BS. But I think there's a party like that in every country. Where I live, in the West, there are many black people and the biggest minortiy living in Germany are the Turkish, I think there's more than 3 million today. There are also a lot of Italians and Greeks. So theoretically, Germany is very tolerant and open-minded. I mean you hear "racist crimes" a lot in the news and it happens definitely but personally I've never had any problems so far and you won't either if you come here, I'm sure. :)

    Peter is very much for diverstiy and multiculturalism, there are 11 people in his band and many of them are not of German origin but have been born or grown up here for example. He's totally against that Nazi-thinking of the NPD. He hired these 4 black drumline guys from America to go on tour with him and I was at his show two times, it was AMAZING!!!!!

    As for the lyrics, the first song, Alles Neu, is about starting from scratch with your life, getting rid of everything that is normal and boring and having big plans for the country and for the German music scene. And that's what the guy did, no German act has been that succesfull over here in recent years....and even Kanye liked his music! :cheerful:

    The second song is about the "bad person" in you, in Peter's case the guy who sleeps with his best friend's wife, who makes jokes about others to look good himself and so on, who lies and cheats and so on. It's a beast inside of you and you try to lock it up but it breaks out.

    In the third song Peter sings about his dream place where he wants to retire when he's old, a house by the lake. He just has to get out of the city because he knows every face, every stone, every bird. He sees himself in the house with his wife, his children and his 100 grand-children, they barbecue, the men drink and the kids play Cricket (don't ask me why he chose that LOL). He creates quite the idyll.

    I just said ignore the lyrics for now because many people say about German music that the sound, the music itself is good, but the lyrics are annoying because I don't understand a word, it sounds weird, it sounds ugly and so on. :blush:

    Well, guess what, I can't see the first video that you posted it's "not available in your country"! Well, that's fun! :sick: I'm going to check whether somebody else uploaded it...
    As for the little genius, wow, the music he's playing sounds very beautiful, very calming and relaxing. Reminds me a bit of the "Chocolat" soundtrack, have you seen that movie? With Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche? It's lovely. Beautiful music, thank you. I wish I knew how to play the guitar. I took Saxophone lessons for half a year last year and I'm planning on buying my own sax as soon as I have enough money for it...

  20. CherryLeigh says:

    Yay, I found a video that works where I am!! Yess, I like that song, puts you in a good mood! And you're right, the guy has a very good voice!, very powerful! Japanese rock music sounds great! :cheerful:

    I love checking out music from different countries, too, it's fun!

    Did you see the movie Inside Man? There is thins brilliant piece of Indian music at the beginining, check it out, I love it!

    (Lol! Cherry I deleted your link by mistake but this is what you meant, right? )

  21. CherryLeigh says:

    Ok, this is the last song, I promise, but I wanted to show you a song Peter did with his band "Seeed" and Cee-Lo Green fom Gnarls Barkley! Now this man has an amaaaazing voice, as well, God!!

    It's called "Rise and Shine", I love it, the incarnation of summer.

  22. CherryLeigh says:

    Ok, I said Rise and Shine was the last but I forgot about this one, it's called "Stadt" (City) and it should sound familiar because it incorporates the beat of They Don't Care About us. :smile:

    The singer, Cassandra Steen (her parents are American btw) did this in tribute to Michael before he died and of course, after his death, it was even greater listening to it. :heart:

    You have to listen to it really LOUD! :biggrin:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG1lujlMMsg (youtube has taken off the link to embed this, Cherry :sad: )

  23. Sabine says:

    Hey Cherry!!! Wow, you're having fun, huh??? :lol:

    Cassandra Steen reminds me of Jordan Sparks for some reason -- great song, but I'm dying, I need to know what the lyrics mean -- that is like 50% of a great song!!! And the videos look so interesting!!!

    I like that reggae song -- of course the lead singer reminded me of Ziggy Marley, but we don't have that many reggae artists to compare.

    Thanks for answering about race relations. As a black person, I always wanna know what's up with my people!!!! I think that's natural . . . but girl . . . . this sentence makes me nervous.

    cherry: So theoretically, Germany is very tolerant and open-minded. I mean you hear “racist crimes” a lot in the news and it happens definitely but personally I’ve never had any problems so far and you won’t either if you come here, I’m sure. :)

    Theoretically, huh? You sure? :lol: Okay, we'll think positive! I've got to do the whole overseas thing when my kids go to college which will be very shortly!!!!

    So the Inside Man intro -- I love Indian Music!!!!! I especially love the way they dance. Man, the men be getting down!!! :lol:

    This is a song I like which is not traditional I guess -- its more Indian Jazz

    I have these CDs I bought, North African Groove and the Other is Arabic Groove, featuring songs from different regions in that part of the world.

    This guy Khaled -- released his first album when he was 14!!!!! I love this particular song and can listen to it over and over!!! Mauvais Sang -- which means Bad Blood (a term meaning trouble, you know, between two people)

    Check it out: I love the wailing of his voice!!!! And the horns, hot! To me, you can't listen to this song and NOT get up and dance!!!! You know listening to this, I KNOW Michael would have loved it!!!!!

    From the same album, Natasha's Kidda (she's Arabic) -- this is so HOT! If there was a Tame the Wild Cobra movie, I want THIS SONG as the soundtrack for the love scene!!!!

    Okay, last one, have you heard of Matisyahu "King Without a Crown" -- this Hasidic white boy is ROCKING this reggae. OMG! Since I'm a spiritual person, I love the lyrics!!!! It's basically about being lost without a spiritual foundation. You see how natural he is with it, that music is in his soul! He lives right where I do!!!

