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20 Dec 2010

The New & Improved CCC – a note frm Sabine

Michael Jackson, Note frm Sabine 438 Comments

"Welcome to the new and improved CCC. While on the surface it seems that not much has changed, there has been some very important modifications.

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438 Responses to “The New & Improved CCC – a note frm Sabine”

  1. SuperSabine says:

    Kwhite, honey, click the button on the bottom that says "Contact me" and send me an email!

  2. SandraGarcia says:

    Hi Sabine, I've loved your stories for so long. I'm not the kind that loves to comment, but i really love your stories. I'm very sorry that people are acting so badly now. I also want to apologize that I haven't thanked you, but i really appreciate your hard work. Is there any way I could become a member?

  3. Katerina says:

    Hi Sabine! Hope you're well after what had happened here. And it happened just when I started having a major problem with my computer and couldn't even turn it on, so I had no idea things got so ugly here. Anyway I would love if you would let me read your stories again and even though I think I was always careful not to offend you or anyone here I apologize if I ever did that without realizing it. Let me or not I still love your stories and at least I can remember the parts I have read before you made them private. :heart:

  4. SuperSabine says:

    Hi Katerina!

    You don't have access? I could have sworn you did, well let me go check, if not don't worry, you're good people in my book but thank you so much for your kind words :wub:

    Try again and you should be fine. Just remember to log in on the home page and then go to the private story. :smile:

  5. IrisUvea says:

    Yes, me too. I was so engrossed in the stories that I forgot to say "Thank you". Just like SandraGarcia, I've always wanted to reply but I guess I end up daydreaming on what the next chapter's going to be like. Good description and details! Two thumbs and big toes up!

    I really appreciate the stories here. I discovered the site last year and I can't help going back to read more. Makes me want to fall in love. Not with the characters, but with someone who's close to me. That'd be the day.

    Thank you Sabine for making my days. And so sorry about not commenting... With your permission, and with all due respect, may I please become a member again? I'd love to read more about your stories. What you've got to share, your thoughts, your knowledge, your perspective.

  6. Love says:

    Hii Sabine... Can I please get access...I want to read this stories so badly!!!

  7. SuperSabine says:

    Hi Love, I read your note, but it's just that I don't know who you are. I asked you that before, when you were "Tw33ty19", and you never answered my question -- you just asked me, "What do u mean u don't know who I am".

    I have three names for the same i.p. address, tw33tyaguirre, tw33ty19 and Love. I know you want to read the private stories (thank you!) but I wanna know who I'm sharing the story with - you know who wants to read it so badly! I'm not trying to be difficult, trust me. It's just important to me. This is my baby!!!!

    You know, I read a quote abt Michael the other day that explains it perfectly. Joan Fonda said this about him and Neverland -- I'm trying to figure out where to put it on CCC, I think I'll put it up in the corner for unlogged in members:

    "His intelligence is instinctual and emotional,like a child’s.If any artist loses that childlikeness,you lose a lot of creative juice.So Michael creates around himself a world that protects his creativity”. Jane Fonda

    That's what I'm doing. I'm protecting the place where I'm creating!


    Ooo, Iris, I almost didn't notice your comment. I'm sorry!!!! Honey, you are a member, otherwise you wouldn't be able to read anything, but you do have to be approved to read the private stories. Sorry about that but a few cuckoo for cocoa puff members have made it a little bit harder for everyone else. You can thank them for the stories being private!!!!! :lol:

    But seriously, thanks for sharing a bit about you!!!! You are most welcome, and I think the odds are very good that you'll find someone to love just like sabah did!

    Hope you enjoy the stories!!!! Just remember what I said about how to log in. log in on the homepage first THEN go to the private chapter!!!

  8. Love says:

    Ok well i discovered ur site through another MJ site that i also love maybe about a year ago...reading these fanfics are one of my favorite things to do i have become addicted to many of them...Im trying to delete the other two but i cant remember my password...If there is anything else u would like to know just tell me...

  9. Ingridje says:

    Hi Sabine, I was so happy to find out that you put a new chapter of BBM online but unfortunately I cannot read it. Do I not have access anymore ? I don't know what happened. I can read the road trip. I even commented on that. What's happening ? Thanks for letting me know.