    Now check out his beat box!!!! Oi Vey!!!!

    I particularly LOVE Michael's beatbox!!!! I remember someone asked him if he was going to rap, now that it was so popular and he said I could if I would but I'll let other people do that.

    I thought that answer was SO HOT! Of course in Money, Michael did rap and that's like my favorite song!!!! the lyrics are so powerful. There's a part when he says, IF YOU WANT IT, YOU EARN IT WITH DIGNITY. And I was like, Go 'head Mike, with your bad self! Tell them!

  24. CherryLeigh says:

    Hey Sabine!!

    Ok, Cassandra sings that she wants to build a city for people, from wood, gold and stone and every street that leads out of it leads back in. Well, duh!. :smile: The man who sings with her, Adel, sings about the situation we're in right now, so many questions, no answers, we're all escaping, we've forgotten our names, we cry but there has to be more to life, there has to be another way but where can we find protection and support? So Cassandra sings, I will build a city where there is no fear, just trust, no greed and hatred, where there is light and dreams flow like water. So it definitely has a message.

    Oh no you got me wrong about "theoretically". I meant it like, you know, politicians and officials always say they are very much for integration and support for people with a migration background and so on, that's why I meant "theoretically" we are open-minded and tolerant but we also know that there are people who are not, even though they say they are, and there are things as racist crimes and prejudice. I mean we all know what happened during WWII and it has affected the German collective memory ever since, it still does. But as I said, there's racism and prejudice in every country and I know a lot of black peole around here who had to deal with that to some extent at one point or another but on a more subtle level I'd say because many people with prejudices try to give any and every reason for their behavior toward "foreigeners" but their own narrow-mindedness of course.

    Wow, thanks for all the music, I'm excited, will check it all out in sec!!

    So how did your son like Peter's music? :smile:

  25. CherryLeigh says:

    Oh my God, that's what I'm talking about! :bigrin: I love the saxophone in the first song and yes, I looove the wailing, too, it conveys emotion so well! Great song, thank you!

    The second video isn't available. :getlost: Will go to youtube and search for it.

    Matisyahu...wow, put me in a good mood immediately, love the chrous! This song is Reggae, Hip-Hop and Rock all in one I'd say. I don't really understand the lyrics though! :blush: Just a word or a phrase here and there..."essence of my being" I understood. :smile:

    The beatboxing is great, too, I love it when people are able to do that. Especially because this guy doesn't look like somebody who could or would, so that's really fun, a rapper who looks like a Rabbi. :smile:

    As for Michael, I loved hearing him rap in "Shout", that was hot! I like that he asked other people to rap on his songs, it's a nice contrast to his angelic voice. Or that he let Eddie Van Halen play the Beat It guitar solo, he wasn't afraid to mix styles and genres and I'm sure he could have rapped himself but I don't really see him do that a lot, which makes the few songs where he does rap so much more special and fun.

  26. Sabine says:

    Matisyahu is great! And yeah, the fact that he's white and Hasidic, you don't know what to expect and then he RIPS it -- I can understand him because I grew up around West Indians, but if you didn't -- man, even an English speaking person would have a hard time! He's talking FAST girl!!!!

    Okay, find that video, because that's SAniia and Michael's love song right there!

    Cherry, you know we were having that conversation about symbolism over on the TTWC thread and you never answered me!

    Also, do you see the pics on the front page! I'm dying to know what someone thinks!

    Thanks for the explanation of the lyrics. There's a song Jay Z had out long ago, the beat is banging, but in the chorus a woman sings:

    Aint no nigga like the one I got
    No one can fvck me better
    He cheats on me but he gives me a lot . . . . (something about cars and diamond rings)
    my friends all tell me I should leave him alone

    Then Jay Z "Tell those freaks to find a man of their own."

    :pouty: :ermm:

    Now, picture me dancing and singing to that song!!!! WTF would I look like?
    I don't care how good the beat is. I need to know what the lyrics say!

  27. CherryLeigh says:

    Yay, I found Natasha's song. Wooow, I love it, thank you!!!! :w00t:

    Oh my God, this song in a love scene of TTWC! *dies* That would be sooo hot! I imagine them somehow ending up in Egypt or the magic forest turning into a desert and then after walking for days and days they find this little oasis where these Bedouin women take Saniia under their wing for a few hours, wash her, give her new clothes, put traditional make up on her and in the evening, when she and Michael are alone, ready to go to sleep under the stars she seduces our Prince Lawrence of Arabia style! :wub: (I've never seen the movie so I don't know whether there even is a love scene in it, but you know what I mean. LOL)

  28. Sabine says:

    Ooooooo, Cherry that sounds so hot!!!! I can SEE it :w00t: :heart: :wub:

    You know what you said about the Germans always being affected by what happened in WWII -- I've always wondered about that, because in this part of the world, it seems like that is just three pages in a school text book and that's it.

    So how would you say it's affected Germany? I always thought they just put it under the rug and tried to forget about it, like the Villagers with the death of the 30 orphans.

  29. CherryLeigh says:

    Sabine:Cherry, you know we were having that conversation about symbolism over on the TTWC thread and you never answered me!

    Oh, really? I'm sorry! Sometimes I lose track of what I wanted to reply and where and what it was about because we talk about so many things here. I read everything you wrote about the symbolism you created and it makes perfect sense to me but I didn't tell you that so I'm sorry, I'm telling you now! :smile: Apart from that I really don't remember what you asked me thatI didn't answer, I was pretty sure I wrote as much as I could come up with about the symbolism. Can you just ask me again? :blush:

    Also, do you see the pics on the front page!I’m dying to know what someone thinks!

    Sorry,just checked the front page and saw them! Looks great, they way they change from one picture into the next. ! I love the "sweed seducing sighs" one. :wub: He's so lovely

    I don’t care how good the beat is.I need to know what the lyrics say!

    Lyrics are very important to me, too but when I'm out dancing an the beat is REALLY good I don't even listen to the words so much, I just dance. I mean, Golddigger by Kanye West e.g. doesn't have the deepest of lyrics and he says "nigger" and conveys a certain image of women but I love this song and whenever it comes on I get on the floor and groove. :smile: But music I listen to privately has to have some meaning, lyrics-wise, otherwise I only feel it half as much.

    Oh, Germany and WWII...well, that's a complicated issue and I'm not sure I can do it justice, I only scratched the surface of it all I think, for example at school when we read "The Reader" (Did you see the movie).

    What this is basically about is responsability and what we as country and culture have to learn from this horrible episode in our history. What do we have to do to never let his happen again? I mean, this generation, my generation and even my mother's generation don't feel responsible for what happened but it is a big part of our history lessons at school. I think the first 10 years after the war people just tried to get their lives back on track, move on with the family members that had survived, rebuilt their villages and cities and so on. Also, the school system and educational values had to be rearranged and people began to thinkg about how things could go as far as they did and what their part in it was. Also, how should those that survived and commited some of these horrible crimes against humanity be punished? So everything was brought back up, there were trials and convictions and a reappraising of the past and I think many people felt guilt and shame even though they personally hadn't done anything wrong. So no, in no way this has ever been tried to be put under the rug to just forget it, this reappraising has been going on for more than 50 years and we are still very concsious of it. On the other hand, many young people feel that even today , when they travel abroad, sometimes people still associate the Nazi regmine with Germany and Germans and so they have to deal with quite some prejudice and generalization themselves. That's why they say, okay, we know this happened, but we just want to move on because we are not responsable for what out grandparents did, we are different! Today there's a Memorial to the Murdered Jews in Europe in Berlin and people make fun of Hitler, he even gets incorporated in stand-up comedy performances. It's pretty much accepted that his is part of German history that should never, ever have the chance to happen again. Ever. This is why we learn a lot about it in history lessons, they try to de-mystify what happened because there are some myths about the Neo-Nazis flying around and there are young people here who are drawn to that, fascinated by this time and the customs back then, the military stuff, the feeling of "unity", and superiorty and the NPD I talked about earlier try to win them for their party, try to brain wash them from a very early age. Everybody has at least one eye on them, some politicans have tried to ban the NPD by law because it violates the constitution. I don't think they have succeeded yet though...

    So I'm now history teacher or historian and I know less about it than I could and I can't speak for everybody here in Germany of course but that is my impression of Germany's attitude towards what happened in WWII. Obviously, it's different from how this topic is treated in every other country.

  30. Sabine says:

    Thanks Cherry for your insight about Germany, that's very intersting -- I'm on my way out and can't touch on it now, but I'll come back and talk about because when you say that the generation now doesn't feel responsible I think that's wrong. I think we are all responsible and if we dont' learn from our past we're doomed to repeat it.

    So I don't advertise dwelling in blame/shame because you get stuck, but recognizing, where did we go wrong, how can we go wrong again, are we doing this right now, even on the most basic level is very important.

    I think Hitler was a genius manipulator and that is his lesson to all of us, how special gifts that God has given you can be taken and distorted and used for evil, and also how important parenthood is because Hitler's parents abused him and so that's the possible result.

    I didn't ask you anything specific over on the TTWC thread, I just answered what you were saying, so you can go back and see if you want. You're right we start talking about one thing and end up talking about another :lol:

    Oh, about music, I'm not all uptight about it, I LIKE the Golddigger song, Kanye is clever and I don't have a problem with the world Nigga, sorry, I really don't.

    My duaghter told my son the other day, listen here, N I six, six, A and I was like Huh?

    Then I realized what she wsa saying, OMG, to me it was sooooooooooo funny!!! I know the word has a negative history but amongst us black folks, it doesn't mean that, and we black people love to reinvent and change our language.

    So yeah, I can dance to the worst kind of songs, but some rub me the wrong way. If I had a preference, I like positive songs!

    Thanks for the compliment on the pics -- I know I was fishing but I spent all night trying to get it right!!!!

  31. Sabine says:

    Hey Cherry I just showed my kids the video, the first one with the monkeys sorry!!! I don't remember the name they like it of course!!! I need to download that song now! Okay, I'm off for a bit, I'm singing, "HEEEY!!!! Outta State!!!" :lol:

    by the way, I think the German language sounds soooooooo good when say a person is playing a serious character!!! OMG! You can scare the beeeejesus outta of a person in that language.

    I also think no one can curse you like like a Jamaican -- certain languages are languages of love and others have their own strengths!

    To me English is the worst! So boring!