  10. MJFAN89 says:

    hey sabine,

    i was wondering can you grant me access to the private stories ......pwetty peas!!!!!!! :cwy:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

  11. SuperSabine says:

    Hi Ingridje, you know Nikki had the same problem. I'm sure it must be some kind of glitch. Just try again, okay? And let me know what happens!

  12. SuperSabine says:

    Hi Mjfan, I have to ask you the same thing I asked Love!!!!

    Last time you wrote, when I thought I lost Tame the Wild Cobra 14:

    MJFan9:this dumb spam is causing some major problems for me!!!! i love reading these stories but when i come back to comment its not letting me on the lastest chapter and i see that the chapter for TTWC was brought up again but its not letting me read or comment on it!!!! maybe im doing something WRONG! but im commenting to let you know i love every last single chapter to all your stories

    And it sounded like you have been commenting and I should know who you are, but I didn't recognize your moniker. :smile: I'm probably just forgetting who you are!!!

  13. IrisUvea says:

    Thanks Sabine! I thought I was banned from this site. I've opened the chapter (thank goodness), and I can't wait to read it! I still have a ton of work to do and I know that once I start reading, it's gonna cost me the whole night.

    Again, my eternal thanks for sharing this story with us, my sincere apologies for not commenting, and my utmost excitement for the chapters ahead.

    To finding true love.

  14. SuperSabine says:

    Iris: Thanks Sabine! I thought I was banned from this site . . . . . . . . .

    Thanks Iris, I'll drink to finding true love!!!!!

    But I'm just curious, why would you think you were banned? :wassat:

    I've only banned three people from this site:
    I did a clean sweep, since they were all buddy/buddy and basically cliquish (only talking to each other and hardly anyone else)It was an unpleasant experience
    I hope I won't have to EVER do it again!

    But I am very serious about keeping this site free from negative drama. So that's why the stories are private and that's why I want to share my story only with those who appreciate this place and me!


    Love, thanks for answering my question. So I've gone ahead and approved you. Enjoy!

  15. Love says:

    Thank you so much for approving me...i cant wait to keep on reading = )

  16. SuperSabine says:

    You're welcome :smile:

  17. Katerina says:

    YES!!!! Oh thank God I can see your babies again :biggrin: I had left a comment in the fb page some time ago because after all this absence and not being able where else here to comment, but you didn't answer and I kinda thought I might be one of those you didn't want them to read your stories anymore :/ Oh well.. Thank you again. I really appreciate it!! (oh boy... I have some serious reading to do now lol)

  18. SuperSabine says:

    Katerina: I kinda thought I might be one of those you didn’t want them to read your stories anymore :/

    You? :wassat:

    No! Absolutely not. I don't think I saw that FB comment.

    If you had offended me or upset me, believe me I would tell you. :smile:

    There were only the three I mentioned. There's a few others that seemed to disappear because they couldn't stand for anyone to disagree with them, but I certainly didn't ban them.

    I'm not one to bite my tongue, if I'm upset about something usually I'll say so. :smile:

    Yes, you have some wonderful chapters to enjoy, if I do say so myself!!!!! :silly:

  19. MadisonMonaghan says:

    Hello Sabine...I think I sent you a message to your email. I`m sorry but I`m new here and I don`t know very well how to follow you guys. I`m sorry to heard what happened here...people can be so mean sometimes. I would love to be able to read your stories...please let me know If I can, I would really aprecciate it.
    Kisses and hughs from an argentinian mj fan.

  20. SuperSabine says:

    Hi Madsion!!! :smile:

    You got my reply to your email, right? Looks like you might still be here -- good thing I never go to sleep!!!!! Did you ever read any of the stories, just curious . . . well, either way, you're all set now. Enjoy!!!! :smile:

  21. Ingridje says:

    Hey Sabine, lost my access once more. I accidently deleted my browser history and now I cannot log in anymore.... I logged in with my google account. Can you grant me access once more with that account ? Thanks.

  22. SuperSabine says:

    There you go :smile:

  23. JenniferDobson says:

    Hi Sabine, I sent you an email. I just checked now and I still do not have access
    Thanks. JenD

  24. JenniferDobson says:

    Hi Sabine, I sent you an email. I just checked now and I still do not have access
    And I seem to have errors posting here too.
    Thanks. Jen

  25. SuperSabine says:

    Jennifer, Jennifer I told you to send me an email, hoping you'd tell me a little bit more about yourself, you know how you came to CCC ,blah, blah, because from your Ip address I couldn't figure out if I *knew* you or not. I mean, if you don't want to that's cool, but I just can't shake that strange feeling I have.