  32. CherryLeigh says:

    Sabine: Thanks Cherry for your insight about Germany, that’s very intersting — I’m on my way out and can’t touch on it now, but I’ll come back and talk about because when you say that the generation now doesn’t feel responsible I think that’s wrong. I think we are all responsible and if we dont’ learn from our past we’re doomed to repeat it. So I don’t advertise dwelling in blame/shame because you get stuck, but recognizing, where did we go wrong, how can we go wrong again, are we doing this right now, even on the most basic level is very important

    Yes, that's what I wrote, Germany has spent the last 50+ years learning from what happened so that it won't happen again and asking where things went wrong, how and why, that's exactly what I tried to explain. There have been experiements to figure ot if it COULD happen today, there's a movie about that, too and under certain circumstances and knwowing what humans ar like, it's possible that one day there might be another totalitarian dictatorship in Germany, it's not impossible, here or in any other country. Circumstances, structures and the resulting opportunities for some people to gain power is how most wars start so you can't say with certainty it won't happen again no matter how bad it was. WWII has penetrated the German collective memory very deeply, a whole genre of literature has been created around that, politicians have visited Auschwitz and all these places and the "Central Council for Jews in Germany" was found in 1950. I mean, nothing will ever be enough to make amends for what happenend, but still quite a lot of what you write above has been going on in order to deal with the past. There are other countries who won't reappraise their history, this is why, imo, in Africa for example some countries go from one civil war to the next, carrying old grudges with them from one generation to generation...

    And as I said, every teenager at school learns about this (one time, a teacher started to cry as she told us that part of her family died in a concentration camp) and it's them who say, no, this won't happen again, we won't let it. So I don't think it's wrong that they say, hey, we don't want to be judged for what our grand-parents did. It is a very dark chapter of German history and we don't know if we wouldn't have done the same but we know now that we won't let it happen as long as we are in charge of the future of this country.
    So I'm very much for recognizing that these were unfathomable crimes against humanity but that this is not what young people want people from other parts in the world to see in them. I mean, nobody says, no, this didn't happen (well, some do but they are NUTS) and it should always stay in the back of our heads. And as I said, people are watching the NPD very closely, and everytime a public person, no matter if it's a politician or a comedian, says something inadequate about the war, Hitler or jews, they get openly reprimanded for that, it's still a very sensitive topic but to a certain degree I think it's also good to laugh about it now. It's not making fun of what happened but of ourselves and of Hitler.

    I think Hitler was a genius manipulator and that is his lesson to all of us, how special gifts that God has given you can be taken and distorted and used for evil, and also how important parenthood is because Hitler’s parents abused him and so that’s the possible result.

    Yes. But I mean I somehow can't deal with Hitler, this man scares me to death and I don't even want to find something that justifies what he did but I think there are libraries full of attempts to analyze him which is another sign that people have tried to deal with the past or at least understand it. Others might use that to study him in order to imitate him...gives me the chills to think about that.

    I didn’t ask you anything specific over on the TTWC thread, I just answered what you were saying, so you can go back and see if you want.

    I briefly scrolled through the comments but will do so more thoroughly tomorrow. *yawns* Going to bed now.

    I don't have a problem with the world Nigga, sorry, I really don’t.

    Well, this is where my lack of pragmatic knowledge in English betrays me. :cheerful: When I frist heard the word I was told it was bad. Then I heard it more and more often in songs and movies and I was confused that black people would say it to other black people...then I figured it was more accepted now, or even something like an endearment, in English at least. I mean, I am black, or rather half black and half white and I live in Germany so the word nigger was never used anyway, except by little boys who had heard it in a song wanted to be cool, but if one of them had said it to me I would have felt insulted. So I guess it all depends on the circumstances.

    I know the word has a negative history but amongst us black folks, it doesn’t mean that, and we black people love to reinvent and change our language.

    Oh, ok, I see. So amongst black people it's absolutely no verbal slander anymore? But is it different when a white person calls you nigger?

    Good night! :kissing:

  33. CherryLeigh says:

    LOOOOL Aaaw, Sabine, I know you mean that in a good way, but I think it's quite horrible that German can scare the bejeesus out of somebody. I mean, in the 18th/19th century it was considered the language of writers and intellectuals and "particularly conducive to philosophical thought and writing." But yeah, it can sound somewhat heard sometimes, at least, that' what my mom's boyfriend from Italy said. :getlost: :lol:

    :biggrin: :biggrin: Glad your kids like the song, tell them Kanye said it's dope.

    Ok, so have fun "Outta State"! That's sweet! :cheerful: :wink:

    Read you tomorrow!

  34. Sabine says:

    Hey Cherry I think it does sound very scholarly and intellectual as well -- I know this sounds cliche but it sounds very upper-classman, the inflection of the accent. Anyway, I kina like it -- but on a man more than a woman!

    I did tell them abt Kanye! :cheerful:

  35. CherryLeigh says:

    Hi Sabine! Are you not going to comment on what I said about Germany, WWII and so on until I go back to the symbolism discussion and comment on what you wrote there last? :getlost: :wink:

    I mean I thought about it hard, right, wanting to give you a good answer and everything. I mean come on, give me some credit! :cwy: :wink:

  36. Sabine says:

    Nahhhhh, Cherry! I'm still reading about the bogus letter -- okay let read what you said again:

    WWII has penetrated the German collective memory very deeply, a whole genre of literature has been created around that, politicians have visited Auschwitz and all these places and the “Central Council for Jews in Germany” was found in 1950. I mean, nothing will ever be enough to make amends for what happenend, but still quite a lot of what you write above has been going on in order to deal with the past. There are other countries who won’t reappraise their history, this is why, imo, in Africa for example some countries go from one civil war to the next, carrying old grudges with them from one generation to generation…

    Yep, other countries like America for example! I won't tell you how many times we hear, slavery was 300 years ago, get over it. I didn't enslave you! It's not my fault!

    Yet many people are still benefitting from the remnants and benefits that slavery afforded them and their family and the perks they enjoy because of it. To address the issue would be to address their "privilege" and suggest balancing the playing field, something that they DO NOT WANT -- so the matter gets left unaddressed.

    And as I said, every teenager at school learns about this (one time, a teacher started to cry as she told us that part of her family died in a concentration camp) and it’s them who say, no, this won’t happen again, we won’t let it. So I don’t think it’s wrong that they say, hey, we don’t want to be judged for what our grand-parents did. It is a very dark chapter of German history and we don’t know if we wouldn’t have done the same but we know now that we won’t let it happen as long as we are in charge of the future of this country.

    I think yes, of course, the new generation should not be "blamed" for what happened. But in order to keep it from happening again, that mentality of wanting to obfuscate yourself from blame must be eradicated, instead it must be replaced with the mentality that always and continually asks, how am I responsible, because from the people to took part to the ones who apathetically stood aside and ignored, from the very beginning, all played their part in what happened in WWII.

    So I’m very much for recognizing that these were unfathomable crimes against humanity but that this is not what young people want people from other parts in the world to see in them.

    See that mentality is dangerous. There's a fine line between Come ooooonnnnnnn it wasn't my fault to I didn't do nothin', One has to be able to say, YES, it was a horrible thing that happened in MY country, definitely and we will never and should never forget it.

    I mean, nobody says, no, this didn’t happen (well, some do but they are NUTS) and it should always stay in the back of our heads. And as I said, people are watching the NPD very closely, and everytime a public person, no matter if it’s a politician or a comedian, says something inadequate about the war, Hitler or jews, they get openly reprimanded for that, it’s still a very sensitive topic but to a certain degree I think it’s also good to laugh about it now. It’s not making fun of what happened but of ourselves and of Hitler.

    I think laughter is healthy, and I love jokes of all kinds -- I'm not sensitive like that, but as long as what I said above gets said too. Meaning no one should be running from the subject, whether in jest or in seriousness.

    Yes. But I mean I somehow can’t deal with Hitler, this man scares me to death and I don’t even want to find something that justifies what he did but I think there are libraries full of attempts to analyze him which is another sign that people have tried to deal with the past or at least understand it. Others might use that to study him in order to imitate him…gives me the chills to think about that.

    I think the fact hat Hitler got the German people to buy into the idea that blue eyes and blond hair represented a master race when he himself had brown eyes and dark hair points to his genius!!!

    Sabine: I don’t have a problem with the world Nigga, sorry, I really don’t.

    Cherry: Well, this is where my lack of pragmatic knowledge in English betrays me. :cheerful: When I frist heard the word I was told it was bad. Then I heard it more and more often in songs and movies and I was confused that black people would say it to other black people…then I figured it was more accepted now, or even something like an endearment, in English at least. I mean, I am black, or rather half black and half white and I live in Germany so the word nigger was never used anyway, except by little boys who had heard it in a song wanted to be cool, but if one of them had said it to me I would have felt insulted. So I guess it all depends on the circumstances.

    Yeah, because of rap music the world is very confused. It's a matter of intention. What is intended by the word. If a white person says it to a black person, of course, because of the history of the word, we stop and wonder what he/she meant by it. So it's more wildly used amongst ourselves. I actually think it's kind of brilliant that we took a word that was meant to be derogatory and stripped it of it's power.

    Sabine: I know the word has a negative history but amongst us black folks, it doesn’t mean that, and we black people love to reinvent and change our language.

    Cherry: Oh, ok, I see. So amongst black people it’s absolutely no verbal slander anymore? But is it different when a white person calls you nigger?

    Yep, exactly.

  37. CherryLeigh says:

    SabineYet many people are still benefitting from the remnants and benefits that slavery afforded them and their family and the perks they enjoy because of it.To address the issue would be to address their “privilege” and suggest balancing the playing field, something that they DO NOT WANT — so the matter gets left unaddressed.

    Mhmm, yeah, I see. It is indeed very dangerous and wrong and unfair to never address or analyze this issue...but was there never something like an official statement about it or something like an apology either?

    But in order to keep it from happening again, that mentality of wanting to obfuscate yourself from blame must be eradicated, instead it must be replaced with the mentality that always and continually asks, how am I responsible, because from the people to took part to the ones who apathetically stood aside and ignored, from the very beginning, all played their part in what happened in WWII.

    Exactly but that is what, in the first place, the people who were there, who lived it, had and have to do and what was tried to be dealt with after the war, privately and politically/openly. But neither my mother, nor I took part nor were we there and stood aside and ignored, neither were my cousins, neither were the children that I might have one day. That doesn't mean we say, naaah, whatever, it couldn't have been that bad. It just means that we want to have a chance to say, ok, this happened before our time and so we can't do anything about it now, we can't reverse it but we know it was a practical genocide and it should never happen again, we are different and we won't let it. we want to be associated with different things. As I said, children here will know about what happenend, will learn about it at school and we will try to teach them the right values so that something like the Nazi regime hopefully can and will never happen again. As I said, it's not something that nobody speaks about or that is trivialized (at least not by the majority of people here).

    One has to be able to say, YES, it was a horrible thing that happened in MY country, definitely and we will never and should never forget it.