    It might just be me. *shrugs*

  26. Alisha says:

    *le sigh* i have the week off (FINALLY!!! I'm about to graduate so its crunch time.) and i was like "man let me go check out CCC, cuz i haven't been getting my newsletters" turned out its private. -___- i felt so dumb for not checking earlier.
    I understand you making the chapters private, i actually think its a great idea even though its a bit saddening. I don't know, i just could never comprehend how some people can harbor so much hatred . for someone they don't even know, someone who is doing something that makes them and others happy to the point that they feel the need to act on it or feel they need to tear someone down and take away from something beautiful. #kanyeshrug... maybe i was just raised with some sense. I say get with it or get lost -or in other words-If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.Weren't we all taught that? Am I tripping?

    Anyway, I'm rambling as usual. (which is why i always procrastinate with commenting, im scatterbrained a swear) I just wanted let you know I'm alive and i'm here if you remember me so i can get access and catch up on my stories. listen to me, "my stories", i sound like my grandmother. I love you for sharing your stories (i LIVE for Cowboy/Bab Boy Mike AND TTWC), even though i pop up randomly. lol Just had to give 2 1/2 cents.

    Love ya looaaadsss Sabine:)

  27. SuperSabine says:

    :lol: Le sigh!!! I love those little drawings!

    How are you Alisha? You're about to graduate, wow!!! Congratulations!!!!

    Alisha: I understand you making the chapters private, i actually think its a great idea even though its a bit saddening. I don’t know, i just could never comprehend how some people can harbor so much hatred . for someone they don’t even know, someone who is doing something that makes them and others happy to the point that they feel the need to act on it or feel they need to tear someone down and take away from something beautiful. #kanyeshrug… maybe i was just raised with some sense. I say get with it or get lost -or in other words-If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.Weren’t we all taught that? Am I tripping?

    Are you tripping?

    No. You know, let me tell you something, I can tell you off the top of my head, five people right now who have created blogs/websites, after becoming *friends* with me!!!

    There's a few more, not just websites, but books, paintings. I don't know why, maybe because I have an active imagination and I'm so creative, but people become very inspired when they're around me!

    I'm not saying that conceitedly, trust me, I think that's a great thing! My horoscope says I see the best in people, and encourage them to go after their dreams. I guess I could be a lifecoach or motivator if I wanted to.
    There's a sad part to that, and I think Michael may have experienced it,too. Some people after you've inspired them or helped them creatively, whatever, they no. 1, don't want you to ever stop, and no. 2, want to compete with you -- I can't explain it much more than that, I don't understand why they do that.

    I guess they're jealous, or they want to be as "good" as you are; they sort of act like you owe them something and if you don't give them what they want, hook them up, or include them on your projects, whatever, the love they had for you goes straight to hate, like over night. It's so freakin' creepy and girl, like I said, I don't understand it, but that has happened to me sooooooo many times!!!!!

    So when I see people acting like that, I go oh, no, :w00t: and i get the hell away from them. Because I don't like to compete -- I mean I want to be the best, don't get me wrong, the best that I can be. Not because I want to be better than anyone else, because I think everyone has their own talents and abilities and should celebrate it.

    I just like to challenge myself and top myself, any way --- guuuuuurrrrrrl, that's why I had to make the stories private, because I started to see that competitive spirit and that negative hate/like behavior and when I feel that around me, I just want to get away from it.

    Alisha: Anyway, I’m rambling as usual. (which is why i always procrastinate with commenting, im scatterbrained a swear) I just wanted let you know I’m alive and i’m here if you remember me so i can get access and catch up on my stories. listen to me, “my stories”, i sound like my grandmother. I love you for sharing your stories (i LIVE for Cowboy/Bab Boy Mike AND TTWC), even though i pop up randomly. lol Just had to give 2 1/2 cents.

    :cheerful: for you two cents, I gave you fifty cents :lol: :silly: And of course you got access! You have had it so I don't know why you couldn't log in!!! There's another chapter coming up too, so if you want to escape for a bit and just clear your mind of life, come on by and read a chapter!