    Well, that's exactly what I wrote Sabine, come on! :cheerful:

    Nobody has forgotten it until now and it is a major topic in German history lessons, all in all I think it is treated throughout 3 or 4 school years and it is also treated in other subjects, German, Religious Education and Education Science. So the children here won't forget it, it's the least we can do. I mean, nobody should forget it anyway, not just the Germans but also the Italians, the French, the Polish...every country that played its part in this war. But as I said, every country has their own perspective on it and their own main focus regarding the question what to teach about this time at school.

    .Meaning no one should be running from the subject, whether in gest or in seriousness.

    I'm sure there are people who run from it, actually, I know there are, but they are in the minority, definitely.

    I think the fact hat Hitler got the German people to buy into the idea that blue eyes and blonde hair represented a master race when he himself had brown eyes and dark hair points to his geniusness!!!

    Yes, definitely! You have admire this ability but at the same time it scares the bejeesus out of me that he could do that.

    Yes, it is pretty brilliant that 'nigger' was stripped of its power by those it was used for...or rather against! That's really cool!

  38. Sabine says:

    Sabine: Yet many people are still benefitting from the remnants and benefits that slavery afforded them and their family and the perks they enjoy because of it.To address the issue would be to address their “privilege” and suggest balancing the playing field, something that they DO NOT WANT — so the matter gets left unaddressed.

    Cherry: Mhmm, yeah, I see. It is indeed very dangerous and wrong and unfair to never address or analyze this issue…but was there never something like an official statement about it or something like an apology either?

    Was there? Even if there was (I've never heard of it) what difference does it make when the system and the behavior supported by the system continues?

    Sabine: But in order to keep it from happening again, that mentality of wanting to obfuscate yourself from blame must be eradicated, instead it must be replaced with the mentality that always and continually asks, how am I responsible, because from the people whoo took part to the ones who apathetically stood aside and ignored, from the very beginning, all played their part in what happened in WWII.

    Cherry:Exactly but that is what, in the first place, the people who were there, who lived it, had and have to do and what was tried to be dealt with after the war, privately and politically/openly. But neither my mother, nor I took part nor were we there and stood aside and ignored, neither were my cousins, neither were the children that I might have one day. That doesn’t mean we say, naaah, whatever, it couldn’t have been that bad. It just means that we want to have a chance to say, ok, this happened before our time and so we can’t do anything about it now, we can’t reverse it but we know it was a practical genocide and it should never happen again, we are different and we won’t let it. we want to be associated with different things.

    I'll give you a good analogy,. Say our father is a drunk and an all around abusive man and he in his drunkeness kills someone. The town we live in is furious, and of course, as his children we bear the brunt of his mistakes -- we're ridiculed and attacked and laughed at.

    Now we didn't have anything to do with his drinking and the fact that he was abusive, but WE ARE his children, and that is never going to change. So unfortunately we are connected to this man and by association to this horrible act that he committed. We can shout out to the roof tops that we had nothing to do with it, and don't want to be blamed OR we can set about actively doing something to address the very real issue of abuse and alcoholism.

    Thus doing so, we've turned a potential situation where we would be victimized to one of power. A person will come up to us and say, Your father was a drunken ass and he killed an innocent person. And we can say, Yes, he was. It was a horrible thing he did. That's why I started this foundation to help families with alcoholism in it; or I participate in a meeting for children of alcoholics, do you want to come?

    It's not true that nothing can be done. Something always can be done. I supposed it's a matter of intention and focus. If the focus is to remove blame and disassociate yourself from the bad act, then the focus will not be on healing and doing something about the damage that has already been done, IMO.

    Sabine: One has to be able to say, YES, it was a horrible thing that happened in MY country, definitely and we will never and should never forget it.

    Cherry: Well, that’s exactly what I wrote Sabine, come on! :cheerful:

    True, but you also said some other stuff, too :wink:

    Cherry:Nobody has forgotten it until now and it is a major topic in German history lessons, all in all I think it is treated throughout 3 or 4 school years and it is also treated in other subjects, German, Religious Education and Education Science. So the children here won’t forget it, it’s the least we can do.

    Well, you're better than we are. The American Indians get about a paragraph in our history books and the slavery perhaps a page. And what was done to both groups was horrendous, just as bad as the holocaust -- millions of people slaughtered, family lines wiped out. The American Indians and Black people are still suffering today from what was done to them in the past.

    Sabine: I think the fact hat Hitler got the German people to buy into the idea that blue eyes and blonde hair represented a master race when he himself had brown eyes and dark hair points to his geniusness!!!

    Cherry: Yes, definitely! You have admire this ability but at the same time it scares the bejeesus out of me that he could do that.

    It is a pretty chilling thought. One of the reason he was able to do it is because he played up to the German ego. And the fact that human ego can allow us to murder millions of other people is a pretty strong indication of how low human beings can go, and that IS scary.

    :sad: It's evil.

    Yes, it is pretty brilliant that ‘nigger’ was stripped of its power by those it was used for…or rather against! That’s really cool!

    If you look at it like that, it is, that's my opinion, but I also think the people who are against the word make valid points, but I personally don't have a problem with it.

  39. CherryLeigh says:

    I’ll give you a good analogy,.Say our father is a drunk and an all around abusive man and he in his drunkeness kills someone. The town we live in is furious, and of course, as his children we bear the brunt of his mistakes — we’re ridiculed and attacked and laughed at.
    Now we didn’t have anything to do with his drinking and the fact that he was abusive, but WE ARE his children, and that is never going to change.So unfortunately we are connected to this man and by association to this horrible act that he committed.