    Alisha: Love ya looaaadsss Sabine

    :heart: :wub: :heart: :wub:

  28. Alisha says:

    Thaankk you. :biggrin: I'm spazzing out! lol This whole process is exhilarating and yet terrifying in the same breath, or scream- i seem be doing a great deal of that latley. I'm almost ready to soar though, feel the wind beneath my wings and all that jazz.

    You are so RIGHT about that! I finally witnessed true hateration a couple of months ago. A friend and I started a Miami division for Trey Songz's fan club (love that man). Anyway, they're called Angels! They're supposed to be NICE- girl was i WRONG! I never seen so much shade thrown my way in my life, I'll probably never see another day of sunshine again.
    The saddest part is most of those girls from Miami! probably wishing they did what we're doing so purposely won't participate in the activities and they're giving other people (angels in higher places, lol no pun intended) ideas of us that aren't even true while they smile in our faces. a damn shame is what i call it. I'm sure is was all women giving you such a hard time, we can be so catty...MJ fans have always been nicer to me anyway. lol

    and Really? Maybe the website was just giving me hard time for not coming on in so long. I'm sooorrryyy CCC, jeez. lol thanks anyway Sabine. :) And i will be getting lost for a few hours, i need it.

  29. SuperSabine says:

    Alisha: I’m spazzing out! lol This whole process is exhilarating and yet terrifying in the same breath, or scream- i seem be doing a great deal of that latley. I’m almost ready to soar though, feel the wind beneath my wings and all that jazz.

    It's like knocking on a locked door, right, and waiting desperately for the perosn to let you in :w00t:

    Alisha: You are so RIGHT about that! I finally witnessed true hateration a couple of months ago. A friend and I started a Miami division for Trey Songz’s fan club (love that man)

    I keep tellin' my daughter someone turned that man out!!! He was all nice when he was singing, "I don't wanna leeeeeave" with his braids, and then wham, he got all sexy on us!!!!!

    Alisha: Anyway, they’re called Angels! They’re supposed to be NICE- girl was i WRONG! I never seen so much shade thrown my way in my life, I’ll probably never see another day of sunshine again.
    The saddest part is most of those girls from Miami! probably wishing they did what we’re doing so purposely won’t participate in the activities and they’re giving other people (angels in higher places, lol no pun intended) ideas of us that aren’t even true while they smile in our faces. a damn shame is what i call it. I’m sure is was all women giving you such a hard time, we can be so catty…MJ fans have always been nicer to me anyway. lol

    OMG, i love your choice of words!!!! The hypocrisy factor always makes me want to heave.
    :sick: I figure if you don't like me (for whatever stupid reason) just say so, but hanging around just to use me or get what I have and smiling all up in my face. I hate that!

    Yes, us women can sure be caddy. I think it's because we're insecure and we've been kind of groomed to bicker with each other. Men don't do that, they don't bicker back and forth like that or hold grudges.

    I don't hold grudges either, but you better believe if someone shows me who they are I don't forget. And I just really have no time for the smile in my face and you know you screwed me over.

    That doesn't mean I won't be polite, but in the back of my mind, I'm like, mhmmmm, I got your number!!!!! :lol:

    No comment on MJ fans -- I've encountered some really crazy ones!!!!

    I see you got on Bad Boy Mike V!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!

  30. JohnMills says:

    Hello Sabine,
    You are indeed an incredible story writer/teller and it is my wish that anybody who reads these fantastic stories would see exactly just that. For me, the way you have managed to contsruct the stories is remarkably amazing and I am always curious to know what will happen next. I do have a problem however. I'm unable to read the stories now. What must I do to be able to read the private stories? Would you please help? Thank you in advance.

  31. SuperSabine says:

    Hi John!

    Are you really a JOHN -- you know, a man! I don't think I've had a male member, although a former member did claim a guy was "stalking" her on here.

    Out of all the women on here, *he* chose her! Go figure!!! :cheerful: It's not you, is it!!!!

    Well, at first it was two women and then she merged them together and told me it was a guy!!! :lol: Anyway I'm rambling. How do you get access?

    You just have to ask, and if I don't feel any bad vibes I'll approve you.

    I've seen you logging in and out, always wonder how long it will take a person to say, Hey Sabine!!!

    Glad you chose to do so! I didn't know you were enjoying the stories or thought i was an incredible writer, so thank you for telling me!!!!