    Yes, but I don't think it's fair because no matter how good you do on your own, people will always associate you to what your father did but it's not your fault. No doubt his children have to look at what he did and recognize how bad and wrong it was and learn from it so that "history" does not repeat itself but that is what everybody should do, not just them because they are his children. No such thing as murdering somebody, drunk or not, should ever happen but saying, well, the father is gone now but we still have his kids to blame, they are his offspring, so they are somehow responsibe, too is taking the responsability from everybody else to learn from what happenend, imo.

    We can shout out to the roof tops that we had nothing to do with it, and don’t want to be blamed OR we can set about actively doing something to address the very real issue of abuse and alcoholism.

    Well, I don't know about you but to me this is exactly what I've been explaining to you the lest three or four posts. I told you about everything that was done to address the issue of racism and Nazism, Hitler, the holocaust and so on. People were put on trial long after the war was over, as a matter of fact, right now, there is a 90 year-old man who is accused for having participated in the killing of jews more than 60 years ago! His name is Samuel Kunz and he won't get away with it, no matter what he did in the meantime or whether he regrets what he did now or not. So it IS addressed and always has been ever since the war ended in 1945.

    A person will come up to us and say, Your father was a drunken ass and he killed an innocent person.And we can say, Yes, he was. It was a horrible thing he did.

    Definitely. But I explained that his has happened and is still happening quite a few times now, can't do more than that. :smile:

    .That’s why I started this foundation to help families with alcoholism in it; or I participate in a meeting for children of alcoholics, do you want to come?It’s not true that nothing can be done.Something always can be done.

    Yes, for the analogy you created this is how it should go ideally, that's true!

    I supposed it’s a matter of intention and focus.If the focus is to remove blame and disassociate yourself from the bad act, then the focus will not be on healing and doing something about the damage that has already been done, IMO.

    Well, I don't know, I don't think I am disassociating myself from what happenend, I'm able to say, yes, all of this started in Germany, Hitler had most of this country unter control, either because people genuinely believed in his ideology or because they were scared and even nowadays, there are people in this country who have the nerve of spreading lies about the holocaust, saying it never happenend and stuff and I want to reguritate when I hear that. But I think this country tried very hard to heal from this war, literally, you know, healing the wounds of soldiers and injured civilists and rebuilding cities (there was quite a lot of destruction) but also reappraising how this could have happenend and all that. Personally, I am tolerant and open-minded and I would never kill somebody because of their religious believes or look or whatever. That's what I say now and I think many people here in Germany were like that, too, during the war, but it was a totalitarian state, everything was controled by the Nazis and if you were found hiding jews in your basement, you were, in the best case, arrested and tortured or killed in the worst. I mean this is not only about the jews actually, there were also German families who helped jews and groups that tried to killed Hitler at the risk of their own life. I can't even imagine living in a situation like that but I can imagine what it makes you do in order to protect your own life and family.

    Well, you’re better than we are.The American Indians get about a paragraph in our history books and the slavery perhaps a page.And what was done to both groups was horrendous, just as bad as the holocaust — millions of people slaughtered, family lines wiped out.The American Indians and Black people are still suffering today from what was done to them in the past.

    I know and I think it's pretty horrible that these one and a half pages is their place in history, in the eyes of white people.

    .One of the reason he was able to do it is because he played up to the German ego.

    Yes. It all started with saying that the Jews are lazy, don't work but still they have so much money while the hard-working average German doesn't have anything. So what did they do? Tearn down 1000s of Jewish stores, homes, cemeteries and synagogues in one night. UGH!

    If you look at it like that, it is, that’s my opinion, but I also think the people who are against the word make valid points, but I personally don’t have a problem with it.

    Well, I don't like it just from the sound of it but I admit I don't know all the implications of the word or the history of it, really, I heard things here and there but in order to form a real opinion I have to know about it some more.

  40. Sabine says:

    Cherry, Good morning!!!!

    OMG, I'm still up!!! :alien:

    Well, I don’t know, I don’t think I am disassociating myself from what happenend . . . Personally, I am tolerant and open-minded and I would never kill somebody because of their religious believes or look or whatever.

    I didn't know you were talking about yourself personally -- I thought we were having a conversation in general!!!

    Yes, but I don’t think it’s fair because no matter how good you do on your own, people will always associate you to what your father did but it’s not your fault.

    Its not fair! Your'e right -- but that's how human beings are!

    Sabine: We can shout out to the roof tops that we had nothing to do with it, and don’t want to be blamed OR we can set about actively doing something to address the very real issue of abuse and alcoholism.

    Cherry: Well, I don’t know about you but to me this is exactly what I’ve been explaining to you the lest three or four posts. I told you about everything that was done to address the issue of racism and Nazism, Hitler, the holocaust and so on.

    Okay, so we're agreeing with each other, right? :smile:

    Sabine: Well, you’re better than we are.The American Indians get about a paragraph in our history books and the slavery perhaps a page.And what was done to both groups was horrendous, just as bad as the holocaust — millions of people slaughtered, family lines wiped out.The American Indians and Black people are still suffering today from what was done to them in the past.

    Cherry: I know and I think it’s pretty horrible that these one and a half pages is their place in history, in the eyes of white people.

    I wouldn't say white people, I'd say the powers that be -- to them there's only one color that matters and that's the color of money.