    John: For me, the way you have managed to construct the stories is remarkably amazing and I am always curious to know what will happen next.

    Wow, thank you again. Truthfully, sometimes i don't know how I've done it either!!! You've now been given access. Enjoy!!!

  32. Alisha says:

    He broke up with his girlfriend and let loose girl. but thats a whole 'nother story.

    Anyway. I do that too, keep tabs on people. I'll still share my candy with you but I won't let your hand in the bag anymore type of thing. lol I try to anyway. Some people can be so nasty, you just want to get them how they got you especially when you know you're capable of it? That's when I have to pray.
    I think that's why I find myself hanging out with mostly guys, they just don't care. And if they do they either talk about it and get over it, or fight and get over it.

    Luckily I haven't encountered any crazies. I'm hoping I never will... still learning how to bite my tongue.

    and YES! I try not to finish the chapters too fast because I get so sad, (typical addict behavior) and its soooo goooooooddd!!! I'm still thinking about how i will profess my love to these chapters when I comment. Its marinating I promise.

  33. SuperSabine says:

    Alisha, maybe you haven't met any crazies 'cause it sounds like you're a little crazy yourself!!!!!

    :lol: :tongue:

    Don't worry, I am too!!!!!

    I mean, that's one of the reasons I stay completely away from negative people, because I KNOW myself, and there are just so many buttons that a person is going to be able to push before I lose it!!!!

    But I'm a Leo, and my anger is like how you describe guys, i get mad, roar and then it's over.

    So Trey Songs ex broke his heart, huh, and then unleased him on the world!!! He had two huge billboards in TimesSquare, looking so handsome!!!!! But one of them is when he's texting to Drake like they have a bromance going on!!! :tongue: :silly:

    I love how you put it, you know about the candy!!!!! OMG! That's so true. IF a person loses my trust it's hard to get it back again. The trick is not to lose it in the first place.

    Ooooo, you're going to give me a comment!!! Are you going to use that colorful language and those funny sayin's!!!!

    :silly: :lol: I can't wait!!!

    I wish I could write the chapters faster, but if I did, they would be such crap!!!!! I would be so embarrassed!!!

    Sometimes i go in a bookstore and read a book and i'm so embarrassed for the author that they wrote that crap and put it out for everyone to read!!!! :pouty: :cheerful:

  34. NatashaRose says:

    Hi Sabine, I've read also this post of yours and it's indeed annoying when this thing happens. I never imagined some people would go that far and do such things.
    I've came upon your blog some time ago, around last year and I've read like 2 chapters from a story which title I don't remember right now, but I know the female character was called Sania. I read those 2 chapters and I got shovers, it was so beautiful. It was like a novel, well written and extremelly but EXTREMELLY well potrayed as characters (Michael especially). There was something about it that simply left me overwhelmed and I never read anything like fiction novels that include Michael because people keep posting these on forums but they are too childish. I read one, being bored and having nothing to do one day, and I really didn't understand why people write these? They were too normal story plots, lilited language and action. I didn't understand their point.
    When I came to this blog I don't even remember how I found it, I didn't know it was a story site. I just know I read a chapter from a story and I remained like "Jesus,what's..." I was really impressed. I even remember what it was about- it was the main character Sania and Michael- they met in a forest, when she tied her horse to a tree and he saw her and helped her with the horse and then talked. That particular scene did it for me. The way Michael was portrayed, his reactions, words, body language (that I could SEE in my mind while reading) have blown me away. I mean, it was so HIMSELF. I was amazed and had to read again. Just when you read a novel and you portray the characters in your mind, and SEE them. I could see Michael, and that's all because you could catch his personality and portray him so well.

    I also read the other post about what happened with the access to the private stories and I would like so much to have the opportunity to read again.I am a grown up, so I'm not a little girl, I'm 27, but what I read in those 2 chapters impressed me and I never thought I could enjoy and love so much a novel. It was like a good book for me. I just want so bad to read that story.

    I see that people here say they sent you an e-mail for activating their access to the private section but I don't kno where I could send you an e-mail, can you please help? I also read your other link that you posted as answer for me where I asked about permission to read, and that led me here.

    Sabine, if there's a way to be able to read the private stories, please tell me what to do.I am not a computer savvy that much, so please don't shoot me. What do I have to do to receive permission? I understand you need to trust the people whom you give permission access, so please let me know what do I have to do.

    Lots of love. Natasha.

  35. SuperSabine says:

    HI Natasha,

    Thanks for taking the time out to comment!!!!

    It always surprises me that a person might have read or been reading at CCC over a year and never say anything!!!!

    I'm so glad you finally decided to comment! Yes, I have experienced some negativity here on this site but I am happy to say that is all over now. It's a lot more quiet than it was in the beginning, but that is much better than having to deal with domineering, bullying, ostracizing behavior, which is exactly what was happening.

    Now I appreciate and love my cozy little corner of the internet with my group of appreciative and respectful addicts. Of course its nice to add people to that number and I'm always happy to do so.

    So all a person has to do is ask!!!! From the way they ask and how I feel, I will determine whether I want to share my story with them, and that's my absolute right!!!!

    I have a little pop up window that comes up in the toolbar that tells people NOT to email me asking me for access. I've decided I'm just not going to respond to those emails!!!! I get too many of them. All a person has to do is leave a comment asking me for access, otherwise how will I know who they are with 3,000 plus members. The more comments the better, because that is part of the reason I share the stories!!!!

    It sounds like you were reading Tame the Wild Cobra, which is a very unique story about Michael that I am very proud of!!!!!

    Michael loved fantasy and magic and so do I . In the story I get to rewrite history and give him the gift of love and acceptance and have him triumph over his enemies!!!!

    I'm so happy to hear you describe the story as a novel, because that is exactly what it is, though it is being written differently than most authors tackle a story!

    I can't speak for other authors, but I know why I am writing the two stories I am. It is to both humanize and dignify Michael, and to give him the gift of happiness and love in a fictional setting. Doing this also helps those who admired and love him enjoy the pleasure of experiencing him happy and whole and fulfilled, even though it's fantasy.

    Thank you so much for describing how you felt reading the story, what you saw, how you felt Michael was portrayed --- these things are very important to me, and I wouldn't know how my story was being received unless someone told me!!!! I want to always portray Michael as true to his character, in a respectful, loving and REAL way, but most of all, completely (as much as I can) seperate from my IDEA of who he was. So I use his words, his ideas, his character as much as I can. Thank God with Bad Boy Mike, it is coming to me subconsciously, and so I don't have to think about doing it. It's MAGIC!!!!

    I've given you access! Enjoy and please don't be a stranger. I very much appreciate feedback and comments and enjoy reading them. :heart:

    p.s. I especially love my overseas readers!!!!! :wink:

  36. NatashaRose says:

    Oh, thank you Sabine, you're so kind!
    I appreciate so much that you do understand Michael and his person, not as the King of Pop but as a human being. It means so much for me to see people understanding that. I appreciated so much reading the story- the part I managed to read back then- I loved the beautiful way you've written it and the classy attitude of the whole story. I don't know if I put it right in words, but this is how I feel. Even a sensual or hot scene, if it's done with class, it's what I call art. Like in paintings. Or music. Or a play on a theatre scene.

    Thank you again for giving me the access and I will comment after I read. Now i'm curious to read others too, cause I haven't read a book lately and I did miss that.

    Lots of love and hugs


  37. JohnMills says:

    Hello Sabine,
    This is John Mills shouting out a big "thank you" to you for all the incredible stories. Thank you also for allowing me access to these stories. Like I said before, I'm always in awe of your fantastic imagination and the way you construct each story. Are you wondering if I'm a guy? Well, I leave that to your imagination. By the way I will never stalk any of the female members. If anything at all, it's you I would love to stalk. Please laugh it off. I pray for more strength and power to you so that you can continue with these amazing stories. Peace and love to you.

  38. SuperSabine says:

    NatashaRose: Even a sensual or hot scene, if it’s done with class, it’s what I call art. Like in paintings. Or music. Or a play on a theatre scene.

    You've put it in perfect words :heart: I totally agree! Can't wait to read your comments!!!!

    Hello Sabine,
    This is John Mills shouting out a big “thank you” to you for all the incredible stories. Thank you also for allowing me access to these stories. Like I said before, I’m always in awe of your fantastic imagination and the way you construct each story. Are you wondering if I’m a guy? Well, I leave that to your imagination. By the way I will never stalk any of the female members. If anything at all, it’s you I would love to stalk. Please laugh it off. I pray for more strength and power to you so that you can continue with these amazing stories. Peace and love to you.