  41. Colette says:

    It's rediculous to me that this woman was surprised when Michael said "crap" that's not even a curse word smh, Michael was held up to these rediculous standards, like he wasn't human, that makes me really mad, like he can't just be a normal person, there has to be something wrong with him, and everyone is shocked when he acts like everyone else, OMG. He didn't have to tell her anything about his love life, if he was seeing someone, it's not her business, why does she think it's her right to pry into his personal life? It's BS. It's reallly sad that as soon as your a private person and don't talk about how much sex your having your "gay" or "asexual", it's messed up.

  42. Colette says:

    Gemeuxx: So um Sheryl Crowe was on Jay Leno last month you see that? Singing I want you back….I don’t know if I like Sheryl Crowe, she said some pretty nasty stuff about Michael when he was alive and now she’s dedicating songs and talking about how such a great person he was etc etc ugh! I have to admit that I am a little naive I don’t understand the way people work, seriously. How can she speak of such praise for him and 3 years ago she was dogging him….EW!

    Sheryl Crow is such a bitch, I sent her a couple of messages on twitter telling her how fake she is. I just want to slap these people who are all of a sudden Michael's best friend, it's sickening, she knows that talking positively about Michael=good publicity. She was so rude when talking about Michael in interviews, she never said Michael was the reason she is where she is today, only ofter he died smh. I've said it before and I'll say it again, she didn't appreciate being close to Michael and working with him, she didn't deserve to be around him. Michael wasn't good at reading people at times, he was around some lowlifes.

  43. Colette says:

    Lady gaga has been built up in the media so much I'm going to throw up all over my computer the next time someone calls her a "genius" or an "icon" ugggggggggggh. :sick:

    Sabine when I was watching the 30th Anniversary concert, I thought Usher looked really stupid, he even bumped into Michael lol I thought Justin Timberlake tried to out do Michael as well, during Dancing Machine, Michael wasn't even trying, you could tell Justin was practicing for weeks lol Is anyone else as happy as I am that he hasn't released an album in like 3 years? lol

  44. Sabine says:

    Sheryl Crow is such a bitch, I sent her a couple of messages on twitter telling her how fake she is.

    OMG!!!! :lol:

    Colette: I just want to slap these people who are all of a sudden Michael’s best friend, it’s sickening, she knows that talking positively about Michael=good publicity. She was so rude when talking about Michael in interviews, she never said Michael was the reason she is where she is today, only ofter he died smh. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, she didn’t appreciate being close to Michael and working with him, she didn’t deserve to be around him. Michael wasn’t good at reading people at times, he was around some lowlifes.

    He certainly was! And Sheryl can suck my socks along with the rest of the "fair weather friends".

    Sooooo Colette have your heard about Charles Thomson?

    He wrote this great article -- a couple of them about Michael and how he was maliciously attacked by the media and railroaded in the justice system.

    Then someone leaked the fact that he used to participate in a number of forums under the name Twisted Vision, and used to talk trash about Michael, his looks, his musics, calling him a user and ruthless and washed up -- saying Prince was ten times a better performer than Michael was, laughing at his face.

    He tried to deny it and then got ugly, and a bunch of "diehard" MJ fans are defending him, saying well since he wrote those good articles about Michael that the other stuff doesn't matter.

    I say that's bullshit!

  45. Colette says:

    I say amen to that, he is full of shit, he is only writing those postitve articles now ( they are completly true and well written, I have to give him that) because he knows it's going to get him the attention he wasnts. I've head about all the things he's said, I'm disgusted by him, and did you know he's friends with JRT? ugggh lol. He is gay himself so he desperately wants Michael to have been gay, he tried to say that Michael had some gay porn :lol: , it was ALL straight porn.

  46. Sabine says:

    Well, see how we can agree sometimes Colette -- because I'm having a serious debate with this woman who says that it's all good in the hood, because he doesn't have to personally like Michael to write about him.

    I was like, No. 1, as a journalist, we should never know what your opinion is about anything!!! Your job is to report the facts!

    No. 2, The guys is a freakin' hypocrite -- he tried to deny it, and then when he was caught out there, he got nasty and ugly.

    There's another site of supposed MJ fans, Vindicate MJ, that I got into it on, because they were saying that the MJ fans were betraying Michael by standing up against the one reporter who was writing the truth about what happened to him.

    I was like are we sooooooo desperate that we''ll scrape the bottom of the barrel for any wanna be flip flopper who straps his back onto Michael's coffin and tries to ride it up the road of success?

    He said a lot of ugly nasty shit as Twisted Vision. I can't believe he would try to act like he's some kind of "fan" now, or even remotely interested in what happened to Michael and getting justice. He clearly didn't even LIKE Michael.

    They were like I'm not a true MJ fan?

    Pullease. I just know bullshit when I see it and I'm not afraid to call it!

  47. Colette says:

    Sabine: I was like are we sooooooo desperate that we”ll scrape the bottom of the barrel for any wanna be flip flopper who straps his back onto Michael’s coffin and tries to ride it up the road of success?!

    Wow that says it all right there, OMG you sure have a way with words Sabine :lol: . I can only hope that he has changed his ways, and sees how wrong he was to say those thingts about Michael. It's just awful how people operate, people are just evil sometimes.

  48. Sabine says:

    Are you kidding me? He said on his blog that he has nothing to apologize for and he stands by everything he said. So wait until he starts covering the trial, and starts talking about how Michael was a drug addict -- the defense is going to want to portray Michael as an addict who killed himself. They are going to really appreciate Charles' help. :sad:

  49. Colette says:

    I didn't know he said that, I don't want to go to his blog, I hope his writing about Michael doesn't continue, if we ignore him maybe he will go away!!

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