    OMG, :lol: :biggrin: I AM laughing. That's too funny!!!!! Well, I always loved a good mystery so if you won't tell me . . . .


    You know, I read a book once that I loved, Wild Honey it's called -- I've read it several times. Anyway, the author is Fern Michael's -- could be either or right? But I was convinced that this was a man writing, because of the unique way she captured how a man thinks. But she's a woman!!!! or so they say!!!!! I still have my doubts!

    Thank you for your beautiful description of how/what I write; means a lot to me!!!!!


  39. Alisha says:

    *running through the CCC doors, gasping for breath* I'm here! ... I'm here. hi Sabine!!! :)

    ...i am a sandwich or two short of a picnic aren't I? lol i think its genetic.

    You're a Leo?No wonder i like you so much, you're made of awesome like me! I tend to resemble a lion as well after i haven't flat ironed my hair. And I'm like the guys too, but for some reason people tend to remember my angry moments better than they remember my calm moments. Can't handle the intensity I assume.
    Anywho, you have to stay away from negative people because their like leeches, they suck all of your happy out of you and hop onto the next person the see with that optimistic pep in their step, its like how sharks smell blood underwater.

    And isn't trey just beautiful? lol don't get me started on him, seriously. I can go for eons.

    I didn't know you would get excited for me to right a comment...O.O the pressure is on! I haven't done a comment in sooooo lonngggg. What if i'm rusty? :blink: :cwy: :ermm:

  40. Shanae says:

    Hi Sabine
    I am finally done with my semester at college!! it was brutal... Only one more to go!!
    I have put off stopping by because I get so caught up in your stories because I lose all track of time when I am reading them :) I have been missing Michael this week a lot. I have watched all of my videos of Michael this week and just can't stop thinking about him. I think that it was a dream that I had last week where he and I were rescuing people from a villiage durning an attack of some kind...weird I know, but he was so kind and confident and handsome I might add... I love reading your stories becaue you portray him so beautifully. I seem to have lost my access thought as I am signed in but still denied from reading...HELP! I must read :)
    Tons of Love

  41. msjanice305 says:

    Hey Sabine,

    It's been awhile since I've last commented on this site.
    I've sent you a few emails requesting access to read your stories and am not
    sure if you received them or not. I am missing my Cowboy Mike.

  42. SuperSabine says:

    Hey Shanae, welp after studying hard and improving your brain, then you deserve some TLC @ CCC !!!!! You have access!!!!

    Just don't forget to read the "how to log in post" so you won't get confused with how to access the stories. Have fun!!!

  43. SuperSabine says:

    Ms. Janice!!!! WE sent a search party out for you and THEY got lost!!!!

    LOL! How have you been girl!!!! You don't have access? That's crazy! I thought I went through the list of the "old gang" and approvedeveryone . Anyway, I'll check and approve you now. You should have LOTS of chapters to enjoy!!!!

    Nice *seeing* you again!!!


    Ooops, I almost missed you up there Alisha! Don't be nervous or feel pressured, but yeah, I love to read your comments!!!! I love my Leos, we're so expressive!!!! And yes, I agree that TreySongs is fine!!!! He's a little young for me though. :lol:

    What you said about negative people, girl, I read that last night, and I NEEDED to read it, so thanks for that!!! It's so true, and I always need to keep reminding myself!

  44. Louise says:

    :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: AHHHHHH!!! OMG GIRL!!!
    Sabine! Love your stories so much! This site appears to get better everytime i visit it-which is everyday! Or it was untill the stress or college got ontop of me,but know all that has cooled down,IM BACK! but im freaking out...i've read about the members pass thingy,and i've emailed you but i still cant read the stories!? I've sighed in as a member but still not working..help me pleasee!! :biggrin: I've never actually commented on here before,so thats why i've kinda appeared from think air :cheerful: :ninja: but i've been reading your stories for months now and i need to carry on reading them, I mean come on! who cant go a day without Michael! :tongue: :kissing:

    Did i mention how amazing this site is,it's simply amazing,including the stories which are out of this world A.M.A.Z.I.N.G !!!!
    Keep up the good work girl! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

  45. SuperSabine says:

    Hi Louise!

    You know when I read this I was like, huh?


    Louise: IM BACK! but im freaking out…i’ve read about the members pass thingy,and i’ve emailed you but i still cant read the stories!?

    Because I didn't remember you and I'm pretty good with names and stuff! :pinch:

    but then you clarified, and I was like phewwww, because I thought I was slipping!!! :tongue:

    Louise: I’ve never actually commented on here before,so thats why i’ve kinda appeared from thin air :cheerful: :ninja: but i’ve been reading your stories for months now and i need to carry on reading them, I mean come on! who cant go a day without Michael!

    You know, I understand that lots of people might pop up just to get access and I'll never hear from them again! I hope that is not the case but I'm realistic. I'd love to keep writing, and I know everyone who loves the stories wants to read and keep on reading!!!!

    So it's great to hear how much you love the site and the stories, because I've spent hours and hours making it look the way it does and you know what?

    Everyone likes to be appreciated!!!!!! Didn't it take a few seconds to write this comment? :tongue: I wish you'd been motivated to tell me before!!!!!

    It's very important to me to be acknowledged and I love the feedback!!!!

    So THANK YOU!!!! :w00t:

    I suppose if I was selling the stories, the hard cash would let me know that people liked it, but even when a person buys a book, if they're a real fan, they appear at bookreadings and show love and appreciation -- and besides I really DON"T want to sell this story. I think of it as a gift, and I love giving. There's a few MJ sites that REQUIRE comments, I think a minimum of 50 before someone can access the pics and stuff.

    Isn't that crazy? I don't want to require people to comment, but I do want to make it clear that I feel it's the right thing to do. It's only courteous and how else can anyone show me how much they love the stories or appreciate the site?

    Anyone else reading, please do not send me an email. I'm not going to answer them any more, because I just don't have the time. And besides, then I'd have to search for you here, when if you leave a comment, it's much easier to give you access.

    So I've given you access. Here's to hoping that you will not be a stranger, that you will continue to express gratitude and thanks for the site and the stories. Michael would like that!!!! :heart: :smile:

    Happy Easter!!!!

  46. sanjuan65 says:

    Hi Sabine,
    I am so sorry to hear all the difficult problems you are going through. I truly love all your stories.They bring great joy to me.Please continue to write and don't let anyone interfere. You have a great talent that shouldn't be wasted.Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent (stories) with us .I'm looking forward to reading them.I hope you will allow me to.
    Thank you again Sabine

  47. SuperSabine says:

    Actually, now that I've gone private I have zero problems with anyone!!!! Best decision that I've ever made!!!!

    I haven't decided to stop writing yet -- ooops that's a double negative, means that I will continue writing?


    :lol: okay, either way, you have access so enjoy!!!!

  48. Louise says:

    Thank you so much girl! I really appreciate it :biggrin: I will continue to comment in the future,Thank you again :biggrin:
    :heart: :biggrin:

  49. SuperSabine says:

    You're very welcome :kissing:

  50. michaellahebert says:

    hello Sabrina,i'm new here but i was a memeber before but for some reason i'm having a hart time opening anything maybe its my pc or the internet but anyways i wa reading some of the comments and i did a while back have a quick look at a story all i remember was mj on abus and stopping by a field and a lday on a horse,then again i was bumpped of so,now i'm being more paitient and less stressfull and i'm willing to learn to navigate around this site with your help if i could ask for it,can you help me find a story i can read?i'm a older lady but i must say i'm somewhat still in the closet about being a mj fan just because some poeple are just not nice and i dont need or refuse to explain whjy my taste in music or novel are what they are i love his music,the man and his overall view of our human beings and i know that sometimes others make up there minds on tings they dont understand or are not willing to understand i'm 47 and a single mom of one,i work in a nursing home and like mj i have somwhat the same attractions towards others that i can be myself with and those are my seniors with dementia,if you would like to know more about me ask and i shall open my private book to you,thank's for listenning and hofully with your goudance will learn about this site more.
    thank's michaella

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“I just hope that one day they will be fair and portray me the way I really am, just a loving and peaceful guy.” ~ Michael

"----->His intelligence is instinctual and emotional, like a child’s. If any artist loses that childlikeness, you lose a lot of creative juice. So Michael creates around himself a world that protects his creativity”. ~ Jane Fonda

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